What are the best ways to write Amazons in various settings and not just fantasy but shit like scfi or modern settings.
What are the best ways to write Amazons in various settings and not just fantasy but shit like scfi or modern settings
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Combat robots/cyborgs owned by the elite, specifically made to look like amazons because hey might as well show them off to all your rich friends
Nunes is quite possibly the most modern of amazon you can get not only is she a lesbo but what she did to that smug cunt is something quite amazing for women's UFC. The fucking foot work and fake outs she did on Rousy was quite the watch.
Infinity did it alright if you want the extreme aspect of it.
Armed feminazis that can and will fuck your ass up. I liked that whole GURL POWER thing they had going on.
Other than that matriarchal societies where women say take more charge in a modern society is kinda of a cool prospect. Where women are taking more of a leading role you know?
When men are too hopped up on super future roids or cybernetic enhancements they tend to become too brash and violent because testosterone. So they have to use women because they're more compliant, at least in the short term.
It could be more than just muscle women it could be seen as a sort of global religion. Not the feminist kind of GIRL POWER but its there its more like a wanting to be more in tune with nature kind of thing.
Thats what I would do with amazons in modern day.
>1. Abandon your fetishes
>2. Abandon feminazi power fantasies
You good? Alright, now we move on to the next dillemma.
>1. "Amazon" just means strong woman. There are some around but not every woman is amazonian.
Simple: you have a civilized setting without a chivalric class, maybe something like an Italian city-state where the bourgeois is very proud of their position in society and volunteers for the military out of civic duty. Some families don't have sons of fighting age, so when a conflict arises they send their oldest daughter in their stead (assuming the father himself is too old to fight). In other cases women volunteer, simply because a rare few of them feel like earning their own money and don't want to be parasites leeching off a married man's wallet. They're somewhat socially stigmatized, but not seen as unusual nor actively harassed. It's just incredibly weird, unladylike etc.
>2. "Amazon" means part of a tribe/group of warrior women
You have a tribal, backwards group/race where the women are stronger than the men. They probably don't go to war too much because men are biologically and socially speaking the disposable gender when are you going to complain about THAT, feminists? so their strength is probably mostly used for hunting and maybe highly ritualized inter-tribal warfare where casualties, though not unheard of, are rare (probably a lot of wrassling and fistfighting). Naturally speaking species where the woman is bigger and stronger than the man usually leads to a pretty horrible situation for the men (some spiders and insects eat their husbands, bee drones are downright thrown out of the hive once they've outlived their usefulness etc.) but this can easily be changed with rational, intelligent beings. Maybe they just think men are cute, or maybe they have strictly enforced marriages because the matriarchs are paranoid about other women fucking their men (especially because such a thing can never be proven).
>and not just fantasy but shit like scfi or modern settings.
It took me until my second post to actually start answering your question. I'm horrible, aren't I?
Anyway, here you have an extra advantage: you can effectively make women into men. Between cybernetic enhancements, powersuits and hormones, there's no reason why a woman shouldn't be able to function on the same level as men. If you want to make women better than men, just make up some technobabble about a certain hormone that does very little when injected into the male bloodstream, but when injected into the female bloodstream leads to a chemical reaction with estrogen resulting in essentially the perfect supersoldier (I know men have estrogen and women testosterone, but for both it's in very small concentrations). Perhaps this could in a futuristic dystopia lead to a caste system where a preselected group of women is chosen to become part of the warrior class and injected with this hormone. This caste system would be doubly justified if this hormone somehow made women sterile, forcing a society to weigh their options: more reproduction to secure a future generation, or more supersoldiers to secure said generation's safety?
Figure out the place of these supersoldiers in society for yourself. Maybe they're highly respected and upon retirement gain privileged treatment when it comes to adopting children, maybe they're allowed to have their own children later on through egg cells that were stored prior to their hormonal treatment, or maybe they're considered the scum of the earth that exists only to die.
If she has to remind the party that "She's a strong independent woman who don't need no man" at every moment of the day, even when their are no men offering to help her with any task or even physically present within miles.
If she has to show off or prove how strong she is, even when there is no one expecting her to, or aggressively so in the presence of a male party member.
If she reacts to totally normal quirks or mildly irritating actions with "Ugh... Man's World..." several times a day.
If she uses her personal accomplishments as an example that all women as a group are superior to men instead of just her being exceptional.
....Then you're doing good! Keep it, it's perfect! The other guys will love her! Also: always bully your party members. Always.
>Anyway, here you have an extra advantage: you can effectively make women into men.
Who shoudl you make them into men when you can make them into sexless killing machines?
What a coincidence, I was just playing Xenonauts
My headcanon is that ethereals are feminazis.
It makes sense, all the non robotic things in their army are either castrated males (floaters, mutons, reapers), sexless (sectoids, silacoids), strong womyn who need no men (snake(wo)men, celatids) or walking rape fantasies (chryssalids).
>you can effectively make women into men
Been there, done that.
Watch that animated Wonder Woman movie from a few years ago.
I like this option!
I always feel like wood elves would be an amazon society so thats how I do amazons. Or basically Mithras from final fantasy.
I'm telling you guys Asari are fucking dangerous.
Mithras are great amazons defiantly a good example for one.
I have a science fantasy setting and a femdom fetish, so you can bet Ive put some thought into this. I'm also self-aware enough to feel ashamed if I force my fetish into something I'd like to be taken seriously, so here are the ways I've made it work.
"Amazon" just means women are the empowered gender.
This is the best way to do things, because it means you can make a society that simply values feminine traits above masculine traits, bit still respects masculine traits and leaves them to men. The men like doing masculine things and being appreciated and valued by their society for being men, and thus have little reason the overthrow the status quo. Women get to be in charge without fantastically assigning them traits that stretch the suspension of disbelief and devalue men. Probably doesnt fit your criteria perfectly, but its a concept that is barely ever executed and is probably worth exploring for that reason anyway.
>2. Women are the warriors.
Much harder. First, you need to aknowledge that this concept is already a symbol in the minds of the audience. The moment they make the connection that "oh, these are amazons" everything after is filtered through that lens, colored by the billion other executions and their pre-existing opinions on the concept (at best, willing to have fun with it but not really taking it seriously and finding your quaint attempts to "justify it" amusing. At worst, straight magical realm/derrivitive hackery). To avoid this, you need the circumstance to be more imortant than the thing itself, and the presentation to lead into the amazons AFTER the audience has allready accepted your "justifications".
a few hundred years of genetic engineering and augmentation on a thousand isolated worlds means at least one world would go full Amazon, yeah?
IRL, Darwinian sorting and social evolution resulted in every matriarchy dying out and patriarchy taking over through survival of the fittest.
So it's less likely than you think. Men have a +2 SD strength advantage, which is comparable to theoretical genetic boosts, but it's the differences in social and intellectual traits that maintained patriarchy so long.
In a hypothetical transhumanist yet SJW setting (I'm looking at you EP) low-status men converting to women for a social boost makes sense, and if fighting is a low-status occupation (reasonable, if it's a relatively peaceful society) it's plausible. An army of transgendered basement dwellers as Amazons is an easy route. Maybe the surgery is free and they form harems for the alpha chads who lead the cops/army.
>Implying it doesn't have more to do with male disposability leading to societies which "Protect" women having an easier time reproducing.
>Men and Women are allowed to go hunting
>Men and women die in comparable numbers
>Less children are born to replace them.
>Population declines.
>Only men are allowed to go hunting
>More men die than women
>Surviving men can impregnate multiple women
>Population grows.
Other species solve the problem by just making the females bigger, or giving the males an even higher mortality rate to compensate. Take lions for example. Male lions just sit around and fight other male lions, they are outnumbered by lionesses who do all the actual hunting. An "Amazon" race could arise from this sort of harem setup.
In the case of humans, our lengthy and dangerous pregnancies prevent this. Hence why society is organized around protecting women. In a society with cloning, or even a society where mortality is low enough to make protecting women unnecessary, gender roles become less important. Hence the rise of modern feminism coinciding with the rise of industrialism.
>Surviving men can impregnate multiple women
Not him, but monogamous relationships are the norm in virtually all human societies, even the hunter-gatherer ones.
yeah, you're right, it's pretty unlikely. It's why I threw in the whole 'thousand isolated worlds' thing.
When the only potential authority that could keep colonial leadership in line is at best years or decades or centuries away, I figure you'd get a lot of weird shit, even without any adaptations to local environments or economics or whatever.
Muh STL or "slow" FTL.
Women die all the time when giving birth, though. And they become infertile pretty soon if they survive. Man can re-marry and have kids no matter how old they are as long as they're not impotent.
Also powerful men being allowed to break the norm of monogamy is a pretty common thing in historical cultures.
>Women die all the time when giving birth, though.
Generally, only in the first birth. By the third one, the vagina is basically a slide.
Plus, on average, slightly more males born than females, evening it out.
>Also powerful men being allowed to break the norm of monogamy is a pretty common thing in historical cultures.
Indeed. However they were and still are an incredible small percent of the populace.
Another point is that men led cultures will be more competitive and clannish while feminine ones will be communal and decentralized. The former is far stronger than the latter. In a hypothetical scenario where societies dont have to win their right to exist constantly from their neighbors the latter does become more likely, however. Such as an isolated planet or forced planetary peace due to orbital suzerainty.
Women hunted too, sure they didn't hunt large game with large meat yields. Those types of hunts were mostly not successful, the small game women hunted ensured a steady source of meat. Why do people who subscribe to the hunter-gather model always downplay the contributions of women as just child rearing?
Religion route seems interesting
Jesus Christ. Those 'women' don't even look female they're so masculine.
That's the point Rick
I'm simplifying for effect. When I say "Hunting" I mean partake in dangerous high risk high reward behavior.
Most people who talk about the hunter-gatherer model also leave out that most of the time the macho man hunters return empty handed after spending the day jacking off in the woods, and get fed by their waifus.
My point is not that men are hunters and women are berrypickers, but rather that our reproductive mode (Long dangerous pregnancies) creates an incentive to dissuade women from engaging in risky activity. Men are the disposable gender because the death of individual males benefits the men who survive, while the death of individual females harms the survival of the entire group.
Rather than being a result of a society that "hates women" patriarchy is the result of a society which values women too much. Misogyny is a reaction to the breaking down of traditional gender values, a traditional patriarch wouldn't take women seriously enough to feel threatened by them. Women in these kinds of societies are also less likely to consider modern feminism to be in their best interests, remember many women opposed suffrage for fear that it would mean they would be eligible for the draft.
As for modern MRAs who complain that women have it easy, they need to man the fuck up. EVERYONE has it easy in the modern era. We went from an era where men were disposable, and women were property (who were likely to die in childbirth), to an era where everyone gets to live in relative luxury. The patriarchy they believe will save them from the evil feminists, benefit's only the chads of the world. If you are the type to complain about male disposability, you are probably the type who would have been disposed of first.
tl;dr strict gender roles make plenty of sense in any society with a high mortality rate, and no sense in a society with industrialization and modern healthcare or magic.
>Why do people who subscribe to the hunter-gather model always downplay the contributions of women as just child rearing?
It is either butthurt ultrareactionaries or pansy ivory tower intelectuals that actually think that mankind would be better off being stuck in the paleolithic, so that might be way it show up so much.
>might be way
*might be why
Frankly I wish they'd dispose of me already.
I cannot self-terminate.
Proud warrior race where you're expected to FIGHT and GET HUGE no matter what.
Do those who fail simply die, or is their fate worse?
hard labor until they die or get HUGE from the effort
Come to think of it, if adults were larger, but infants stayed the same size, then pregnancy and childbirth would be less hazardous, thus creating less incentive for patriarchy.
That explains all the amazonian gaintesses I guess.
Alternately hip bones that can dislocate like a snake's jaws.
The amazons would mostly be religious,political and all around law makers of a society most of the disgusting men would do the warrior grunt work.
Women would be in the military but mostly as special units of sorts like honor guard or even fucking voodoo presitess magic.
Do Asari count?
I've considered an idea once for a society based on prostitution rather than marriage.
It was a merchant republic run by classy lady hookers. Men did regular physical jobs, and instead of having wives would simply patronize the most expensive hooker they could afford. The women would invest the money their received in various business enterprises. Owning property is considered effeminate, so most guys just own the clothes and tools they use, and live paycheck to paycheck, spending the rest on whores.
The social value of a man was dependent on how expensive a hooker he could patronize, and the social value of a woman was dependent on how much money she could accumulate through prostitution or investments.
Not exactly amazonian, but an interesting setting idea, if a bit too magical realm to actually use in most games.
>tfw Rousey actually stood and tried to box
I feel so bad for this woman. As soon as everyone noticed that her only good move was the Armbar she's been hit in the face a thousand times like Rocky Balboa.
Talk shit get hit
Thats how an amazon soceity should be
t. female space marine
You really shouldn't, she is a talentless hack who got hyped to shit and got destroyed the moment she went against opponents who knew wtf they were doing.
She's going to take her 3 million and retire.
How about this?
Let's say there is a magical gene in the setting that is in the X chromosome.
So men get one version of this, and women have two.
In some tribes, a certain mix gives rise to women stronger than men.
That fight was trash. Why is MMA so dogshit nowadays compared to the 90s?
Ironically for sci-fi you can take a page from Warhammer Fantasy.
The Amazons exist there in Lustria and are known to be fierce warriors who basically only get along with the Lizardmen (more like the Slann tolerate their presence). They were one of the many creations of the Old Ones, but they've never really been elaborated on very much in the setting. We do have hints that they are essentially ageless because they bathe in the same magical rejuvenating waters as the Slann do.
Where they come from is a complete mystery, and may be as simple as capturing men who come to Lustria and subjecting them to death by snoo-snoo, or as mystical as having them emerge from something similar to the Lizardman spawning pools.
So a 'race' of immortal guardians created by a long-lost progenitor species would be one possibility.
Male disposability can be addressed through the android solution. If you are a sentient, peripatetic colony ship with a taste for trope-based art, that can copy-paste minds at zero cost and mass-produce bodies for a low one...
Simply select a minority of women who are sufficiently aggressive, and use them as the templates to populate the new society.
Fantasy suffered from the same shit 40k does they mention the setting has all this shit but never expands on it.
To be fair, a lot of that shit is completely extraneous to the wargame, and we're kinda lucky to get it. I don't think Warmahordes, or others, have anywhere near the kind of setting writeup that 40K and Fantasy has.
And this makes both of those settings great for use with RPG's as well as tabletop wargames (which makes the current situation with the various warhammer RPG's even more of a piss off).
If were going into this apparently the IG have an amazon regiment.
but this is warhammer were taliking about one of the guys probally thought "yo guys you wanna mention Amazons and do something for them later?"
Though the thought of amazons fighting Bretonians is quite interesting.
SSSShhhhhh user! That's the secret. There are NO male Catachan Jungle Fighers. There are only women and really ugly women.
Not Catachans the fighters of Xenonia
Because back in the 90s there wasn't an advanced internet that has everything documented. You learned what you could get. Striking styles were more common, so there was a lot more tsriking. Then came more assholes with BJJ and Muay THai because BJJ and Muay Thai worked, and the only counter was BJJ and Muay Thai.
On that note, Thai Boxing matches are always good.
Amazons are always magical realm
i could beat up both at once
Contemptuous of women from other cultures for being weak while holding a deep respect for male outsiders due to seeing them as rising above what they would normally be capable of.
This. Why bother trying to avoid it.
From user comes the truth
Comfortable or not
Also their clits are bigger than your dick without exception
To be honest, I think it's more that they outlawed things like soccer kicks and made it all about winning rounds.
Back during PRIDE we still had BJJ and Muay Thai fighters getting blown out by Cro Cop and Fedor.
artist is iSatan
A disgraced former female MMA champion would make a great character in a modern or cyberpunk setting.
By making them egg laying lizards, thus removing a lot of the logistic issues you're going to run into
Don't make them sexist. They don't hate men, they just found a way to make their specific society work without a lot of men. Maybe they use magic/science to create artificial embryos by combining the DNA of two separate women.
Like, they take an unfertilized egg from the mother, and fill in all the missing DNA by adding onto it with the DNA from the donor who would be the second mother. So the biological offspring would be the daughter of the mother, but technically would be the half sister of the second mother.
Maybe the reason why they did this was sheer survival, massive wars, disease, plague, whatever wiped out most of the males. So the women who were left behind were forced to figure out a way to continue their race without men. Maybe the whole thing was started by a couple of lesbians who just wanted to have children of their own. And then those children grew up and continued the practice, until eventually their descendants forged the beginning of a whole new culture.
Just don't make it a two dimensional cliche of, "GRRRR I am a strong independent womyn who don't need no man!"
Setting up fishing nets and snares is not hunting. Hunting involves actively stalking your prey. Setting up fishing nets and snares is something you do when you finish your current task at home, so that you can start go out and check to see if you caught anything once you finish your next task.
It's no different than checking the hen coop for fresh eggs.
Soooo, basically, it's just modern day american marriages, only the men never had anything to begin with, instead of having it all taken during their various divorces.
Men arguably have it better in this setting because they aren't teased with any outdated ideas of monogamy. They just get to fuck bitches without having to worry about any of the bullshit.
Good god Rousey, that was hard to watch
Chinese Amazons from Ranma 1/2.
Ever read Cerebus?
You really should.
Big difference: whores only take your money AFTER you've had sex. Marrying a woman means you can in no way cash in your right to sex, yet she can cash in half of your past, present and future belongings by going to divorce court without ever having to fuck you.
Prostitutes are a "what you see is what you get" deal. Marriage is an incredibly raw deal for men post-feminism, considering there are no securities and a 50% risk (and that's just looking at divorces, that's not even accounting for the huge number of unhappily married men who refuse to divorce precisely because divorce courts hate men).
Everything about divorce law seems expressly designed to encourage women to do it. I won't go full /pol/ but let's just say I suspect that's not a (((coincidence))).
Those who do it for free probably won't like me saying this, but it is by design. Women are the largest and most cohesive political interest group in society (men are nowhere near as united) so lawmakers have to appeal to feminists as much as possible, hence divorces becoming incredibly easy to get. The problem is that divorced women don't earn money, don't have a husband to profit from and start demanding welfare money. The state doesn't like paying money, and not giving divorced women a big bag of money is political suicide (it enrages both the feminist lobby and women at large) so men are forced to cover the cost. Divorce lawyers/judges also love this because it means they have a very lucrative job. The only losers are men, and who cares about men anyway? And if men decide to not get married, not reproduce and just play vidya and watch porn all day, simply shame them by calling them "perverts", "losers" etc.
Just look at all the articles written about the marriage crisis, grass eaters, hikikomori etc. Notice that 9/10 are written by women, and all of them condemn this behavior rather than expressing understanding for this attitude with a very, very small number of exceptions. The only ones I can think of are these two:
Because of the nature of the moderation on this board, I won't say anything else on the subject. This will be my last post talking about this.
tl;dr: ((they)) are women, not jews.
And this is why #Repealthe19th started trending.
Good to see that /r9k/ still leaks once in a while, but protip: Most divorces come from the "got a girl pregnant" marriage category, especially from poor minority areas, while you chance of divorcing a woman over 25 years with a degree is about 20%.
>Even under the best possible circumstances, your odds of being financially ruined forever are still 1 in 5
Gee, that's a relief
I love how Rousy has went from being everybody's favorite to becoming the perfect jobber. Constantly talking shit and then getting her shit pushed in.
>everybody's favorite
Among normies, maybe. Actual UFC enthousiasts hate how the fact that she has a vagina made her the postergirl for UFC, while the actually good (read: male) fighters (that Roussy always refused to fight) were suddenly pushed into her shadow.
Is this why I feel such an overwhelming disinterest in contributing to society? I'm too stupid to understand why everything seems bothersome and boring so I never gave it much thought. Sometimes I think doing something like pic related would be cool.
Rousy wouldnt be so hated well by /sp/ if she wasnt a fucking cunt.
Still better than 1930 America and most of modern day muslim countries.
>Even under the best possible circumstances
Most marriages in history happened were ones in which both individuals were over 25 years old.
This is how you destroy a champion
People only cared about Ronda because she is basically the only decent looking female UFC, since getting punched in the face a lot is not exacly know for making people prettier.
Fuck full on greek amazons in armor and shit MMA amazons seems so much better.
I mean, hey. Generally, you're right, but I can think of good couple people where it would be an improvement.
Tribal Amazons>Any others kinds
Only if they leave their tribes upon adulthood and aren't allowed to return until they've found a husband, consent optional. Delicious, brown, muscular thighs are a plus.
>Women are the largest and most cohesive political interest group in society
Close. You're thinking of old people, and the fact that Social Security and Medicare are just massive thefts from every other generation, backed up by the fact that the thieves have nothing else to do in their lives but sit around and vote.
>giving up opposable thumbs
why would you do that
I thought you were talking about Nuns in Christian religion but I Guess its à UFC fighter.
How s that,Amazon Nuns?
That was the original reasoning for Furies in Eclipse Phase- male bodies were too likely to roid rage, but females could be grown to work well with a group but still swim in all the combat drugs.
I didn't care about her until a friend expressed appreciation for her releasing a video of herself training in a Pikachu costume, at which point I loathed her.