Character Art/Dump

Hello Veeky Forums, I'm here to request a char art dump, but I already have a bunch to dump all by myself! So I'll get us started with a big chunk.

I'm running a campaign similar to the PS1 game SaGa Frontier (a solar system of california-sized landmasses that have diff cultures/time periods on them).

There's an organization one of my 3 players has made up for themselves that they represent. Everyone in that organization has a very lax uniform where they all wear wide-brimmed hats, whether it looks like cowboy hats, wizard hats, or vampire hunter hats. So I'm dumping loads of chars with wide hats! Please dump any you have so I can staff the hell out of this setting.

Due to the setting allowing almost ANY time period, fantasy, medieval, realistic, steampunk, even some cyberpunk is totally okay! GO NUTS!!!


>I'm running a campaign similar to the PS1 game SaGa Frontier (a solar system of california-sized landmasses that have diff cultures/time periods on them).

You have fucking taste.
Loved that goddamn game, even if it's backstory and the reason for much of the world was somewhat difficult to grasp.


I sat down with people and they couldn't agree on a setting. I mentioned there's a "way multiple settings could work" they asked about some shit like SLIDERS and I went nope. Then started talking about "Space but its like our 1920's definition of space, its Aether. People can fly through it with anything thats airtight. Pirate ships, airships, real ships, you name it"

One of them links treasure planet and they go apeshit and say get to work on it.





Out of them all so far I'm pretty sure I'd want THIS guy on my pt. But I'm just the DM.




This technically counts




I'll post some too


Don't have many wide brimmed / western stuff, but hey.
