Peacekeeper Colossus, 3
Artifact - Vehicle (Rare)
1W: Another target Vehicle you control becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.
Crew 4
"Keeping Peace? Its sole purpose is to keep people in fear."
--- Saheeli Rai
Peacekeeper Colossus, 3
>can crew itself
The real question is - how quickly you can get two of them on the field?
>1W: Another target Vehicle you control becomes an artifact creature until end of turn.
Crew 4 is too much to be useful I think. 3 is the limit because it's so easy to get 3 power out of a single 2 cost creature. To easily get access to 4 power on one creature you need to go up to the much more expensive 3 mana.
>crew a 4/4 car
>stuff car into cockpit
4 Peacekeeper Colossus plus 4 pic related could make for a neat deck.
Turn 4. Like, that's just a fact and not up for dispute.
At least it isn't 100% parasitic like most other dogshit rares.
Bad card is bad.
Ramp harder.
So glad I just bought into modern.
Shit like this is dumb.
>bought into modern
>calling others dumb
You wouldn't be crewing the other vehicle, though.
Hmm, some sort of stupid Vehicles.deck that runs 4 of these and 4 lupine prototype to drive the bad behicles in?
I get the impression this thing's 4 crew 6/6 body is irrelevant to the card.
It's an addition so it won't be a dead card if you draw two because it can 1W each other.
wheres the fucking card image gallery wizards
>Spoiler season starts on January 2nd
do you think they will give Veeky Forums some spoilers this time like they do reddit and that
It would be great but it won't happen
From what I know, they only give spoilers to journalists or community Managers, they need an actual person to contact
Also, Veeky Forums is quite "unknown" and stigmatized
>Also, Veeky Forums is quite "unknown" and stigmatized
a shame
god i still remember the salt when faust visited /mlp/ first and i am not even a ponyfag some people get far to triggered by Veeky Forums
>2 mana 3/3 flying looter
>2 mana 4/4 flying vigilance
>3 mana 6/6 that activates all of them
>there will be a whole color cycle of these broken cards
>Turn 4
What an unimaginative, boring person you must be.
>Turn 4. Like, that's just a fact and not up for dispute.
maybe if we use nothing but the cards revealed for the set so far and ignore every other set in standard
Who is this FOURCHAN?
The only way that would happen is if someone was given spoilers and instead of using their twitter they came here. However if that MTG HQ guy gets his spoiler access taken away for making fun of trannies, I doubt we are ever getting spoilers, granted if we did the shit storm on reddit would be hilarious to watch.
card design nowadays is shit
i never thought i would say this but there are to many tutors in standard right now
To Marvelous Energy you go.
>chord of calling artifacts edition
Now start your engines :^)
>Get OP for free
Even if you can't crew OP that turn, the fuck is happening to standard.
Its a cycle.
Fucking broken.
This shit has a good chance to bei broken.
>even with all these "busted" cards standard will continue to be Gideon and Copter or Emrakul and Ishkanah
Fuck wizards, WHERE IS THE BURN?
>the fuck is happening to standard.
>Sram's Expertise
>Yahenni's Expertise
Oh god there will be a cycle of these
It seems designed to be broken. It's a super cheap card that is normally unusable garbage if you use rules as intended, but can be cheated into being super fucking OP in a number of ways. Thank god it doesn't have trample or evasion.
Voltron EDH?
Straight to my soul sisters deck
It's a mana rock for improvise.
It does not take a crew of six to work a 7-11.
>not boros
>white card draw for artifacts
Maro will say this should be blue
>aura, equipment or vehicles
Very much a white card, since all three of those card types (almost) always care about creatures.
Noice, energy is still a thing.
>The set is called AETHER revolt
>The mechanic used to represent AETHER won't be in the set
No one is dumb enough to think that, right ?
You can never really be sure with wizards after BfZ block
>oath of the gatewatch
seems op
a decent green deck can easily crew this turn 3
on the plus side its only uncommon so we know it was the designers being stupid instead of the executives being greedy
>WOTC managed to forget Devoid in the second set
Holy shit
i take it back i no longer want a higher powered standard this is fucking ridiculous
What was the important mechanic to get lost then ?
Because there is allies in OGW
>Anything to do with exile
You know what we mean
They removed every flavorsome mechanic from the original zendikar block, including the mechanics only introduced in the rise of the eldrazi block, they introduced a pointless mechanic with no design space (devoid) because they didn't want to make eldrazi a real tribe, but they wanted them to work like a tribe, just not using any of their previous tribe mechanics.
THEN in Oath they introduce colourless casting costs which is a HUGE change to the game with unlimited design space and then fucking squander it on devoid cards, basically introducing a land tax for devoid decks and making the core mechanic of the block more awkward to run for no real reason.
So yeah, we wouldn't have been surprised if they had forgotten energy. We can tell already that it's not as big as in the last set though, so it will live and die as a parasitic mechanic
Sadly, worse than Marvel
holy shit a high powered mythic that auctualy makes sense as a mythic
What was the design intention for this cycle? A bunch of sub-par aggro creatures that had slight upsides if you cast them late game seems shit in idea and execution
I like it.
THIS IS...quite okay
Flicker into killspell. Okay.
>If someone else died, slipping hurt more than being pushed
>Yahenni has a legendary card
Please, Wizard, don't fuck this one up
Please, make it as good as Sram
flavor points means its flavorful not a game mechanic
still thats pretty neat
>Guys, standard is dying, what do?
>Let's balance things around flavor and not creating a fun game!
>Also 1 mana 7/11s
>Whenever you use a non-binary pronoun, draw a card.
but aparently there is something wrong with those so we have to clutter every fucking card with his or hers
>"Aetherborn have no sex so we need to use 'they'"
>Guys, guys, WOTC is promoting non-binary genders !!!
>kill goyf for 1 black mana and no downside
Holy shid
yeah people seem really determined to try and make wizards seem like sjws for some reason
welp that explains consulate dreadnought
Can't take a joke, user?
Not everuyone here is a "/pol activist".
No, I can't take unfunny jokes, sorry about that
>Dies to push
well that seems really good.
Because wizards is actively pushing these things to pander to that crowd. The whole India angle with Kaladesh and then Kaladesh not being particularly Indian should be a dead giveaway that they're actively seeking marketing points with that crowd.
>There are still people that think that "Visually inspired by India" is the same as "exactly like India"
India set is all they said about it for months...
uniroinic freerange sundried non-GMO pasteurized kek
>Can't spoil cards or mechanics or storyline or new characters
>reveals the set is aestheticly inspired by India to give fans a tease of what to expect
>you're unironicly a bigger safe space crybaby than every other sjw group
>They removed every flavorsome mechanic from the original zendikar block
Allies, Landfall, Lands-Turn-Into-Creatures, Eldrazi Spawn (renamed to Scions and changed to 1/1 so I'll give you a half point since it's not exactly the same) giant colorless creatures, and full-art lands if you consider it a mechanic - all came back.
Annihilator didn't come back because it was too unfun. I, too, am butthurt by this.
Level Up didn't come back because it was confusing. It sucked anyway.
Defender Matters didn't come back. Totem armor didn't come back. These only existed on a couple of cards in RotE and most people probably forgot about them anyway. Who cares?
Tarkir had a crossdresser and an autist. They hired a consultant from a pro-feminism blog to create a strong independent womyn planeswalker for conspiracy 2. Current set takes place in India. Current set introduces nonbinaries. WotC has literally said they're doing all this to appeal to other emographics and be more inclusive. The pandering isn't some paranoid conspiracy they have literally said it is their intention. MaRo's blog is full of people thanking him for including them.
This is pretty shit desu. Crew 4 means it's really a 2/6 for 3.
>They hired a consultant from a pro-feminism blog to create a strong independent womyn planeswalker for conspiracy 2
And the black character they created had an afro and abilities that included going to exile for a while and stealing from other players.
and the transexual in tarkir was the most unlikable khan of the bunch
>No frog god yet
What a shitheap that card was. I think it even had "Assassin" in it's name but none of its abilities matched that flavor. Complete amateur hour.
it was a ghost assassin actually, a Ghost Faced Killa if you will
Why bother? Just give us some general info fuck off about it?
I like the idea of playgroups thinking up their own tongue in cheek narratives anyway.
Shapeshifter Lord ?
>people enjoy magic only the same way I enjoy magic.
Transwomen aren't crossdressers
Wizards is a terrible company, man.
It is completely legitimate to expect the worst from them.