I stumbled upon the old Veeky Forums unified setting stuff on 1d4chan while looking for a new campaign setting.
Does anyone still have old information/archive links for the original posts?
Other than that it'd be neat to hear about people who actually used the mockup unified setting
Anyone still care about the old unified setting?
Other urls found in this thread:
That generation of Veeky Forums is dead.
It was, but this particular project could be revived. I'm the OP of the Friendly Virtual Gaming thread that occasionally pops up, and we try and pull off projects like this. Fading Embers and Love and Krieg 2.0 are some of our more recent projects. I'll post a thread tomorrow, if you bring it up there it could have potential. We'd need a project leader though.
Honestly, there's some neat ideas there but it's also not really easy to just pick up and play. It could be tinkered with to make the setting better. Also it would be nice to have it built in a game that isn't D&D.
sweet okay, i'll keep a look out
well it was more or less built for D20 so it could be easily adapted for 3.5, pathfinder, and other d20-alikes
The old threads used to be in the archive but got mass down voted by trolls and subsequently purged.
I would, except it's from before my time.
I wouldn't mind seeing a Unified Setting emerge, but it would have to avoid the nonsense that
>Create a world
threads get up to.
Reminds me of that one create a setting thread where the OP defined each person making a region in a plane that roughly resembled a chessboard, and by the end it was surprisingly coherent with writers even coordinating with each other to make their creations interact and leave a basic world history down. Unfortunately, the OP abandoned the thread before he could actually use that setting, leading it all to go to waste.
In fact, here it is right now!
Yeah but the probem is namefagging versus anonymous contributions.
>it's also not really easy to just pick up and play
It's not FR-easy but I'm pretty sure it was made for ease of play. Though some things in it are pretty fucking weird, what with undead goblin kings fighting bio-armored mind flayers under the sea or elves being magic-absorbing bastards or orcs as malevolent intelligent water
Speaking of what happened to the fading embers and virtual gaming threads? I haven't been able to find them for a while.
Unified setting was a product of the great furry invasion that came out of Rubyquest as is evident from the fact that basically every race in it is some kind of anthropomorphic animals, including fucking sergals of all things as well as a race that is literally just pulled from final fantasy 9.
That time on Veeky Forums was a fucking nightmare and you should be glad you weren't there for it.
Honestly, sergals (horrible choice but they do look very disturbing), gnolls and FF9 rats could easily be rolled into one: gnolls, who are a fantasy staple by this point
So are lizardmen
Corgies are supposed to be intelligent animals able to walk on their hind legs, I think
And that's it
>Corgies are supposed to be intelligent animals able to walk on their hind legs, I think
This an anthropomorphic animal by definition. As are Kobolds, Doobies and the extinct Draconians.
The entire thing is just an arrangement of borrowed (stolen) ideas and Veeky Forums memes that happened to be in vogue at the time. Cutebolds were popular as Kobold Camp was still recent at that time, corgis where a thing because someone totally unrelated came up with a 4e statblock for an anthropomorphic corgi which got posted.
It's a garbage heap.
>This an anthropomorphic animal by definition
Only if you consider slightly smarter chimps anthropomorphic
>Kobolds, Draconians
Sure, agree here. I didn't notice them. Then again, both are common fantasy races
Do they even count as animals? They're some horrid blobs of flesh
I have a more recent map for you.
Nah, they got mass downvoted because they were shit.
Pretty much this. It started as a joke that the furfags took seriously and ran with. Also it had a fucking Legend of Zelda boss as a god.
>Only if you consider slightly smarter chimps anthropomorphic
Dude, they're literally anthropomorphic animals by the definition that furries use. If it's an animal and it walks on two legs and talks (which they do in this case) it's an anthropomorphic animal.
If you want to go by the actual definition an animal with any human characteristics applied to it would be in some way anthropomorphic, but let's be generous.
I think Bay12 managed to take the non-shit (read: furry) parts of the Unified Setting and made it into what we now know as the world of Boatmurdered.
Talking chickens are now anthropomorphic.
The other way around
Doobies are explicitly anthropomorphic animals. Specifically they are rabbit-flatfish people.
They absolutely are, though furries would sub-categorize them as "ferals".
Makes me miss the Lenore Threads, But then again I'm slowly building a Savage Worlds hack for it so maybe I'm just biased. That said, I miss those days of Veeky Forums when everyone piled into a thread and got fucking crazy with the world building, shit like 8 bit-dystopia were my jam back then.
>reviving UnSet
You are worse than I expected
Heya Diogenes, how's Corinth treating you?