What would be the best system for a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon campaign...

What would be the best system for a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon campaign? I know there's several Pokemon systems in existence (one even had a MD expansion) but they're all needlessly complex and frankly shit. (that MD expansion was particularly bad).

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How would players choose Pokémon to play as? Would you let them choose or go with the personality test they give you in the games?

I'd probably let them choose, but have restrictions. i.e., first stage evos only as starters n whatnot. A personality quiz would be neat but I don't know how I'd write something like that up, maybe with one of those online quiz maker websites?

I like the games as a mindless time waster, but the setting really annoys me. There's all these building and advanced tools, but there's no real logical way to explain how any of them got there. Even with an explanation I have no idea how half the pokemon even hold and throw items in general. I know it isn't really supposed to make sense and basically runs on children's cartoon logic. but it still somehow annoys me

Espurr > Deerling

>liking overrated autist cat

>not liking the cute girl who is strong and fearless and there when you need them
Ampharos would be best girl if they were a girl, but instead received actual best girl Mawile so you have to pick between second best girl (Espurr) and third best girl (Deerling) unless you want the forbidden love (Partner Pokemon).

Rule of Cool, my dude. Plus cartoon logic, like you said. Lot of stuff in the mainseries games that don't make sense, you're trying to make sense out of colorful monsters that fight eachother with magical powers.

Bumping because I still want an answer.

I'd either do it as freeform shit or just suck it up and use PTU Mystery dungeon expansion. Any other options seem like they'd require way too much work or are just worse.

This seems appropriate to post.

Pokerole. There is a official mystery dungeon module

You'd have to use a general system.
I can imagine Marvel Heroic Roleplaying to work reasonably well.

Holy shit, that Pokerole module is so fucking bad. Like it was written by someone who never played the games.

>building fucking weapons and swords
>ur smart cause ur a human, pokemon are dumb
>presuming that the MD universe exists in the main series world

Complete and utter garbage.

I agree, I've been able to build Pokémon reasonably well with M&M. Despite it being a superhero system, it does function pretty well for just about anything. Just refluff it a bit and you're done.

Isn't that a d20 game?


Welp, guess I gotta learn M&M now.

In terms of complexity, which of these is it closest to?

>World of Darkness (nWoD specifically)

Any ideas on how True20 would work with it, too?

I'm actually working on a system for this exact thing. I've posted about it, but between work and the holidays I haven't had the time to sit down and finish it.

Take Marvel Heroic Roleplaying instead.
It's easier, more robust and more flexible.

use dnd. homebrew up some pokemon stuff.

This is the worst answer you can give short of recommending FATAL.


It's real good for RPG vidya stuff... as long as you don't also want the numbers bloat it comes with.

I haven't given it a serious look, but there's this.

You'll probably also want the whole rpg with their pokedex/movedex pokeroleproject.wixsite.com/pokerole/resources

What a terrible idea. Lol.

Bump for interest.

>Losing battles
>Slowly being forcibly driven insane
Actually sounds good for a psychological horror RPG

Even in the mainline games Pokemon can hold and throw items easily.

This, but for one reason; it'd attract furries.

I mean I played in a PMD campaign with my group and to my knowledge none of them besides myself are into furry shit.

Though it helps that my group is already way into Pokemon and loves light hearted, silly stuff.