What happens if the imperium gets its hands on a working uncorrupted STC?
What happens if the imperium gets its hands on a working uncorrupted STC?
They would win. If only they were not 4 mins to midnight.
Through various plot contrivances it gets destroyed or corrupted so that the setting's status quo doesn't change.
The Horus Heresy and Age of Strife of some of the worst story moments of 40k imo and BL should stop writing about them.
It would somehow get ruined before they got anything out of it.
Because that's the entire fucking point of 40K.
I thought the point of 40K was to sell campy '80s sci-fi figurines? Am I wrong?
That's the point of the GW.
The point of the setting is that shit's fucked, and everyone's going to fucking die any day, either by horrific rape-demons, hungry fucking space-bugs, or implacable skeleton-terminators.
Probably not much the mechanicus would seize it and spend the next couple of hundred years jerking off over it and fighting over how to use it and how much.
The delicate balance of power set within it is dangerously shifted one way, the whole Imperium fractures, proceeds to eat itself alive before finally dying in blood and screams. It likely sets fire to the rest of the galaxy too.
we find out what the actual heavy tank is, considering the BEHNBLEEED is a "medium tank"
>spend the next couple of hundred years breaking it
They bungle it, either by losing it, destroying it because it didn't mention the glory of the emperor every othre sentence, or by accidentally destroying themselves with it.
Good things don't happen to the Imperium in 40k, OP. They're fucked, and only the desire to sell more minis on behalf of GW keeps them alive.
The Nids vomit up the squats- who in turn devour the STC. and are then promptly re-devoured by said Nids
I like this version best. It should be canon.
What's an STC?
standart template construct, basically a manual to build lots and lots of stuff from before the Age of Strife
The knowledge of sandwich making has been lost to the Imperium. The secrets for making one is highly coveted.
Don't they find STCs for shit like knives and armor variants all the time?
And bare in mind that the last time they found a printout from an STC, the three guys that found it were each given their own planet to govern.
It was for a bayonet.
Those are STC fragments.
No, no, no, that might summon the Broodwich.
And we know what chaos-tainted evil that is.
Inquisition immediately breaks it due to heresy
What if they found an STC that made every lasgun slightly better? like closer to plasma gun stats but lasgun reliable
Do any of you have a screepcap of that thread where the Imperium discovered a PBJ sandwich STC?
Well more precisely it was for sweet-ass monomolucar edged knife which was adopted as standard knife for all Space Marines. And the planet was some feudal backwaters IIRC.
>slightly better? like closer to plasma gun stats
You mean like Pulse Rifle?
You mean STC fragments with more shitty knives and armor for IG that don't affect status quo in a slightest
That is the best thing I have ever seen.
stc were alive AI so none were uncorruped
find real one?
Imperium wins, you could make anything with nothing.
Better everything, every one gets better than the best equipment in bulk for cheaper
>A Rogue Trader busy expanding the Imperium's borders comes across an ancient Human civilization, its nations long since abandoned leaving its glorious ruins to be reclaimed by the planet's wildlife.
>While exploring the ruins the crew come across a treasure valuable enough to buy a galaxy.
>While trying to turn a profit word gets out of the discovery.
>Several separate AdMech forces set out to find the RT. They don't even negotiate. They board and blam the crew and take off with the STC with no intention of sharing it, which immediately sparks wars within the AdMech trying to acquire it for their own.
>Other forces within the Imperium become involved, the Inquisition performing numerous, belligerent actions against members of the Mechanicus.
>Greed and pride has overridden logic as more and more AdMech openly defies the will of the Emperor declaring the STC Perfectus belongs to none, but the Omnissiah.
>A bloody campaign is waged to bring the AdMech back under control.
>Under the threat of annihilation and literal gunpoint of the Imperium's most loyal and fiercest servants, Techpriests decipher the STC in the presence of the Inquisition
>It contains plans for a portable mini-frige that uses a type of battery the Imperium doesn't have an STC for
To be fair, the Admech waged a ten year campaign once to get a STC plan for a self-heating cook pot.
>imperium finds uncorrupted STC
>it gets put on Mars and immediately lost in a library full of working STCs labeled "STC room"
>every tech adept assumes it to be a hoax because everyone knows theres no such thing as an uncorrupted STC
Correct me if I am wrong, but they already do. The first Gaunt's Ghosts novel is about them finding an STC that makes Iron Men it was curupted by chaos, but they mention that an STC that makes knives was discovered last and finding STC's is a 'once in a generation event'. 1000 years is a lot of generations.
i dont know but we're about to find out in our rogue trader game.
it may actually be corrupted and has passed all scans to the contrary
A full STC, not the partial bits that include single designs.
The complete STC is supposed to be a repository of how to make everything. The problem is that almost all of them have been completely destroyed or corrupted, so that only a few bits and pieces here and there can be used.
Why is old technology DAoT humans made okay while new technology is banned?
The idea is that the Mechanicus believe that all technology that is and ever will exist has ever been found.
If you've created something, it is inherently inferior to something that has already been created, no matter how built for a purpose or whatever insecurities you claim makes it good for you.
This means that innovation is cracked down upon in the majority of the population, as anyone who isn't a magos doesn't have the perspective and the knowledge of the 'true' technology to build something and be able to trust it. Even then, anything a Magos puts together needs to be tested with the utmost scrutiny and compared to ancient designs to discover what it is they actually have created, which is clearly a design from the past merely re-created.
It has to do with the fact that the DaoT imperium had way better tech than we have; Crazy shit like "The Land Raider is actually just a tractor that's so well-built it's better than any battle tank we've ever seen" better tech.
>The Imperium finds an STC
>Due to a clerical error in transit it is placed aboard the wrong ship
>Instead of Mars it ends up in a backwater feral planet where no one can even begin to fathom what the fuck it is
>Mars gets a shipment of grain designed to be easy to farm for idiots
To be fair, the Imperium loses a lot of shit due to the mind boggling bureaucracy, like IG regiments and other dodads like that.
Imperium loses a lot thanks to Admechs alone. Cogboys caused more damage to humankind in 10k years than Chaos and Tyranids combined.
>they find a new stc page
>It's for a fancy hat
What happens next?
Lords of Terra waste 90 Guard regiments to claim it and acquire materials. Fancy hat which nobody has worn since DAoT is totally worth it.
Fancy hats is what drives the Imperium. The only question is who gets to wear it?
>and thus, the second great civil war began
Commence the Age of Hatostasy
Just wow.
Formula to create helicopters? What sorcery is this?
There was other good stuff in there too, to be fair. And self-heating cook pots are kinda nice for the guard.
The better question is; what WOULDN'T happen?
>lorgar launches a massive crusade for the STC because he need a bitchin space pope hat
A self-heating cook pot would save milions yearly on todays world, now image it on bilions of worlds with 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 of families and guardsmans needing to cook daily
pretty much the reason the imperium cant get anything above a minor improvement STC
anything else would have a massive ripple effect saving countless resources manpower energy and time
>"The Land Raider is actually just a tractor that's so well-built it's better than any battle tank we've ever seen"
The land raider is a light civilian transport designed to go through feral/death worlds.
The baneblade chassis was a light tank, and the most common one
The imperial knights were civilian machinery to fight off megafauna and then have its weapons changed for tools so they could help stablish the colony.
The imperial knight strenght D chainweapon was made for cutting megatrees, tg rumours that it also has a megashovel STC somewhere
The catapracii terminator armor was a asteroid mining protection for civilians
The rhino was a civilian industrial truck
Same thing for the chimera, but for worse terrain
and so it goes on
>barbarian sham,ans learn how to use STC
>they find sweer claking field technology
>use it to cleak their planet
>tyraninds eat everything except the cloaked planet they can't find
>barbarians emege with all the meagre resources of barren galasy at their diosposal
Also you know those voidshields that protects entire hive worlds? they weren't military grade shields, just civilian ones for protection against natural disasters coming from space like a giant meteor.
The real military grade voidshields are those used to ward off the horus bombardment against the imperial palace. And it took several legions worth of firepower to breach it
>*Changes the batteries from AA to AAA*
>*Takes the limiting nozzle off the front*
>*Flicks a switch from Dance Mode to Fire Mode*
AA to C user, AAA is smaller than AA
Who found it?
>AdMech, non-heretikal
They start churning out "discoveries" under the guidance of the Omnisiah. Bolstering the the AdMech army to the point that they can overthrow Terra and bring the will of the Omnisiah to the galaxy. FTL tech means they don't need to travel through the warp anymore.
>Rogue Trader
Likely builds himself a crazy pirate ship and becomes space Nemo. Kind of a wildcard option.
>IG or Space Marines who aren't the Iron Hands
Likely destroy it as it has tech that brought about a cataclysm that ended the previous Imperium. Rip a few weapon plans off it first.
>Iron Hands
Not sure, but they probably try to use the tech to genocide at least one of the Imperium's problems before the other groups try to get them to give it to them, resulting in 40k End Times.
Wasn't the Terminator armor initially based on the armor worn by Reactor maintenance personnel? Could swear i remember that from somewhere.
>AdMech Heretik
Adds the new faction Iron Men to the game/universe. They are basically Crons.
Do not question the Machine Spirit REEEEEEEEEE
Or basically skynet.
Reactors workers, deep space mining, planetary core mining, hydrogen scooping from starts, i remember seeing quotes about all of that, GW is kind of inconsistent
or maybe it was all of that, i mean, why not? if it was a SUPER PROTECTION it could be used for everything
I lol'd
STCs are found only when GW wants to sell a new model. STCs are lost when they want to end the production of a poorly selling one.
that pic reminds me more of the dreadknight chassis
Like 1st edition plasmaguns? And meltaguns with a blast template? And autoguns with a 32 inch range? And chainswords that did +1 S?
Then why does the dreadknight still exist?
because it sells
Those are print-outs or templates from an stc machije. A working STC machine contains the sum knowledge of daot era mankind and can give exact instructions on how to build anything using the materials available, and descriptions of stc templates are used as standard wank-material by tge adeptus mechanicus.
There's little to suggest that each STC had ALL of the DAoT's tech in it, as many were sent to non-military installations. Rather, an STC is likely the general term for the hyper-advanced computers designed to work with the STC manufacturing bases, but not all of them would've had every design, you'd probably have had the colonist ones, the military ones and the like.
They were intended for long term isolated colonies - Colonies that would have to defend themselves, between establishment and reconnecting with the rest of the empire.
True, but that still doesn't suggest having every single piece of technology in it. There's still political stability and control to worry about, even for the Dark Age, and since STCs were given out like candy to expansionist factions I doubt they'd have put the superweapon blueprints in all of them.
A shit load of technology? Sure. All of it? Absolutely no reason to.
>Salami, Tomato and Cheese
Holy shit that would be a bad sandwich.
there would be some weapons on them but the boon would largely be in logistics. If they could only find an STC for plasma containment, for example, suddenly plasma guns become 100% safe and are much easier to produce.
The Omnicopaeia is what holds it all and then some
Right now its on a fortress or forge world that the Admech are mobilizing everything they can to go after it
They're doing pretty well in the 41st millennium. The doomsday clock right now is at 3 minutes to midnight.
I was under the impression that the Omnicopaeia was just a fully functioning STC that was especially used for the Dark Age's psychic technology, and would therefore have not just a bunch of psychic shit but also all the basics to reverse-engineer and cross-reference, where was it revealed that it had everything?
During the DAoT humanity created AI that was the biggest threat to humanity seen in the universe so far (this is before the horus heresy so even chaos wasn't a known/huge threat to the imperium).
After humanity defeated the AI, the emperor banned the development of certain types of technology on the basis that we'd end up with another AI war. Of course once the emperor ended up on the golden throne a lot of his teachings got interpreted incorrectly meaning many amongst the inquisition and mechanicus believe that any development of technology is heretical.
A puritan inquisitor would recognize the abominable self improving machine for what it is and immediately destroy it.
>Having a say in AdMech matters
>Destroying a fully functioning STC
Well done starting a civil war with the AdMech that the Imperium can't win, Inquisition.
Its got it all including some information on humanities psychic evolution.
Hell it could very well have the knowledge needed to fix the golden throne.
its the leman russ chasis that was the tractor.
Reminder that STC produced plans were considered bulky and simple by the standards of technology when they were made. The STC was not cutting edge, it just produced workable plans for backwater colonies that needed an infrastructure fast to defend itself.
No, the Land Raider was actually used in agriculture, this was covered in the old Epic rulebooks, the Leman Russ was (as far as I can remember) never said to be anything from the Dark Age, the tractor theory is entirely fandom-spawned.
As far as the wikis know the leman russ was named after Leman Russ, so looks like thats a 'new' model
Land Raider and Land Speeder were named after the magos who discovered STCs for them. I guess, Leman Russ is just a popular army name and Admechs use different names for these models.
>What happens if the imperium gets its hands on a working uncorrupted STC?
it says something retarded and gets shot
The Omnicopaeia is not just fully functioning STC.
This is in fact a fully functioning STC DATABASE that has ALL STC the Imperium has and ALL OTHER STC the Imperium HASN'T + a lot of other things.
If the AdMech gets its hands on it, the Imperium wins via ability to build stuff they back then couldn't or did before the HH erupted.
Problem is that it may be on a DAEMON WORLD on the border between the warp and materium. Deep under ground.
Still the AdMech is planning to waltz there in with a ginormous force. The biggest AdMech force that was assembled and conquer the place.
Yeah, an STC library on a Daemon World. I'm sure that's going to work out just fine (although the AdMech has assembled three BILLION skiitari to take over the place, so I'm pretty sure they'll at least succeed in getting the damn thing).
The actual problem is not the forces.
I do hope they'll call in some allies to aid them and take with them some Titan Legions.
Wouldn't it be corrupted as shit by Daemons then?
Thus making it highly dangerous to any who get near it?
>it produces, amongst other things, sentient daemonic Men of Iron Titans, Suits of armor filled with daemon flesh and magiks, Daemon Engines, the obliterator virus, phallic looking farm equipment, agriculture looking sex toys, and uninteresting combat knives.
Now I just want to sit here all day and come up with random war tainted shit.
So it's a range rover
See That's the actual problem here.
Even if the AdMech managed, at a great cost and downright defiance of Chaos, conquer and purge the Daemon World, the possibility of the darn thing being corrupted is real.
This also depends on how deep it's buried or how corrupted the Daemon World is.
And since it's close to the warp, but is in the materium, and the Omnicopaeia might be VERY DEEP underground, then there is a sliver of hope it may be daemon-free.
it might be warp resistant with having knowledge about physkers and their powers