Let's talk about the game, the tabletop game. We all love to bitch about 40k, and GW, but what does 40k do right?
What does 40k do right?
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Well, it earns GW Investors a Quarterly profit dividend. Does that count?
Mostly create interesting bits and pieces that Veeky Forums autisms over until something new comes out of it that's actually kind of cool. Also models, I guess.
>What does 40k do right?
Well, it looks interesting, and draws people into the idea of tabletop gaming, but is so expensive it drives those people to other games, like X-Wing, which is better.
X-Wing ain't exactly cheap.
>X-Wing, which is better
It got me into playing wargames, painting, and building. Now I don't play very much, but I still like painting up the odd model or so to put in a display case.
Probably kept me off drugs when I was a teen since I had no fucking money left after buying a box of Dark Eldar.
I mean, as a game, it's not that great to play. But the setting is solid, and 40k certainly has varied lists so that everyone can find something that interests them across the nine or so armies you can field. Assuming you play with firends it can be social. It doesn't have a focus on either shooting or assaulting, so I mean there is that too.
>but what does 40k do right?
40k is largely responsible for western societies "modern" non-Tolkien interpretations of fantasy, Inventing: The "Green Orc" and allowing Warcraft/starcraft to happen.
That's my personal theory at least.
I may not be a big "warhammer" fan, but they've influenced and inadvertently invented a LOT of what me/we/(you) enjoy in today's western fantasy.
I main 40k and will freely admit X-Wing is the better game. I especially like their fancy new maneuver dials because I love shit like that and the stock paper ones were kinda lame.
The genre are completely different though so why people compare ship based miniature games, especially with pre-painted toy-like figures to actual infantry miniature wargames is beyond me. Warmahordes is the only real closest competitor. X-Wing is more the competitor to DfC and BfG.
Per miniature GW is actually really cheap.
a multipart plastic space marine with all the bits is 4 USD
a newer reaper bones model might weigh in cheaper at 3.49 USD, but it will be fixed pose, no optional parts, and the detail will not even be at the same level.
As much as people like to bitch about GW, the uncomfortable truth is that if you want a bunch of well produced miniatures, there is going to be serious costs associated with it.
Production runs on injection molds can go from 10,000 USD to 80,000 USD per mold depending on complexity, and the molds to produce those molds (master molds) can cost several times that.
Ever wondered why lego costs so much? The same reason as GW really. Precision engineered injection molding is really expensive.
>Per miniature GW is actually really cheap.
>>The genre are completely different though so why people compare ship based miniature games, especially with pre-painted toy-like figures to actual infantry miniature wargames is beyond me.
That was really my point in posting Apples and oranges.
Some people don't like SW.
Some people don't like ship combat.
Some people don't like prepainted.
show me where else you can get multipart CAD sculpted miniatures with very precise details for less
did kirby totally overcharge for those 40 dollar clam packs? yep he did, but not every miniature GW sells is a 40 dollar single miniature
Doesn't matter how much butthurt anti-GWfags try to deny it, a $2 snapfit cadian or $3 marine is cheaper than a $7 metal chump or $15 boutique solo
Because Everyone plays with Cadian Troopers or Vanilla Marines.
You can't just take the cheapest model in the range and say "That's how much it costs!"
You ignore the 20$ Vanguard, the 30$ Librarian. Why does a Tactical Marine cost 9$ a figure when he has an assault backpack?
GW is overpriced garbage.
>You can't just take the cheapest model in the range and say "That's how much it costs!"
That's what all the Infinityfags do.
Every model in Infinity costs the same~ish so that's a non-argument. A full tournament list costs less then 100 dollars.
Try again Redshirt.
>Because Everyone plays with Cadian Troopers or Vanilla Marines.
>implying every IG army isn't chocked to the gills with Cadians
>implying everyone doesn't play marines
>implying the most popular marine lists aren't full of generic tacticals
>implying BoP and BaC savings plastics aren't extremely common
Pretty much, yeah.
Yeah but not many 28mm war games are played on the scale 40k is played at. The amount of guys you field in a high point 40k game is on par with like a 15mm company scale historical war game. That being sajd, more people should play 40k casually at between 200 to 1000 points for the most fun.
>TAGs cost the same as infantry
>calls other people shills
You're the only shill here, Cuckis Bitchi
>A full tournament list costs less then 100 dollars.
Youre not taking the fact youre probably going to need a plane ticket every time you want to go to a tournament because nobody plays that shit system
>GW Austist typing detected
Not sure where you play, but Infinity is pretty much in every city in Canada and the US.
Plus you know, unlike the 40k community, I have friends, and they play as well, so I don't need to wander down to my GW shop and play with other Down's babies like yourself.
>Not sure where you play, but Infinity is pretty much in every city in Canada and the US.
That's a lie.
>field in a high point 40k game is on par with like a 15mm company scale historical war game.
Yet another reason 40k is a toxic soup of bad rules and design decisions. It wouldn't suck if it actually played like a 28mm skirmish game should. Instead we get zero-strategy games of rush the objective with all my dudes.
Name a city that doesn't have an Infinity group playing in it?
Don't mind me, I'm just waiting around for anything positive to be said about the gameplay of 40k.
Bruh, I love Infinity but it's nowhere near that widespread. We had people drive 3+ hours to come to my store because nowhere else plays it on an actual tournament scale.
Like ligit, where do you live? I'm in the fucking sticks but the big city 30 min from me has like 3 game stores, all with strong infinity crowds.
>Inventing: The "Green Orc"
Not sure if true, but if it is you're thinking of Fantasy, not 40k.
Not that user, but I'm pretty sure the Perry brothers sell multi-part plastic kits for quite a bit cheaper. I don't think it's CAD, but if anything that's an advantage.
I refuse to believe you're being serious because nobody is this stupid. There are cities where nobody is playing tabletop games PERIOD.
Anecdotes don't mean shit you idiot, I live in San Francisco, which is fucking guaranteed to be bigger than your "big city" and we only have ONE gaming store within city limits.
I personally have always liked the mechanicum, they make humans seem more alien in appearance and psychology than the vast majority of settings make complete aliens in appearance and psychology.
>Mutilating people and throwing them in armour as shock troopers is a-okay
>But if another subfaction in the mechanicum copies your tech they are now your sworn enemies
>Grafting giant guns to your body and wandering from battlefield to battlefield killing in the hope of finding revelations is an acceptable if strange career choice
>Their tanks and titans are likely closer to true sentience than many of their flesh and blood soldiers
Plus the old mechanicum had like six different military forces with thousands of variations all competing with each other. Robots, skitarii, myrmidons, ordo reductor, collegia titanica. It would be like if the tank corps, and the infantry corps were entirely different branches of the military who each believed the other branch is dangerously unstable and should be brought to heel.
Let me specify: A city with more then 500,000 people in it.
Yeah, it's pretty telling that the only positive points are about the setting and the models.
To be fair 500k is actually a pretty large city. There are only 34 cities in the whole US with populations that large.
Look, I dislike the 40k game as much as any user, but I don't mind their models, and the lore has always been interesting in a sort of hot-topic way.
I just wish the pricing was more reasonable.
See, in Canada, that's basically every provincial capital and maybe the odd outlier. 10~15 at most. But that's all we consider a 'city'. If you aren't in a city that big in Canada, you probably don't have a FLGS let alone a GW shop.
I think the core of the lore is good as are individual parts of it. It is when you get into the deeper lore and masturabatory fanfiction known as black library when things start getting terrible.
The pricing isn't high enough to be this butthurt and noisy about it. Would it be nicer to be lower? Sure. But I find it hard to believe you faglords can't afford this shit if you have an actual job.
I'm similar- I like the basic setup of who the factions are and the visual style, but the actual execution of more detailed fluff is generally awful (at least since the 90s, anyway, and even then it wasn't exactly full of good writers). People wanting Geedubs to 'advance the plot' freaked me right out even before they killed Fantasy.
But hey, I guess they're advancing the 40k plot.