Going for either rogue or assassin, any advice for play style and character advancement.
D&D character creation
>no mention of edition
1) What's the edition?
2) What do you like about being a rogue/assassin?
1e, sorry.
Having a decent skill range compared to other people I'll play with, not being the front line guy which I usually am, relying more on equipment and thinking about the task rather then trying to kill something as quickly as possible.
Still better then 4th
Of course it's fucking you that would just say "dnd" without even saying which one it is. It's always you people who do that.
No, not really. Poor attempt at deflection.
Sorry I didn't put up your trigger warning.
Actually it's important if you want anyone to answer your question, dingus.
Isn't assassin a PrC that requires sneak attack? You're either going Rogue or some other shitty knockoff (ninja, scout)
>"it's important if you want anyone to answer your question"
>Everybody shitposts and nobody answers his question
I don't see how it's important.
And why does everyone hate 3.5 anyway? do you all play with shitty group that like to powergame and can't just have fun? Because I kick people like that out of my game. If you can't just be cool and play along with the spirit of the game then why are you even playing?
this gives us an idea of what you're doing, skill monkey.
Could use more though. Any motifs you're going for?
You won't be able to skillmonkey all combat away.
If you think you will, and your DM allows it, Factotum is the obvious choice.
If you don't, have you considered the rogue/mage classes? magic is the universal answer in 3.5.
Poison is something people (at least the people I play with) forget about, depending on what level you are. Thrown weapons are pretty fun as well, there's a prestige class called master thrower you might wanna look into.
>And why does everyone hate 3.5 anyway? do you all play with shitty group that like to powergame and can't just have fun?
Okay, this charade has gone on long enough. You really just came here to start a flame war didn't you?
Get out.
If not 3.5, which version of D&D to Play? 5th?
Who D&D 4e here?
Have fun getting replaced by a fucking stick m8.
Sorry everyone in this thread sucks such huge cock OP.
I'll just throw my two cents out there and say one time I played a 3.5 rogue who was exclusively built for scouting and stealing and lying. He'd only fight if he thought he'd really make the difference.
I played him with maximum braggadocio and had the best time ever gently mocking my party members every time they couldn't do their jobs (killing) half as well as I could do my job (almost everything else).
And for some reason everyone loves a friendly braggart and it was great fun.
Find your niche! Enjoy!
It is, though. 4e is where they tried to make it like a video game and failed miserably.
so you played as a total cunt? way to be a stereotype dipshit
Not the reason it failed, though.
The reason it failed is that it didn't support enough playstyles, and was poorly playtested, while seriously expecting people to need to go to 30th level when the RAW pacing was still basically identical, but with a slightly faster start.
Think about why you want to play rogue / assassin and go from there. Skills? Sneak attack? Stealth? Like with every class, build your character around which part of the class that got your attention.
You don't play "a rogue". You play a cheating pirate, a backstabbing noble, an intelligent bounty hunter, etc.
how can i meet people that want to play dnd?
For play style, I reccomend not to go the whole "I'm a thief dressed in dark leathers that dual wields shortswords and is super stealthy in in the shadows herp derp" route. While there's nothing wrong playing that caricature in of itself, you end up a step closer to being That Guy.
I'd reccomend a more social stealth approach. Dress like a commoner, merchant, herbalist, etc. and get your charisma and intelligence pretty high. Take ranks in disguise, stealth, and deception and be guy who hides in plain sight. Who needs shadows when you're just another face in the crowd.
Pic unrelated
If I was a cunt, and I was playing with cunts, maybe that might have been the case. I'm sure you know how that goes, considering your aimless vitriol.
But as a matter of fact I was playing with my friends, all of whom have a good sense of humor and all of whom played their own characters with both admirable and asinine qualities.
Because playing characters who are just good at what they do, make no mistakes, and deal maximum damage is actually retarded.
So actually we just had a great game and no one called me a cunt, because we were all there to have fun. And we did.
How about that?
calm your shit, faggot
I second this.
Being a thief is an interesting fantasy character, but you can be a thief first and head down a road to being "that guy" or you can make a character that is a thief second, but they're really good at it. Maybe instead of disguising themselves as a tradesman, they actually are good at their job, it's just that they have a knack for getting into and out of trouble in unexpected ways. There are a few angles to try with this kind of character.
At least it was better balanced