New Years Edition
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New Years Edition
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So, that's it. I'm done with the collab for now.
Four new roomies, four new gifts. Happy new years, everyone.
Boxes opened
No, I'm using I'm already doing what you just said though, but what is the point since when posting .jpg on Veeky Forums the CYOA loses too much quality to be even readable in some places? If there is some special photoshop magic to avoid it, I am willing to switch to it.
In my experience, Photoshop has good .jpg compression. The collab is all in .jpg, if you've noticed.
Pic related is the window when saving .jpgs, you can choose the quality of the compression from 12 levels. I always choose the highest one that lets me fit under the filesize limit, so each page for this cyoa was at around the 8th level.
>pink box
This made me happy.
>tfw picked Green
It's exactly what I wanted. Now I can make my CYOAs into chinese cartoons.
>Juta the Damned
>Third paragraph, third line
>"... in (sic) the form of a girl"
Supposed to be ON
Also you were supposed to swap left for right (second last line, same paragraph) since you used that picture instead.
Buddy is pretty great.
Picked green and I'm happy about that, but I wish I'd picked blue for the potential shenanigans. I wouldn't even really want to do much, just watch what other people do.
But green is also good, I can get so much media I like with it, plus ruin the reputation of any company I wish (provided they actually make media, it would be silly to hand a script to a florist and expect them to make a good movie).
Green is easily the best option I could have chosen, I'm glad.
I will need to level up my writing skills it seems.
I see. Maybe I'll have to acquire Photoshop if only to compare results of my image compression. If it really will look better, I'll join the Photoshop master race (though served me really well in everything except this little bit). Thanks, senpai!
Fixed, thanks.
>the study you wish
Heck. Was supposed to be "studio".
Yeah I'd do the same. I mean, not my own.
Happy to hear people aren't angry yet. I was scared by all the responses.
>Pink box
Dammit, though that was the safest option, but I probably can't use those. I literally have to special order gloves because of my huge hand size. Assuming magic resizing gloves or already being custom fit though I guess that means a career change to landscaper.
I'm laughing at the people who took red. Classic.
Gee wiz who ever wrote buddy must have been a pretty awesome opossum.
Also great work as always senpai!
I never knew how to spell that animal's name until now. I feel dumb.
Yes, I planned that. Symbiote guy is gonna be so bamboozled. I'm not even sorry.
Wait I forgot to add in that you can only use green ONCE.
Because otherwise that is way too OP.
Not like i get paid for it?
Minor update to the Mad Science Waifu CYOA. Fixed the colors and fonts to not be ass and also fixed a couple of errors.
Next version will have at least 2 more waifus. I'm planning on building on it over time.
I really should've done better work on that one.
That is phrased like a statement but there's a question mark. Do you mean
>Will I get money for turning in the idea?
Sure, but an amount that is balanced so the pink gloves aren't all too bad.
I'm retarded and forgot the actual CYOA.
Juta confirmed best waifu
Nice to finally see an option that's good.
Sorry it was more of a question.
I would rather not get paid desu, that way i can share cyoas with the world!
This guy thinks setting the likes of me up as some girl's boyfriend is gonna stop her from committing crimes against humanity?
That's the most charitable assessment of my character I've ever received. You can count on me, boss. I hope.
Worst-case scenario I end up much better adjusted.
thanks. i enjoyed writing her
>has a healthy obsession with skellingtons
makes me smile
If you mean the dog, then sure, I get it, but if you mean the chuuni then you're a fucking manchild.
Oh shit are we here instead?
Well I guess I'll repeat my self:
Happy new year!
5 page OC incoming as a New Year's gift once I've proof read the thing.
Just occurred to me that it's not 2017 in America yet
Happy new year in advance
But it is 2017 here. Happy New Year!
Carmen requires hugs.
After all, I'm obsolete, too. Who better to be there for her?
I thought it was a few hours behind Britain?
What's your resolution?
I never specified where "here" is.
My resolution is to break no resolutions.
>5 page
Ooh boy. I wonder what it could be.
Go accomplish something that matters, and maybe you won't feel the need to act superior to random anons on the Internet.
>implying he'll ever change
>implying he'll ever succeed
>implying there's hope
Some people are lost causes, user. I should know. All the things I've done still amounted to nothing, even after the hamster behavior study.
Good thing I chose the green one in the end. My gut feeling was right.
Pink would had been disastrous: I have the equivalent of a death touch for plants IRL. Despite what I do to take care of one, it'll die and wither in a week or two. I guess the gloves would make it only last longer their situation until they die.
Anyway, going to use it to get some good stuff done. New videogames, new films, books and whatnot.
>the pink one makes you a plant empath
Why can I see this going horribly wrong?
Finally finished this fucking thing.
Expect typos and balance problems. I know some of the companions are objectively bad compared to some of the alternatives for a start, but I have a few more ideas there in reserve and don't want to add more, so any which emerge as being notably shit may be getting replaced.
Also probably going to add an FAQ/World Notes section to the end of the last page, since this is the first CYOA I've done with some actual backstory, but it's currently (deliberately) vague and told in snippets in option descriptions, so we'll see how it plays out.
Have a few other things I'm unhappy with at the minute, but I'll leave the excuses there for now and just post the thing.
The number of companions may seem excessive, but each row corresponds to a job or background (a group of 5 engineers, or 5 ex-law enforcement, or 5 assassins etc) which hopefully makes it a bit easier to scan through.
There's 65 in total. I'm sorry.
If there's 65 in total, why not put them in a pdf?
Companions, not pages.
Nevermind, thought you meant pages.
I want to hug and cuddle with Milla.
Why? It's a great way to never have your phone or laptop or tablet run out of energy ever.
Lydie best companion
If it was pages? PDFs compress images. It'd look like Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff.
>samantha white
huh, I almost got excited...
Can't stop, won't stop the lewd build.
Lewd Behavior
Expert Seduction
Info Wars
Public Speaking
Small Unit Tactics
Storied Past
New Body
Well Stocked
Public Enemy
>Personal Equipment
Hydra 2120
Regal Premium (Stiletto)
Guide Book
Neural Enhancer
Arm Replacement
Vocal Modifier
Respiratory Bypass
>Crew Equipment
Tactical AI
Spare Parts
Luxury Yacht
>Ship Extras
EMP Shielding
Ship AI
Support Craft
James Quinn
Melanie Krauss
Mary Palmer
Laurence Vaughn
Sarah Jolly
Nick Wells
Erlea Barrios
The plan is the spread a sexual revolution throughout the Alliance and be welcomed as heroes instead of villains. Info Wars spreads the message and I can use my lewd talents for fun and profit. I figure James is the best pursuer in Alliance territory; his actions are sure to outrage the democratic populace more than my own crimes and Melanie will be too busy dealing with him to commit to finding me. The end game is saving Melanie from him at the last minute and adding her to the harem.
Cloaking seems redundant with EMP Shielding (you may want to call it EM Shielding). Space is big. Really big. If you can't find someone on sensors then they're invisible. Also hoping that the Tactical AI and Ship AI are as sweet of a combo as they seem. If so I can maybe trade out my pilot for another crewmember.
Lots of great waifus in that section but I tried to make a good overall crew first and foremost. It might be useful to label what each row's speciality is, though. There were a lot that I just skipped because they seemed irrelevant to me or just looked kinda boring.
Cool CYOA! I'll probably make more builds for it in the future.
So will Indiana bones share his wealth with you? Also how far is the the castle from the city?
I am definitely a fan of this idea...
>Next version will have at least 2 more waifus.
But I would obviously prefer to see the entire CYOA before I make my choice.
guys im the person who posted on last thread this is the progress thus far.
i decide to scrap the previous design and go with a new one, please i need feedback and tell me what rewards you would want to receive
one more coming after this one
>CHARGES: Piracy [Ambush]
An' if ye be wonderin', that thar be a portrait o' me mum. She always 'ad a fancy fer the days o' wooden ships, iron men, an' plunder on the high seas. I always took after 'er - no choice when yer the Captain's son.
>BASIC TALENTS: Charm, Diplomacy, Piloting, Seduction, Gunnery, Empathy, Repairs, Shielding, Navigation
>ADVANCED TALENTS: Melee, Evasion, Acrobatics, Stamina, Boarding, Small Arms
>EXPERT TALENTS: Leadership, Languages, Escape
I got all o' th' practical bits, but I ne'er quite picked up her propensity for... romance. Aye, that'll be tha word. Fashion, too. Always did look 'er best.
>PERKS: Advanced Ship, Fully Manned, Well Stocked, Augmented
I may owe me trainin' ta me mum, but I'd be nowhere without me crew!
>DRAWBACKS: Compulsion, Celebrity
It be the only life I know.
>PERSONAL EQUIPMENT: Arm Replacement [2 free left], Leg Replacement [1 free left], Ocular Implant [0 free left], Cardiac Regulator [8], Respiratory Bypass [7], Refined Digestion [6], Polaris [5], Neural Enhancer [4], TCA A-08 [3], Regal Premium (Cutlass) [2], Guide Book [1], Survival Gear [0]
>CREW EQUIPMENT: Tactical AI [4], Energy Weapons [3], Supplies [2], EVA Suits [1], Weaponry [0]
Ah, me mum's ol' ship - her first, even. The Queen Catherine's seen better days, but she's still got it.
>SHIP EXTRAS: Jump Drive [4], Support Craft [3], Sensors [2], Grapple [1], Cloak [0]
>LOCATION: Disrupted Zone [pursued by the Collective]
>PURSUER: Melanie Krauss
Ah, dear ol' mum's archnemesis. I'll finish what she started thirty years ago.
>CREW: Mary Palmer [8], Zara Agassi [7], Leah Easton [6], Kazuo Yano [5], Kathryn Fitts [4], You Jeong [3], Julie Southern [2], Michaela Gordon [1], Hank Alexander [0]
We got the ol' crew back together - an' some new faces, besides! What say ye, ladies an' gentlemen?
I am actually bad at typing pirate speech.
This was psoted in the wrong thread. I think it belongs here. Enjoy.
I like the old one better. This one could use an above average option.
what did you like about the old one?
Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff would look like 2160p compared to 65 pages worth of PDF images.
>tfw Highlander won't be able to post the new companions before the new year
There were some options that weren't fagdom.
i see, i shall try to finish the other one aswell then.
>Unethical Experiments
>>Military Science
>>Medical Science
Expert talents:
Advanced Talents:
>Heavy Weapons
Basic Talents:
>Small Arms
>Small Unit Tactics
>New Body
>Well Prepared
>Advanced Ship
>Public Enemy
Personal Equipment:
>Noble 550
>Archimedes' Mirror
>Regal Premium
>All Cybernetics
Crew Equipment:
>Eva Suits
Ship Extras:
>Ship AI
>Lawless Space
>Seth Turner
>Victoria Maxwell
>Amy Robbins
>Amelia Young
>Lydie Chastain
>Lead Eston
>Mianda Gumede
>Johanna Hunter
>Lela Lewis
>Faye Sessions
I don't think I got much space for commentary, but I figure this should be a reasonably balanced party and a fairly decent lead character. Got specialties in hitting people and refining of same. Pursuers should all be crippled in alien territory, while the crew can search for alien tech to tinker with. I figure none of these people did anything really bad, so all the media attention is inherently suspicious. Crazy, deranged scientist using questionable technology to turn himself into a psychic loli cyborg being the exception. I also figured Supplies was a wasted point with both a Hydroponics bay and a medbay to improve on it. Also, with the AI to help you, I don't see why you wouldn't take the alien ship.
Two options you like and one option you dislike is worse than one option you like? Or even worse than two options you like?
Hey, Slaanesh, if I get to have my dream girl but she rapes and humiliates me, shouldn't I get to rape degrade and humiliate her back?
I kinda want to rape Slaanesh too, not like he enjoys, like he's honestly scared for his well-being and is emotionally injured and needs therapy and cries at night in terror when he hears something outside thinking it might be me, but I know that's probably impossible.
>But I would obviously prefer to see the entire CYOA
This is the entire CYOA. In the future it will likely be expanded upon if I feel like it and/or there's interest.
I look forward to your choice.
never say never user, if you headpat me i can make it happen.
I can also make the slaneesh stuff happen if you headpat me with enough love user
We belong together.
I believe user's point is that he doesn't like this version because all the girls are physically abuse hard femdom choices.
What the fuck? That's not a fetish, that's a psychopath. Yeah, if she's semiregularly cutting you up or breaking goddamn BONES...
That "public humiliation" option ain't public humiliation. If she sends pictures of that shit to friends and family the response isn't going to be "Oh, how humiliating" the response is going to be "oh dear god, please don't kill him! how much money do you want?" It's not so much humiliation as court admissible evidence.
Too extreme for me. Dominance on her part is okay, physical abuse is not.
take into account you are getting souls for every option you take, they are all entirely optional.
in the future im thiking of adding a rewards section were you can exchange the souls for chaos powers or some shit.
Maybe even a waifu that loves you and redeems herself through the emperor and doesnt abuse you anymore
...You okay, user?
That would be nice. I didn't see the third page when I posted, and it looks like it's a masochist CYOA or something else that I don't understand. Not my thing, but you've done well to fill a niche.
I'm confused.
thank you for asking, no im not okay.
i got rraped when i was 12 yrs old and now i have a horrendously strong femdom fetish.
i literally cannot even get attracted to woman who arent dominating and strong when dealing with me.
i know im fucked up, no need to remind me
Even then, physical harm is one thing, but you kinda skip from 1 to eleven here.
Skips right past even heavy BDSM stuff right to stopping just short of killing you.
Like, even within this theme, you'd expect maybe to see a bloodplay fetish where she might draw your blood or bleed you a little bit, but it skips right to "Stabs you everywhere"
Skipping whipping, go strait to breaking bones with a goddamn bat.
The only way you'd survive this girl is if there is a one point option to buy where you literally become deadpool.
I love too, user... I think?
well user... slaneesh wouldnt want you dying so he may or may not use his chaotic powers to make you regenerate after all of that.
or maybe not and you'll get killed, lmao
also i totally forgot about the whip fetish, gotta add that
a-user, please headpat me more.
it feels so nice for someone to apreciate me
Shouldn't that be like a base part of the CYOA if we are trading suffering for souls? Or do we just use the souls to alter the world as we see fit?
i'll be going now, sleep is calling.
hopefully i will see all of you again tomorrow.
bye bye :)
i would of liked to finish it and add the rewards but im out of time and gotta go.
so yeah.
I have no more headpat ones.
I dunno, part of the appeal of joining a Slaanesh cult, at least to me anyway, is that /I/ would get to be a brutal domineering rapist. Why would I ever put up with a girl brutalizing me? If I wanted to get beat up by my own friends I'd get with Khorne...
>Too extreme for me. Dominance on her part is okay, physical abuse is not.
Hello anons.
I need some ideas for Good, Evil, and Neutral Factions. So far I have:
>Knights of Clermont
One of the last few lords who hasn't succumbed to corruption or been wiped out by the evil shit plaguing your home.
>Brotherhood of Red and Black
Kind of like the Brotherhood without Banners from Game of Thrones, except they're actually a threat.
>The Nordic Raiders
Basically Vikings.
>Encroaching Giants
Giants moving south due to conflict
>Lady Montpellier
Forces captured enemies and criminals to work in mines where there are gases that slowly destroy their lungs.
>The Wehrmacht
>The SS
>The Imperial Japanese Army
>Unit 731
>The Spanish Inquisition
Fantasy equivalents of the above, of course. All of this will be set in a Berserk-esque fantasy land.
I want about 3 good factions, 6 neutral, and 9 evil. The Good factions haven't made contact with each other but they will ally with each other if they do, the Neutrals need to be convinced to ally with one another. You can start off in the Good or Neutrals, but you can't start off with the Evil, and you can't ally with them either, as they are led by Avatars of Dark Gods that are opposed to your Dark God.
I may accept more factions than the numbers I listed if I really like them.
>Evil faction