Post QT's wearing adequate armor and gear

Post QT's wearing adequate armor and gear













Armor in Fate comes in two flavors.
Standard retarded fantasy design, and actually quite sensible designs.



is this a girl? serious question




>this user has excellent taste

Guess I'll contribute

thanks pal, my supply's been exhausted, barring sisters of battle



I found this while jacking off on gelbooru.











I've got some






Armored dress is still bad.





Going to be honest: Battletech may not be the best setting for this.

holy shit god tier qt dump thanks budd


I'm only halfway through i think, Gotta eat then i'll be back with the rest

god bless you lads for these miraculous gifts, going to dump what little I have









Foods not ready yet so i guess i'm gonna keep going











And i am back
























I really wish I had sorted my art folders



