New filename thread.
>*whiny voice* "Guyyyys, can we rest now? I'm out of spell slotssss..."
> concern but also a boner
Goddamn what anime girl is this?
No clue, sorry man.
That's brilliant
Frederika from Hitsugime no Chaika, looks like.
It's a dragon.
She's a qt from Chaika.
> monstergirl too
Damn anons you did a good thing getting me onto this
I hope you enjoy, user!
The Chaika shilling is cool and all, but this is a FILENAME thread.
She's a secondary character from Chaika, the Coffin Princess.
As to why she's biting the head off of a fish: she's actually a dragon in disguise. She takes a human form so she can travel with the party.
Show's ~6/10. I enjoyed watching it but it was clear the run got canceled early. Still didn't hate the ending somehow. The combat it features is relatively grounded, considering the setting.
If you enjoy magic combined with howitzer-sized rifles then you might like it.
>If you enjoy magic combined with howitzer-sized rifles then you might like it.
That combination of things just instantly dropped my interest in the show to zero. It sounds like a shitty homebrew.
Meh. It's pretty run of the mill magitech. She uses it more like a funky spellcasting focus than a gun. It's also pretty consistent with the available tech.
I could never get into magitech settings for some reason. Just like steampunk, it seems to occupy this weird territory where it's more about aesthetics than practicality. The evolution of technology doesn't feel "real" or logical in magitech settings most of the time.
Oh well, personal taste and all that.
>currently stuck in electricitypunk
>the evolution of technology still doesn't feel real
I'm waiting for someone to invent strong nuclear forcepunk, personally.
>So... did you bring pizza?
Multi-track drifting?!
Oh Plague, you scare me sometimes, but you are such a treasure.
That's a cute seahorse
Reminder that God's Army did nothing wrong.
>I'm still in a dream, Snake Eater.gif
That's just 50s and 60s era sci-fi, back when people were gung-ho about nuclear energy.
i definitively need a better name for this
>be strong, Sanguinius, be strong for the Emperor.jpg
Stop it with the magical realm Layton
So, around 16363.636 Mph? Sounds pretty damn good, though a bit limited for a level 9 spell.
There's plenty of speed multipliers, and Divine Metamagic means that you can cast it from level 5 onwards.
The real issue, though, is that the Chuck E. Cheese trick got nerfed to hell in back in an errata - note how the version of Footsteps of the Divine in that image is a dischargeable spell. It wasn't originally, see.
Has anyone ever actually commissioned plague to draw something. Noticed him complaining that all people ask him for is sonic characters and bloodborne.
did he died
It's Black Dynamite you jive ass turkey.
Speaking of which, a quick reminder that SIR's new comic is up, now featuring DEUS VULT!
There has to be a point where you simply have to say "Sorry, you are not physically capable of this activity"
And have hundreds of SJW's picket your club?
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> -10hp.jpg