What do you wish for in 2017?
What do you wish for in 2017?
The ability to be self-confident.
That can be arranged. What form does 'happiness' take for you?
A clear night sky with a full moon to jerk to.
The local players to play nore than one mediocre game. I fucking hate Arcane Codex and what it did to the Coburg comunity
That is a fantastic captcha.
>yfw you realize that more than half of them are bread
$50 million, no strings attached.
tabletop group. I need new friends.
Good health, sound mind and freedom of choice.
It's by those that everything else becomes attainable.
The IRS and FINCEN will be investigating you within 5 days.
Motorcycle, citizenship & better wife.
How do you feel about signing arcane contracts that are dealing with unproven spiritual concepts and have no legal binging by the common law?
And would you prefer big or small denomination notes?
Nobody's said it yet?
I want, in this new year, to live just long enough to be there when they cut off your head and stick it on a pike, as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come at too high a price. I want to look up into your lifeless eyes and wave, like this.
Can you and your associates arrange that for me?
I want everyone one on Veeky Forums to be excellent to eachtoher.
>better wife.
Younger or less of a bitch?
Quilboar-related cards in Hearthstone.
You and me both
Why did you even feel the need to ask if nobody else said it? You know the wouldn't. Even if you are as drunk or stoned as I am, your post is desperately backward and stupid. Seek help. My New Years Wish is that you both seek help for your condition(s) and receive it.
a peaceful quiet death with enough plausible deniability regarding the circumstances of my demise, as to not upset my family too much
Same as every year. Eternal youth and to get my fucking life back.
I want Veeky Forums to reclaim their rightful place on this board! I want to see the fa/tg/uys and fa/tg/irls stretch forth their hands again, and get shit done! I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power. I want to stop running from generals to filename-threads...afraid to look back, or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to be! I want...I want it all back the way that it was!
You. I like you. Vir Kotto had stones, and is worthy of respect.
Find something, anything, that you can love about your fellow nerds more than you love your own opinion, you joyless, narcissistic wastrel.
The end of all things.
i know this feel
i also hope for everything to go full happening, but not sure how that will be.
The courage to accept my inevitable demise.
>I want...I want it all back the way that it was!
The rallying cry of the romantic, the patriotic, and the tyrant. And always ultimately a futile one. Which one are you?
The release of the Infinity RPG core, and at least one supplement.
The distinction between the three is a superficial matter of power and circumstance. Anyone who does not have it within themselves to be any or all three is either more or less than a person. Anyone who does not see that people will sooner follow a glorious banner to hell than sit down and die in grey tedium is a fool. What, then, are you?
The Lost Female Primarch to return.
I wish for an adventure.
I wish to be abducted by aliens, escape, and bring humanity into space to meet those who would take us. I wish to be sucked through a portal to another world, cast off my destiny, and save the world rather than just the kingdom. I wish to do something more than I could ever do in this world.
[spoilers]But since that can't happen, I'll just wish that I can find a game with good players.[/spoilers]
Who are you?
The collapse of modern society would be nice. I always kind of wanted a gradual apocalypse scenario. There's a romance to dissolution that I just can't help but find thrilling.
>What do you wish for in 2017?
that it be better than 2016.
If you aim low, you're more likely to have your wish come true.
I just want to survive till the end of the year.
It's going to be a struggle, but if I just keep focused I'll make it through another one.
For Mortasheen to finally release.
Whelp, I'm starting off this year having kicked out my drug addict brother for good following his last OD, distanced myself from my abusive and controlling family members, and I've got plans to go to therapy sometime in February.
So, my odds are looking pretty decent so far.
a good friend like mister Morden
I want to lose (another) 50 pounds, and get a job. I'd love to save enough money to move by the end of it, but the job market is tough.
And do this while still running at least one of my two games.
I want to find some way to play my Veeky Forums. The nearest place to play is 2 hours away, and they meet on nights I have to work late. Currently I collect and paint miniatures alone. I don't have any friends either.
Work is a no-go for this. This one guy asked about what my hobbies were for months, and when I finally told him he ridiculed me. There is a strong culture of looking down on people who don't fit the narrow accepted norms there. Veeky Forums hobbies do not fit those norms.
Online, motherfucker.
miniature wargames don't translate to online quite as well, especially since in the case of 40k the game actually sucks and is really just a pretense to socialize and show off your models
That fucking Witcher game we were promised from the developers of Cyberpunk.
What do you think will come out first, Fuzion Witcher or CP2077 the video game?
A new job with steady hours. Fuck flexible rosters.
My life back.
To all the sad anons in this thread
The ability to feel happy doing something, or to feel motivated enough to do something often.
To move out of my parents' house and get my life together.
If you do, make sure you save up some emergency money.
Nothing is worse than living on your own, losing your job, running out of money and be forced to live at your parents again.
I want things to be the way they used to be.
I want things to be better than they used to be but not so good there's no room from an old stick in the mud like me
A new babylon 5 season would be nice. Perhaps something more gritty and not on the space station
more time to build and paint
Came to see this, leaving satisfied.
Also, an FLGS near me that has a clean, sizable, modern bathroom.
What about "be awesome to each other" do you not understand?
Did you marry a dork?
I'd have recommended marrying a dork.
You're going to run into the hedonistic treadmill with this sort of attitude. People who become happy don't do so by seeking "happiness" itself, but by working to achieve goals. You can be happy, user. You won't always be happy, bit it's out there for you. Just think about what you value, turn that into goals, and DO something. If you can't do it on your own, ask for help.
So that my friends will have time and desire to play games with me.
My main group to have enough stability we can have some hope of consistent sessions.
At this point I'd rather see a full reboot. One with the same settings and themes but with a whole new cast and plot not so restricted by 90's TV limitations. Basically space game of thrones
Bowling with Cousin Niko in GTA 6
World War III
My negroid companion.
For spartan games to get their shit together and for them to support dystopian legions.
More of the same shit that 2016 had, I hadn't laughed that much in years.
I think you know.
At this rate, neither, making me saltier than a War Thunder player when talking about BR.
The fuck is arcane codex?
To have the chance to play the campaign I want and not to be dragged to play games I don't want to
They are not for you.
londo had best accent
Enjoying the Ferdinand at 6.3?
>new season
>with most of the cast dead
A reboot could be fun, and they'd be able to cut some of the issues of the original (lost actors, the pacing issues in S4 and S5, some of the filler episodes, etc)
>A reboot could be fun
No, just no
>Morden giving Vir the finger when he hands over the datacrystal
I liked how real he was. He wasn't a one-dimensional character at all. He was "ethnic" and introduced as a cunt (and remained so), but you found out he was complex and I liked that.
I want to fuck that dragon thing
Great Maker!
Yeah. Londo was one of the best characters in the series. Because the exact same mix of personality traits were responsible for his best and worst moments. That's very hard to pull off. Speaking of best moments:
JMS is a wordy bastard, but when he's on point he's on point.
Actually, for all the cheap effects, cheesy acting and nerdy shit, the character development was really fucking good. The Shadows and Vorlons, for example were also more complicated than first suspected.
Londo sort of reminds me of my father, actually.
I just want to do my shit in peace.
I have to watch this series again. How cheesy is it 20 years later?
100% pure mozzarella, but worth it.
Definitely cheese.
That said, B5 at this point reminds me of going back and watching old episodes of The Twilight Zone or original Doctor Who or Star Trek: TOS. Because you can see what they were trying to do, and how difficult it was, much more clearly once you see what followed. I also find that there's a kind of rehabilitation that occurs over time. Like with the other shows, the FX and some of the acting choices aren't so jarring when they're far enough removed that you can see them as artifacts of a time rather than a specific flaw.
The one thing I find staggering is that B5 had a 4 season long sci-fi story arc. At a time when prime-time drama still meant 1 hour episodic shows about doctors cops and lawyers. It pulled that arc off pretty well. Given how many shows have subsequently tried running serial arc, and just utterly shit themselves when it comes time to payoff the story, that becomes even more amazing.
"There comes a time when you look into the mirror and what you see is all you will ever see. And you accept it, or your kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors."
That line hits a lot harder 20 years on.
Yes, biggest mistake of my life. They can not cook, they can not clean and are more interested in dork shit than building a life.
They also care nothing about their appearance or personal habits.
>death to normies
>tonka truck
I discovered it just before the holidays and have been binge watching it...its oddly refreshing having watched Star trek on netflix beforehand.
The graphics are far more noticeably bad but the characters feel more 'real'.
>The graphics are far more noticeably bad but the characters feel more 'real'.
T34/85 is underrated as fuck.
I never noticed. That scene just became even better.
Apart from deep space nine(which according to some was cribbed off B5) most star trek characters have a certain woodenness to them.
The centauri felt more 'real' than most of the humanoid races on star trek for example.
The Narn were cool marsupials (J'Kar was awesome).
And the vorlon with their encounter suits were interesting.
It also reminded with of Enterprise(the series) with more recognizable humans making it up as they go along and not stuck following the prime directive bullshit.
On a tangent i'd loveto see a series of Star Trek set in the Terran Empire.
People suck the cock of DS9 constantly because it has a nigger head actor (who's atrocious fake laugh crawled up my spine and took a shit far too many times to allow me to finish the series). That is easily the worst of the "good" Star Treks. And it got fucking boring after Odo was stripped. I just stopped watching then, since he was the only thing holding me.
>The centauri felt more 'real' than most of the humanoid races on star trek for example.
I think it's because Star Trek tries to trade numbers for quality.
>It also reminded with of Enterprise(the series) with more recognizable humans making it up as they go along and not stuck following the prime directive bullshit.
What a pile of shit. The doctor and the alternate universe were the only good things in that shit series. Christ it didn't even have its own theme. They phoned that pile of garbage in. Just like they're going to do with the abortion they're preparing to spit out this year.
>We really liked how SGU was nothing but drama, bullshit and stupidity and got canceled because of it.
>Let's do that - but with Star Trek!
Fucking morons are all that live in hollywood at this point, I swear to hell.
A good Boros Commander
If only there were more B5 reaction images out there...Kudos to you good user! +9 for the quote -1 for the missing .jpg of Vir's Face