When you make it, will your waifu be Asian or white?
When you make it, will your waifu be Asian or white?
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Obviously White
She'll be hot.
Aka white.
asian, fuck /pol/ white women are UGLY
Asian (and I'm white)
Mixed 3/4 White 1/4 Asian, short, small and perky tits, nice bubble butt, significantly shorter than me, apolitical, ambitious and can cook.
Korean. Been a lifelong dream of mine since lurking the starcraft 2 generals that resulted in the creation of Veeky Forums. Well, I guess the lol generals were probably more responsible for Veeky Forums.
I'd settle for Japanese if she was cute enough though. White chicks on the side.
>Implying when I make it I won't just have at least one of each
Japanese wife, white mistress.
My dick gets hard just thinking about it.
>Asian or white?
Why not both?
Asian ofc, I hope you anons enjoy your used-up overweight Stacies
Not really.
I just want to be rich enough so that she can notice me
>not using your crypto gainz to buy one of the first generation lifelike android waifus in 10 years
Dating a human girl is like buying ATH and watching your asset plummet over time. In the end, all you're stuck with is a bag.
>3DPG "waifu"
Def Asian and we will move to Nippon together and live out out anime fantasies all day desu.
Hello fellow sc2 brethren, I too want a Korean waifu for this very reason.
omg who is this, pls tell me she does porn.
Anyone who chooses Asian over Whites have issues.
Although I prefer
Intelligence > looks
Don't want my kids to be average.
*BRAAAAPS in japanese*
I'll get one of each
Asian 100%
either pic or webm related
white girls tangs stink, and their skin is loose leading to wrinkles quickly. and they're not feminine.
Her name is Kelly Wang
waifu is asian
complete accident, we met over the internet in a text only chatroom
but then again if you select by intelligence, you're more likely to end up with asians
Asians have dark nipples, small breasts, and are retarded.
latinas will make you fucking miserable. might as well marry a bitter old woman with the amount of bitching you'll have to put up with. also good luck not having kids they'll pull condoms out of the trash if they have to
So the MA in art history didn't end up paying the bills I see. Huh, really makes you think.
hmm, my girl doesn't have dark nipples, does have small breasts, and is very sweet, not entitled like white bitches.
That's completely fine. I know how my women work. I'm a spic btw. I don't believe in race mixing so my girl will be latina.
I don't get a fuck what race she is. I just want a woman who isn't already in debt and doesn't make crippling life decisions.
ITT, people who will die at the hands of their own half spawns.
You’re in for a treat
omg what an angel.
How can anyone say european women aren't the pinnacle of beauty look at the webm oh my god
elliot would have turned out fine if he had a real father.
I'll see you tomorrow guys
Real fathers are loyal to their own folk.
>dark nipples
I like this
>Small breasts
My 1,000 hours of JAV experience disproves this
Asians are the only race with higher IQs than whites
Asians are white man's greatest ally (excluding most of the chinese)
>implying money gets you pussy in 2017 america
i dunno man if you dated asians you'll find out real quick their libido isn't high and they're not frisky in bed like some white girls.
every asian girl ive been with has been an absolute slut when you get down to it
looks like an acting reel or something, she desperately tries to express the whole palette of emotions, totally unnatural
the only high libido ones i've met on dark skinned asian americans. the fob ones are always reserved and im just tired of initiating all the damn time
Maybe you're just ugly lmao
>>Veeky Forums
i only go for the whitewashed
fob asians are SHIT TIER
>When you make it, will your waifu be Asian or white?
who is stupid enough to get MARRIED??
High-IQ Jewish qt with Khazar Milkers.
>Veeky Forums - Buisness & Finance
This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.
I just want a girl who have her own hobbies that are not smartphones and social media. Who have the attention span to watch a movie without looking up the plot on her smartphone because it's boring. Who is very chill and don't get angry for small stuff. And of course she must enjoy sex.
That's it.
i mean, if shes gonna be one of those super cute ones, asian is fine, i dont give a fuck. but i agree that a top tier white girl is the best in the looks department
are you a newfag
>being this new
asian chicks are quintessential biz culture
Think of women as property. An investment to build a family and procreate.
I could be the richest man in the world, and I would still choose not to marry. I despise the idea. Not that I will ever be rich or anyone would want to marry me in the future anyway.
Although, asian girls are better. Would mostly bang those if I could.
My gf is already Asian, but
>only Asian or white
What's wrong with black girls?
At this point Asian chicks are more important to this board's culture than forex
>Mfw don't want to marry but want to have multiple kids with multiple women
How do I pull this off?
Build wall
>What's wrong with black girls?
they aren't as pretty
her dad's wealthy. Likely he bailed her out.
Only correct answer
racist much? I know some beautiful black girls actually
i can give you my dad's number if you want to ask him for tips
I already have a cutie korean waifu, now just need a million from crypto.
>implying beta rich jew + chinese golddigger is the same as alpha white neet + vietnamese/japanese american
you fell for halfpol memes
a truly redpilled individual never fails to identify the jew. awareness of different ethnicities doesn't hurt either. chances are there are igbos smarter than you, charcoal skin or not
How would he feel about a stranger asking him a question like that?
There are some that are alright, but the "I have a problem with every second thing that exists" is extremely off putting
my dad did this. You find low class women and tell them a bunch of nonsense. Have unprotected sex with them. Then have a bunch of disgruntled children. Single moms are a good target.
>racist much?
no, i just have preferences. i don't like their wide noses and coarse hair.
Jews are smarter than both
This is true. Ever notice in the foreign asian porn how the girl lies there the entire time and makes sounds like she.is being raped.
spotted the joo
porn =/= real life
I know these feels :(
Its true.If you ever been to asia then you would realize gooks look up to the jews , look at South Korea and China.
You already know how it is in the west Americans and Euros love goldstein to to the point that you allowed them to control every facet of your life
Aya Kawasaki is my wife. Leave her alone.
Be reborn into a harem anime
I shilled this yesterday
stick with own race