A grim and dark fantasy world with terrible beasts and darkness all around the corner

>a grim and dark fantasy world with terrible beasts and darkness all around the corner
>not playing humanity to fight the hordes of darkness

I bet you guys are elffags

Other urls found in this thread:


Your world is dead. Humanity didn't fight the hordes of darkness too well it seems.

Huh ? WHFB is nobledark not grimdark.
Humanity is worseless against deamons and chaos and shit and call for help everytime

No it's not. Mankinds finest warriors are clad in gleaming armor and hold lightning in their hands beating back the darkness.

The world just fucking evolved.

This is so dumb and cheesy

As cheesy as it is, it's not wrong. You can even play those same bog-standard humans fighting against the darkness if you want to; there's no need to ascend into a lightning warrior in meme armor.

For the record, if you make a list of Napoleonic-style gunlines led by one or two melee champions for the duels, you wreck face.

There's still regular human troops in AoS? This shows how much I care about the setting. Sauce?

If you only wanted to promote your game, you shouldn't have made another thread while general thread is up.


man empire gunline is one of the top cheese.
basically napoleonic

Sometimes, you want to be the guy tearing the world down.

Also if everyone only played the 'good guy' races, no one would be evil. If it was just Dwarves, Bretonnians, Imperials and High Elves (leaving out the 'neutral' races), everyone would have to bend over backwards to work out why they were fighting.

Free-folk I believe they're called. Take a looksey in the AoS general and in the mega look at the battle tome for order. All the lore is in there.

AoS is not that bad once you give it a try. The lore is high fantasy as fuck and lives on the rule of cool.

you have all the old troop and they are better than ever before.

field something like pic related and you curbstomp all deamons and shit.

Keep your advertisement in /aos/.

Warhammer & 40k always had varying levels of high and low fantasy. There's the Empire which is just Holy Roman Empire + Steam Tanks & Demigryphs + Magic to guys like Vampires & Lizardmen. 40k had heavily Sci-fi Necrons to almost entirely fantasy Daemons.

>You will never stand rank and file with your brothers defending the realm against deamon hordes
>You will steal the thunder from the lightning lads sails

Why live user?

Might as well just call me a shill so you can save your sperging now.

Yeah old fantasy was the cool mix of that. Loved the mix of the really occult scary shit/ Destructive crazy beings being opposed by average joes with their wacky badass backup.

Do I miss the old world yeah? But man nothin better getting high and reading about stormcast fighting nurgle worships on a bridge made of birds.

>that shows how much I care about the setting
There's not a lot to care about. I play it because it was big at my local store and I used Free Folk and AoS as a whole to try and gateway the local players into playing Fantasy. It's worked on a few, but it turns out that the skirmish order of AoS can still give you some fun scenarios, and the rules are quick and fast for some good beer-and-pretzels style shit.

I'm not advertising anything, just commenting on someone else bringing up Free Folk. Don't be so defensive, even if you hate AoS you can't deny that it's a pretty solidly HFY-themed setting; what little setting is actually there.

If you're playing Free Folk, this is pretty much the path to victory. It's so stupid powerful I only ever use it against the few players we have who abuse summoning rules like assholes. Though my minis are painted to look like Union Soldiers from the US Civil War.

AoS can really fuck your ass on the summoning. Love the way the handle it however. Really themey with the lizards and undead.

Having a look at the models now and they're quite cool. I preferred the ruffled/slashed doublets/breeches look for handgunners from OG WHFB, but these are still very relevant to my interests.

>Orc warriors stand against the darkness because the darkness is encroaching on their territory
>Elves and orcs relations reach a new peak of friendliness and humans are now pariahs
get fucked OP


'Drone' suits you better since you do it for free

So is there anything worth borrowing from it in your opinion?

Fine with me if I can get more people into the hobby no matter the system.

Anyway anything else you want to say to me on this fine friday night on our mongolian grass clipping website?

Yep, Happy New Year to you

In settings where civilized humanity is in decline, nomadic orc hordes make excellent adversaries.

Most of the time we use a houserule that you need to spend your points on what can be summoned ahead of time so it's basically just a fantasy version of 40k's deep-strike rule.

That has a 50-50 shot of either collasping against a pseudo-Napoleonic gunline because they come in a bit at a time and get shot to pieces, or completely wrecking the line because my fire is too divided and the dice don't cooperate.

The Empire and Bretonnian minis often look pretty good. They have the typical GW messed-up proportions, but their gunners in particular can be made to look really chummy and neat.

Relax, nigga. We're having fun.

Nothing wrong with it; the thing is that most of the fluff is super vague because you're supposed to throw Your Dudes in at will.

Like, the "kingdom," that my Free Folk are from is basically a super chill Pacific North-West series of temperate mountain valleys because that's where I'm from. They just have a shit-ton of gunpowder and a rifleman's culture, hence the strong gunlines and artillery. I painted them in Union Blues because I felt like it was neat, and even have a small group made up to look like Sharpe's Rifles (from the show about the Brits in the Napoleonic Wars) just cos I think it's neat.

Go hog-wild.

So are old WHFB minis still valid for official play in AoS my lad? Huh.

I don't know what you mean by "official." I mean, I use them at my LGS, because there's no other minis that were sold to take the place of the Free Folk (in particular) and there are a lot of Fantasy models that literally just got renamed and sold as Age of Sigmar (in general).

If you mean tournaments, I don't know what to tell you; I don't do them so I cannot comment on how they're run.

Happy New Year to you to.

Wacky high fantasy that's about it really. A game where you can bring your say for threads sake your napoleonic gunline against your buddies roided out bird beaked magic slinging beastmen.

Rule wise if you want a system that is the definition of easy to pick up but has some depth to it to make it interesting it has you covered too.

Now that's unique.

mmm 90% of the AoS model range is the WHFB range...


>not playing humanity to fight the hordes of darkness
Assuming there are other sapient races present, a setting where humans are the only ones doing this sounds boring.

But that's the thing - it's rule of cool all the way down. There's nothing to really ground it or necessarily make me care about it.

And from what I've seen of the language of the writing, it's not to my taste. It's trying really hard for an epic saga tone, but it feels over the top, and with all the new terms it really makes you wish for something a lot more straightforward and not trying so hard to impress, without enough real substance to back it up.

Outside of the tomes if you read the novels I think you'll get what you're looking for. They provide a more personal look at the people in the realms and how they live, act, think and how they're motivated. It shows what the men with "nothing to lose" actually lose when they do.

The big books get the epic saga thing going with what you're talking about and I do think GW is doing a poor job grounding the setting. You are right that they seem to be trying to 1-up everything and trying to breath action into it but comes across more like a michael bay flick. Fun to look at but better left not thought about.

All I can do is recommend things user and hope it fills what you're looking for.

>I use fantasy to masturbate about how awesome I'm for being born human
I's almost like you hate fantasy.