WIP - Painting/Converting/Sculpting General

No WIP thread on Veeky Forums?!? Emperor's Teeth! That's HERESY!!!

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting guides, Uniforms & Heraldry books, Painting Videos, Visions, ebooks and White Dwarves:

>Painting Videos only

>DIY Lightbox

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>I am the hammer! I am the point of His spear! I am the mail about His fist! I am the bane of His foes!

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Threadly Reminder and a Happy New Year!

Anyone else painting the bloodbowl set? Was a little disappointed with skaven but the human and orc teams are probably the best models in the game.

Started my wraith army

Happy new year anons. What are your hobby resolutions for 2017?

I want to finish two armies of some variety and enter some kind of painting competition.

I painted up the humans with a nordland theme. Your guy is looking great so far! I love the blue tone.

Dying to start bloodbowl, but I'm holding out for dorf minis.

My hobby resolutions are to finally get an epic tank for my army, get my own rules get to the first draft and to THIN MY PAINTS.

that pic
>Good luck i'm behind 1000 skeletons

only to pick a goddamm color scheme for my nurgle army, and get a solid kill-team going.

other than that, I'm winging it.

Agreed, the orcs are really fun to paint, and I'm dying for the Nurgle team to come

I want to finish some of the projects I started.
I feel I have to cause I can't let them go and it feels like my head is getting cluttered with old ideas.

More progress

Damn wish I could get the white to come out that crisp. I love the extra armour details on blitzers for humans and orcs.

Wonder if they'll release some monstrous set or just separate sets for rat ogres, rotspawn etc? It's difficult to find monster models that have bloodbowl styled armour.

yeah, they're probably going to make the big guys like the starplayers, 10-15$ each

I really hope Nurgle team will be in plastic by GW

also dwarfs soon

Hopefully I finish my Genecults w/ Nid allies army.
Maybe get my Raptors done so I can get a start on my 30k Imperial Fistos

I've been bought a display case so I might as well paint something to go in it.

Does sitting in sunlight affect paintjobs though?

>Does sitting in sunlight affect paintjobs though?
Pigment will fade when exposed to direct sunlight for long periods.

We were talking about this is the Blood Bowl general, we reckon that Nurgle and Elf Union (Pro Elf) will be plastic, as they're the other concepts seen.

>yeah, they're probably going to make the big guys like the starplayers, 10-15$ each
single characters for the other games are twice that much on average.
What makes you think Blood Bowl is gonna be cheaper?

bought a box of Cadians after not hobbying for 10 years... nostalgia overload

And now on to 30 Rubics.

one from the back

Started the arduous task of highlighting every feather, it's starting to look better though.

One thing I have noticed is the stark contrast between retributor armour spray and pot. The armour was sprayed and the crown was painted by hand and there is a noticeable difference I think.

Kudos, user!

This is the first mini I ever painted what do you think?

Reposting from last thread. Comparison shot of my old Chapter Master (Left) and my New One (Right.)

Will also be posting pictures of small updates I made since previously posting.

could be a lot worse, needs a little more thinning on the paints, and smoother transitions, but certainly not horrible.
Keep up the practice user.

would agree, the red component is carried in the paint as a thinner solution which when sprayed tends to mix less thoroughly hence the brushed look is more red. A solution is to either spray the helmet for the yellow look or gryphon sepia wash the chestplate.

either brighten up the cloak or use a wash to mesh those colors a bit. a bit too stark. other than that, pretty good. and, as always, thin your paints a bit, they look to thick on the face.

There are a couple of things that bother me myself, for example i fucked up his right eye, i should paint first and lateron glue the arms in place and i could remove the (sry don't know how its called in english but in german its Gußgrad) small hump from the production more properly. but still thanks ^^

the areas are kept neat which is a great start. You seem to be trying to achieve too much colour in too few layers, metal especially is tempting since it either covers completely or not much at all. If you don't want to use layers then washes are a must, for the robes you could paint naggaroth night, then genestealer purple all over, then a wash, then pick out the robes in genestealer purple. If you can't match the tones up perfectly it's easier to use a wash to shade. Also you could clean up the trim a little more, a full basecoat of brown or a lighter colour helps define what you've missed.

The hammer arm...

so overall thinning the colour would be a good start. I just have started with playing WH40k so I still have tons of minis to colour, i will think of your tips on the future ones thanks ^^

A comparison shot.

they're both pretty sloppy, particularly the white and the details on the legs, but I kind of like the brightness of the older one better

Finally I have a way to take a picture of my penis and do it justice!


I posted this last week, but I've just started painting the orcs, I very much like the skaven models, especially when compared with the old 1996 models for them

Asking again in new thread?

Doe anyone know of any good proxy/stand-in bits for Legion of the Damned marines? I want to get a skull helmet and I've been unable to find one.

Night lords

Asked last thread, but asking again.

Where can I get some Draenei-like heads for Guardsman/Fire Warrior/etc-sized minis? Not Marine-scaled.

Weird texture on some of your guys, the spiritseer has some THICK parts and that wraith behind him has a really grainy texture on his legs.

The basing is also odd, I can't tell if it's unpainted or just weird shades, but the sawdust-type stuff and the foam? looks really odd.

Oh, Tsugumi, you're such a kidder!

Stop adding white to your red for highlights.

Paint stripping link does not work.

Got a great deal on Chimeras and LemanRuss fir my guard army. They're spray painted, how do I strip the thick metallic spray paint on these larger models?

I usually use simple green on the small guardsmen in a cup. Then tooth brush clean in hot water. The simple green doesn't seem strong enough fir the tanks though.

>Paint stripping link does not work.

Yes it does. Those periods in the URL are *not* optional.

But I don't? That bright red is Wild Rider Red.

>Paint stripping link does not work.
you need to include the dots. it's part of the url for some reason
We really should include that information in the op, it gets asked so often.

Over what base? The jump looks unnatural as is.

That crimson really suits the darker skin colour. Agree the skaven models are good compared to the past models but they seem a little rudimentary compared to the other teams. Would've been interesting if the thrower had a skyre ball cannon and the blitzers could've had more intricate armour.

Nurgle heldrake conversion, not quite done yet I have the tail area to do.i still think its turning out pretty well.

to get the large boils I've been putting air soft pellets bellow green stuff

Wait, I tell a lie, it's not Wild Rider, it's one shade brighter.

But I start out with a basecoat of Khorne Red, move up to Mephistion Red to layer, then to Wild Rider to get the first highlights. And then the brighter shade for Edge Highlighting.

Also, that one was before I realized you had to thin the paints OUT of the jar.

I'd try to disguise those tyranid back-chimney things a bit more, possibly by making them less clean at the top and more pitted.

I saw a thing using glue and sand to make something appear corroded and rusty i suppose i could do that or i can just cut them right off and sub them out or cover the holes with green stuff

Mephiston to Wild Rider for the first highlight is a big jump not only in how orange it is but also how pink it is, I always go via Evil Sunz.

If you want to tie them together more you could glaze over for a smoother transition.

I was thinking if you score them lengthwise so they're more jaggedy at the top they'd fit well with the corroded spikes coming up from the turbines.

My roommate spilled my nuln oil and so I have to put some of my painting projects on hold and work on something else.

Here's an Emperor's Champion that I've decided to work towards, and an the art reference that I'm using. Problem is, I'm a halfway-decent painter but I don't have a lot of experience modeling, and I still can't wrap my head around how people do so well with green stuff.

Thoughts so far? I'm not super-satisfied with the legs and I just did the left arm this morning and I'm already thinking that it needs to be moved a little to match the pose.


sounds good thanks user, ill certainly give it a try.


Wildrider was the highlight, Evil Suns was the next shade up. I forget the colors way too much. XD.

But yeah, I'm fixing it up on the new one.

So far looks reasonably close to the art. I wouldn't get too hung up on the legs, I've always thought that picture was just about the faggiest looking BT with those swishy hips. looks more like a SoB

Working on thousand sons at the moment. Super early but I'm really enjoying painting them.

Sup /WIP/, I'm sure some of you will recognize this. I'm currently scratch-building a Javelin Attack speeder. It's got a cockpit and a turret with a Cyclone missile launcher, and 2 hunter killer missiles. I'm currently trying to figure out how I'm going to do some gribbling on it to add further details, which I might just do with painting a bunch of lines and hatches onto it.

take off the stickers and use a hobby knife to score some lines and etc into the surface. maybe draw them first? also an antenna or something would look cool

>Wildrider was the highlight, Evil Suns was the next shade up. I forget the colors way too much.

There's also Troll Slayer Orange if you're going all out.

Another commission done. Client opted for me to not base these guys.

How about something like in the pic? Glue some wires running across like its conduit. Can also get some plasticard and cut some different shapes for armor panels, then you can add rivets and such. Looking pretty neat so far.

Curiosity compels me to ask pricing and your time allocated per model?

I made the wash with glue!

Took an hour and a half to finish the whole squad. (drybrushing and heavy washes are what makes them look good)
My current pricing is really really cheap, so these guys are going for $30
I'm changing my pricing model once my backlog is done to something to the tune of $9/hour for assembly, $15/hour for painting.

Is that a snaptite sherman I spot?

How much paint should come out of a paint pot and onto my palette? Duncan is my source for everything but he seems to take a fuckload more paint out of his pots than I think necessary.

I use this to make details such as pipes and shit

You could also get some aluminum foil mesh stuff to make covered areas, or find some nice bits of terrain (grates, hatches etc) you can press into greenstuff to make a physical thing to slap on. Personally I'd also cut around the missile turret to have it inset into the hull and then build up some detail around that

No, It's a flames of war one (By battlefront) Its turret is meant to be put in the hole so you can spin the turret for gameplay purposes but you build the turret and tank itself. Usually people put a magnet in that hole instead though.

Working on a DA today.

>drybrushing and heavy washes

No shit batman.

I'm just always interested to know what people are paying themselves for commission work.

>No shit batman.
I only wanted to make it clear that I wasn't painting these to be showcase pieces. They're a tabletop standard speedpaint.

A fellow purple skitarii fan I see,=. You have good taste, user.

>how long is a piece of string?

Enough that you can paint what you need. and also so that you can thin it properly.
If you can only get so little water on your brush then if you have too little paint on the palette you will over-thin it and it will separate.

Bear in mind that a smaller puddle of paint will dry out faster, so you may not actually save paint.

Make sure you're matching up the leg/hip pieces too. There are different leg assemblies indicated on the instruction sheet: F3- F5, B3-B5, and so on.

Rusted and dirty? I dunno. First model ever btw.

That does make it hard to critique them. They look like models you spent an hour and a half on, but presumably you know you can do better.

Yeah, the client is an asshole and on top of that wants me to paint nazi Kriegers and handed me something like 25 grenadiers (FUCK Krieg Grenadiers), a command squad, and a bunch of random other shit (including those Armageddon dudes)

I'm finished with this Looted rhino/trukk now. What do you guys think? C & C please


That's all

It's a good enough conversion, but dude, leave the 'optics' on the hatch either dark, paint them cracked or use more than black and red.

I need to finish painting the models from Silver Tower and the SC Sylvaneth box I have lying around
I plan on getting Magnus too.

As nobody's posted it, I stole this from an user in here.

Alright, thanks, Ill probably put more black on them

Overall paint neater, even with orks. And watch out for mold lines. The gunners cupola ring is the worst of both.

Are the tracks mud-free, or is the contrast between dark metal tracks and dark brown mud just too low to be visible in these photos? The mud also often looks very much painted on instead of splattered on, especially along the side, front and rear being better.

Outline details more. The orks teeth, between the horns of the skull and the straps tied to them, etc. Get some dark wash in between and watch it pop.

The drybrushed metal has gotten some very significant highlights, whereas the dark mustard bits of the hull have very little. Seek the happy medium.

Thanks for the response

The tracks do have mud on them, I'm just assuming it's the sides. I tried to follow Duncan's guide for typhus corrison so I generally did what he did.

Thanks though, I guess I need a stronger highlight on the dark mustard hull and more washes on the Bone with highlights?

very un-tidy

here; so I don't exactly know what phosphex blasts look like but from what Google tells me this is... vaguely similar. I'm just messing around making renders, but is pic related at all similar to what had wanted? Or have I completely missed the mark?

Hey /wip/!

I've been working furiously on some kill teams over the holidays and after building and painting around 30 basic infantry I'm getting sick of basic bitches. I want to start working on a bigger build for a change.

What should I go for, kitbashing / sculpting a Kataphron Destroyer for my GFs Skitaari, scratchbuilding a renegade sentinel for my heretics or something else entirely for one of my available kill teams: Heretics, Skitaari, GSC or Nurgle CSM?

Someone paid for this?


That's what triggers you? Not the untidy mess of red that's supposed to be the goggles or the fact that they're painted in 3 shades of shit?

Do airbrushes help the quality of your painting, or do they mainly just make painting go much quicker?

I'm thinking of getting one but it's hard to justify the price

thinner, smoother coats for base coats, better blends, especially on larger areas, but also much quicker.

both. An airbrush makes for some of the best transitions, osl, and blending, but you need to be good with it. It can also be used for very fast and easy basecoats, and it's practically needed for vehicles if you don't want to spend a month priming/basecoating it. You can also use it to speedpaint armies and make them look good, so it's useful for every skill level.