Chaos player is deploying a defiler like this. This shit legal?

Chaos player is deploying a defiler like this. This shit legal?

Well the model doesn't have a base, is it actually specified anywhere that it needs to stand on it's "feet"?

Good luck actually firing any of those weapons though (i'm fairly sure the defiler's battlecannon isn't barrage).

It does not

>defiler going all king kong climbing up the side of a building
No idea if it's legal but it's cool as fuck.

>wobbly model syndrome

You can abuse that rule so bad.

Who the fuck cares, that Defiler isn't doing shit all like that.

>it's bitsy defiler went up the building's side.

I don't care if its legal or not I'd allow it.

Make a table rule that once the enemy becomes aware of where it is, they can make some appropriate rolls/attacks at the building, and if they succeed, the defiler falls off and takes an appropriate damage check.

Rule of Cool says it's fine. Frankly the idea of one of these scuttling up the side of a hive is terrifying and I love it.




Yes, but if it falls off it should take a strength 10 hit.

well it gives you an advantage as all of his LoS weapons are basically useless now in exchange for a cover save he would've had if he delpoyed normally.

plus rule of cool overrules

Why the fuck not?

Are you done deploying? K here is my deployment, because fuck rules right?

Guardsman 1: I think i heard something. Like a crab or so.

Guardsmen 2: Crabs are extinct since M 5 you idiot.

Guarsmen 3: It surely is quiet today.

To the rear

Im alright with it
Remember always to use the battlefield to your advantage and the madman did it

This begs individual dialogue written all over it


>LVO finals.jpg

>Ouch, that's my feet!
>are they coming? I can't see anything!
>How the hell have you archived to park yourself in such a way, Bob Mor'an?
Someone grab my feet, I'm falling!
>Does someone have see my sandwich?
> Commander, could you please refrain yelling in my ears?

Sorry I forgot my mechanicus allies over here. NOW I am done. Roll to sieze?

Knight tired. Knight sleeping

Reecius better watch himself eh?

legal? Maybe.

Awesome? Definitely.

I'm not that good at it...

Great, now I have to change the file name to baka deproyment desu

It's not that bad, brother.

>Crisis suit on shoulderpad
>I can see my Sept!

It might not be strictly within the rules, but if you want to deploy your entire army in an area the size of a single ordinance template I certainly wouldn't stop you.

That's... that's not what concentrated fire mean!

If you forbid such a thing then you've lost all contact with your inner child; it's cool as fuck. And it doesn't provide any meaningful advantage to the Chaos player.

>Bob Mor'an?
I like you, a lot.

The Yellow Shadow would make an awesome Ethereal antagonist in a BL novel, tho.

He paid 200 pts for a Dreadnought. Have some compassion and let him have it.

>No meaningful advantage
Being really fucking cool is the ONLY advantage that matters

>Yellow Shadow
I could see Asdrubael Vect ending like the Yellow Shadow did though...

With his emergency clones trying to kill each other? Or with his daughter falling for a human hero?

Absolutely. And if you're firing the battle cannon indirectly, on a 6+ the building collapses. This increases to a 5+, etc. every time you fire it.

The only spot of colour in that entire pic is the coke bottle, ugh.

The game is such a trainwreck rules-wise that I don't understand why people play it if they don't make it look amazing.

The former.

>commander hatch over the missile racks.
That's retarded even by 40k standards.

Maybe they're just very short missiles?

>criticising the Omnissiahs blessed design
>too busy being a heretek to see that it's probably not from GW
That's a paddlin' for you.

>Guys, what if
>*snorts coke*
>Guys, what if we
>*releases another Marine codex*
>What if we make a Tau battlesuit
>*kills off named character*
>A battlesuit, on -top- of another battlesuit

Don't give GW any ideas, user.


Nah, see the ladder? He has to climb up from the side to get to the top turret. And he's not the commander, he's just the spotter.

is that a bunch of predators glued together

No, it's a bunch of land raiders glued together.



battle cannons don't fire indirectly

Getting a feel for rules while getting ready to paint, then some are just scared of fucking up

Tell me about it, with my crappy painting skills when i was younger i ruined a Baneblade and a Land Raider

>Down came the shells and knocked the defiler down
>This made it mad, so it tore through the buildings side, and
>The itsy bitsy defiler killed all the Guard inside

True that.

I have a shit-load of just plain-jane Chaos Marines to test color schemes and get better at painting, then only paint my Noise Marines, Chosen, and Raptors when I feel I've worked the techniques up to a decent standard.

> *90% of the Tau army dies instantly*

>battle cannons don't fire indirectly

Changes every blood edition, I swear.

Well it's like how a Dugtrio is really just three Diglets chilling really close together.

I'm still trying to salvage a team of crons I fucked up during the priming stage

Battle cannons haven't be indirect since they removed guessing from the weapons in 4th ed.

im perfectly fine with this.

the basilisk still has indirect fire I think, battle tanks can't do it is all.

Huh, don't think I've ever seen a beaky tank driver before

The earthshaker cannon has always been indirect fire.

>battle cannons don't fire indirectly

Defiler ones used to have that ability. But why would CSM get anything nice?

Not automatically. In the past it was an upgrade you bought it. Otherwise the cannon was direct fire.

> 40k in a nutshell.

I like this deployment.

>not pictured: the mob of kommandos about to steal all those deathstrike launchers

That is an amusing piece of fluff.

No, that's illegal because 40k must be played horizontally. All measurements are on the Y axis, so if you play on the wall like that you would measure your shots horizontally and off the gaming area.

That's a fun rule you pulled out of your ass. What else is up there?

Ironically in terms of game mechanics they'd get some ridiculous save and most of them would actually survive the strike.

It's a joke about the picture being tilted you fucking sperg

thats coz their beaks get stuck in the hatch


>misses joke
>"you're retarded!"
>"no, you just missed the joke, retard"

It's funny, because you're the retard in this situation.

That's where the Vortex warhead comes in handy.

The fucking kastelan

>want upsies!


Go read Turnsignals On A Landraider

I'd allow for pure rule of cool as long as he's not getting the idea that he can shoot like that

you sound like literally every IG player

dat cover save

Dude, just write rules for everything.
The early 2000s never ended.

>writes an obtuse joke
>dude, are you retarded?

are you a brit?

I love it because its cinematic.

Then claim wobbly model so he can shoot

The IG answer to every problem should always be "Cover it in fire that ignores your shit."

If they can't respond to any threat that way, then IG has lost it's purpose.

But its grants cover and can be used to hide this motherficker.

When I first saw the thumbnail, I thought that the defiler was hanging upside down from the fuselage of some aircraft. Now that would be scary!

>not pictured
Na ya git uz isn lookin ard enuf

Leave it to a Taufag to sperg out.

you are infantry marching down the street, a fucking defiler falls from the sky just behind you, everyone is obliverated

What good are hydrogen bombs if you don't use them?

Tell him to paint his fucking minis first before trying some cute shit.

Underrated post.
