Dear /elf/ why don't we just hire the humans to do the fighting for us? They'll fight for -coppers-
Meanwhile on /elf/
Time to head back to [OTHER WEBSITE], friend.
I hope those mods sort out these server problems. I'm getting real pissed off of elves posting in /dwrf/
>let's make a thread about elves
>wait, it's kinda about humans
Good job.
It isn't /elf/ if we don't talk about how to use humans.
Holy shit i hate neo Veeky Forums
> Dear /elf/ why don't we just hire the humans to do the fighting for us? They'll fight for -coppers-
We fight for ideas, friendo. Coppers are just a nice side bonus.
"Liberte, egalite, fraternite", bitch. Robespierre muh nigga, French Revolution best time of my life.
Fuck off with your royalist elf bullshit.
>touching filthy copper
What are you, some sort of Wood Elf? No Elf in generations around me has used anything smaller than a Gold in any transaction I've seen.
Besides, trying to hire these humans would require me getting within smelling distance, and I get the distinct impression that many humans don't constantly update their odor problems with simple cantrips, let alone a proper cleansing spell of second or third level.
You have to do something with all that copper ore the slaves dig up.
>Holy shit i hate neo Veeky Forums
Why's that?
Obviously you're still in the thread.
Anyone have tips for taking human dick?
The length I can handle, but the girth is a pain - literally!
Your leaders would betray your uprising for a single lowborn elven prostitute and you know it.
Go away falseflagging human, we don't like bestiality around here.
Because it is easy to make humans start fighting.
Getting them to stop... now that is tricky!
Also, they rape everything!
You see, the point of the democracy is - leaders are replaceable.
If we kill your "king" or whatever you call it - or seduce him, or force him to commit a betrayal - you name it - your entire nation falls like a house of cards.
If our leader gets indisposed, we just elect a new one. So go fuck yourself and don't forget to offer your mouths for our leaders' dicks too, in vain hopes that it will change anything. Because it won't.
It's easier to kill a king then to kill a president you have elected yourself. It's also really hard to get rid of the system that supports this president.
Damn, that girl's outfit is giving me funny ideas.
No one needs to do actual murder, mate. Murdering his political career by exposing his sins? Sure. Actual murder? So last epoch.
We aren't royalist inbred backstabbing scum over here, we are upstanding democratic republic.
And the system still remains, the next president will be a replaceable version of the last.
>we are upstanding democratic republic
"Hey guys, vote for me, I'll give you "free" shit and fuck over the guys you don't like."
"Free shit" scheme only works in ochlocratic society.
Educated electorate is the very foundation of a proper democratic election apparatus.
Not the bullshit ochlocratic vicious cycle that is called "democracy" nowadays.
>Educated electorate is the very foundation of a proper democratic election apparatus.
Too bad it's nowhere to be seen. And educated doesn't automatically mean that they will be sensible voters, just that they have stuffed their head with a lot of things. A degree in women studies won't help you deciding which candiate will be the best for the economy.
I'm not even sure which side I'm shitposting anymore, but that's the very essence of the vicious cycle right there.
>electorate elects government, giving it the power to make decisions, because electorate is too stupid to make decisions on its own
>government abuses its power, making sure that electorate remains stupid and unable to make decisions on their own
>rinse, repeat
And education is one of the parts of that vicious cycle. Why educate people to have control of their life and be sensible when you can educate them to make them latch onto every word you say?
Allow me to quote Jefferson:
>“The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
>A human took residence beneath your favourite tree
What do?
Human woman are better than elves, have you -seen- the tits on some of them? Glorious.
Too bad that nowadays actual, real war means blowing up half the planet and making it unlivable for at least a decade, and that local wars are impersonal and use puppet states and remote-controlled machines, and the person in control is never in danger.
I mean, I kinda sorta agree with Jefferson's point. But he couldn't predict that the war would change.
>elves are so obsessed with humans that they exclusively post about humans on an elf board
Human women are less likely to rape you and turn you into a monstrosity because you couldn't' get it up
>Humans are so obsessed with elves that they pretend to be elves posting exclusively about humans on a human board pretending to be an elf board
>Digital AI is so obsessed with humans that it creates an imageboard where it pretends that humans communicate and are obsessed with elves that they pretend to be elves posting about humans on a board created and posted on solely by digital AI pretending to be humans pretending to be elves
>mfw my friend actually believes human migrants are a net gain to our society
>mfw my friend believes humans only do the jobs nobody wants to do
>mfw my friend thinks Christianity is a religion of peace, even though the local priest keeps shouting "DEUS VULT" and unironically uses 'knife-ear' as an insult
>mfw she unironically wears a 'human lives matter' tunic
>mfw I explain to my friend that the only reason our leaders allow humans into our lands is because they're an incredibly cheap work force, since most of them will die centuries before being able to cash in their retirement fund, and she replies that I should be more tolerant
>mfw I explain that humans reproduce way too fast and they're projected to become the majority in elven lands within five centuries, and she calls me an elven supremacist
Anti-racist is code for anti-elf.
I know it's unpopular, but we should have teamed up with the dwarves and eradicated these vermin when we had the chance.
Triggering me harder than the rest of the bait in this thread combined.
Elder Race forever. RACE WAR NOW.
This thread just shows why we hate elves.
Nice try roundears, everyone knows we elves have cloacas.
I tried to have fun through the bullshit.
I still want to, I can see the idea of all human wars being orchestrated by the elves to keep their status quo.
But goddamn, it got pol without saying pol real quick.
Good evening.