Hey teegee, how was the last session you played in 2016?
pic unrelated
Hey teegee, how was the last session you played in 2016?
pic unrelated
the last session I played was not in 2016
Relaxed, very slightly comedic.
Unexpected guest turned up, wanted to be in the game. The plot was a basic dungeon crawl with no side characters, and I didn't want to spend another hour making a new character sheet for them.
I felt like I was making the right decision to not let them in, but now I just feel like a terrible DM.
I've played maybe 7 games in 2016. They were all so shit I try to forget about them. And last one was in early November. Compared with 2015, where I was GMing for two groups and playing in 3rd one, '16 was really thin year.
The worst part of the last game was that I've ended up plastered with wine, because there was nothing else to drink and the players were really shit, so I didn't mind getting hammered. They were piss-drunk too by the end, so they didn't notice, but I feel like shit about preferring bottle over at least trying to make that scenario better with players I had.
First time DMing, started in 2016 ended in 2017. Went pretty well, especially since the setting was experimental and I thought it would end horribly.
Friend ran Sunless Citadel for us. Half the group wanted to hit it like a SWAT team, the other half wanted to play pattycake with Meepo the kobold.
Nobody got what they wanted.
Awesome, the Dawn Caste dueled the First and Forsaken Lion on top of a spire while the rest of us circled in an airship, fighting off his minions trying to support him. The Eclipse was steering, the Night was shooting down the ghosts trying to climb the spire, the Zenith was leading his team of 5 Power Ranger dragonbloods in boarding actions against other airships, and the Twilight was building weapons and clockwork soldiers to man them from anything on the shop that could be spared.
Two of my players decided to sequence break via teleports and take on a monster meant for six characters.
They may or may not die.
Cosmic Horror story mixed with real estate and gangsters. It was fun and entertaining, especially the gangster part.
All my players were salty because I threw a flying boss encounter at them and they all specialized in dealing massive amounts of melee damage and nothing else.
Real talk: why the fuck did you do this?
Of course, you should hit them where they're weak,b ut did you put ANYTHING in for them to do, or just get nuked by breath weapons?
It was a fun one
>Extended since people were done with exams and the like
>Liquor aplenty
>Spoopsy sessh that's been long in the making
>3 fate points or so spent in one session
>A new insanity gained (A pyromaniac pyromancer...)
>One demonic possession courtesy of THE DAEMONS
>Crazy magic bitch that went ZA WARUDO on a river to allow wolves to cross and bite our soft, vulnerable flanks
Warhammer 2nd ed is a really good system for the GM's custom low-magic high-lethality setting, and all of the players are pretty cool.
OOC, lotta petting the DM's cats, eating pizza and drinking liquor, both brown and clear, and beer and cider as well.
Youngest member (22, I think, looks like a scenester twink) had never had alcohol during a session before, and got super spooped.
We ended a pretty great campaign facing off against a villain we had long been trying to to pursue, and now I'm set to run the sequel campaign next week. I'm hype as fuck.
I had similar thing happened except it was couple goblins with slingshots across a ravine. They were doing negligible amounts of damage and players could retreat easily, it was intended as a gentle reminder that arming yourself for melee only might not be the wisest choice. Guess what? It ended up in a dramatic ragequit after one of the players attempted to pole-vault across the ravine, "securing" himself via rope on another (one size category smaller) character.
Oh, no. The enemy had no ranged attacks. It had massive melee damage, but in order to do hit-and-run, it had to continually descend and ascend, which means it opened itself up to opportunity attacks. The PCs were just stupid and went all-in with their favorite new strategy of "Let the druid try and abuse shoves with conjure animals", and so the boss stood up in the air hitting a crowd of giant owls while the sorcerer and druid barely did any damage at all after they managed a SINGLE time to shove him down. And then he knocked the druid out and hope left them, because the meleeists kept on grouping up beneath him like he was ever going to go down into that blender when the mages were isolated.
They finally got smart and changed up their strategy and beat it. But it was only after one player started spilling spaghetti.
christmas one-shot that involved killing krampus, forced child labor, and a surprising amount of nutcrackers
Convoluted, but satisfying.
We had our brains tinkered with because plot, then a party member remembered that she doesn't want her brain tinkered with, but only after everybody else got the shaft, so we put her in the slab by force. Ironicaly, her operation got borked and she now has brain damage.
As an added bonus, the one literal murderhobo that kept fucking us over because Chaotic Stupid got wrecked after the party's noble decided to sell him to the mad doctor tinkering with our heads for gold.
I got lucky with random stat rolls and ended up with maxed out charisma. DM was unused to dealing with full-on pacifist diplomacy approaches. Cakewalked from one end of the adventure to the next while entire rest of the party achieved little to nothing except occasionally getting in my way.
Gave him some pointers on encounters that I can't charm my way out of.
I decided to never play with 2 of my friends ever again that night.
We got too drunk on Rum punch and had to stop playing because we were too wasted.
Enlightening. I discovered members of the group struggle with "stressful" situations.
Friend ran Legends of the Wulin for us for the first time. Become kung fu crime fighters bound to the state in ancient china for several sessions (going great). Last session, shit hits the fan, and the imperial liaison we have commits (dis)honourable suicide (player character, not an NPC). Spirals out of control with people fleeing the country, becoming vigilantes and/or burning down the wooden parts of the capitol, destroying any future group cohession. 5/7 would fail at being a kung fu fighter again.
A bunch of guardsmen got rescued from a last stand and were turned into inquisitorial goons. Inquisitor expected us to know how to be investigative and find an artifact when literally all we did in the guard was blow stuff up.
That's like asking a guy with a history in demolitions to do interior decorating.
Blew our cover within 5 minutes after some gangers picked the wrong group to mug, inquisitor was pissed. To sum up the conversation
>What the hell are you idiots doing? I told you to be subtle!
You told us to find an amulet in a hive city with 0 intel, nowhere to stay, and said have fun, with 0 inquisition experience
>How did you idiots possibly pass as recon troops in the guard?
Surely you've heard of "reconnaissance in force?" What did you think we were doing when you found us?
>You were surrounded on all sides by chaos marines holding a fort
Exactly, that was going great, normally we just die in a field.
I'm looking forward to the next session. All guardsmen party we most certainly are not though.
Managed to survive being outnumbered and outpowered by 5 jackal-men, when I was at half health the entire adventure. Party managed to escape by the skin of our teeth.
It's in Call of Cthulhu btw, so I don't even know how we managed to survive.
It was basically mediocre filler. The module I picked didn't really swing right to me but I ran it anyway, and the players didn't really do anything fun. I guess some players managed to level up so that made them happy.
Considering I played with the same group that has been a constant negative tabletop experience for the last three years, it's really my fault for thinking this time could have been differently
I wouldn't know. It's been so incredibly late no since I've gotten to play
Pretty good. Party fought an abomination in a burning church, the Warrior Summoner's player damn near cried when his character's sheele(fairy) familiar got it's brain destroyed by the thing's psychic death pulse, and actually cashed in their "everybody gets one" chip to res it at the end of sesh.
Players have informed me that they are thoroughly enjoying the campaign, and look forward to following it through to the conclusion.
Pretty funny. Got derailed pretty bad when the party decided to go dog shopping, but I was able to set up the next "arc" of the campaign and thoroughly disturb them with a shapeshifted imp.
My players showed up with totally min maxed characters and refused to take any opportunities I gve them for role play.
Gave up, brushed off an old dungeon I put together years ago and had them teleported to the first room with no way out without the mcguffin. Killed them all by room 10.
My spider companion got kicked off the top of a tower while the guy who kicked her off subsequently was given the same treatment.
It was Mouse Guard and I had a blast.
I didn't get to play any sessions
I have no friends interested in playing them. The ones I do expect me to DM when I'm pretty new to tabletop gaming myself.
My local gamestore left town.
being meguca is suffering.