What are the components of a perfect waifu character?
I need her to be lovable.
What are the components of a perfect waifu character?
I need her to be lovable.
It is my personal experience that there really isn't a formula or combination to make a perfect waifu. Players will ignore this specially-tailored and carefully constructed female Paladin you came up with and go for the unassuming barmaid you haven't even named and had to come up with on the fly. Just include some female NPCs with very basic outlines and let them decide and then you can work on their personalities and backstories as the campaign progresses.
/a/) cute
b) relateable
c) pure
/d/) untouched
This, plus tentacles.
>female paladin
Literally the worst waifu option
You're the worst waifu option.
Just a colossal vagina with legs. Legs which are also covered in vaginas.
cold exterior of superiority and smugness hiding warm center
I think most of the -deres would work. I mean, they're character types pretty much specifically designed to be waifus.
Nah, he's right though. We've discussed this. Sure, she may be a virgin, but that's usually because her deity purified her after the rape and subsequent birth, and I guarantee you there was a rape. So... you've got that emotional baggage to deal with, her green bastard child in tow, and the knowledge that you'll always come in third priority after her deity and kid.
You are making a LOT of assumptions. Not to mention how childish it is to say "she's got a kid? NO DEAL!"
I've dated both a tsundere and a yandere, and both were nightmares.
My fiancee, on the other hand, has all of a yandere's sweetness and none of the crazy.
>all of a yandere's sweetness and none of the crazy
But user, crazy is the best part!
Why are you asking Veeky Forums? You're just gonna wind up with a MILF (male) with a snake tail and probably snakes for arms for good measure.
Yuffie Kisaragi was my first waifu. Then Lucrezia Noin.
It's the fucking hair.
We're not talking about a wife or a girlfriend, though. A waifu lacks the complexity of thoughts and feelings and variable moods.
Also I thought crazy defined the yandere archetype. How does that work, exactly?
I want to take Gwyndolin's crown off and headpat him like a good girl he is.
>not wanting the crazy
it's not a yandere without the crazy ya fool
>Also I thought crazy defined the yandere archetype. How does that work, exactly?
Yan's the crazy, dere's the sweet. user says his girl is deredere.
So in love they're willing to kill for you, has insane Violent tendencies. Also will kill you if she thinks you're cheating, which happens often. Worst case scenario, she murders you and then marries your corpse-doll.
Want so see what happens when two Yanderes fall for each other?
>What are the components of a perfect waifu character?
Figure out what your player likes.
The one who buggers a fire burns his penis.
Whoops, forgot pic. This series is pic actualized.
That all just sounds like "the crazy part".
Say, are you the guy from that thread--it must've been months ago now--with that fiancee who was raised super religious and basically just forgave all his transgressions and was marrying her because he couldn't manage to shake her? Some of the details are a bit cloudy in my head. I remember she wanted breast implants and also to get knocked up.
No, but tell me more. The last good sexual shitshow I heard about on here was some guy's GM pussy-whipping his virgin friend because she had an innocent fujoshi fetish or something
>tell me more
I already posted the links to it in the archive. I'm not sure what else you want from me.
Have her be useful. Someone who's there to just take up space will get old real fast.
Vital for me: she has her own shit going on, and it's already sorted. She doesn't need me to bring meaning to her life, resolve her personal demons or beat up her former lovers.
This means most waifu bait slides right by me, because "needing the player" is what it's all about.
For example: Stardew Valley. Every single one of the non-marriagable adults is more interesting to me than any of the candidates, because all the latter have is stupid shit like "lol arts" because they're supposed to move in with you and do whatever you're doing.
Youth and enthusiasm.
>In your experience, every female paladin gets raped
Realistic, but still magical realm
basically a child (mentally) whose entire existence revolves around the object of her affections, but who goes to lengths to pretend otherwise
Loyalty. It takes a great deal to make up for a girl who isn't loyal and very little to make a girl who is otherwise loyal "perfect." Note that I'm not talking about strictly in the relationship sense, though that's important. I'm talking about the rest of the time too.
This is why you sometimes see people go for the barmaid as opposed to that carefully designed princess. The princess has too many other considerations that she is putting first. The country is more important, her ideals are more important, everything is more important than the party. She may have perfectly justifiable reasons for that standpoint but it doesn't matter so far as making her lovable.
The barmaid on the other hand may be making sure they always get first crack at the best room in the inn and the latest key gossip while becoming extremely stupid when the bad guy's soldiers come calling looking for the party. It doesn't matter that the princess's 5% may exceed the barmaid's 100% in what she actually delivers. What matters is the barmaid was 20x more loyal.
Think back on all the stories that have gotten posted on tg where a girl and her romantic relationship with a character is a prominent aspect. Chances are if she was portrayed favorably it was because she was loyal and if she wasn't it's because the party got tossed under the bus.
The end-of-the-tail sock puppet is adorable
Actually yeah that's pretty good.
Tell me how much out of 10 a waifu is the following:
>Female terminator style robot, metal covered by flesh.
>Loyal and dedicated.
>Fully Self-aware and can act on her own, but cannot go against any direct order given by you. She may tell you that she don't want to do something, but she is physically unable to disobey.
>Most importantly: she has enough organs to have sex and bear your children.
There's nothing childish about that, the only way you could even apply the adjective to someone in that situation is if they refused because they thought the kid had cooties.
Best realm
Tin/Tin waifu
Well, all right, lemme dial back my statement. If you want kids and think you're ready for them, then it's childish to refuse to date someone because she has a kid.
>Please choose preferred penis or penises from the bucket.jpg
Well the obvious implication of saying no because she has a kid is that you are not ready.
I wish someone would put me in cryosleep right now and wake me up only when we have advanced enough technology to make this real.
"In the middle of a firefight?!"
"I am quick with repairs."
>Tintin waifu
I want a redheaded, crime-fighting journalist waifu now.
>There's nothing childish about that,
You're on the internet starting a fight over whether or not someones pretend girl friend is pure or not
I was more thinking of "your wife's son" and all that other /pol/shit.
Smug. Needs good smug.
Your ability to follow a dialogue is impressively substandard.
Are you implying lamia-chan isn't pure?
Competence, but not in a smug way.
She can hold her own and takes responsibility for herself. To guys who are used to the polar extremes of 'complete bitch princess' and 'strong independent woman who don't need no maaaan' it'll give them a boner so hard to see a woman who takes care of herself and knows and acknowledges her limitations.
Also make her a monstergirl or a trap
>not smug
Ur shite, m8
>wanting to be a cuck
Ah, so you found a good daki then?
Look, every female Paladin gets raped, every female Ranger with a wolf companion is fucking it. Some things are just the way things are.
This. The smugger she is, the better, particularly if she has a flat chest.
A vaguely defined barebones personality so sexually frustrated losers with poor self-esteem can more easily imprint idealized traits on her.
Only lolis and trap waifus should be smug. Neither of which I'm enraptured with but whatever, they exist so I gotta deal
What about thick witches? Is there anyone who doesn't like thick witches?
Nah. Traps are shit, m8.
>not wanting an adorable trap squire for your swole knight
>not wanting to continue the traditions of the ancient Greeks who invented civilization
Wow you're a fag.
>being a fag
>trying to convince others that faggotry aint gay
You're no better than fat acceptance fags
Sure but it's hardly worth the hassle, and they're not great waifus. You'll have to drag your ass through a mile of broken glass to get her attention, conquer the goddamn continent to get a root, and once she's accepted you as her lover, she'll probably want to try pegging or will dash off leaving only a note at the first sign of adventure and probably get herself kidnapped so you and your daughter have to go and rescue her and complete the mission.
Fucking ara ara~'s man, they'll give you a heart attack by 35 with their shit.
Not a huge fan myself, but they're either smug or stuttering wrecks every time I've seen them in fiction.
What does that say? Is that by the artist?
1) Played by a loser
it's that easy
>What are the components of a perfect waifu character?
1. Tomboy
Here you go.
>they share everything
God, I forgot this image existed. Thank you user. It is perfect.
Sure, IRL that makes sense. But in anime/fantasy? Yandere is a fetish.
plus size
>all of a yandere's sweetness and none of the crazy.
so just a deredere then?
>it's childish to date someone who has a kid if you want kids
Not if it's not my fucking kid it isn't.
Depends on your romantic-power-level.
Your typical fa/tg/uy should go for just about any woman who's willing to have a relationship with them because hahahaha, you better lower your standards you fucking ugly motherfucker or you're gonna die alone.
>cannot go against any direct order given by you
I want my waifu to choose to do what I want, because what she wants is to make me happy
mindbreak optional
you know how much work it takes to satisfy two women?
not worth the effort, user
Not existing.
>cannot go against any direct order given by you
>much smarter than you, can easily condition you to give the order she wants
This man knows what's going on.
What is it you like about tomboys, exactly?
I'm this fag.
I'll be honest, I didn't at first, but first girl I went on a date with nine years ago was one and we've been together since and now we're engaged.
There is something about their sass and scrappy nature that just gets me, and the short hair too. I think it's more so that the I've molded me to like them.
Plus it's cool to have a gf who does nerd things. She's huge on vidya and anime, and I got the tabletop and literature covered. When I game with other people, they complain about their spouses looking down on the hobby, where mine loves hearing about my hobby and always likes it when I go off to do my nerd stuff. Usually it's tomboys who are into such stuff more than your regular flavour of women.
Not awful, but very boring. All she does is follow orders? That's supporting character material, not waifu. Someone who isn't the MC can fuck her.
How thick are we talkin'?
Helpful to the party (e.g. enchanter, merchant, etc.), shows up semi-frequently, described as attractive at some point.
That should be enough.
Personally speaking, she has to be both loyal and virtuous. Make her a genuinely good person who keeps her word. These traits are so incredibly rare among women, it automatically makes her waifu material.
>mindbreak optional
If waifu abuse is what you want, then the above still work.
She is a sentient robot that just as free-willed as a human, with her wants and preference. If you want to be truly cruel to her, you can simply order her to do something she really don't want, then watch her plead and beg with tears in her eyes.
>user please, cancel your order, I don't want to.
>I'm begging you, don't make me do this. Didn't you said that you love me?
>please, not in front of the children!
To be honest she will be able to manipulate you even if you are around the same level of intelligence.
If you know that she can't disobey you, you will probably be less on your guard. But I think the robot waifu will only become belligerent when with a real psycho. With a guy who treat her decent, she will probably just tell you if she like or dislike something, and negotiate. always giving order can be tiresome, happy robot waifu is better than an unhappy one.
The question is, would you have kids with one?
See above.
You mean a good chair?
>She is a sentient robot that just as free-willed as a human
So, she isn't. Free will is a concept that only gets wonkier and more obtuse the more you think about it.
The idea is you don't need to take care of their everything all the time, they're used to taking care of each other.
>So, she isn't.
What do you mean by that? that is is not a robot or that she does not have freewill?
Imagine if a specific person can give you order that you cannot disobey, but you are still fully aware of the fact.
Ex: The person order you to punch yourself on the fact. You don't want to, and you can ask the person to dismiss that order. However if the person does not cancel the order, you will punch yourself.
I guess, in case of the robot waifu, what I meant by freewill, is that she has a mind of her own and you cannot affect how she think. But she cannot not physically disobey, and has to execute the order to the best of her ability. I guess the orders are body control rather than mind control.
If someone decide to abuse that, having a mind of your own is even worse.
wow i totally forgot
i had such a crush on noin in like, middle school
Fat Noin best Noin.
>Eats not-valuable things
>Poops out valuable things
>Doubles as bed
Why is the maid so smug she broke something
>implying you know from experience
We don't know she broke it. We just know she's cleaning it up. If Master broke it, why wouldn't she be smug?
She knows that if she'd broken a cup, she'd be in for a sound spanking and a lecture. So if Master broke the cup, she gets to feel morally superior.
Lesbianism. Girls were made to love girls.
You're sick in the head.
Because she knows she's going to be "disciplined".