>muh high security anonymous currency
GET REKT FOREVER. Learn this once and for all: Bitcoin is the only currency worth keeping. All your shitcoins are nothing but shitty scam projects that will amount to nothings. HAHAHAHA
Other urls found in this thread:
>Russian pipeline giant Transneft, according to Reuters, recently had to clear malware from its systems that clandestinely mined the privacy-oriented cryptocurrency monero.
wew lad, thankfully I didn't put money in this one
monero had privacy yes but outdated security tech.
>Monero mining program snuck onto major corporations system
>thinks this is the same as the monero blockchain being compromised
the absolute..
So if someone makes a bitcoin mining virus, does that mean bitcoin got "compromised" or malware as you say?
Kys nigger
monero miner is not monero blockchain you fucking coons
this, op is literally retarded
>monero shits on oilcucks
why bitcucks are so affraid of monero?
If monero mining programs are infected with malware, who knows what kind of shit is contained on the blockchain itself. Not to mention the fact that if people are afraid to mine monero, there goes your transaction speed. monero done goof'd. it's utterly over. some of you are ok, sell your monero before the normies.
i dont know but it only makes me want more and im thankful they are here keeping price stable while i accumulate
>If monero mining programs are infected with malware, who knows what kind of shit is contained on the blockchain itself.
you sound retarded.
it's the only true privacy coin now desu
also, who is going to believe that monero is a good anonymous crypto, when the mining programs are infected with malware? looks shady. my sell finger is ready.
monero mining programs werent infected with malware in this case they WERE the malware because it was snuck onto someone else's system, you absolute retard
>If monero mining programs are infected with malware
nigger you are dumb as shit
monery mining software WAS the malware. this deep-darknet coin has users writing malware to hijack supercomputers to mine it.
i'm going to buy more ASAP. monero is looking to be the gangster coin.
Op is both misinformed and an idiot. Monero is a chadcoin, "M" for man, not "B" for beta.
Chads all over the world are investing in this, forever increasing, you don't even have to list it in your blockfolio, you don't even check its price. This coin is stiffer than any dick OP, you take your gay ass boobs and pussy out of here.
because monero is the only real fear the bitbubblebuddys are afraid of
the mining programs wasnt infected you idiot. The mining program WAS the infection.
open your mouth user, im gonna piss inside it before strangling you.
Why are you retarded?
it's all over for monero. can't wait for the news to hit first page of google. "sell the news", right? haha
are you retarded or what is your problem
>If monero mining programs are infected with malware
i hope your shit bait thread works so i can buy more monero in the dip
open it user
HAHA look at all the monero shills... user, I hope you didn't buy shady shit in the dark web with your "anonymous" malware infected currency. I will post this shit all over twitter, gotta make sure people know that they are not safe mining or making transactions with the moneros. lol STAY MAD, suckas. should've bought teh bitcoins.
Real article :
An employe downloaded pron from pirate bay and infected the central with a monero minor software.
user, open your mouth i cant hold it anymore. drink my piss user
3/10 actually made me check the price before reading the article
user im feeling something else right now.. my stomach is grumbling.. it's time to taste my shit user, open your mouth
learn how to read
im sorry user, it's liquidy shit. i dont know how this happened. youre gonna have to drink my liquid shit user. im so sorry. drink it up, please, dont let it get on the floor. taste my shit user, keep going im almost done
so, the monero mining program IS the malware. well, that's even worse. thank's mate. i wasn't really planning on mining monero anyway. there's still time to sell. the news is really fresh.
Pajeet get out
You don’t deserve to be here. How did you even find Veeky Forums? This place was cancer, now it is cancerous aids with ebola and herpes injected into people’s anus in hell, creating brain hemorrhage!
teh fuck is your problem? i guess some of you monero hodlers really are freakos. well, thankfully i already sold my monero so we're no longer bros.
what's this? im getting a bit dizzy user.. oh my.. i think im gonna have to vomit into your mouth user. open up please. youre gonna have to eat my breakfast user. how does my vomit feel inside your mouth? does it taste good? you still have some of my liquid shit on your chin by the way.
STAY MAD FUCKING FUCKS. Your "anonymous highly secure cryptocurrency of the future" doesn't look so safe right now. just saying...
im sorry user, im feeling a bit tired. ive been out all day. oh, what's this? i guess youre gonna have to eat the dirt on my foot. make sure to lick each and every single corner between my toes. eat it user
I want the street shitters to leave.
You are a fucking retard. You don’t deserve to be here. You think you are cool that you found Veeky Forums and it’s dirty. Fuck off, seriously. This place was full of nerdic retards with anxieties before. Now it is full of retards like you. Seriously, you and people like you are the real cancer of this world. Do everyone a favor: kill your friends, your family and yourself at last.
What a waste of resources...
holy fuck please leave and never come back what an absolute retard
you know what user, ive been itching all day. but ive been busy with my job. im finally here user, can scratch the itch inside my asshole? can you use you flick your tongue around inside my dirty asshole? woops, sorry for farting on your mouth while you clean my dirty asshole user. well, im sure youre used to the taste already anyway, after drinking my liquid shit and all
Are the streets full of shit from these pajeets? Do they have no where else to shit than /biz?
Monero is fine. Only thing compromised is OP's brain, which is just non existent.
what the fuck did i even type here
Are you serious?
was about to type this but you did it better, thanks
neo/biz/ strikes once again
Why 90% of people on this board are so dumb ?
Please redditors go back to your shitty site. Feels being on facebook with this thread...
wait until this news hits reddit and facebook. i was trying to help you guys by showing it to you before them. but now i hope you all get dumped on. lol dumb fucks
Veeky Forums is so infected with pajeets they can no longer understand you.
XVG is unironically better than monero.
you racist little shit. you just mad coz indians are making it on this market, while you stay mad at them.
lmao, user yoar are alright in my book
If this crashes ill just buy more
The King
holy fuck i didn't think one could actually be so stupid HAHAHAHAHAAHA
at least i'm not hodling monero, you fucking shit.
>confirmed street shitter
As though there was any doubt.
2D trap porn is my guess.
nice try fbi, but you're not getting my xmr
Make room for Cloakcoin bitches
Only the chaddest of chads with over 8 inch cocks have monero, everyone knows this.
This is a bullish news. This means that monero blockchain will always have at least -some- miners.
>Muh Nero
Somebody has saved the monero mine script by that Scammer trying to get Veeky Forums to install his program on random PCs?
I'm literally in awe by the sheer stupidity and ignorance of this thread. Are you really this ignorant / retarded? Or is this some advanced FUD? I'm not sure which of the two it is. So tell me OP, are you actually retarded or not? Literally in shock by the stupidity / ignorance of these posts.
I'm laughing so fucking hard right now, what is this shit lmfao.
fucking brainlet
>If monero mining programs are infected with malware
>who knows what kind of shit is contained on the blockchain itself.
>Not to mention the fact that if people are afraid to mine monero
I can't stop laughing, please respond OP, kekeke
>Malware mines Monero, therefore Monero is Malware
Reading comprehension is a lost art.
10/10 if bait
I just panic sold my Monero. Did I do the right thing? Price isn't moving
if you actually did you might as well take a job at 7/11 because you are literally retarded
you are the stupidest cunt i've ever met on this gay site
This makes it crystal clear that the entire Monero "Crypto-Currency" is really just a front for some kind of dark-web computer virus. I look forward to seeing the MOnero CEO behind bars! -Tomas
>If monero mining programs are infected with malware, who knows what kind of shit is contained on the blockchain itself.
Thank you I wanted to kill myself tonight but now I can't stop laughing now.
I'm actually doing that right now. Thanks John McAfee.
This is the most retarded shit I've ever read
Didnt know The Angry Nerd lurked Veeky Forums.
He's gonna take you Binance
To shill the shitty coins that suck ass
He'd rather have Deluded Linkies
Take a diarrhea dump in his Coin
He'd rather eat the rotten asshole
Of Jihan Wu and down it with beer
He's the angriest gamer you've ever heard
He's the Angry Arkie Nerd
He's the Angry Digibyte Nerd
He's the Angry CryptoGame Neeeeeerd
Fucking retards.
This is just a virus that installs a monero miner and sends the monero to an address. These have been around for a long time and it has nothing to do with the monero blockchain or core code.
what's wrong with what I said? care to elaborate, since you're so smart?
Anyone that is in crypto right now, all you can do is fuck it up with your bullshit shitcoins. Bend the knee!
>mining malware
Who cares if some retards PCs get infected with miners? That doesn't make the coin bad.
BTC is actually bad AND had malware miners and no one cares.
Holy fuck
I hope to God you're trolling
>if monero mining programs are infected with malware
> who knows what kind of shit is contained on the blockchain
why don't you read about what a blockchain is before posting.
>buys monero
>downloads wallet
>tries to mine
>PC gets infected with malware that mines passively, using your CPU
Literally a scammy shitcoin that infects everything with it's AIDS shit, probably being operated by some scum fuck. You think this shitcoin is the future? HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA *INHALES DEEPLY* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH GET FUCKING REKT YOU SHILL BITCH
please tell me this is bait...
No one can be this dumb
Look at the names of the "Monero Team":
FUCKING SERIOUSLY? No wonder this shitcoin is so full of fuckin malwares spread all over the internet trying to hijack people's PCs to mine more of this shitcoin. You trust your anonimity, security and all that crap, on a blockchain developed by people anmed "NOODLEDOODLE", "TACOTIME", "SMOOTH"....? HAHAHAHAHa never change /monero/tards. keep hodling. this coin is the future of cryptos. XD