How does a wizard suddenly learn more spells from killing a certain amount of people?
How does a wizard suddenly learn more spells from killing a certain amount of people?
Spiral power.
Blood Sacrifices to Hermaeus Mora, Deadric prince of Knowledge
understanding the essence of magic by causing death grants them insight into the inner workings of the universe
Uh, they're called magic-users, moron, and they suddenly learn more spells when they remove 2^n × 2,500 gp from a dungeon.
They're assumed to be practicing magic and learning different applications while adventuring. They don't suddenly learn spells so much as the ones they're working on are finally ready for regular use.
Because "leveling up" or "spending experience" is pretty much just complete nonsense if you look at it closely enough. The point of those things is to make the games fun by having a progression for players, not to make them logically consistent.
Still for the case of wizards I just assume they're working on that shit whenever they have a chance
So, if everyone/thing was deleveled to level 1 in a setting, how would you describe what is happening in-universe?
Martials bodies are nerfed, mages lose their connection to 'magical energies' or something.
Collecting rare body parts from monsters is part of spellcasting. Reagents and whatnot.
Target practice.
I am so tired of wannabes questioning shit from their comfy chairs.
Why don't you try it and find out, OP?!
fukken pleb
easiest question of the day
The deaths were experiments.
he doesn't, he learns them from scrolls or stolen spellbooks.
Actually they have to bring it back to civilization, and have some downtime. (Which is when spell research happens)
Blood and souls for Arioch, duh.
In my setting, casting magic is more about controlling it than anything else. Even an idiot peasant can attempt to cash Wish if he knows the correct incantation and sate of mind to do so, but he'll most likely just catch fire and die horribly.
Leveling up happens when you feel confident enough to try more difficult spells out.
To me is Just that using the spells in life threathning situations makes the use of spells in mundane means easier.
If you are able to recite the words of a spell with a knife in your guts and dodging a ogre's club doing it normally after that is a piece of cake.
You became better and it's easier to cast more and more spells.
It's similar to playing a game in Hard mode. You git gud one way or another.
In my setting, it's literally because the goddess of magic said that's how things work because death and destruction work to her ends. I mean, technically you can level up other ways, but it's more difficult.
Coincidentally, she hates wizards, but mostly because they never give her credit for anything and got her in the situation she is now in the first place because they demanded magic make sense and the rest of the pantheon went along with it.
Because you are playing 3.5. Stop it.
>Martials bodies are nerfed
No! My gainz!