>love tabletop
>want to play some board/figure games
>literally one friend
>see him LITERALLY once a year
what should i do Veeky Forums bros?
Should i just collect shit for the sake of collecting?
This feels so empty
Love tabletop
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Online communities are the closest you can get. Tabletop Simulator and Vassal both have their flaws, but if you have no other options they can work out.
Alternately, you can see if there are any local clubs. Unfortunately a lot of IRL gaming still sucks but it's worth a try.
Make more friends.
To expand on this:
Maybe take some courses at the local community college in something that interests you. Make friends with some of your classmates.
And often they'll have clubs and groups and meetups, so you might even find a group of people who also love board games.
i'm past college user, it's hard now and will only get worse in friends department
>Unfortunately a lot of IRL gaming still sucks but it's worth a try.
what do you mean
Some gaming clubs are great. Good facilities, nice people who are welcoming to newcomers, all that stuff.
Others... Not so much. Grotty backrooms with shitty amounts of space, aggressively antisocial assholes who've formed their own little club and don't like people they don't know, etc etc.
It can run the gamut, but it's always worth giving it a go just to see what it's like.
if you dont have any friends and dont want to make friends, play 40k/AoS.
if you want to make friends play X-wing or bloodbowl.
Forget most tabletop
I went to a grungy game store that doubled as the owner's game room once to buy something and they looked at me like I had broken a 4000 year old seal on their tomb or something. I was even trying to be polite and not interrupt them. Fuck those people. I'd play a game with you though.
1.) Make more friends.
2.) Find a club or community for your interests, and get involved. This leads to my first point.
3.) Start playing online, use tabletop simulators and participate in online communities. This leads to my first point.
4.) Just fucking do it. This leads to all of the above.
I had no friends who were into tabletop, but then I found my local club and made new friends there. That's the only way to do it, and failure to do so won't lead to anything.
It does depend on the people. I'd say least 50% of the people playing these games wold be happy to welcome you in. Go for it.
i'm past college user, it's hard now and will only get worse in friends department
It certainly will be with that attitude user. I can't promise you success, but I can promise failure if you don't try.
Despite the tendency to settle into established friend groups, humans are still social animals that crave company and inherently want to get along. You can break into established groups with some effort, or you could start your own with others who are new to the area or are simply like you and didn't make a lot of friends growing up.
People often mature at different rates and enter different stages of social life at different ages. I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 18, and I didn't have sex until I was 20. Some people I know where sleeping around routinely at 16, and some are still virgins and years older than me. Point is, you're not alone and not a freak. Everyone's different and no one is normal. To make friends all you have to do is put yourself out there and extend a little kindness to your fellow humans. Be mindful of them and they will be mindful of you.
I believe in you user, you can do it!
>I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 18, and I didn't have sex until I was 20.
Haha, yeah... y-you were really late there. T-that's pretty pathetic.
Turning 27 tomorrow, I've had neither
I also have neither friends nor a job
The worst part is that despite being an objective failure, my parents are proud of me because I'm the first person in our family to graduate university
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Did you even read the rest of what I said there? That's not the point. The point is that measuring your life against that of others is meaningless and counterproductive. It will only leave you feeling lacking, unless you happen to be extraordinarily successful.
The point is that until you accept yourself for who you are and others for who they are, you will only trip over your own insecurities. The path to improving yourself is to first love and forgive yourself.
user I really don't want to be mean, but if you have practically no friends whether and how you should play tabletops is probably not your most important problem right now.
So, where are you from user? What did you graduate? Why do you have a problem finding a job? Do you have any hobby, sports, something you always wanted to do? You can meet a lot of great people by simply getting into certain activities.
Find players on:
Is that a cat?
cat face on baby seal body
you probably do what every other loser who can't make friends does. You are obsessed with your failings in life and can't help but bring them up in conversation passive aggressively. you need to understand that literally no one gives a shit about you or what you did/didn't do in life. so the best way to get new people to like you is to just talk about common interests and not mention anything negative about your personal life at all, ever. I know its hard cause people like you clearly want to vent but trust me when I say that will only make things worse, as im sure you've already found out.
> 27 and still not had sex
What are you, Japanese.
Holy shit user.
27 and same situation in 18 days
Sucks, man. What you need to do is find your nearest hobby shop and look for a game day- a designated day for D&D or Dark Heresy or WH (Fantasy or 40k), whatever. Buy and prepare the necessary materials, and come on that day to see if you can't join someone on a journey.
Just collect for the sake of collecting, that's what I do. And I don't even have one friend like you.
It's really liberating to not have to worry about what weapons I put on my models and I can also paint them at as slow as I want.
Look at it this way. I'm in the same position as you, only I'm 28 and dropped out of University after a year and a half.
It can always be worse.
damn bro
If you live in a city walk into your FLGS and either ask if they play X game there or if they know anywhere where X game is played. Be polite in your interactions and boom new friends. I have done this twice and both times have been so successful that they are now my closest friends.
local store is game workshop so pretty sure they play nothing but GW stuff there
I feel you OP.
I've got -2- friends that I see barely at all, and I live in a place where tabletop is completely unheard of, and no one's interested in it. Feelsbadman.
I've found some respite through originally joining freeform RP communities, and getting into cliques that play tabletops.
28 and same situation, which makes like four people in that range just in this thread.
Sometimes you go through life and just...never encounter a girl you like, or don't sperg out on or something.
And then you spend seven years browsing /jp/ until your unrealistic expectations include a fluffy tail and perfect skin and what you bring to the table in exchange includes relative poverty and despair.
I was 28 when it happened with me.
Don't worry about it.
Just be a better you than yesterday you.
Do better tomorrow.
And if today ever turns into a total shitshow, then tomorrow being better is that much easier.
I made friends by just being there.
Eventually you've played Magic, Street Fighter or Smash at tourneys against the same people so many times that you can't not know them well enough to strike conversations and grow a friendship from there unless you're actively avoiding it.
On the other hand, solo gaming is enjoyable and should be considered a hobby in itself. When you spend all day long every day surrounded by millions of people all you want is to come back home dim the lights and play some Onirim in silence.
>i'm past college user, it's hard now and will only get worse in friends department
dude learn to meetup.com or mixer or something. go and be you. i can guarantee you will not be the only nerd at one of these things
holy self help thread, Batman
ok guys look. there's two ways to have sex for the first time: way too early and when it's right.
As someone who first had sex way too early, let me assure you that you're only missing out on STDs, other emotional issues, and drama.
I spent hours and hours sorting Magic cards and building decks in 2016. During the Christmas break, I played something like 8 games with my brother and I only get to see him a few days out of the year. I think I might just box up my cards altogether. I'm tired of looking at them.
For me I asked some of my co-workers and they were all down for some D&D on fridays after work.
> This is what some people actually believe.
>let me assure you that you're only missing out on STDs, other emotional issues, and drama
Many of my years of celibacy was by choice as well as bad luck.
I avoided bad relationships and now look 10 years younger than I am.
You can try roll 20. Online free tabletop thing, im personally lookin for a group now. Is pretty good if yah find good people.
My only saving grace from self shame about my lack of relationships and my virginity is knowing that it kept me from a crazy chick who tried to pregnancy scare me even though we never slept together.
Don't stick your dick in crazy, and don't even wag it in the general direction of crazy because it'll get the scent
>Want to play tabletop wargaming
>Scared about meeting people
>Fuck it I'll ask
>Ask local facebook group
>Group of guys take me in and teach my how to play flames of war
>Game with them once a month
Wasn't that bad.
try some roll20 with some online friends, user