Could The Doctor turn the 40K universe into a kind and happy place?
Alternatively, could he destroy it and start over if he could not accomplish the first?
Could The Doctor turn the 40K universe into a kind and happy place?
Alternatively, could he destroy it and start over if he could not accomplish the first?
She would waltz in, kill a bunch of people and cause the collapse of society that would presumably kill more off screen later.
Not sure what happened there.
> go back in time
> find the moment that each of the chaos gods first came into being
> use the Tardis's paradox engines to pull the nascent chaos gods into the material realm. No warp breaches, no eye of terror. The chaos gods in the physical world and forced to obey the rules of the physical word instead of the immaterium
> Chaos gods melt into nothing more than a bad dream because they can't survive like that
Pretty routine empathic parasite cleanup, really. They can get out of hand in timelines where the Time Lords didn't already exterminate them, but if you know what you are doing they are pretty harmless.
Female Doctor with less scruples in 40k might be interesting. Besides, with a whole new regen cycle in New-Who getting a female Doctor is going to be inevitable. She's going to be a flirt with everyone, male or female I just know it.
And black!
And whatever else triggers the reverse-SJWs these days.
One of these days we should create the ultimate Veeky Forums SJW character the same way we did with our Mary Sue. The cringe would be palpable as we create new pronouns and have the Imperium become a safe-space.
>I sexually identify as a Tyranid. My pronouns are 'Nid, 'Nid-self, and 'Ner.
I bet the SJWs did this!
>implying there is anything except faggot-ass Tumblr trannies who fantasize about taking precious PEE OH SEE cock and the normal ones who oppose them
Doctor plans too much to not elevate Tzeentch into surpassing Khorne once again.
Let's try to steer this thread back from the brink.
I think it's fairly clear that the Doctor could probably do some serious damage to pretty much anything in 40K. Psychic attacks don't really do anything to him, and would probably wind up hurting the attacker more than anything.
If he's allowed to use all the technology he has access to, he can just De-mat-gun the chaos gods, and nobody would even remember they existed.
Doctor has cause a fair few genocides in his time. Khorne once elevated a dude to deamon prince for committing genocide using salvaged nano-machine + A.I. weapon. Doctor would be perceived maybe as one of his adherents.
>One of these days we should create the ultimate Veeky Forums SJW character the same way we did with our Mary Sue. The cringe would be palpable as we create new pronouns and have the Imperium become a safe-space.
Why not, we already have the opposite in /pol/.
The Doctor might be a bit above Khorne's pay grade, really.
Agreed. The Doctor destroying the Daleks and the Timelords to end the war would be pretty much like if Eldrad wiped out all the Eldar and Necrons everywhere simultaneously. I mean, later it turns out that the Daleks survive and the Timelords are just trapped outside of space-time for now, but I think the very idea of what the Doctor pulled would give Knorne such a huge rage-boner that he'd be disgusted with himself.
I already play with a guy who does that for shits and giggles. Made a human fighter, identified as an orc wizard. He was very sensitive about not being able to use magic.
No, most factions would shoot on sight rather than let him talk and plan, and then shoot him up again as he regenerates, ending his life. The reason the Doctor succeeds and survives against groups like the daleks and cybermen is because they both fear him, and allow him to speak.
>No, most factions would shoot on sight rather than let him talk and plan
Gee, what a novel concept. Why didn't anyone else think of that?
Could it be because the Doctor emits a low level psychic field that makes people want to hear what he has to say, even working on an entire organization specially assembled for the sole purpose of killing him?
The Daleks and the Cybermen fear the Doctor because of all the shit he has done to them over the years, and while he certainly leverages that they are just as vulnerable to the mind trick as anyone else.
The only one I can think of in 40k that would be immune to it are the Necrons, and perhaps special cases like Grey Knights and Culxeus assassins. At which point he uses his second most impressive talent: running away.
Please. The reason they fear him is that they've tried to kill him many times, and he always "just as planned" them. They're afraid to shoot him because they need to know what he's done and what he's doing before it all bites them in the ass.
Also this:
>They're afraid to shoot him because they need to know what he's done and what he's doing before it all bites them in the ass.
To be fair, more than once the Doctor has wiped out squads of Daleks by tricking them into attacking him at the wrong time, setting off some chain of events that destroys them.
And that's just onscreen, not even counting whatever whacky tricks he used in the Time War. I'd be more than a little hesitant to shoot at him too.
And the fucker can see time, so its less 'he dodges' and more 'he stands where you didn't shoot'. Which isn't a perfect defense, but given how many times he has survived waves of lasers it might as well be.
Is there anything in 40K that could kill a Dalek, excluding the really heavy hitters? I don't think a bolter would pierce Dalekanium;
Psychic shit may work, but a Dalek's mind is pretty much a pure ball of "EXTERMINATE," so maybe not.
Surely there is some bullshit arcanotech that can pierce Dalekanium.
Also, the two universes work on completely different laws, so it's hard to tell.
I see you've been triggered, user. Maybe you should go back to /pol/, your precious safe space.
Gauss Guns might work, as they pull away the very particles of the metal.
Would it even hit the metal, though? They have shields first and foremost.
I think that the Necron's have the tech to eat away at that. Necrons and Daleks are both sufficiently superscienced-up to hurt each other.
Though, I would be terrified to see a team of Daleks successfully infiltrate a Tomb World. If we are lucky, they plant a bomb that turns the planet to stardust.
If we are unlucky, they hack the Necrons and turn them into warrior slaves in their goal to exterminate all other life.
Daleks are really fucking smart. Enough so that they arguably won the great time war against an enemy that invented perfect time travel.
Hacking the Necrons might not be easy, but its certainly doable for them.
40k is an alternate timeline where the Time Lords develop with hideous physical defects and eventually turn themselves into robots. In that timeline, their war against the other Old Ones is unsuccessful and they never get around to permanently stabilizing the Warp.
The Doctor did go renegade and travels around in a "borrowed" blue obelisk. His moniker in 40k is The Operator, and while not good by any definition, nor is he exactly evil. He's a skilled Chronomancer and hunts for a technique to change the timeline to prevent the C'tan from corrupting his race.
He believes that humans might be the key, and often travels with a few.
If he succeeds, the C'tan are moved to another star, and the necrontyr are infused with human biology to be more robust, this creating the Time Lords. The Old Ones are defeated in ancient times (the racnoss and C'tan are among them).
call 911, we need writefag or drawfag asap
Thing about 40K is that it corrupts everything. No matter how noble the soul is, sooner or later they'll fall. You can change as much as you like and mess around with timelines, but if all points end at the same point, it's rather pointless.
Except if you're Tau. Because they're immune to all the laws of the galaxy.
The time lords basically wrote the laws of the entire universe, not just the galaxy. They actually removed magic from reality itself because they didn't like how it worked. Maybe you can consider "Everything sucking" as a fixed point in time, but even then the time lords have ways around that.
I don't really see The Doctor himself being corrupted. We know that he, as a time lord, holds the time vortex inside his head, meaning that his mind has withstood seeing literally all of time and space. Even the worst shit chaos can throw at him probably doesn't compare to that.
In my conception, 40k is the original timeline and DW is the retconned timeline "The Operator" created to make a better suck-free universe. As The Doctor, he may not even be aware that he created the universe as it currently exists. Or that his constant do-gooding and temporal hacking is him reprising his original Necron self. And also constantly working to prevent the universe from reverting to a sucky 40k state via said do gooding.
If you want a sad story, though, look at the people of Skaro. The Old Ones were never around to genehack them into being psychic warriors of beauty and light. So eventually they found their own path to perfection.
Adding the time vortex to every Time Lord's head was a result of the Doctor's Great Retcon. Time Lord intelligence survived the Retcon, and so did Time Lord fashion sense.
Why not just create pure unadulterated Tumblr? The two things Tumblr has is SJWs and insane crossovers, what with StevenHammer 40k being a thing.
>The Character is a Time Lord Planeswalker Gem Psyker.
>Their home town is Night Vale.
The Doctor can't even turn his own universe into a kind and happy place.
>he doesn't know about the original, unaltered Dalek timeline
Go on, I'll bite. What was the original, unaltered Dalek timeline?
In a nutshell, everyone and everything dies. The Daleks wiped out all other life in the galaxy until the Time Lords (well, the Doctor) intervened and erased them. (It didn't take, though. The Daleks keep popping back up, kind of like a bubble of air trapped under wallpaper)
Compared to that, the galaxy as-is is a paradise. And that's not the only thing they've undone, not by a long shot.
If this is a 40k story, he'd just end up making things worse, and possibly die in the process.
If this is an episode of Dr. Who, he could turn a single world or solar system into a happy place, maybe set the Imperium on a slightly better course, but he couldn't make the entire setting better.
If this is something that doesn't run under either of those two rulesets, then he could potentially do quite a bit eventually, though the problem of paradoxes and fixed points in time would most likely keep him from doing much (probably, I haven't watched any of the newest doctor).
I was hoping for something more grand or at least weird beyond "everyone died".
I know about the unmaking of magic and the removal of gods.
The current timeline being better than a lifeless universe doesn't make it happy. Happier I will give you.
I mean obviously there are relative degrees of suffering but I still wouldn't call the Doctor Who universe sunshine and rainbows. The way people in this thread are talking you'd think "Just this once, everyone lives," wasn't a thing that actually happened.
Probably a way to throw Supernatural and Sherlock in the mix as well,just to go full on Tumblr
>they're British, and have high-functioning Aspergers.
>Sociopathy! Do your research!
Yes, I know the quote.
They're almost the same. The official diagnosis is that Holmes is somewhere on the Autism Spectrum, which indicates sociopathy and other anti-social behaviours.
Joke man, I'm aware.