What does Veeky Forums think of Lindybeige?
What does Veeky Forums think of Lindybeige?
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Clueless attention whore.
We don't like you, but we like your shilling less. Get out Lindy.
Second one was pretty good too.
Obviously some cares enough to keep asking.
It's a bait topic along the lines of elf slave wat do and what you hate about D&D
He knows quite some things, but sometimes he overvaluates how many things he actually knows.
Isn't a bad guy or a douche at least
Average history student spitballing about shit without wanting to put in the legwork to get it published.
Only difference is he can afford a webcam, which is better than most of them.
He's kind of okay, but a lot of what he says comes off as missing the point.
He's better than Skallgrim, that's for certain. That man with his hipster viking beard and "I don't reeelly understahnd?" practically being his catchphrase as he misses the point so hard.
Both of them seem like they have a lot of knowledge but usually not on what they're talking about. And they seem to ask questions no one was asking. I mean, Skallgrim seems to spend most of the few videos I've seen under the impression that people actually believe katanas are magical. Lindy just comes off as condescending, but that might be because he's British.
>a bait topic along the lines of elf slave wat do
Man, those were the days...
He's entertaining and from what I see around Veeky Forums and reddit people tend to say that he's inaccurate, but I think they're missing the point. If you want to actually learn something, tip: don't watch youtube videos to learn it. Lindybeige is an enjoyable vlogger who brings up interesting subjects so if you want to know more you can always crack open a book.
Yes, and pic related is also quite entertaining in its own way
He's a gentleman and a scholar.
He's a twat. That's not even an insult I use a lot, but there's just something about him that oozes with a fundamental twattiness.
I've seen this and I know lindy is anti-vege093ru23ra09eru09ugian for whatever reason, not sure if real. But whatever.
Also if there's one thing I know about history nerds, it's that they love being know-it-alls and explaining how everyone else is wrong, so all these armchair historians on the internet might just be trying to out-know-it-all lindybeige.
If you're gunna watch old timey, weapons and stuff on youtube- Forgotten Weapons and Scholagladiatoria
That's it
That's quite the bumpet you got there
what did he mean by this
Overarm slide beats whatever you think you're doing with that underarm grip.
my nigga
He's a twat that makes random guesses and passes them off as fact. Said that roman patricans spoke greek as thier first language.
Pic related is much better
> I mean, Skallgrim seems to spend most of the few videos I've seen under the impression that people actually believe katanas are magical
There used to be a colossal cult of the katana, user. It was a cornerstone of weeb culture. It was all over TV too. All those garbage history channel 'science' shows from the Noughties are full of it. Books from that time and the nineties are loaded with katana garbage.
Its not what it used to be but it used to be fucking everywhere.
Skall probably grew up getting in daily arguments with weeblords over the myths around the katana. Every military history blogger and broadcaster out there has at least something where they go 'btw katanas aren't fucking magic'. Lindy does. It might be a bit old hat now but they've all probably got weeb induced PTSD.
Entertaining fellow occasionally spouting interesting things.
And he plays RuneQuest.
He is an entertaining geek who is all over the place. I mean he has videos about dancing and rants about D&D, he's more Veeky Forums than many care to admit. I think he generally has good points to make, but should steer from some subjects. Like WW2 weaponry.
As to ancient weaponry, lots of grognards seem to nitpick his videos and post autistic "scholagladiatoria/skallagrim/etc" is better replies. Yes he is not as in-depth or right on the mark on some details, but he usually tends to have a central point to make which many people seem to miss. Take for example his video about why Scythes are terrible weapons. Assburgers immediately retorted with "but muh war scythes," when his point was that why would a farmer pick up a scythe in a peasant rebellion, when he most likely had a sword in his house.
>the video where he's making lewd comments with his wife
I want Matt Easton porn now!
>but that might be because he's British.
Nah, that's cause he's a cunt.
>one is Anti-Veggi
>the other is pro-guns
What's Matt Easton's affliction?
>Said that roman patricans spoke greek as thier first language.
Fuck off he said posh roman patricians spoke greek with each other, because it was the language of the elites.
A good example of grognards missing the actual point as said by
I find him entertaining enough in a harmless sort of way
>implying pro-guns is bad
Have fun in you orwellian utopia
But Matt and Lloyd are bros
>If you want to actually learn something, tip: don't watch youtube videos to learn it
You can learn a lot from watching Youtube videos. Just not these. I'd rather my enjoyable vloggers talking about interesting subjects not also be wildly inaccurate about them.
No one legitimately believed a katana--or any sword--could cut through a tank.
Yes he said they spoke it like how ruling class after the normans invaded. Thier is no evidence to support this. They spoke a different sounding latin but they still spoke latin. Of course they would know greek but it wasn't what they would speak as a first language as I said.
Youtube expert historian who bases everything he knows on his autistic reading of 40 year old and outdated history.
He's not stupid. He's just old and outdated. Like every facet of modern edutainment.
It's nice to see that the bait still works, but you didn't answer my question.
>Forgotten weapons
Wikipedia tier knowledge. Gets the facts he quotes wrong and doesn't acknowledge his faults. He's fine for revealing obscure bits and pieces but he's hardly legitimately informed.
The other channel is the same except not a basement dwelling pedo looking motherfucker and bases his knowledge on poor testing and appearances.
Still not the best but better than Forgotten knowledge and Lindy Beige.
I have a hard time taking him seriously, because his knowledge of guns is beneath pleb tier.
Maybe his medievalism is better, but I don't know much about that.
He's a modern liberal. Not full progressive but he's still pretty liberal. A rare breed of a liberal perhaps considering he owns a couple hundred swords and some guns he regularly uses them for target shooting and small game hunting.
>hurr im retarded
>fuck off retard
>jokes on you i was only pretending
Yeah, we all know, /k/ is the easiest board to bait, but I'm honestly not sure what you were expecting.
Angloboo and Anti-weeaboo.
>but should steer from some subjects. Like WW2 weaponry.
Or 19th century weapons. Or non-European weapons. Or... probably a lot more, but I'm not going to subject myself to his drivel or give him the views to find out what he's fucked up next.
>Maybe his medievalism is better
Fuck no it ain't.
It's real. "Why Vegetarians Should Be Force-Fed Lard" was the title of an essay of his examining the reasons people gave for being vegetarians and why a lot of them were a bit misled (for example, how there's vegans who are vegans on the grounds of not supporting cruelty to animals despite the fact that modern vegetable agriculture destroys animal habitats and ends up killing lots of critters in the harvesting process).
The essay itself wasn't really that bad for the most part, but the title maybe combined with one little partially ironic redpill-ism at the end about how more women tend to be vegetarian than men generated controversy and he was ousted from his research position at the university. It wasn't the first of his provocative-yet-weirdly-reasonable essays (which included proposals saying things letting kids smoke would remove the forbidden fruit appeal of smoking and apologia of fur farming) but it was the first one that generated controversy.
This was all in 2006.
He said they spoke Greek in private communication, which is completely wrong because most of the letters between educated Romans that have survived are mostly in Latin, sometimes with a short Greek aphorism or two
So Romans wrote letters to each other in Latin. That's not evidence that they weren't speaking Greek. You're full of shit probably didn't even watch the video.