Girl here. So I dont know what your all doing in here but I want a piece. What coin in here can I put like 500 ? and end up with say , 5000? Before you call me every name in the book Im trying to save up for a louis, so...
Girl here. So I dont know what your all doing in here but I want a piece. What coin in here can I put like 500...
Tits or GTFO
Tits with timestamp or GTFO!
Now tits pls
Eat shit cunt
>Girl here
That's useless, we're all anonymous here. Fuck off.
Who gives a fuck if you're a girl , you just outed yourself being born an inferior brainlet . Tits or gtfo
MyWish (WISH), name sounds retarded but project is pretty legit.
Since you're a female, good luck dealing Etherdelta.
Also a girl here. Tits or gtfo.
You learn quickly.
And stop making extra threads
>I dont know what your all doing in here but I want a piece.
Yup, definitely female
We're not gonna shill you shit unless you look like this.
Sheesh, they' re all so mean.
I should have expected that.
They think this is too hard for us to figure out? Who gets betters grades? gets into college more? Hmm...
stop larping as a fucking roastie faggot
Never understood why people larp as girls
Who is this semen demon
Troll detected. If you want the guys here to actually respect your existence, take a pic with a timestamp.
you're basically radiating autism. Go rp at goldshire where you belong
A loise? Is that some kind of fancy sandwich? Bitch if we make money and save money we make money x1.5
Get out while you can
Ark bagholder.
I wonder how you came to Veeky Forums, the anonymous Japanese image board of the internet, and on Veeky Forums of all places. Gold digger alert.
>”help me, I can’t use google”
>doesn’t get help
>”oh well you’re all stupid”
I wonder why you don’t get help
And they wonder why we treat them like trash.
A filthy linky
so far, Link is the one that intrigues me the most. Its like the bad boy that everyone tells u to stay away from but you are drawn to them. I think Link is the one I'll buy.
You got to go back
Go back to r/twoxchromosomes dumb roastie. Your feminist cancer has no power here.
>Its like the bad boy that everyone tells u to stay away from but you are drawn to them. I think Link is the one I'll buy.
This is one time where going against Veeky Forums's hivemind advice is actually a hazard
Veeky Forums is largely for link, and there's no le hivemind here
Buy digibyte while you're at it slut
r/twoxcrypto when?!?!?
Sadly for you, its too late. I invested in link :)
link is literally a meme you retard