Humanity, fuck yeah!
I can't write for shit, so I'm just gonna post screen caps
Humanity, fuck yeah!
I can't write for shit, so I'm just gonna post screen caps
That's more like fuck no, life in the universe is precious and while you can't get what you want from the planet you can re-purpose the facilities for scientific study of the unique life form that encompasses the whole fucking planet, it would probably be very useful to do so, doing what that guy would have been a boneheaded and stupid fucking move and he probably would have ended up killed.
Except that Pandora has great amounts of unobtainium which is the primary energy source for mankind and has solved the energy crisis. Your hippie aliens and their shitty plants have no value compared to that.
medically that entire planet could be incredibly valuable and fact of the fucking matter is that they never needed to contact the natives, everything could have been mined through tunneling down and then directly towards what they wanted, take it shore up the ground above you and leave, petty fucking revenge is pointless.
Who gives a fuck? It's energy that matters and the people already got kicked out by the natives and they aren't geared to deal with the mind-controlled superfauna and hippie cunts, as well as the traitors who joined them. All they did was crash a single ship into the tree, destroying it and forcing the hippies to get the fuck out.
That kind of thinking comes back to bite you when you're dying on something that had a cure on the planet you wiped out.
Nice circular reasoning there buddy.
That only becomes a problem if a threatment is infact availible to be produced from the local fauna/flora and humanity ever gain that knowledge.
>We haven't had a HFY thread in a while
And good fucking riddance.
Go to Reddit if you want to dig up that rotten corpse.
I just pointed out that to get the Unobtanium they need never have come into conflict with the natives. That asshole would have destroyed an entire ecosystem for petty revenge alone when any competent manager never would have let it get that far. They would have found a way around the natives so that humans and this new SAPIENT species, something we had not encountered before, to COEXIST. That entire fanfic, was shit, absolute objective shit, because it doesn't make you feel good to be a human or celebrate some aspect of humanity, that is somehow unique among many species.
>medically that entire planet could be incredibly valuable
I didn't get the sense that Earth was lacking in medicine, particularly not with Quartritch's line that he could have easily had his Pandoran scars removed, but he kept them because he liked them.
Let's get an actually good HFY in here.
Did I say earth was lacking in medical science or medicine? no.
Your argument was that Pandora could be incredibly valuable from a medical perspective. My counter-point is that what little we know of Earth's medical capabilities in the Avatar future would seem to indicate that this isn't the case; it's doubtful that there's anything on Pandora that Earth can't provide itself.
Remember that we've reached a mastery of genetics such that we can create human/na'vi hybrids with relative ease, despite the fact that humans and na'vi should have less genetically in common with each other than humans and amoeba. I'm not certain what medical conditions could realistically be left to deal with.
We don't know, true, but that was only half my point, friend. The whole fucking movie would have been avoided if someone intelligent had been sent to be the boss.
I've read that one before, it is really good, know any more stories like it or any other good ones?
There's no such thing as good HFY.
Not off the top of my head. I admit I was shilling my own writing there, though.
I have been tempted to write a few more things with the same characters and same setting: the Space Trucker Adventures, or something to that effect.
Well, in my defense, what I posted is more "Humanity: pretty cool guys".
He's baiting you, he's just a fucking troll, and well you wrote a good story, if in fact it was you who wrote it.
I'd call the faggots spamming dead offtopic material from years ago the trolls.
Just stay on Reddit, and stop acting human cancer cysts.
I've never been to reddit fucker, I first encountered HFY here, as i recall this board spawned it. The mods tolerate storythreads and drawthreads, and other stuff thats not necessarily Veeky Forums related, this is no fucking different.
Haha yes! Let's post the same shitty stories over and over again without end instead of just looking them up on reddit!
Actually, in the movie itself the only reason given for mining the stuff is that it makes the company a shitload of money. At no point is any sort of crisis of humanity mentioned.
>I've never been to reddit
Well, that's where you should go and stay.
Glad we resolved this.
No thanks, Veeky Forums's evil is enough for me.
Fuck off back to /r9k/ ya shitposter
Newfags from /pol/ and /r9k/ detected.
Kindly leave our board with your epic reddit meme.
you are not even redirecting him to the right board you shit stain
enjoy your retard topic
Look, Redditkid, just go back to rolling around in your own semen spewed over the idea of humans beating up aliens designed specifically for them to beat up.
The lel reddit meme never stuck here, and is generally a signifier you are a board invader.
This combined with your shitposts confirms it
The only place for HFY anymore is r/HFY.
It's not a meme, it's where you belong.
>Board invader falls back on foreign memes again
That shit aint how Veeky Forums do, user.
I'm not the user you responded to
Wow, HFY isn't allowed on it's home, news to me because these are rare on here, and usually are popular when they're here, last time I saw one was two weeks ago or so, and it hit the bump limit fuckhead
Wow, it hit the bump limit, with most of the replies being you fags reposting the same shit you can find on your true home (Reddit) and people arguing about how this shit isn't traditional games and how its lame as fuck.
What an achievement.
And, I bet you're going to bump this shitty offtopic thread until it hits the bump limit as well, because you need to advertise your human fanfiction wank like you think its worth reading.
I can smell the frogposts on your reddit memes.
Why is it that /pol/ calls everyone who points out their memes aren't accepted on Veeky Forums a redditor?
Do they just not understand other boards don't do their memes?
Quit pretending to be from here. It's cringey as fuck to see you try to play the "No, WE'RE the ones who belong here, not you!" when you've been called out as being faggotty redditors trying to bring back gay shit that Veeky Forums has mostly forgotten and only persists on your site.
No, I wasn't I've missed alot of the HFY threads when I lurk, as it's only Occasionally, so i like to see whats new, and the stories are honestly good about 3/4 of the time, sometimes you get shit but that's the way the world works.
Didn't the redditor/9gag/othersites shit originate on /b/, /pol/'s mother board?
>48 posts
>16 posters
They’re desperate to portray the image that they're the majority and those who disagree are outsiders. You know, like most political obsessives.
Yeah, its a frogposter thing.
Don't worry user, I am sure you will pick up on board culture here eventually.
"I cannot deal with the fact that something good can come out of a race that I am a part of. I must downplay human achievements to make myself feel better about not being able to contribute to such achievements."
I was glad when they removed the political shit from /b/, for the most part sometimes it was a good discussion but usually, meme in response to meme, which was tiring.
That is about normal, especially in tiffs.
I sorta wish we could do away with them and their sjw counterparts entirely.
Heh, well with the USA's current President-Elect, I don't see that happening any time soon. They've been validated and SJW's will double-down like their /pol/ counterparts will once Donald starts fucking up.
>yes this will surely be the end of Trump, he typed for the 529th time since June of 2015.
How's that working out for you so far?
He will fuck up, that's not up for debate, there is absolutely no question that he will fuck this up. How he will do so remains to be seen as he isn't inaugurated yet.
Fuck off /pol/, everyone was garbage that election and every president fucks up enough for their annoying counterparts to claim moral victory.
>not knowing that Veeky Forums's main rule is to be friendly toward other anons
Get back to wherever you come from
>he will not crack 35%, that's not up for debate
>he will not get to 1237 delegates, that's not up for debate
>he will not win the Rust Belt, that's not up for debate
>he will not reach 270 electoral votes, that's not up for debate
>he will not improve relations with Russia, that's not up for debate
>he will not bring jobs back, that's not up for debate
>he will not be confirmed by the electors, that's not up for debate
>he will fuck up, that's not up for debate, there is absolutely no question that he will fuck this up
>he will never build the Wall and deport all the illegals and anchor babies, that's not up for debate
>he will never call a Crusade, that's not up for debate
>he will never defeat Islam, that's not up for debate
>he will never put men on the Moon and Mars, that's not up for debate
Fuck off /pol/, everyone was garbage that election and every president fucks up enough for their annoying counterparts to claim moral victory.
>1. Board games, paper games, war games, card games, etc. go here!
You dumb Redditor, Veeky Forums only has one board specific rule, and it's telling you to get the fuck out.
Is this a new shilll copypasta? It's objectively wrong.
>How's that working out for you so far?
He didn't win the popular vote.
Let me clarify: You don't need the popular vote to win, and I'm not saying that Hillary should have won just because she won the popular vote. The system doesn't work that way. Mind, it doesn't work at all since the entire reason why we have an electoral college is exactly to prevent someone like Trump from becoming President, but that's a debate for another time.
The point is, a plurality of voting Americans looked at his platform and said "no, we'll not be having that."
So that's what I want Trump, and Trump's supporters, to remember every time they try and propose anything. Every time Trump looks at a bill, every time Trump faces a decision, every time he's starting to feel good about himself, I want there to be an aide standing nearby who's sole job it is to say "remember, the majority of people don't want you here." And I want that to color his every decision. If it does, and if that color is "maybe I should make sure this is what is best for the country" rather than "screw them, I'm the President, I know better!", then he might even turn out to be a passable person.
Basically I want the equivalent of what Persian King Darius had after he tried to invade Greece and failed. According to legend, he had a servant who followed him around thereafter who's sole job it was to tell him "remember the Greeks" every time he started to feel good about himself.
Remember, Trump: The majority of people don't want you here.
Fuck off /pol/, everyone was garbage that election and every president fucks up enough for their annoying counterparts to claim moral victory.
i'm none of those people except for the direct quote, so nice try fucker. i'm not taking your bait any longer.
It must suck to be proven instantly correct like that, user.
Nah, it's hilarious. and now that you mention it a little disheartening but see I was trying to and succeeded in making the /pol/ posters out themselves.
Trump won the popular vote excluding California, and who cares what those fucktards think about anything? He also won the popular vote if you exclude the millions of dead people and illegal aliens who voted for Hillary. The "b-but he didn't win the popular vote!" meme is desperate straw grabbing by a doomed party and its constituents.
Let's put this another way. The Democratic Party got slapped around so hard on November 8th that the GOP is one state legislature and a few Senators from being able to amend the Constitution at will, and will have a Supreme Court stacked with Trump appointees with which to interpret the Constitution. If the DNC doesn't immediately change course, after 2018 Trump could literally make himself President for life, ban women and nonwhites from voting, reinstitute slavery, and declare Islam illegal and there would be nothing you or anyone else could to to stop him.
They were obviously /pol/ from the beginning, which makes it a hollow victory.
Fuck off /pol/, everyone was garbage that election and every president fucks up enough for their annoying counterparts to claim moral victory.
>The point is, a plurality of voting Americans looked at his platform and said "no, we'll not be having that."
This fucking argument again.
WHERE the votes come from is a major factor in deciding who gets their ass in the oval office. You say Hillary got 2-3-something million votes more than Trump? Tough shit, that's a tiny sliver of NY and Los Angeles' populations. "Hillary won the popular vote" means that two overwhelmingly Democrat states voted mostly Democrat.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Nation wanted none of that shit. This is EXACTLY why the EC exists: because two states, however populous they might be, have no right to decide the future of the other 48, especially considering the latter have vastly different cultures, needs, and desires.
and as we all know, New Yorkers and Californians barely count as people, let alone Americans. I'm 100% on board with valuing their opinions and suggestions as something lesser, and easily ignorable.
I'm not even American.
Eh still funny, before they were trying to be sly, now it's just meme after meme after meme
Thank you for confirming you are a board invader.
Really shines light on the frogposter complex.
Thank you for confirming your board invader status, shitpost user.
You fuck off as well, /pol/
You're talking to a different guy, redditor.
Thank you for confirming your board invader status, shitpost user.
It is pretty nice that we are getting good enough to spot frogposters by sniffing their peripheral memes, though.
That is why the House of Representatives exist, user, not the Electoral College. Among other things, because no state decides the future of the nation in the Presidential election, because the President is just the executive office. It's the LEGISLATORS who decide the future. Congress.
The Electoral College is supposed to be 538 people who get together and decide amongst themselves who would be the best President for the next four years. Their states can require that they "pledge" their votes, but it is their Constitutional right to ignore those pledges and vote according to their own judgment; and the most the States can do in retaliation for this is a minor monetary fine (and even that might be unconstitutional)
I realize I took it to a political place with that post, but historical fact points to that dumbass being wrong, the founding fathers thought the electoral college would prevent someone with no governing experience from becoming president, it failed, so badly that a lot of people I know are not sure if we're gonna make it through this shit, even the republicans I know aren't sure if he's gonna get us all killed..
Don't care, fuck off.
You also fuck off.
How shall I fuck off, O Lord?
In this thread we learned /pol/fags hate hfy and cannot resist shitposting.
By taking your political discussion to /pol/.
You can also take your political discussion to /pol/.
Everyone hates HFY. The few who don't are from Reddit.
>Say something stupid
>Get blown the fuck out of the water
>"lol fuck off"
If anyone should be leaving, it's you.
I don't want to discuss politics why the fuck you think I've been defending the thread since it was posted.
Nah, this thread it was proven the frogposters from /pol/ with their reddit memes hate it.
>Get caught as a /pol/ shitposter
>Get assblasted when natives tell you to leave
Because you descended to their level and talked about politics in any level of detail.
>implying it's just one person calling you out on being a retard
It seems the only people who hate it are /pol/fags, looking at this thread.
Every single anti-hfy post has been paired with /pol/ memes.
Not really. You must be bad at reading.
>has no orifices
>still has a butt with a clever in the center.