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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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What are your favorite planning perks, and why are they your favorite? What have you used them for or what are you planning, hue, on using them for?
For Eclipse Phase, it says Ego Bridges can erase egos, leaving an empty morph. Does this mean you can force someone into an ego bridge, wipe their mind, and then sleeve into their body? Would this work for a non-transhuman body?
Is there another way to wipe minds so they qualify for re-sleeving?
Isn't the First of the Fallen a different character?
>Tubthumping Edition
>Obligatory link
What happened to quoth the revan?
Hey Valeria can we add multiple functions onto one Noble Phantasm using only the highest rank or do we pay for both?
Like if I wanted to make Gae Bolg would I need to buy twice?
>Mystic Eyes of Distortion A (-50)
Pic Related these are probably better than the ones you get from the KNK. Not saying anything else other than wow.
Also Val I'm and and I just want to say that I was only using those EX's to show how bullshit they (EX Noble Phantasms) could get. I wasn't saying anything other than that on those EX's. In my former post I merely pointed out that a Barrier used offensively was only worthy of a single +, which is true, and that by my personal opinion you were having the other dude buy too much. Perhaps I should have been a bit more specific and stated out right that I believe, using the Barrier NP as a measuring stick here, That the dude should only have to pay for two +'s as he get's the Defense up to A, upgrades so it can be used offensively for a single +, and an additional + for utility I agree that the Utility isn't worth one Rank, it's worth double a doubled A in my view. This is merely my opinion but I wanted it to be known.
It will be stated never more.
What's a good way to translate physical strength into ranged damage?
I decided to delete it, seeing as this one was already up.
Damn my slow internet connection! It was the real fitting pun, too...
Panning perks?
Wu Xia has an entire Martial Art for that.
Planning perks, perks that make you better at plans, schemes, and keikaku
It's a nickname for Lucifer.
By the bible he's actually not the first, the first to fall were the Grigori lead by Samyaza. Lucifer, who isn't in the bible, lead the second rebellion of angels.
Throwing shit at people.
Jumpers, what is the most stylish way to traverse the stars?
No I mean in Vertigo Lucifer and the First are different characters. The First was there when Lucifer got kicked out of Heaven.
So how does this system work? Do you guys actually play out adventures or do you just circlejerk?
To be fair, the Grigori didn't rebel, they just went out and raped several human women. And even then, the Grigori weren't specifically mentioned in the Bible, that was the Book of Enoch.
What about the angels that fathered the Nephilim?
Space whale/battleship hybrid.
I find that nothing quite makes an impression on spacefaring races like the Orion engines on my motorcycle.
Hey, about the The Gamer jump, would anyone mind giving me some more examples of what Life Insurance does and how it works?
Like, what's the exchange ratio on paying off medical bills? If you're some kind of genius surgeon who can perform open heart surgery with a spoon and some dental floss, and thus could do it for cheaper than a "real" hospital, would you pay less then someone else would? Does it work on "magical" damage/curses that mundane medicine wouldn't be able to heal?
What kinds of magical effects can you produce by paying money? Is it just environmental changes? Can you only do it on property you own? Is "skip waiting around for results by paying" applicable for any physical outcome you could bring about by throwing enough workers at it?
Also, more of an opinion thing than a ruling, but how do metal and paper affinities stack up to each other? Paper conceptually seems more fluid and adaptable, but metal sounds like it would have a lot more power behind it, and may additionally provide a resistance to metal weaponry.
Flying fortresses, dragons, chariot of fire...there are quite a few ways.
Oh, and Kamen Rider motorcycles, and the one from Infernals. Because those are just awesome.
That's technically the Grigori if you go by Enoch, but in Genesis itself they're just a bunch of angels who couldn't keep it in their pants. Not anyone important. Besides, thinking on it they'd be the second fallen anyway, if the Serpent in the Garden was Lucifer.
Jurai Treeship, accept no substitutes.
>Space whale
This is pretty hype as well. I loved FF II
Generic Christianity Jump when?
Steampunk magitech spaceship, of course.
Bible jump is probably a catchier name.
Would be cool to have a way to companion Jesus.
Serpent as Lucifer is supported by basically nothing in any of the original literature, it probably just came about as later people wanting to blame a monolith for everything bad instead of an assortment of beings (trending towards dualism.)
>he has to ask
Launching yourself out of a giant catapult and hoping for the best.
I'd honestly love a Bible jump, especially because the mythology of the Bible itself is pretty crazy. Like God strangling Dagon with his own hands, or the Ziz bird, or the angels, or...I could go on, but the world of the Bible was pretty crazy.
Lucifer himself isn't supported in the original text. Satan seems more like an angel who loves God but looks down on humanity.
>the mythology of the Bible itself is pretty crazy. Like God strangling Dagon with his own hands, or the Ziz bird
Wait what?
Maybe I'd still be a Christian if they taught this shit in church.
>Jurai Treeship
So what aesthetic/appearance did you choose for your custom hull?
Remember when God made a bet to Satan that Job would still love him after God killed his family, his friends, his livestock, stole his fortune, and gave him crippling disease?
That used to scare the shit out of me
as a kid.
There's an old game called Albion like this.
Same with one focusing on Hindu mythology. Hell, more mythic jumps in general would be great.
Satan made a bet with God that Job wouldn't love him still if God let Satan visit those torments on him. Still hideous, but the instigator was Satan.
>Hindu mythology
Definitely an end jump. Super nukes are a common handheld weapon.
End-jumps just lock out content, you asshole.
Old Testament is fucking insane. Alright, so the Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant, and take it to their temple to sacrifice God to Dagon. The next day, they find the statue of Dagon kneeling before the Ark of the Covenant. They set it upright and then leave. Next day afterwards? Dagon is once again kneeling, but with his hands ripped off and wrapped around his throat. Cue plagues and natural disasters tearing the city (and any other they take the Ark to) to pieces. Ziz bird is from Hebrew myth, the air counterpart to the Behemoth and Leviathan. It's wings are so huge, it can blot out the sun, and it can stand in a lake so deep that an axe dropped in it would not be able to reach the bottom in days or weeks.
God in the Old Testament in general was kind of a dick. Remember when he told Moses he would slaughter the Hebrews after the golden calf thing and give him a new people to look after, a better people, and Moses had to plead for God to show mercy, reminding him of the promise he made to Abraham. Though to be fair, Satan did start that one. as this user stated.
>Hindu jump
Now THAT would be crazy.
Scientology jump could be a neat sci-fi jump.
Does anyone know of a way to stop bloodlines from weakening? Stuff like Dragonblooded's Breeding, or Naruto's chakra? I want to be able to have kids without having those kinds of powers being diluted, at least not in that first generation.
No, wincest not that there's anything wrong with that and/or cloning are not what I'm looking for, I want to be able to have them with my companions.
Jumpchain would get sued.
>That first paragraph
Where the hell is that in the Bible? I'd like to read this.
And for his reward didn't he get a 20/10 wife and daughters for being loyal and riches
So pagan gods actually exist as per the Bible, right?
Wonder where those were supposed to have come from in biblical canon.
Yes, a new wife and children, because wives and children were objects to the ancient Hebrews.
>reminding him of the promise he made to Abraham
What. Wasn't the rainbow supposed to be a sign that he would forever keep his promise? He's such a hot tempered dick that he forgot that even though he's omniscient?
Oh also, remember that time the Ark was going to fall off the platform it was on and someone reach and stopped it from doing that so God smote him?
Man, I can imagine a drawback in the Bible Jump being something like "you have to convince me OT God to become the New Testament God".
Gene treatments? Basically a medical procedure performed on your descendants when they're young to reinforce beneficial aspects of your blood (IE, the parts you want)? Like splicing, just with stuff already in there on some level. Could also be used to excise unwanted descendants from the main family via withholding it.
* Legend Of Zelda And The Minish Cap - if you take Game Matters, if I'm reading the notes correctly, your body is NOT running on hit point physics it's just able to report your health as if you were?
* Besides the jumps Minecraft, The Gamer and Sword Art Online, what jumps allow you to run on hit point physics?
Yeah, for as much as people panic about Islam, Christianity and Judaism are just as insane. Which they don't know because Christians don't even read the Bible.
>pic semi-related
I wanted something organic, but I didn't care for the spindly wooden look of most of the treeships in the show. So my Treeship, Sakura, looks like the the athletic child of a Romulan Mogai class and a Vorlon organic spaceship. So, its similar to the picture but smoother and a bit beefier, so graceful but powerful is what I'm going for.
Generic Xianxia has one exactly for that IIRC.
In the early bible, other gods existed, they just weren't the creator and were false and inferior spirits unworthy of worship.
It's worth noting that before the bible as we know it began to be assembled, the ancient Hebrews worshipped God as a pair with a wife named Asherah, and heresies towards worshiping her continued to pop up even as mainline Judaism rejected her existence. And even before this, God was merely one member of a pantheon they use to worship. Scholars believe he is very likely to have been the war god, and that his cult basically just rose up and seized control of their society, forcing the narrative of him and his wife as the only 'true' gods.
1 Samuel 5:1-12. Here's a link biblia.com
Supposedly the pagan gods were demons or spirits pretending to be gods. Well, that, or they were gods, just way, WAY below YHWH's level. Depends.
Different promise. The rainbow meant that he wouldn't kill every living being on Earth again, the promise to Abraham was that his descendants would be like the sands of the sea in number, and that can't happen if the Hebrews are dead, as Moses pointed out.
Keep in mind, God being omniscient is only in the New Testament, OT has him at one point "regret" making Saul king.
>That drawback
That'd be 600 at least. I can't even imagine how hard that would be, given how stubborn YHWH can be.
Omniscient doesn't mean you can't lie, change your mind or be a dick by pretending you've forgotten something.
You just keep on tryin', little guy.
TOME I think? It's a good jump.
>Christianity and Judaism are just as insane.
Not anymore senpai. Religions develop.
>and that his cult basically just rose up and seized control of their society, forcing the narrative of him and his wife as the only 'true' gods.
Oh I actually remember reading something about that.
Actually makes a lot of sense seeing as how much of the OT is him saying "psst, hey guys, go rape and pillage these other guys" or people praying to him to give them the strength to rape and pillage.
What? Did that jump cause a shit storm too? Get rejected or something?
I frequently just ctrl f for pdfs when the shit posting comes out.
The actual things their holy books say are. Just that the only people who actually obey the real religions are the people called fundamentalists and rightfully seen as pants shittingly insane.
The maker has yet to post it here as it is a WIP. Our shitposter posted it here and tried to force it on the drive just as a form of bait. The poor maker is going to have a hard time when he wants to present it legitimately.
exalted mortals gauntlet has a perk for that. Its one of the 800cp ones,
* It was shitposted by an user rather than by its maker.
* It's still a WIP.
* It's written in absolute terms, including a perk that contains "you always win".
Yep. Sad fact is that certain religions are still mainly made up of their fundamentalists.
Isn't that only for Lintha blood?
It's worth noting that a lot of God's seem to contradict themselves. At one point, a prophet goes to a sinful city, and tells them their doom is coming. They react by genuinely repenting, and God, touched, decides to spare them. The Prophet gets real pissy about this, saying it will ruin his reputation, and God causes a tree to pop up and give him shade during the night. The next day, it withers and dies. When the Prophet gets angry again, God calls him out, saying something like "Wow, you seem to really care about this tree that you did NOTHING to cause or help grow! This tree that only lived for one day! Well, how the fuck do you think I feel about this city, filled with many people and cattle?!"
So, if God exists, it's possible that a good part of the Bible that mentions him supporting the Hebrew's crueler actions could be bullshit they made up to justify themselves. History is written by the winners, after all.
Best superhero waifu/husbando /jc/?
>Besides the jumps Minecraft, The Gamer and Sword Art Online, what jumps allow you to run on hit point physics?
I think there's a fps jump that does that. Counter Strike, IIRC.
Stuff was assembled from hundreds of earlier sources that were written down from even earlier verbal sources then got edited a dozen times. It's so eclectic because Judaism's understanding of god was ever evolving and because the books themselves were written in different eras. A guy in peace time might write about god being merciful and kind, but his counterpart 500 years ago during a way will have an overwhelming need to write about god being wrathful and supporting the actions of the Hebrew armies.
DCAU Starfire and Raven. All others are shit.
Hit Points are dangerous though because getting punched in the foot will kill you just as much as getting hit on the head.
It's still a wip that the maker hasn't posted yet. It does have some cool things in it though. Anyone know any other jumps that offer having past lives and stuff? I want something like Aang from Avatar contacting his past lives.
>For Eclipse Phase, it says Ego Bridges can erase egos, leaving an empty morph. Does this mean you can force someone into an ego bridge, wipe their mind, and then sleeve into their body?
You can also put them in the ego bridge, store a copy of their ego, then wipe the body and sleeve into it, just in case you need to keep their ego around for some reason.
If you want to get picky about metaphysics, it's a 'normal' death as though their body got fatally brain-damaged. It doesn't erase their soul (if any), which just moves on to the afterlife or whatever normally happens in that setting.
>Would this work for a non-transhuman body?
Also yes, which is why I put it in as a cp-purchased item.
Before anyone asks how that works for soul-bodies like NGE Angels or digital bodies like digimon, you're going to have to fanwank it. It does work on mechanical bodies like transformers, as long as the machine supports a conscious mind of its own (you couldn't sleeve into, say, an ordinary car).
Just note that many powers are based on the controlling ego/consciousness/soul, so you might not keep as many powers as you expect from the original body.
>Is there another way to wipe minds so they qualify for re-sleeving?
I think some of the more powerful telepathy/mind control perks can do it - Omega level telepathy from x-men, a telepath-based psyker from 40k - and I'm sure any kind of comic super-science could make a machine, drug, or a ray gun that would do the trick as well (something like Strong Spark from Girl Genius, villain capstones from comic book settings, that kind of thing). Custom high-level enchantment spells from D&D could probably do it.
Zatanna. You're practically saving her from Constantine's 'luck'.
Dune, kinda.
She cheated on her boyfriend with Constantine.
Also there'd be differences in translation. A lot of translation is just finding words that are similar and it's difficult to find things that are exact. Like the stuff about the bible being against magic when it could be interpreted to be against poisoners instead etc.
>Best superhero waifu/husbando /jc/?
This is also fine
To be fair, fuck Constatine with a bag of rusty nails.
Okay. It does seem pretty pretty close to done at least.
I only noticed the last one. I just sort of skipped over the one perk. The rest looked fine to me, but maybe I missed something.
Nice. Treeships are at the top of my list, unless an jump comes out that allows you to buy/build a cityship with CP (Trek's Spacedock, Stargate's Atlantis, etc).
Which, of course, makes it all the more confusing. Doesn't help that a lot of books were cut out and declared non-canon, which makes it even harder to figure out what the hell is going on. This just makes it worse.
DCAU Raven is pretty cool.
Sure, just sayin', I wouldn't trust her to be faithful. Especially not with such bad taste.
Powergirl is a big slut. Also, in the comics, she has a thing where she only dates black guys.
Dude was literally a worse Constantine.
spoiler]Also I'm pretty sure they were in a three way relationship before dude went crazy looking for artifacts and they just kind of cut him out.
Supergirl is pretty great.
In New 52, maybe. Post-Crisis she banged Hal Jordan.
Galatea from JLU would probably be a good choice when Spyro finishes it.
Wow. That's almost as bad of taste as Zatanna.
Not all of us are hypocrites about exclusivity in relationships either. Just saying, your obsession with purity is rather annoying.
Thanks, I'll check these out.
Minecraft's HP means you have no vulnerable locations however, so at least someone head-shotting you does no more damage than if they'd shot you in the foot. Counter-Strike's HP (reading it now) does have the problem you talk about, but at least you never have to worry about bleeding to death.
Not all of us are harem jumpers. Projecting is bad, even when you do it.
Those are nice. That's what I use the LoT for. It's basically a flying civilization at this point, and that's what I use it for. So my flag is the LoT, the Pre-Emptive Retaliation is near support for the LoT, and a handful of Sunriders and their CAPs as pickets.
My main ship for moving me around, though, is the treeship. The LoT and her fleet, as said, are where my Companions live, work, and play.