Orc male beauty standards

Would orc women fancy ugly human men?



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You know fine well that the meta is orc x kemololi in this half of the decade.

You know what, I don't even know how female orcs are supposed to look like. They might even not exist. I would appreciate it if someone would post OFFICIAL art of female orcs from various settings.

Yeah, but those orc women looked just like muscular, buxom human women. Total cop-out.

What happens to human midgets in fantasy settings with "little" races? Do the human midgets go to live with the halflings?

That has to be the most terrible thing ever.

Imagine having a human daughter in a gnome/halfling settlement. Having to fend off all these tiny pajeets ogling your child.

can I uh
can I get a source on that?

___________________________ No _______________


Got more accessbile source? I'm not going to register for one picture.

For you

No, beauty standards would be universal.

Orcs would kidnap and rape human women because they are the most beautiful; and would find their own women hideous and difficult to be around, and just have children with them then leave them to raise the child.

No, but they might fancy big strong men since that's what orcs value. They'd go for a Liefeld abomination before a fat dumpy dude.

I've got a half-orc with a human father and a chieftainess mother.

Dad was, essentially, a highly skilled ranger with a lack of fear bordering on comical. He became injured near her hunting party (actual hunting, not abduct townsfolk/travelers hunting) and she was... taken with him.

D&D 5e


I find this difficult to masturbate to

you're not trying hard enough




wrong. WE are the cop out

Magnificent tusks.

The machinations of /pol/ do not go unnoticed.

Not even pol, Orcs and humans are literally different species - it would be like saying that certain things about a female cockatoo being attractive to male birds would also make it attractive to humans.

More than likely because orcs are so primal the males would fancy wide hips for efficient child making and big boobs because it is a sign of the level of female hormones in the mate.

The women would probably just want a mate that is intimidating and strong to keep the tribe and family safe as well as raid/loot to get things.

>TLDR orc mating habits probably mirror human mating habits only on a rudimentary level and on the standards of ancient tribal culture.

>Humans want to / can fuck anything
This amuses me greatly

masturbate to the moon instead

Just Laius in this case. Dude is a monster fanatic who wants to know, meet, pet, sex, and eat every monster he comes across.

Elves and humans were made in the same fashion, and orcs are just elves who were tortured for generations and deliberately bred ugly in order to break their pride.

You haven't read the issue with the orc chief's sister. She's a good mix of "clearly inhuman" with "yeah, I'd tap that."

I like Pigfaced Orcs


The death cap has a huge package... and looks like a huge package.

congrats you noticed a joke

>orcs and humans are literally different species
Settings with half-orcs would mean that humans and orcs are genetically similar enough to breed.
If they can breed, they must just be different races rather than different species so beauty standards could be more similar.

This has always been a subject of contention

The species line has never been seperated solely on interfertility. Google ring species.

I find your lack of boner most disturbing.

Wouldn't that imply that humans or half-orcs were once the same species, but simply spread to different areas?

It depends on what you mean by ugly. I don't think that orcs would find fat all that attractive - most orcs seem to have a strong focus on physical fitness, and would not like such an obvious sign of sloth and excess.

But they likely would be more forgiving of facial features that seem unattractive by human standards, or are simply average. Either the humanness itself is exotic and interesting, or perhaps facial features derided among humans would be less disliked by orcs - not necessarily that such features seem more orcish, but that is a possibility.

There are other considerations for what is attractive, of course - maybe a human man has a less abusive personality than a potential orc husband, or can provide a relatively rich and civilized lifestyle.

Honestly my personal opinion is that they had a common ancestor, or Humanity is the common ancestor, or are based on the same template the Gods used to make mortals

Or because whatever God is in charge of interbreeding says so because it gets him off.

Or get this, its a fucking fantasy world and operates on myth logic. Ya know, the kind that says that you can breed striped goats from non striped goats by putting them in pens with sticks pointing a particular direction. The Old Testament has some really fucked up shit.

Different breeds, really, but yes.

I had a DM crudely explain it in his setting as "Orcs and humans are roughly the same size when fed and worked the same way, so when an orc hits a human woman from behind who eats meat and raids all day, it feels the same as plowing an orcess and that's good enough for the fertility gods to throw a baby in there."

pOrcs are fantastic. I created a tribe of Orcus woshipping Orcs specifically so I could introduce pOrcs into my last setting.

So what you're saying is, she was taken with him, and he was taken with her?

>The propensity of half orcs half elves half-hallflings(quartelings?) is because humans were put on this earth to be rape fodder, that's why our women are generically hot and our men look like women with dicks.

This makes too much sense and makes me feel uncomfortable.

Holy shit, I knew Marcille was the queen of reaction images but I never expected to see a smug loli Marcille.

Someone crop this for great justice!


Really, though, it's just because Tolkien had half-elves (Elrond etc.) and half-orcs (those orc-like men Saruman was so fond of).

There's a lot of stuff in D&D that looks kind of Tolkien but is actually from older stuff, but the half-races (including halflings) are pretty clearly just straight-up Tolkien.

Though Tolkiens half-elves are completely different from DnD half-elves. At most they share the name.


Not necessarily.
I've never heard of a Quarter Orc in the setting so an educated guess would say that half orcs can't produce viable offspring. That would mean that humans and Orcs are about as close as Horses and Donkeys. Which may seem pretty close but that would categorize them as being an entirely different species rather than a race.

Horses and Donkeys do have a common ancestor but its so far back in evolutionary terms you could say the same thing about any mammal.

I'm not sure about half-orcs, but I know that with half-elves the equivalent to a quarter-elf is considered a half-elf, while their offspring would be human or elvish (assuming they didn't marry a half-elf themselves). So I assume the rules would be similar for half-orcs.

How are tolkens different exactly? I'm genuinely curious

At first they are a rarety, moreso than half-elves in other settings. Then a half-elf isn't really that, but he chooses to either be an elf, meaning he's basically an immortal and his afterlife is spend in valinor like all the other elves, or to be a human, meaning he has the same life-span as a human and he shares the same fate as a human when he dies. Nobody knows what happens to a human after death, except Iluvatar

The difference between elves and humans in Tolkiens works isn't so much genetic, it's a spiritual difference and how they are connected to the world. Half-elves can choose what their fate is.

In my settings, usually the lore around orcs is something like this:

>They are less bestial, but their culture is one of warmongering nomadic tribes, primarily from desolate, arid regions where competition for resources is fierce. >Primary IRL cultural influences are North African and Arabic groups. They tend to have that noble savage thing going on, with strict social hierarchies based on combat prowess.
>Can only breed with humans, and the result half-orcs are mules(sterile)
>Half-orcs are rarerish, and sometimes ostracized from human societies but tolerated(barely) in many.
>Humans that live nearby orc lands tend to get raided because orc tribes raid other orc tribes all the time, and they don't see much wrong with it. And humans have this tendency to expand into land that isn't their's.
>Humans on the receiving end of this rarely speak their language, and as such perceive them as filthy savages to be either pacified and civilized or wiped out.
>Atrocities abound on both sides. Half-orcs sometimes result from rapes associated with raiding. Sometimes human men are the ones doing the raping.
>Sometimes humans and orc tribes make shaky peace treaties. In some places arranged marriages emerge to cement the peace. These places have the most half-orcs.
>Half-orcs raised by humans usually get shit on all their lives. Most of the time they turn to mercenary life or join a gang because that's usually the only way they can earn some respect.
>Half-orcs raised by orcs usually get shit on all their lives. They usually try to become strong orcish warriors and strike against humans with particular cruelty to prove themselves. Sometimes they become trusted advisers of orc chieftains on account of them being particularly clever.

Beauty standards aren't even universal IRL you blithering twit.

Source: Neanderthal

orcs probably value strength over appearance.

Is there a screen cap of that and of the subsequent post that convinced a bunch of anons to try the aforementioned midnight masturbation

I got you senpai.

True, I suppose. Beren and Luthien/Aragorn and Arwen both seem like an obvious inspiration for the whole thing, though.

I don't remember, did Tolkien's elves even have pointed ears or was that just a trait people added on from the more folklorish elves?

All I remember is that the elves were actually tall and broad-shouldered, not lithe like they're depicted today.

Where is the Doujin you speak of? I need to know for research purposes...

I'd chalk that up to influence from traditional depictions of elves, I guess.

And maybe an attempt to further distinguish themselves from the stocky stereotypical dwarf.

On /h/, you won't miss it, it has 3 juicy orc ladies in the OP post.