2017 Will be the Year of
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Cock. Going by Chinese calendar at least.
Rolled 10 (1d100)
No, it'll be failures
Rolled (1d00)
>Rolled 10
Oh boy, let me try and save this.
... did you just manage to roll a 0?
Rolled 15 (1d20)
2017 is about to end!
yee, [CURRENT YEAR+2] is going to be great.
Rolled 8 (1d20)
Year of Liberal Tears
2017 will be the year of kemono lolis.
Rolled 84356 (1d1000000)
Year of Veeky Forums not being autistic for one
Rolling for one in a million chance
Rolled 53 (1d100)
The Year will be what we make of it. Let us make good.
Rolled 540438 (1d1000000)
Rolling for this
Wow... for only one?
I hope its me...
Rolled 14 (1d100)
No. Only successes from now on.
Rolled 50 (1d100)
2017 will be the year of being worse than 2016, duh.
Rolled 54 (1d100)
Rolled 53 (1d100)
Year of Plastic Sisters!
Rolled 11 (1d100)
The year of Kek
Ugh, please no.
of Fire. I mean, so far the entire 2016 was like repeat of season 2 of B5, except no assasination.
It will be the year of "Point at the Americucks and laugh".
This year and the following years will make the Bush years the epitome of international respect for the USA.
But every d100 system has you rolling under things, meaning lower=better. He failed at failing
Rumours have it that Celestine and her two girlfriends are all the SoB will get for more then half the year.
Incidently, we have 8th rumoured to be coming in July.
So with luck there is a full update in the wings but it's doubtful it's coming before Age of Sig- sorry, 8th ed and it's unknown what is coming up after that.
>But every d100 system has you rolling under things
Every system that isn't shit
Yes, 2017 should be the year of Cestree instead.
Fuck off ribbon, nobody cared about you apart from that one time you had a massive rack
Praise Kek
>He can't stop shitposting for a single day
>Year of the Rooster
>Chinese celebrate with making a giant Trump statue
>Trump is an anti-globalism nationalist
>Just like Marine Le Pen
>Who leads the French political party Front National
>The Gallic Rooster is France's national animal
Cool backpedaling.
>Trump is an anti-globalism nationalist
>fills cabinet full of globalists
shh, flat is life
Flat is justice.
Konata is an avid shitposter. Don't believe her lies. She's actually a self-hating narcissist.
How dare you badmouth Legendary Girl A.
No, it really should just be the Year of No Veeky Forums OC Waifus.
I didn't know you were a husbandu kind of guy.
2017, Year of Rage.