MTG Legacy General

New Year, Old Format Edition

Talk about Legacy or something.

>Active Legacy Forums

>Current Legacy Metagame

>Find/Browse basic lands by their art, by sets, by artists, and more

>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)

>Miracles: The Match-Up Everyone Should Know

>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)


Common Legacy - Decks You Should Prepare to Face
>Delver variants (Grixis, Izzet, BUG, RUG)
>ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils)
>Death and Taxes
>Eldrazi Stompy
>Shardless BUG

Uncommon Legacy - Decks You Should Know About
>LED Dredge
>TES (The Epic Storm)
>4-Color Loam
>Nic Fit
>Sneak n Show

Rare Legacy - Decks You May See On Occasion
>High Tide
>Food Chain
>12 Post
>Pox Control
>Blood Moon Stompy variants
>Sneak n Breach
>Stax (White or Black)
>Deadguy Ale
>Oops, All Spells

Mythic Legacy - Decks You'll See Once a Year
>Doomsday Fetchland Tendrils (DDFT)
>Nourshing Lich
>Non-Eldrazi Moon-less Stompy variants
>Spanish Inquisition
>Ux Omnitell
>The Cure (Kavu Predator + False Cure)

Other urls found in this thread:

Turns out I have 4 Cloudpost, 4 glimmer post and 2 vesuva. Is 12post possibly a non-meme deck or is it just worse eldrazi aggro?

It's not even on the Eldrazi plan, it's just a bad card pile. Seems fun to play as jokes though.

Just gonna keep leaving this here.
Copter is good, copter is life.

Will I need Candelabra for 12 post. I've actually been building it.

how long until that thing is banned?

Never it's not op and requires a creature to activate. Now get in da choppa!

would you mind posting your board? Gonna try this on cockatrice.

Alright, the namefags are starting to shit up these threads again. It was fine a little bit ago when we "reset" it to only denote what deck you play, but they are regressing back to using trips and unique identifiers and it really makes it shitty for everyone

3x thorn
1x needle
1x rachetbomb
2x endbringer
2x warping wail
4x faerie macabre
2x all is dust


I don't think you need candelabra, and I don't think the deck is really that bad. It has a very powerful gameplan if it doesn't die in the first few turns. Just gotta get through those first few turns.

Is that image loss or..?

Plugging my stream again. Doing another league, maybe two, depends how long it goes.
J01000111 on Twitch.

I mean.

I know it has a by vs combo decks, but man I've been enjoying Jund. Never seen a deck that can just BTFO DnT quite like it, so far at least. The Storm matchups I've played haven't been too bad either, Hymn and Thoughtseize in the maindeck and Duress in the Sb lets me pick apart their hand pretty easily. /blog

Elves can really just BTFO DnT as well, but its combo matchup is similarly unfavorable.

Didn't read the filename, my bad.

So I think Im done being cute with the tech and need to get rid of some of the worse parts of my list. any suggestions? I'm thinking of jamming in recurring nightmare and replacing the more situational GSZ targets with more Rhinos

Ian't Recurring Nightmare banned? Or am I thinking of Commander?

Thats commander, Legacy is too fast for it to be as busted. I just want to live a dream of saccing siege rhino to siege rhino then saccing siege rhino to siege rhino then... since my meta is all fair, relatively slow decks.

Recurring seems like it would be good with all of the token generators you have, does Nic Fit not run Birthing Pod anymore? Rec Sage is pretty good I think. I wish I could help more, but every time I've tried to put together a Nic Fit list I've slaved over a nice Birthing Pod chain, made a great curve and looked back and realized I've made a pile of jank.

>That pic
>A namefag
>Shit pasta

Namefags ruined this general. This used to be a comfy place until they decided to justify their pathetic existences by establishing an identity on a forum that is known for anonymity.

Well Nic fit is ramping into Janks Greatest Hits. I have rec sage in side because nearly all of the relevant artifacts/enchantments I deal with are answerable with decay or deed. I chose the GSZ route out of personal preference.

Is Sorin worth the spot? doesn't seem very good to me. Wouldn't some other meatbat just be better?

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Birthing Pod Nic Fit, is in fact, NicFit/Birthing Pod, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Nic Fit plus Birthing Pod. Birthing Pod is not a deck unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Nic Fit archetype made useful by the Nic Fit core, Veteran Explorer and Cabal Therapy, comprising a full Deck as defined by Magic the Gathering.
Many legacy players run a modified version of the NicFit List every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of NicFit which is widely used today is often called Junk, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the NicFit deck, developed by the MTGSalvation.
There really is a Birthing Pod, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Birthing Pod is the engine: the card in the deck that generates the deck’s creatures to the better creatures that you run. The Birthing Pod is an essential part of the deck, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of VE + CT + 7 or more basic lands. Birthing Pod is normally used in combination with the NicFit shell: the whole system is basically NicFit with Birthing Pod added, or NicFit/Birthing Pod. All the so-called Birthing Pod Decks are really distributions of NicFit/Birthing Pod!

thanks, professor

He is likely to be coming out for a rhino. The reasoning I had to put him in, and keep an open mind on this one, is that he beats jtms and miracles. So does half of my deck, being big ETB and or flyers, but I just wanted to squeeze out the jank potential. But I've had my fun and now I'm making improvements.

But more by the virtue that Nic Fit/Survival already was a deck in Legacy when Pod came along right? Or does Legacy have a Birthing Pod deck, in the style of the old Modern one?

There's no Birthing Pod centric deck in Legacy, that strategy is too slow. Even If combo doesnt kill you by turn 5 decks like 12post can hardcast Newlamog and Emrakul by then.

>On the play
>Turn 1
>Looting, Crack LED, Looting
>Flashback Therapy
>Pic related

Great sideboard card. Probably even good enough in some main decks as removal 5 and 6.

Heh I'm getting diabolic edict vibes off that art. And commie vibes off the overall theme of this block.

Why do people hate eldrazi so much?

Wow, that's great. Kills pretty much everything in the format if you fetch into it.

I'd have shotgun shredded the Brainstorms. What'd you end up picking?

Because it's good.

Instareplaces disfigure in many sideboards.

That does seem good. Crack a fetch or a lotus petal and it kills damn near anything relevant. Even without revolt, it kills a lot. This will see play for sure.

Because it's brainless

>implying that this block isn't WOTC coming out as extremely pro-2A.

Every new mechanic:

I highly doubt wotc is pro-2a given their tumblr panderings and the fact that their HQ is located like, 10 miles from seattle WA which is a very american left leaning region

Leftist ideology values individual liberty incredibly highly, lol. I'm tired of the meme that tumblrinas are anti gun. Every gay/trans/etc person I know is extremely pro 2A especially after Mr Donald got up in the white house.

People generally don't like getting blown out. People really, really hate getting blown out but stuck waiting for their opponents to kill them. They despise like nothing else getting blown out by two cards on turn 1, then having to wait around for their opponents to kill them.

>Legacy is way more accessible than Modern
>No overpowering archetypes

Is two basic mountains really necessary? You only have two red spells, seems like a third forest would be better

Sweet, it has pyroblast wording. It's the little things.

You can't Convertedmanacost-lace the target in response to save it tho.

Please explain.

You can answer Pyroblast with something like pic related. There isn't yet something similar but that changes CMC.

True, but I can blow it on anything to up my storm count though.


Sup Lorwyn.

Seems good, I imagine it'll see some play. Does merfolk have enough 2 cmc lords? I think the list is pretty tight.

Goblins maybe? Humans?

Guys, what? We are talking about legacy here right? Not kitchen table tribal bs.

Shhh, no tears, only spoiler season now.

Its boring to play with and against. Plus it's the new popular deck, that uses very few pre Modern cards, so its everywhere.

So I was just jamming a few games on MTGO and I played against 2 bizarro decks in a row.
First was Shardless Countertop. Thought it was Miracles until a Goyf flipped to counterbalance and then they cast it off a bayou. I won game 1 fairly easily because they couldn't clock me fast enough and I punched through CB, lost game 2 to goyf + triple deathrite, then sided out some decays for game 3 because I didn't see CB in g2, and got locked under CB in game 3.
Second was Battle of Motherfuckin Wits w/ Elf Tribal Subtheme. Opponent kept 7 and opened with forest, pass. I knew something funky was going down so i probed and I see Battle of Wits, Coastal Piracy, Elvish Archdruid, and some lands. Therapy that shit posthaste. I combo out on t4 after ripping a Condescend out of their hand as well. Game 2 is similar, they have condescend, some lands, and a fairly aggressive elf start. I combo out quick after taking the condescend.

All in all a very strange pair of matches. I think it's time for a break from MTGO for the day.

Yo how's copter been working you ditched the last thread

>almost done building death and taxes
>wizards releases push

O..oh.. sanctum prelate on one I guess..?

>abrupt Decay.

That is my other worry. ;_;

Too late :^)

>Battle of Wits


Good; great. Just what the format needed—bigger Eldrazi.

I'm starting to wish I had a couple extra copies of Badlands.

It can also kill Thought-Nazi.

Yeah, I've noticed playing online that people often play these weird shitbrews, it can be kinda annoying when you're looking for practice.

Seems actually too slow for Eldrazi. Maybe a late-game tech? I'd rather be going T1 Chalice instead of T1 Metallic Mimic.

Worse animated automaton? I mean it's up for debate if it's worse actually, maybe one mana less and counters is nicer in some cases.

Maybe board it for the mirror? I dunno. Seems unnecessary.

I think Eldrazi has too many efficient beatsticks for it to want a 2 mana 2/1 that it can't even cast off just Temple or Eye.

Is Maverick good? Its like the only deck im interested in. I like those value decks but they seem to be few in Legacy and some are just bad. I also dont want to play anything blue so one of the true value midrange decks Shardless BUG is out. I have a ton of cards for Legacy so money isnt an issue. Is Maverick good?

Maverick and others like them have evolved into their logical conclusion: 4c loam.

You might be right, but if they're experimenting with the Hellicopter, I don't see why they wouldn't try this.

It's not spectacular. I think it's better than a lot of people say it is, but that it's not as good as its pilots claim.

Death and Taxes essentially does the same thing a bit better/with more consistency than Mav does, though lacking any black or green cards means you don't have silver bullets like GSZ for Gaddock or Deathrite Shaman.

>better than people who don't play it say, worse than its pilots say
incredibly accurate. why are maverick pilots so smug?

Yeah unfortunately that deck runs a Tabernacle which is one of the cards I cant afford

Can someone give me a rundown on Legacy elves? I want to get into the format, and Elves seems like a fun deck to try to play with.
I was looking up some budget options for it, and read/heard that you can run just one Cradle instead of four, and run Crop rotation to get it. Is this feasible?

It really needs minimum 3 Cradles if you want to be playing a winning version. 3 is good enough.
Its actually one of the hardest decks to play in the format so if you're new to Legacy id recommend building into something easier.

And one of its worst Matchups is to one of the most popular decks in the format


Yeah this is one reason I dislike Miracles. I actually dont mind the deck and what it does, I think its cool that its what can be considered a true control deck. My only issue with it is that it pushes other decks out of the format, its so good at what it does and is so prevalent that if your deck has a bad matchup against it you're gonna have a bad time. Elves and Painter both have abysmal matches against it.

I also dont like that Miracles feels like it doesnt have bad matchups. Sure it may have matchups that arent favorable, all decks have that, but it in particular doesnt seem to have any auto lose matchups, Shardless and Eldrazi are probably its hardest matchups that are common decks.

PoxRack and Burn brutalize it, and LEDLess Dredge can be a 0-2 five minute match unless you draw like Yugi.
Shame neither of these decks are Tier 1 and Miracles is.

I'm just glad you're playing nic fit. I shudder to think of how many teeth you would have if you were playing a deck with a higher winrate.

idk I feel like I shit on it evry tiem

I don't understand. Is this card good in legacy or is it an inside joke?

Very good when you can reanimated it. Ruins many decks outright.

It's aight.

Reanimator is a pretty popular deck. It's a growing favorite in Reanimator alongside Iona, Elesh, Jin and Tidespout.

I honestly feel like the deck only has "slightly" unfavourable matchups but I also feel like it has very few "great" matchups. The only decks that outright rape it are infect and cloudpost from my experience.

bumping with a shitbrew I'm currently stumped on.

What are you stumped on?

Why sinkhole?

Oh yeah, should've put the Therapy in the screenshot. I chose Brainstorm. He scooped.

This looks beautiful

Gitaxian probe/cabal therapy? Don't need 4 anglers either.

The main problem I see is that you don't have any answers to resolved nonland permanents and you're running too many lands. Also, yeah; you probably don't need four Anglers or Sinkholes/Stifles in your main.

It's saturated with stuff that's great against specific cards/strategies, but there's nothing to deal with, say, Jund or Dredge.

You're also vulnerable to CounterTop.

I guess it feels like regular Delver, but with more land-hate and less other disruption (primarily for in-hand cards and creatures).

I think it's funny but it seems bad

for laughs

I wanted to do triple quad stone rains, but exactly like you said, I don't have any answers for inland permanents. I want this to be good, but I can't give up enough cute shit to make room for decent cards.

I like it. I think it needs either Inquisition, Thoughtseize, or Hymns to justify the black. That qlso seems like a ton of land. I know Wasteland is kind of in the spell slot, but 23 lands for a Delver deck? Miricles only runs like 21, and Pox runs about 24. You should be at like 20.

Maybe cut 4 lands, 2 Gurmangs, a Stifle and a Sinkhole for some discard, and a couple of removal spells?

That new 1 cmc black kill spell would be perfect here