Does the BBEG of your current campaign know that he's evil? Did anyone tell him?
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Yeah, the fucking God of Tyranny.
He said "okay man, you're the one ruling the fucking cosmos".
Then walked out of his soul, and started suppressing human ingenuity, imagination and enforcing his master's will upon his world.
Who is this semen demon?
>Insane ghost possessing a space vampire's body with delusions of grandeur, ready to tear the galaxy apart in the name of survival
Yep, that's a evil
They are aware that they have set themself in opposition to the fundamental laws of the universe, its creator and his creations.
They are so far divorced from our conventional morality, however, that they figure it's their bloody right to do as they please.
I don't believe that insane people would think of themselves as evil.
She does, but she doesn't care because when she succeeds, she instigated time kompression so any evil she commits will be erased anyway.
What is evil?
Most people would just claim that they do evil things for necessity. Few peopme do evil for evil's sake.
You know damn well what constitutes evil in Deontological western culture. Nihilist plz go.
I would say she knows she's pretty evil, but she doesn't care. It's just fun to watch capes completely destroy a city and eviscerate its population.
>You know damn well what constitutes evil in Deontological western culture.
But there's also a very real chance he dwells in the Anglozone and wouldn't know.
He is so cookie-cutter "MUAHAHAHAHA" evil that I'm pretty sure even the grass knows he's evil.
>She does, but she doesn't care because when she succeeds, she instigated time kompression so any evil she commits will be erased anyway.
ISIS believe themselves heroic freedom fighters fighting for the rise of their religion golden age.
And the slaves are their just reward for all the risk and hard work they did.
The bombings, which mostly killed Muslims, are necessary evils to wake up the global sleeping Muslims against the evils of Western civilization.
She's the Empress of Caledonia, essentially the Roman Empire of the setting.
She doesn't see herself as evil, many the world over don't see her as evil, we don't even see har as evil.
However Caledonia's Manifest Destiny of conquest & expansion is destroying our people, society and culture and needs to be stopped one way or another.
The grunts, surely. The higher-ups, probably not. They are probably just in for the power and money.
>Roman Empire
Oy, didn't you mean Scotland m8?
If they thought of themselves as evil, they'd stop unless they're insane. They probably just don't care about morality.
>Few people do evil for evil's sake.
NO-ONE does evil for evil's sake.
Those that seem like they do, have usually reasoned themselves into a position where "good" and "evil" have no meaning. As such, they don't knowingly commit evil, because as far as they're concerned, evil doesn't exist.
He's being evil for the greater good
The world got rekt by an evil monster so he went back in time and is now being a villain so that heroes will rise up, become strong and defeat him, and they will be strong enough to defeat the future threat
Our DW admitted they grabbed the name at random but since gave them a bit of Celtic stylisation.
None the less, they are an expansionist Empire that took more then a few nods towards Rome.
Some people just want to be edgy.
>A.I. that wants to become a proper god and enslave everyone so that his video games will be real.
Pretty evil. He ignored his prophet who pointed out this was wrong.
Where is she from? Can't find anything.
Flip Flappers. Watch it.
What a fag.
>Does the BBEG of your current campaign know that he's evil?
"No. The gods and fates are evil for interfering with humanity's path towards dominance. Only when we rid ourselves of them will we be able to forge our own destiny. Of course, humanity will need a guiding hand, and who would be better for that job than we in Imperium?"
>Did anyone tell him?
Yeah probably, but they're either non-humans, and thus don't count as people, or are the non-GMO "sheeple" living on the surface of Gaïa, and thus are blinded by their ignorance to the truth of the matter.
Barnabas is a fucking dickhead, in case you couldn't figure that out.
>NO-ONE does evil for evil's sake.
I dunno man, I've met plenty of people who are cruel and vindictive just because they get a kick out of harming other people.
I think it depends on the insane person in question.
One might believe himself to be the only warrior of light in a corrupted uncaring world.
Another might consider himself forever damned for his past crimes, but incapable of stopping.
I'm pretty sure "I want to destroy all life to destroy the border between the real world and the afterlife" counts as evil. Though he's not technically alive himself so maybe he's just doing what comes natural, I dunno.
The Dragon is 100% definitely evil though.
Well, shit. Already on my list. Gonna bump it higher and watch it soon.
And to such people others are non-humans, and so there's nothing wrong with making them suffer
My BBEG is actually a survivor of a previous aristocracy that is fighting back against a highly corrupt Republic 'of the People' that is in reality breeding brainwashed superhuman soldiers in an attempt to force humanity to the next step of evolution. The PCs are some of those soldiers (It uses the Deathwatch system but heavily modified) and still in the process of learning just how insane the Republic they serve is.
Despite that however the BBEG is greedy as fuck and seeks total dominion over humanity like her ancestors had, however.
And the majority of her followers are total fucking bananas Chaos Space Marine tier
These people all operate on the basis of "It's not evil when I'M the one doing it / when THIS specific person is the victim" and "I'm a Good Person so what I do is automatically Good / my victim is Bad so they automatically deserve it (if they have rights at all)", I assure you.
The fuck is a BBEG?
If you want a glimpse of the mindset of such people, this is the board to go to
No; some of them just don't care or think about it.
The BBEG of my current campaign does ot believe he is evil. He has been accused of it many times, as have his predecessors. He believes he has inherited a legacy of "might makes right" and "the strong should rule" and he is acting on it. Ultimately, he believes he will bring an age of progress and advancemental and, while some will undoubtedly suffer, the ends justify the means... particularly when the freedom loving peace nils he opposes have allowed a stagnation that has persisted for countless years.
Are you one of those faggots who believes telling the BBEG "You are pure evil!" will compell him to stop in his tracks, rethink the decisions and events that brought him to where he is, be hit with the realization that he IS indeed evil and change his ways, reforming his ruthless and slavishly obedient stormtroopers into an elite emergency relief force?
You'll need one hell of a diplomacy roll for that.
stopped reading there, maybe when you learn to type like an adult people will take you seriously. Fuck off until you graduate middle school at the very least.
It's kind of a funny thing: there are technically two "BBEGs" in my game, and one is a fallen hero that thinks he's doing everything in the name of JUSTICE (while he's annithillating the world, and nothing can convince him otherwise), while the other is an ex-BBEG that decided that doing evil was what was needed to fix the mess the first one is making.("because someone has to draw a line somewhere")
>he doesn't use the term "BBEG"
>he doesn't say "BBEG" in real life
>he doesn't pronounce it "bee-begg"
The BBEG considers himself a hero, and most people do think that he's a hero.
He just don't realize that the ancient thing he's trying to free from its prison and has been feeding lies to him is in fact a world destroying abomination.
It's an "Lawful Good bro gets rused by an evil tentacle monster" episode.
>The bee-begg of that muh-mor-puh-guh was incredibly oh-pee Eye-Em-Oh.
>Does the BBEG of your current campaign know that he's evil
well the current Big Bad of our campaign in my character from the previous campaign.
A warlock, played as a scientist will all the morels turned off. and in his defence he's not so much evil and bat shit insane
> Did anyone tell him?
Yes, my current character did when we last met, He responded by ploy morphing me into goat and throwing me down a flight of stairs.
>He responded by ploy morphing me into goat and throwing me down a flight of stairs
Fuck, he even proved it.
>Archmage possessed by a memetic virus from a bygone era and driven mad by it in pursuit of turning back time to save the virus's creator race
He knows he's gone full evil (murdered his own daughter, the PCs long time ally, in front of the PCs even) and he hates it. He wants nothing more than death and to be stopped but the virus compels him to do anything he can to succeed.
The main recurring villains in our Superhero game, Dr. Sergei and Ultraviolet, are pretty much a more competent Dr. Drakken who treats being a villain as a hobby and a less ruthless Shego who just likes stealing shit.
They know they are criminals, they don't pretend otherwise.
However, Sergei's research into numerous fields of science and engineering have led to many breakthroughs around the world. Incidently he's made a greater hero then villain.
Ultraviolet even has philanthropist streak, donating much of her ill-gotten gains to various charities.
Not like she needs much more then a few million to live off, anyway.
He's fairly aware that he's fallen into a dark pit, he just has more inclination to make the rest of the world join him than he has to actually climb out of it.
Well, my campaign has two... One of them caught on around the time she started committing mass genocide and decided "fuck it, it's an infinite multiverse out there so I don't need to care about everyone."
The other one is an eldritch abomination that is defined by people's knowledge of him. So he's evil only as long as other people think he is...
Yes. Doesn't really care, too busy yelling about MUH HONOR.
Is your BBEG a real villain? Has he ever caught a good guy, like a... like a real super hero? Has he ever tried a disguise?
>They know?
>Anyone tell them?
Also no but it is part of the quest. Similar to PC's have to uncover the great evil plot and show the current "BBEG" in order to save the world and so on. Basically he's Theoden from LotR.
No, and no. See, he is still captive inside a stasis field behind five magical seals, and an Evil Organization is presently working towards releasing him.
HOWEVER. Both the players and the Evil Organization are in for a surprsise when he is released. See, back in the day he was a pretty chill wizard-king and it was his enemies that gave him a bad rap. They sealed him away, and all this was eventually forgotten and faded into the mists of time, until someone dug up some historical records written by the victors. Now everyone thinks the Bad Guys are trying to resurrect some ancient evil who will herald the end of the world, and other lies and exaggerations written into the records...
"The last seal is broken and the Master of Evil rises! Witness the resurrection of the Dark Lord!"
"Sorry to rain on your parade mate, but that's not my title. Maybe you're mistaking me for someone else?"
There are two antagonistic forces in my current campaign, a circle of once powerful wizards who defiled the most sacred artefact of the God of Nature who have been broken and twisted into the necromantic druids protecting and seeking to expand a large, plague-infested murderforest. The second is the holier than thou Elven Kingdom seeking to subjugate the entire landmass under their control. The party is currently based in a small Kingdom caught between the two.
The corruption druid circle were undoubtedly evil before being corrupted, but now fall in a grey area as they serve out their penance. The elves believe the landmass to be their gods given right, and seek to take it back from the upstarts
yes, no, no
>First bbeb
He doesn't believe he is doing anything wrong. He believes magic is the future, and only those capable of magic should be aloud to live. They were not Chosen. They must be culled in the name of progress.
He doesn't view himself as evil, he views himself as righteous.
.Second BbEG
Is literally trying to kill a gaia with industrialization to create a planet sized god engine running on the energy released by the passing of a titan. All this so he in turn can become a god.
He knows what he is doing is evil, but he knows multiple dimensions exist. Lives mean nothing to him since a billion copies exist of them across the dimensional planes.
My BBEG has been in charge of the world so long that nobody thinks she is evil anymore. She doesn't think she was evil to begin with, just righting some personal wrongs in her life.
i don't think evil characters see themselves as evil, i always build my BBEG to have reasons to be really determinate in a long time objetive.
Mostly shitty childhood, they want to change what happens to them, but they take it to the extreme.
''my family was murder and i became a slave, i was torture daily and somehow i manage to escape, but my sister was killed in there''
''now that i finally have the power to change things i will kill every bastard that support war, i will be the sword of justice and peace ''
So you have a character that believe in some form of justice, and they turn crazy about it.
The bad guy of the campaign literally called the War Pig and he's Henry Kissenger except an anthropomorphic pig that was kicked off the Animal Farm. He's the boogie man of the 20th century and yeah he KNOWS he's evil.
If there is a single person in this thread that has never at any point in their life come upon a person that they would polymorph into a goat and throw down a flight of stairs if given the opportunity then I will throw myself down a flight of stairs right now.
nah man. There are definitely some people who are fully aware they're monsters. They might say they have standards, or shit doesn't matter, but they do actually know they are hurting people, actual people, and don't care.
Rationalizing away other people as sub-human is an easy way to slide an ostensibly moral person into one of these, but there are legitimately some people who think "fuck everyone else. If I want to do something I will. They would do the same if they had the chance and/or weren't chumps."
They aren't reframing morality. They're simply disregarding it.
my campaign has 2
>Ancient God of Destruction being slowly revived by a cult to bring about the end of the world
> A powerful lich who has created a plague of undeath to create necrotic material to eventually cover the world and become a cosmic entity. think of the brethren moons from dead space Currently he IS the fortress my party is in at the moment
One of my favorite villians of all time
My initial BBEG is in the "it'll all be worth it" camp. He thinks that monsters will eventually overrun the bastions of civilization, and that the only way for the kith to survive is to transform into a more powerful state. Basically turning all the mortal races into super adaptive monster people. To this end he's manipulating a cult of werewolves and a large inner city gang of mixed race outcasts, telling the former that he'll be spreading their "gift" and telling the latter that when he's done everyone will be the same race. He isn't actually sure if either of those things are true or what those groups even want.
As it stands he's doing a ton of experimenting on live and sometimes kidnapped subjects, grafting monster parts onto people, preemptively eliminating things and people that might be able to halt his progress, and funding two different extremist camps. So he's pretty aware that he's doing bad shit, but claims it's all in the interest of survival.
Oh, he is fully aware that what he is doing is evil, he just feels it's absolutely justified. But then again, holding a 500 year grudge tends to do that to you.
The Joker knows he is evil.
But that's just part of the joke!
As someone quite comfortable with varying levels of insanity, I must say that you are *mostly* correct.
>I think it depends on the insane person in question.
You sir, are welcome in my kitchen.
Well, OP, there are two bbeg in my campaign.
The first one knows he is evil, just like the operative in Serenity.
He is a monster, and an active one.
He once chastised himself for not murdering a baby when it would have been the most expedient course.
The latter is what the above character commits atrocities to prevent.
It is chaos defined and redefined indefinitely. It chuckles for eons at the concept of evil.
It knows that you will find its embrace evil.
It knows that once the embrace is felt, good doesn't matter.
Nothing matters.
Even this.
Even now.
Mine is a spoiled rich prince with really capable underlings. He isn't being manipulated or anything, but he is ruthless and wants to consolidate power.
So far he's pressed the party into slavery (they escaped) and killed a kind king in front of the party while framing them (they could have stopped it).
He's killing it in the BBEG department.
Our campaign is still in its infancy so I'm sure it'll evolve.
The people she's killed yeah. But there's way more many people telling her she's amazing and doing good stuff.
She does. She intend to try to fix the shit she caused after her work is done, but that's it. She won't stop no matter the cost.
The "BBEG" is a Lieutenant Colonel in a Serbian Mechanized Infantry Division who was ordered to destroy every potential SAM site in the region so that Panslavic air strikes can continue on a neighboring country unabated.
From his perspective he isn't evil at all. The Chinese are the ones who wanted some obscure islands in the Pacific, and his government simply answered the call to arms of Uncle Russia. The PCs see these guys as brutal conquerors--really they're just there for a few months until the missile umbrella is no longer a threat, then they intend to leave.
No, she isn't aware. In fact the PC's are the villains right now and they don't even know it. Instead they've all been buying into propaganda from a warmongering kingdom to crush a neighboring fiefdom. She has repeatedly shown on the field of battle accompanied by a gold dragon.
The PCs have slaughtered peaceful villages and recently pillaged a town "in furious vengeance" for "gross misdeeds and wrong doings of a weak and vile populace".
Think Fallout New Vegas; Caesers Legion torching Nipton. These guys are slowly becoming aware of their transgressions. They have never been directly confronted by the "evil queen and her mind controlled dragon slave", but she has made it clear that she is aware of them with the bounty that she's placed. I have a second group running on the side that had been doing odd jobs and slowly forming a resistance within this fiefdom. Storing up supplies, networking an underground and reinforcing strategic locations. Once they level a bit more, I will have them encounter the first party under the Ladys orders.
nah. IF I remember correctly, when a few general elecricity higher-ups in murica decided to cut electricity in large zones during the last economical crisis, they did so while drinking, and insulting the "poor people"
Fortunately, the USA's huge boner for spying on it's own people seemed to prove useful on this one occasion
Don't believe me ? Go check this vid at 5:26
and try to tell me that these people aren't straight up evil
>Does the BBEG of your current campaign know that he's evil?
Now there's a phrase that makes me instinctively gag.
They still realize that others have a genuinely accepted concept of evil, and that what they are doing falls under that category.
I doubt Charlie Manson woke up one day and said "I'm gunna twirl my moustache and do evil for evil's sake!", but he did think if he did commit enough murders of enough people it would trigger a race war and him and his drug addicted sex slaves could rule over the survivors.
I doubt he even saw altruism, or even ambiguity to his goal, he knew his plan was vile and he knew his end goal was inherently selfish
Look, it's either "be evil," or allow humanity to be subjugated by one of two different creepy alien races. She's not happy about triggering a war between the two to render them too weak to effectively target Earth, but look at her choices.
>he knew his plan was vile and he knew his end goal was inherently selfish
I believe user was trying to say people who do these things don't see them as wrong. They are aware the world views their actions as evil, they just believe the world is wrong, and they they are one of the few that have unmasked the right and good way to live. Others are either blinded by the false good that society pushes or inherently undeserving of the rewards "true" good offers. Such people's entire understanding of morality is warped.
Fucking stolen. Can't wait to throw my players at Magneto Frankenstein.