>net worth 4 billion
>wont sell
what the fuck do they want
>net worth 4 billion
>wont sell
what the fuck do they want
literally who
To be richer than Zuckerberg for once
To buy facebook and turn it into a shemale porn site
Why do you retards not understand that it isnt in rich peoples interests in to keep their value in USD, a inflating currency.
they want revenge. a jew stole facebook from them and now they want to become the next hitlers.
winklevoss saviors of the aryan race. by the time they finish amassing their fortunes and team up with the bogdanoffs, jews will have nowhere to run
I wish I had an small loan of 11 million dollars.
they look like a lab experiment gone wrong
>they were millionaires when starting (11million)
i support this
We can only dream user that this is true.
Well, traps are not gay so I don't see a problem with this.
pls this
Chad CANT loose
>not realizing that the winklevoss twins are but another avatar of the bogdanoffs
This made me erect
Idk OP maybe becoming the richest men in the world by owning the most bitcoin on earth? Cashing out to USD is like Xerox returning to the printing press after they cornered the market on copiers.
what if they already cashed out a fraction of their investment? Obviously they wouldn't reveal it to the public because it would be used as an argument against btc.
Go back to /pol/
It's like asking why they won't sell their fiat. There's no reason to. It would just be exchanging one measure of wealth for another. Also, these guys own gemini, so holding that much BTC is a good buffer in case of a market crash/run to fiat. They could loan the exchange from their own holdings to maintain solvency if necessary.
Its revenge
They want to take one spot above the zuckcuck
>Winklevi run for president in 2020
>one for Pres, the other for VP
>no one is ever sure which is which
>they trade places occasionally to prank the press and public
>crush Zuckerburg in the primaries
>strongly advocate for net neutrality and internet privacy protections
>landslide victory
>on day one they sign an executive order mandating opt-in only data collection
>facebook's primary source of revenue is eliminated overnight
>revenge achieved
Found the Indian
>when you realize the Winklevoss twins and the Bogdanoff twins are working together to save the world.
.............................I unironically hope this happens
Are they related to nazi vampire Rip van Winkle?
/b/.....is that you?
When you go back 2 plebbit first
>hodling bitcoin in 2018
These guys hold LINK. Do I need to give you a quick rundown?
stupid normie
obviously be able to pay 1 bitcoin for 1 facebook
has anyone seen the bogdanoffs and the winklevoss twins in the same place at the same time?
Did they sell their bch is the better question
one is taller
I’m slightly taller than my identical twin, he is smarter tho
and he has a bigger dick than you, you little dicklet
Audibly kek'd
Fits perfectly in my bigger hand
Why would you sell and pay taxes?
what the fuck kind of name is Winklevoss? Is that even a common name in any part of Europe?
Please do, a quick rundown would be appreciated.
So what's keeping them from selling and crashing the market? You can't use BTC as a currency anyways.
Would love to see them get revenge on Zuckercuck somehow
man I hope they dew it, the way thing are shaping up its gonna happen, unless suckerberg secretly bought bitcoin years ago.
Can I get a rundown?
>wont sell
more like CAN'T SELL LOL
eww you jacked him off? whats that like?
There would be nothing left but soy boys and fembots
Sounds link Vinkelfoss in the mother tongue
Well just so you know the vice president has to be a senator. Its how congress keeps their eyes in the white house and control shit. The congress needs to be checked hard as fuck. They created FBI and CIA for much more than wall street...
If they sell, you better prepare to sell your coins
can't cash out
Come on dude wheres the quick rundown on BOGLINK???
they are going long on trying to cuck the zuck
Who are these guys? A speedy jog up is much appreciated
north europe. most likely german. Wi names are huge in germany
/pol/ is leaking.
Gonna need a QUICK rundown senpai.
>the vice president has to be a senator
No they don't. The vice president can be literally anybody the presidential candidate chooses as their running mate. In the event that the senate ties on a vote, the VP gets the tie breaker, however a person can't hold both offices at the same time, and there is no prerequisite for having held any prior office to be chosen as a VP.
Have high schools stopped teaching civics classes? The idea that you might legally be able to vote mortifies me.
>They mandate bitcoin as the new official reserve currency of the United States, and the closing of the federal reserve.
wow the the chad bitcoin meme was true wtf