WaBi - Official Walmart/JD.com Partnership Imminent

Why have some of you pinheads still not bought this yet? The moment they officially announce this it will go parabolic. It's probably the closet thing to a "sure thing" you're going to get.

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I dont think Wal Mart sells Chinese milk

Wabi isn't doing shit yall have been posting this meme for the past month

How about what the fuck is there and where would I invest in it?

sorry bro but this rumor is false, a previous coindesk article from 2017 said that Walmart/ibm's blockchain project was based on hyperledger technology, which isn't wabi. I was excited about this at first but just because jd is mentioned in the whitepaper doesn't mean its the coin referenced.

Maybe because it's been on the market like 3 days, just a thought.
And proof that it's related to this article? I find it highly coincidental that JD.com already has WaBi products listed on their site and this article cropping up just today.

Again, these milk cans have been on JD since october fuckwad


Honestly its cool that they have an actual product but the lack of people giving a shit is worrisome

Them selling Walimai products doesn't mean they've already signed a partnership with them, fuckwad. The fact they ARE selling them though is highly indicative of a possible contractual partnership.

HIPP a walmart product..?

*downsyndrome drooling sounds*

>chinese coin

Both founders are Russian. It's "chinese" because that has the biggest market for the product.

>implying they receive the HiPP products from walmart. Its a german brand. Walmart may be one Distributor but chinese are known to be all over german babyfood. It proves nothing.

What is your point? Walimai tech can be placed on any product regardless of region/brand.

Why are you reasoning with these apes. Buy everything you can before these monkeys know about it

Stop spamming this everday
Walmart is working with IBM to develop their own blockchain. Te labels hae been on the market for months.
There is no partnership between jd and walami.

>Stop spamming this everday
Have yet to see this article linked
>Walmart is working with IBM to develop their own blockchain
Then why are they specifically "backing" in China, when they could adopt tech.
>Te labels hae been on the market for months
Yeah sure, I don't think any one is disputing this
>There is no partnership between jd and walami
Walimai is already being sold on JD.com. Look above at pic related.
Yeah you're probably right.

Stop being obtuse. Their labels being ised on a couple of producs listed at jd does not mean a real partnership.
Look I get this is dipping a lot but it's annoying having you fuckers come here parroting the same news to try to pass it off as wabi related.
It's transparent and everyone sees it for what it is.

It's not working. It's not big news. The tokens aren't pumping and doing the opposite.
Wait for something actually exciting that will spur interest. What you're doing right now is just making Wabi look like another pajeet shitcoin

Also like to add yours and other wabi holder's behavior are eerily similar to the link marines'.
It honestly feels like a rerun.

Search "walmart" on coindesk. If your reading comprehension is adequate you'll realize it's very likely not wabi. If you're not the best at analyzing articles, then by all means buy as you wish :)

Yeah that's the thing that keeps me from investing is that china like to use their own people. Why would they allow outsiders to succeed in their country when they could easily make an official China based wabi rip-off.

It's called VeChain.


Tweet earlier today.

You realize the company is registered as Chinese right? And the CEO's speak Chinese. I don't think they're not going to pick WaBi because the CEOs are Russian kek.

Are you guys fucking retarded?



You obviously have no idea how nationalism works. "me speaka chinee" is not enough to get respect in an azn culture bro. China picks the winners because they are commies and they're not going to pick a couple of ruskies just because they speak chinese. They will pick their own people who they can control and who are within the chosen circle.

Those of you who bought high and are worried about WaBi's price now, should really watch this video by DataDash. It will give you a broader perspective about WaBi.

Also FUDers and WTC fanboys BTFO.


yeah I agree. I've been a believer in VEN for awhile now. VEN is a way better bet for being able to navigate the Chinese market and political climate than some russian outsiders.