An additional 2.5 BILLION with a B in Tether was just minted.
What the hell is going on?
Where is this money even going to go?
An additional 2.5 BILLION with a B in Tether was just minted.
What the hell is going on?
Where is this money even going to go?
Other urls found in this thread:
I dont even understand what this tether shit is.
because you are the absolute state of biz right now
This is tether
Look at the growing market cap of the whole market, then ask yourself again. If you still don't understand what I'm talking about: look at the Tether price and how it's rising when money floods in and no new ones are printed.
Rising demand => print more to hold the price stable
Proof fag, I refuse to believe this is real.
Kek. Where are the doubters now?
You fuckers know they don't have 2.5 billion sitting in cash.
Yes, and every single dollar added to the mkap surely goes straight into Bitfinex's pocket in the form of cold hard cash which they keep in their vault.
How else can Finex counter pump the jews x1000 leverage shorts?
>implying "real" banks have enough money for their customers
they never stated that it's 'cash'
they have over 100b in bitcoin to cover it
So why don't they delete tethers when Bitcoins price goes down?
Probably not, because screen shot ins't real.
top fucking kek
Just like other banks and their loans right? Faggot, the crypto/tether world is riddled with manipulation just like the real world, the only thing is it’s a lot more noticable with tether because we’re amateurs
Ok fine, you got me. This was pretty funny.
That's a stupid idea. The market is still growing a lot.
whenever I see the Tether threads I'm left wondering if the average biztard received any decent education at all
>implying "real" banks wouldn't get bailed out unlike this scam
What the actual fuck
Fake news
Yeah, due to fucking tether
nice picture from yesterday retard, that's old
That’s a lot of money
What happens when demand for tether gets lower? Do that delete coins or what?
fake and gay
yes they delete all the coins, exchange, say it was a hack and then retire to some tropical island without extradition law
Explain it then, bitch.
Oh wait you cant.
Tether is backed by USD (supposedly)
It maintains a 1$ value regardless because you can withdraw it from them
cant wait for your kind to lose all your money
Holy shit were going to 25k.
>"I refuse to believe this is real"
>I was right
yeah, makes sense.
like all ponzi schemes, that can never happen. Printing tether creates the demand to print tether. No one buys tether to buy things outside of the cryptosphere, they buy tether to buy more crypto (hopefully at a lower price).
The more tether there is, the more buy pressure there is against crypto. the more buy pressure against crypto there is, the higher the price. The higher the price, the more tether is printed.
They don't even have to try to abuse the system. The feedback loop is built in. It's unavoidable.
Yeah, also undisclosed asian banks are in charge of providing liquidtiy kek
I bought ETH when it was $12 so you're gonna be waiting a while, little bitch