++3153921.M41, Pallas System, Pallas, 1205 local++
+Oh Throne, the fuel line injector was scratched.+ Over the hardline uplink she had with 301's core, she felt an indignant sputter of static.
"Don't worry! Don't worry! The important thing is we found it before we got into combat." +Though only after an hour tearing apart the fuel distribution system after the pressurization test, listening constantly to that maddening hiss.+
Miria unceremoniously ripped the injector from its mooring, and the hiss became a low whoosh of escaping air. +Frakking...Throne damned...cornbean soup...+
A questioning blip passed over her senses.
"Oh no, you're getting a new one. I won't have a half assed patch job on something as important as fuel regulation. Not while we have the parts here. I may not remember much from Generators, Engines and Capacitors with Master Gilash, but fuel leaking places it shouldn't would have caused him a stack overflow. Of rage."
Miria pocketed the offending part and made a log notation on her dataslate. Under the Forgemaster's harsh tutoring, she was getting much better at logging her work properly, tedious as it was.
"If you did not log the procedure, you did not do it!" He had growled at her, whimpering in a corner and hugging a spanner. She had thought back to all those times Proctor Kraellen had been forced to decipher the mess of her lab notebooks, ultimately always correct of course, she knew what she was about, but he had said over and over that being unable to demonstrate concepts made even the most brilliant seeker of knowledge as useless as a datacorder with no playback function.
Glancing surreptitiously about the hangar, she saw that the other Adepts were indeed filing out the south door for midday meal. +With the regiments arriving today, it's now or never.+