Know what this board is missing?
An Ark thread. Ark thread, GO
Know what this board is missing?
An Ark thread. Ark thread, GO
it really isn't missing an ark thread
all my savings into this shit, when will it moon? im losing money right now from my credit card
A young man walks up to an old wooden dock where an old rugged man stands chewing on a hay straw
*little american schoolboy voice* hi sir do you know when the ark departs? the flyer said today, i got my ticket right here and I'm all ready for our trim
the old man replies smugly and pitifully "the ark left kid, its been gone for months. the P&D on this ended long ago. Look at this old thing, it doesn't even have a loading dock, the man says as he points to the edge of the wooden boards as they meet the water.
The boy drops his ticket in disbelief, in total shock and awe he can only muster one phrase through his throat, clogged with his own adams apple: "Veeky Forums was wrong again"
Bark bark
>im losing money right now from my credit card
>all my savings
>credit card
Why are burgers like this?
The absolute state of my anus right now. Feels okay, I suppose.
If you're all in - just drop watching the price and come back in 6 months to at least 10x. I promise.
I will also write this rare word so that you can easily search the archive in 6 months and thank me with a link to the archived post: abomasum
Never planned to dump my ARK until I see some significant gains, anyway. Of course, unless an emergency comes up in real life or something.
Yeaaah ark thread! We got almost 50k reads on our forbes article, the PR firm is slowly doing its job my niggaz
when will ARK hit $40?
delet this, im not done accumulating
Forgive them. They will board when they are holding bags. They always board when they hold bags.
Are there still people who UNIRONICALLY hold this coin? Or is it just a meme to pretend to be holding?
just bought some. if it has been stagnant so long then it will probably do something soon
What the fuck does this shitcoin even do?
I knew I should have sold at $4.70 and never look back.
Probably march 2018
Where's the Ark girl?