Hey Veeky Forums. Let's kick off this new year (a day late) by rolling up our own Imperial Knight House.
Can someone roll be a d10 please.
Hey Veeky Forums. Let's kick off this new year (a day late) by rolling up our own Imperial Knight House.
Can someone roll be a d10 please.
Rolled 5 (1d10)
does it have to be a loyal house?
Rolled 8 (1d10)
Never done one of these before so wew lad
We were founded to counter a specific threat!
And I suppose not, be I feel like we should at least start that way. If people want, we can have the house be traitor.
Alright, now I need a d100 to determine when we were contacted.
Rolled 7 (1d100)
Rolling the next one because I'm impatient.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
Ok, I want the house to be traitor
>Great Crusade
ALMOST Time immemorial! So close!
Alright, seems we were contacted during the great crusade! The perfect time to fall to Chaos, if we chose that.
I'm gonna need a d10 roll to determine our sovereign, or if you want a d12 and a higher roll will make us Chaos. Popular consensus will also have us turn traitor.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Rolled 2 (1d12)
roll for Horus sided House
Lemme tell you lads about some knight houses I made (Not with the tables) while we wait.
First is House Agritum, from the planet Noxia. Noxia is not a world of danger or adventure: it is a toxic planet devoid of life, where men are confined to domes. Thus knights of House Agritum seek to escape the boring and depressing confines of their homeworld by traveling to the stars to fight for the Emperor in his countless battles.
Let's traitor the Emperor!
Well, seems like we get some more time to decide, we're a free blade boys.
Gimme a 1d10 for our level of ceremony.
I'm hearing a lot of calls for us to be traitor, so a chaos freeblade it is.
Rolled 9 (1d10)
Huh. Had less houses than I thought I did.
Fitting. We're a renegade house that don't need no Imperium
Looks like our ceremonies are very divergent from the norm. I like it, very chaos.
Can we get a d10 for our demeanor?
Rolled 7 (1d10)
rollan, death to the false emperor
Looks like we hate many things, but Xenos seem to be a the top of the list.
We need a flaw boys, someone give me a d10.
Rolled 3 (1d10)
There's also House Goda, from Planet... Goda. Essentially Japanese knights. Not samurai, Japanese. Their homeworld is a meiji-esque Industrial World, they also provide Imperial Guard regiments that are a mix of old and new, and the knights themselves are actually samurai, with Sengoku Jidai-style clans.
Pride in Our Colours, we scorn anything that might distract or cover our personal symbols.
Alright, this is coming together nicely.
Can I get a d100 roll for figure of legend?
Rolled 51 (1d100)
We skipped succession laws.
Also, I used these guys for the Hektor Heresy.
We're a freeblade my friend, we don't do succession.
Looks like our figure was a young initiate to our former order. Can I get a d100 to see what they did?
Rolled 92 (1d100)
He shed the blood of the iron men!
The blood of four thousand iron men?
The blood of FORTY THOUSAND iron men!
We'll, by the Gods of Chaos this kid led a genocide against some Xenos. I can appreciate that.
Since people seem to want that, we can have those xenos be the iron men.
Since we're a freeblade we're gonna skip straight to combat doctrine. Gimme a d10
Rolled 5 (1d10)
Lighting strike. A freeblade's gotta move fast.
What's our knight variant. I need a d100 again for this one.
Rolled 12 (1d100)
Castragator-pattern knight, a pattern invented by the magos Eunuchus.
Looks like we're using a Paladine. I'm down for the battle-cannon and chainsword look.
Alright, now we need some beliefs. Someone roll a d100 to determine them. These are obviously going to get a bit of a chaos spin on them.
Rolled 34 (1d100)
I'm running out of knight pics.
Rolled 92 (1d100)
Alright, if we were loyal we'd worship the Emperor above all. But we ain't Loyal. Gimme a d12 for which of the chaos god's we're gonna be devoted to
Rolled 5 (1d12)
Blood for the blood god!
I'm very sorry to say this my friend, but you're a bit off in your desires. Seems we are following Slaanesh.
I'm switching the enemies and allies tables to determine which we get. So I need a d100 for who we're allied with.
Rolled 42 (1d100)
Well, we're fast and proud. Seems pretty Slaaneshi to me.
Alright, while we are not a part of them, we are allied with another chaos knight house.
Now, we hate the imperium as a whole, but which of their sub-factions are we most at odds with? d100 roll.
Rolled 43 (1d100)
Alright, it seems we have a bone to pick with the Adeptus Mechanicus.
Now all we need is a name, colors, heraldry, etc...
Anyone have any ideas, and would anyone like to compile our Knight so far?
OP your thread needs a summary of what we rolled so far.
Fair enough.
The Knight House that we rolled was initially founded to counter a specific threat, and was contacted during the great crusade.
We're a Freeblade, meaning we are separate from our original house for some reason and by popular consensus we are a Chaos Knight.
Our ceremonies are very divergent from the norm and we place a lot of importance on our own colours and heraldry.
We have a burning hatred for all thing Xenos. In fact our figure of legend was a Knight Initiate that both initiated contact with and subsequently let the extermination of a race of Xenos (general consensus seemed to want this to be a group of the Iron Men).
Our general combat strategy is Lighting Strike, meaning we like to hit the enemy hard and fast.
Our Knight is a Paladin class, wielding a battle-cannon and a very large reaper chain sword.
Our faith is the direct worship of the Chaos Gods, specifically Slaanesh.
We are allied with another Chaos Knight House and we are opposed to the Adeptus Mechanicus.
That's about all we have right now.