Could the high lords of terra order to modernize as many feudal and feral worlds as possible? Would there be resistance against it?
Could the high lords of terra order to modernize as many feudal and feral worlds as possible...
Resistance by whom? Obviously the locals dont stand a chance and have no reason to resist either.
Only possible clash would if it comes to a space marine recruitment world where the feral aspect is important. But these are quite few so an exception would not be a problem
As many chapters recruit from modern shit holes as primitive shit holes.
Biggest problem is going to be getting the Ad-Mech on hand because they will be doing the heavy lifting.
>Would there be resistance?
Yes. Google the Amaltheans and the Recongregators. The Inquisition is batshit.
Theoretically they could, but what would be the point?
The imperium does not profit a lot from modern planets. All it needs from any habitable world is bodies, to be given overn to the IG. The industry side of the Imperium is handled by the Forge Worlds, themselves very specificly chosen worlds, you can't just go "Mmmm let's take this frozen hellholle and make it a FW.
I can't remember where, but there was some fluff where a world was deemed worthy of terraforming for its ressources, and in turn to be transformed in a FW, but it was planned over 2k years I believe, if not more.
So to come back to your question, yes they could, but there would be little use for a huge waste of ressources.
Thorians are all dweebs!
>I can't remember where, but there was some fluff where a world was deemed worthy of terraforming for its ressources, and in turn to be transformed in a FW
That would interest me if anyone know about this, I was thinking about adding a partially built forgeworld to my fanon sector.
They pretty much already do, but with the nightmare bureaucracy and scarce-ish resources in the Imperium it takes a lot of time for them to decide uplifting a world is worth more than whatever else they were going to use the materials and manpower for.
People tend to forget that the Imperium is currently fighting a war with everyone at the same time, one that it's by no means winning, that's one of the main reasons why they can't just afford to make galaxy-spanning resource detours on a whim.
I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you, it was just footnote, like a recommendation.
It bothers me that I can't remember where I saw that. Probable one of the numerous 40k novels.
>They pretty much already do, but with the nightmare bureaucracy
> "Good news everybody, the high lords of Terra has decreed that YOUR world is going to receive the full attention of the Imperium! Soon, you will be at the edge of technology, your people no longer simple peasants but qualified workers!"
> "You do know this is a forgeworld, right?"
> "ANYWAY..."
Are you sure it's not from Tactica Imperialis? Because I remember reading in there about a something very similar, the local population resisted and dragged the Imperium into a long brutal campaign and actually managed to kick out Imperium...only to be nommed by 'nids.
That sounds a dangeros lot like heresy
Again, I'm not sure, but I THINK it was from a Cain movie, maybe? In one of the Inquisitor's footnotes.
I meant novel, silly me.
Yup, in The Greater Good
>Theoretically they could, but what would be the point?
Advanced societies have a far larger population.
Which implies a lot of potential trouble. As long as the planet fulfill its tithe every year, it'll be basically left in peace, and the tithe is "normally" reasonably set in advance so that it's not a huge problem for the planet.
So really, no reason to change it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Probably yeah. When they talk about all the planet in the system about to be Nom'd or something IIRC.
If there is anythng the Imperium isn't lacking, it's manpower.
Nonetheless, if you want to increase the population on a particular world, you just have to send a decimated guard regiment or a ship full of pilgrims there.
And forcing a society to advance faster than it naturally would would cause all sorts of strife that would decrease the population before increasing it.
Even then, hive worlds have ridiculous amounts of people. There's plenty of bodies to throw at a problem, and the Imperium doesn't need more mouths to feed.
Who's going to pay for it?
The Adeptus Terra already resents the Mechanicus enough as it is, the last thing they want is to owe them as many favors as this would entail.