Still looking back at what was.
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Still looking back at what was.
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Perhaps looking back is more pleasant than looking forward
Has anyone tried Rogue Stars? It reminds me a lot of Rogue Trader.
I don't understand why the old ones are generally so bad.
The sculptor's of today can't be any better than the sculptors from 30 years ago. We're still using the same metal.
Not all models look bad but the quality of them vary wildly. Compare a normal Space Marine to almost any Tyranid model.
They are bad in comparison and techniques have greatly improved.
Then, you had to do everything by hand, and it was not considered as it is now. Currently, you have digital sculpting, we have a better understanding of the materials, there are more people doing the designing instead of a small few, and the people who have been sculpting are still sculpting. Some of what you consider bad is down to different styles.
The nature of the moulds and materials used in scultping are leaps and bounds better. Moulds are better and more complicated aloowing for greater variety in pose. The materials used to sculpt also capture and hold detail a lot better.
Then theres the fact that the people scultping have refined their craft over 30+ years.
Also they aren't using the same metal. Whatever type of pewter they were using has been replaced by the 'white metal' of today with some steps in between.
>Samus' armor on a stick
To the best of my knowledge, the metal used doesn't have anything to do with it. If anything, the leaded metals used earlier produce sharper detail.
I think the biggest reason is the sculpting material, though refinement of the craft also matters.
A lot of it is down to Green Stuff not existing or just not available, things being sculpted in less capable materials like milliput. Moulding tech has changed up too, as has the materials stuff is cast in, some people like Tom Meier managed to sculpt finely detailed models but casting of the time just couldn't reliably reproduce them. Plastics casting in particular was ridiculously more expensive and less capable at the same time, especially since GW has always lagged behind a lot of model companies in terms of what they can make in plastics.
I love those Dwarves so much.
Dwarf models have aged the best of the era.
Chaos models really couldn't live up to their imagery at all.
I think the original imp army and space marine models are pretty good. The nids, not so much.
What can you tell me about it
Kev Adams' Goblin (and to a lesser extent, Orc) sculpts have a certain timeless appeal, at least for me.
Why do you faggots have to turn every topic that has a successful thread into a fucking general.
Move on.
>OH NO!! Some faggots are having fun!! I MUST STAHP THEM!!!!
it's not really a general. It's just threads about Oldhammer they'll die out soon enough like they did the last time and the time before that.
What are they standing on? I've been thinking about making a new Space Crusade board and that looks kinda cool...
What does this thread think about Mutant Chronicles
I had a look but then saw it's aimed at utterly tiny amounts of figures and stopped caring.
Closest thing I've seen to a modern Rogue Trader is Clash on the Fringe by ol' Based Ivan, favoured of /hwg/. Whilst not a direct analogue that one tries to do some interesting stuff (all weapons are template weapons of some form to represent automatic fire and such) and have a lot of variety in terms of equipment and create-able units. Still not aimed at a large scale though, more of a 20-30 figures a side including some vehicles, mostly light vehicles. Only managed to get one game of it though due to my opponent's inability to find their own models.
Are those old tech marines worth money? I have three different ones.
DBZ was a great show
Somewhat. Depends on condition, what specific model, that kinda thing. Don't be expecting huge value though.
So I just gave this a read and have been inspired to give 30k a crack with a RT inspired marine warband...
It looks a bit like the new Battle Systems Scifi stuff that was on KS recently.
Ivan also makes Starport Scum, which is a similar narrative-driven game, it also has a solo mode I think.
Patrol Angis by the Ion Age dudes is an interesting system. Roughly platoon scale, winning initiative is very important and shooting is highly lethal. Designed for 15mm but could work in 28mm with some distance tweaking.
I'm thinking about trying to re-make the SC boards... but I think It'll just end up with a scratch-build if I ever do.
Those look fine. I prefer the older stuff even if only because they didn't have to be completely WYKKED EXTREME!!1!
I managed to get an old 4th edition Doomwheel, it's so fucking cute!
MC is hella.
Has anyone played Gorkamorka on tabletop sim? If so how well did it work? (I assume that Gorkamorka is considered Oldhammer)
Hey, anybody knows how "Oldhammer" this "Rogue Stars" game is? I've heard it mentioned here and ther but nobody seems to give an opinion. Has anybody got it? If so, how is it? Does it feel Rogue Traderish?
Also, the same for Gates of Antares. Has someone played?
The alternative wargames general has your answers and a demo video, user.
>Gates of Antares. Has someone played?
Nope. It's a bad joke how much nobody gives a fuck about that game. I've seen shit published by companies a tiny fraction of the size of Warlord by authors that no-one has ever heard of that've generated more interest and discussion.
Because it's just Bolt Action in space with boring fluff and models. And everyone who wants to play not-40k-but-still-40k is playing Bolt Action already. And Bolt Action isn't Rogue Trader, being far closer (incestuously even) to 3rd edition 40k.
Baller game. We still play Blood Berets in my circle of friends.
Did the old game not have units or how did it work? I always see just a few random models.
One great thing about Antares is that while I was shilling my favourite niche tabletop game at my local club, there was always the one guy who liked Antares having a worse time of it to make me feel better.
>managed to snatch up a lot of unpainted RT orks on ebay
I'm building a warband of them, and other than the lead poisoning they're quite nice.
Also, does anyone have a pdf of Heroes for Wargames? It's an old Citadel book of painted miniatures, and I believe a few of these images are from it. I have a mega full of Rogue Trader era publications for you guys in return, and some Fantasy stuff as well. I want to try running a game of it sometime in the future, so I've been collecting pdfs wherever I can find them.
Yeah, they -sometimes- go for dirt-cheap. Picked up 60 for £30 a few years ago... Nothing too rare, but a ton of RT-02 metals and a few heavy-weapon Orks.
The orks were a great acquisition, but what really got me is what was mixed in there and not described on the item's page.
Ah, Squits.
A race few would ever have cared about if a couple of e-bayers hadn't set about artificialy inflating their price to silly levels.
I've got a few, and a sprue of arms. Someday I'll cast those arms in resin and put them all together, but right now I'm too lazy. :D
Is the guy with two guns a citadel one or a more obscure GW release? His pose is a bit OTT for early Citadel (I'm probably wrong mind). Looks a bit Maraudery or Ironclawy to me.
Disected some garden lights earlier this year. Think they still need some work though.... and basing.
I wasn't sure, so I looked it up.
Looks like he is an Ironclaw Figure.
Iron-Claw tend to be worth a bit more though, so lucky you.
I tried getting their undead a few years back, but people wanted about £10 a model. Dunno why. I like Olley as much as most, but I'm still not paying over £10 a model... except for maybe one of the Ork Roborgs they made for GW.
You know what we need more of besides just Beakies?
Beakies with shark teeth painted on them. Fuck yeah.
Where did they get plastic chainswords before the 2nd ed combat sprue? I always wondered...
I'm wondering...
>Harlequins return as a faction in their own rights
>Genestealer Cults too
>Chaos Legions got back their awesome from 3rd ED
>Squats got retconned back as a background abhuman race that didn't go extinct
I do wonder if GW ever will bring them back in some way.
Demiurgs are not enough.
I wouldn't mind having one or two of those chariots for my Nurgle army
Those dwarves are amongst the coolest I've seen. They have just so much character!
Alot of hit and miss there yes. Some of them could probably make for some good basis for conversion tho.
I know that there was an ork/cultist weapon sprue that had some chainswords on it. They were that odd older model though, that looked almost like a scimitar.
Oddly, those are newer (3rd edition) chainswords.
The hilts have been modified?
Yeah. The tell is the little vent thing on the side, the CCW sprue version didn't have it. Plus they were wider and sort of chunkier looking.
I have that Carnifex, still unopened.
I miss that sprue so much...
I remember a kid who tried to stick the entire contents of that sprue to a single assault marine. And almost succeeded.
what are these?
Oh god, they look like things from the dark age of technology, the 80's. They are way smoother and i'd love to see those remade with better detailing, but fuck, they don't "look and feel" 40k, at least not what 40k was become.
I've seen this custom sculpt to scale them up to modern standards. That helps. But even at the time they were an odd contrast to the slab-sided vehicles the Imperium (and from that everyone else) got like the Land Raider and Rhino.
Now it looks even more dragon ball, it wouldn't be even slighty off if into a DB diorama
His marines have VERY spindly legs...
They're just longer than is typical, more in proportion even, but about as thick as they ever were.
Time for some more oldschool painting.
Here are some galleries of Bryan Ansell and John Blanche's old painted stuff, a lot of which was featured in advertisements and books.
(I have no idea how to properly post these links without being considered spam.)
Say what you like about Space Marines today, but they were extremely characterful back then. Also, giant hand-painted banners need to become a thing again.
They're VERY narrow at the knee.....
Is it weird that, while I prefer the newer Tyranid models overall, I fucking adore classic Genestealers and consider them superior to the modern sculpts (though I think the Purestrain ones in Deathwatch Overkill are a close second)
Left shin, ye gods.
Early plastic kits. What can you do?
Have a cool-ass diorama to make up for it.
That use of Epic miniatures in diorama... Great idea.
I need that genestealer hybrid.
I really dislike the look of old dreadnoughts. They look more clunky than the current ones.
>all those pink horrors.
>none of them are pink.
I wish that the Eldar got some new vehicles with that old aesthetic desu.
>What can you do?
It sort of got transferred over to the revamped Dark Eldar, I think. The sails and hulls are pretty similar at least.
It'd probably only work in photos though.
I can kinda see that, yeah.
Not weird. A lot of the old monster sculpts are really characterful (although god knows, OP's carnifex is a common laughingstock). Personally I'm a huge fan of the early Genestealer Cult figures.
This right here- don't get me wrong, I like this topic, but seriously, I can browse the Veeky Forums catalog in like 10 seconds now because I see mostly just the same generals over and over.