Warhammer 40,000 General

user is surprised /40kg/ are assholes to one another edition

Previous bitchfest: >Freshest Rules in Epub (Use Readium for PC or Kobo on Android)

>Not always current PDFs:

>List Builder if BS doesn't add enough bloat for you

>As current as the FAQs get

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (loan your pass to a Chaos Sorcerer near you today):

Other urls found in this thread:


First for slim sisters.

1st for Nurgle

Don't empower the shitmemes.

The list builder is grot shit.

People are never assholes on Veeky Forums or in nerd communities.

5th for the 4-Armed-Emperor!

I hope first for game /army pics.
Tell me what you've been up to Veeky Forums.

Is the bio cannon on the bio-titan the same as the bio-plasmic cannon?

>t. Taufag
Anyone who gets anally upset over the Riptides Are TEQ meme is a confirmed humongous faggot.

I don't actually play, I just shitpost while waffling between army choices, afraid to commit.

>Those digits
This is going to be a good thread.


No noticable loss of quality

Oh hey its you again for the 1 millionth time

fuck that chaos army is just painted horribly

I'm gonna start an ork army and no one can stop me

No, Bio-cannons are 48" S10 AP3 Assault 6

Painting Tyranid Warriors (poorly) while planning out my next army.

nth for second ed nids

It's called a Hierophant, you dumbass. And no, it's not a bio-plasmic cannon. Just read the rules.

Reposting case he didnt see
Orks are a difficult army to play, they are bad, but not unplayable. If you want to play a couple of models you can run kill team, which orks are pretty good at. Kill team is usually around 10-30 models of guys.
Generally, pick an army you like, and learn to play them. Being competitive with any army revolves around milking the codex for the biggest amount of cheese as possible, and all codexes can do that, just some easier.
If you ever want to play orks in a larger points number, like 500-1500, some key points are:

Footslogging ork boyz suck unless you run green tide formation, which is about 100 models. If you choose to run boyz, put them in a battlewagon, or give them some form of defense if they footslog, like a painboy for FNP or eavy armour for a 4+. Shootas are worse than sluggas in my opinion, but its up to you really. A slugga cost no points and come by default and gives the ork an extra attack and a 12" s4 ap6 shot hitting on 5's. A shoota cost 1 extra point and causes them to lose and attack and have 2 base, but grants you 2 s4 a6 18" shots hitting on 2s.

Tankbustas are amazing, a squad of 10 guys with s8 ap3 rokkits, regardless of the fact that hit on 5's is goat, with re rolling armour pens and getting an extra victory point if they score first blood. Bomb squigs are a 5 point rokkit thats ap4 and hits on a 2+, which pretty much guarantees a kill.

Mek guns are good, but hard to come buy. You can convert them out of leman russ barrels, 3rd party, or scratch built them out of plastic tubing and some plasticard

Warboss is a CC fucking monster, with the ability to dish our 6 s10 ap2 attacks on the charge is fucking delicious, however, he is suspectable to shooting. Either give him eavy armour or a 2+ mega armour save

90% of the forge world units for orks are the best, and you can easily convert them, depending on how skilled you are.
Check out 1d4chan.org/wiki/Warhammer_40,000/Tactics/Orks(7E)


play tested some corsairs, didn't do too badly all things considered. one of my opponents was more concerned about "Fw bullshittery" regarding the wasps than the hornets, which was interesting considering hornets are almost objectively better.
Also amused at how much ass a Reaver Prince and jetbike pirates can kick in CC.

3-4 weeks ago. Death Guard and Alpha Legion vs. Space Awouuh Blood Angels, Imp. Guard and DEldar

meant for

What army has the greatest capacity to trick your opponent?

sorry i can't seem to actually find the entry for the bio-cannon anywhere i look.

Thank you very much

Alpha Legion

>The Emperor's Champion Sigismund, in the First Black Crusade, led his Black Templar right into the middle of the traitors Black Crusade and sought out the Arch Traitor
>Sigismund faced Abaddon in an epic duel and was martyred like the hero he is.
>Because of the Templars sacrfice, Cadia endured the 1st Crusade

>Celestine so called Champion of the Emperor/Living Saint is leading the Black Templar away from Cadia instead of leading them towards it
>She didn't go after Abaddon like her predecessor champ
>Cadia fell and Abaddon got what he wanted at last

Justify this, sisterfags.

Thanks user. What program do you use?
And sorry I'm posting from mobile so I don't have any programs to resize them here. If I send them to myself and resize them would that help?

>obsessing over post numbers
Even sisterfags vs anti-sisterfags would be an improvement.

How do you trick your opponent with alpha legion?

>when you try to take out the cheese squad and kill your own dudes instead

user, look, I appreciate that you post pics and encourage other people to do the same, and you talk about your games and stuff, that's great.

But holy shit I want to gouge my eyes out at those bright orange and metallic silver bases. You should really paint over those with something else, for the love of the Emprah.

because user I AM ALPHARIUS

user you should know by now never place your units by the Guard. Guardsmen bodies attract danger.

Because it's not in the Codex because Hierophants are not in the Codex.

How the fuck do you know about Hierophant Bio-Titans at all if you only have the fucking Codex?

"Slim Sisters"?

Nice try, chubby-chaser.

If the new Sisters of Cattle models are anything like what we've already seen, then you can expect things like "The Order of Our Martyred Muffin Top" and "The Order of the Eternal Fupa".

Because every character is your warlord and your cultist squads was actually TWO cultists squads cleverly disguised as one!

Okay I'll try to get on it my dude. Just basic black on the rims?

To add on, grots are the best scoring units in the game in my opinion, they will die to anything, but theyre 3 points per model, and can kill terminators if you get lucky and make back theyre points cost. They also look cool as hell imo

Trukks are dedicated transport and really fast but fucking when being looked out, FW makes a bunch of other transports for the heavy support slot that can be sqaudroned that are better armoured incase you want a different vehicle.

Weirdboys are situational, I take them if i want hammerhand (2+ strength for a turn) for some reason.

Warbuggies are good, Grot tanks are better, but theyre forgeworld and need converting.

The start collecting box is actually pretty good, Deff dread is a CC monster, boyz are troop takes, painboy is a decent cheap hq, Nobs are pretty bad, theyre overpriced, but if you run them barebones with big choppas and eavy armour you might get somehting out of them?
The formation they get is also good, allowing them once a turn to attack twice without letting the enemy attack back during on of these attacks

Orks boyz, grots, etc are dirt cheap on ebay because panzies just give up and sell em

Bascially, do your research before asking online and taking a one word response. Its the equivalent of righting a blog post to a friend when your depressed and he responses with "k"

Also, remember. Its a game. Have fun.

>not a worshipper of kek
He has blessed you with dubs so that you may see the light, child.

Okay so I checked the rules and they say a Battle-Forged army must be in detachments, but it does not say an unbound army cannot include detachments. Anyone that could clear this up? Becuase I'm currently under the impression that according to the rules you can include detachments and formations in unbound.

I wasn't just looking in the codex i also was checking other sources online. Also becuase i got bored and wanted to look at FW tyranid models.

Sure, I get that, but it doesn't seem like something you could actually decieve someone with.

Okay is it free?

Oh look it Anorexena, one of the slimazons who ritually remove their own internal organs to fit in their armour.

Yes, that would be a great start. Also some kind of wash to dull down the orange. I know you're going for a martian earth but it just came out so tangy bright, you should hit that with some Carroburg Crimson or Agrax Earthshade or something.

With the power of memes, obviously.

In the planning stages of starting an Imperial Guard army.

I've got a whole bunch of Plasma to get.

Probably buying a couple Command Squads, a box of guardsmen and either a Devil Dog kit or a Leman Russ Executioner kit to mix it up before doing more Infantry.

Why? Looks Death Guardy enough for me.

Read the rules again, carefully.

And yet it worked. The Commander toasted Pasknisher and Vanquisher in the same turn off their own Gets Hot.

Yes, it's unpainted. I got the model ~4 days before the game and was painting infantry instead.

I got Agrax I'll start putting some of that on there.

I guess what I'm looking for is an army that can make your opponent think a unit is x, but reveal that it is actually y. That would be an example of what I want to do.

Can you point me to the specific page and paragraph because I'm not seeing it?

That's not a thing for very good reason.

Call them the "Melanin Kangz"


I know 40k was never meant to be realistic, but how the fuck does that Sister of Silence have 2+ armour? Her waist would be the size of a pencil.

Deception is a key part of warfare user. And the most fun part.

i dont want to feel like i wasting my time writing a blog post

Wrong game then, closest is the ability of AL to switch characters around.

So you can swap a lowly champion with any other character with the same unit type in your army.

C'mon man. At least be creative with your jokes.

They're the Veritian Fortunates, anyway.

I don't have that option. I hate fucking Windows Phones.

Assuming the one on the left has at least some armor plating AND she has some sort of under suit, then her organs are holding on for dear life.

You can include formations in Unbound.

You cannot include detachments in Unbound. This includes CAD, allied detachments, and Formation Based Detachments (Decurion-style detachments).

No matter what, you NEVER receive command benefits when you go unbound. Formations still give special rules, though.


Hahahah, no.

2 seconds of googles tells me there an app literally called image resize for faildows phones


Play Zone Mortalis.


Jesus, alright user, I went to the other room to get my rulebook to look this up for you.

Page 118, 5th paragraph.

>Don't forget that Detachments are entirely optional and you can still select an army by taking any models from your collection, as discussed in the Unbound method (pg 117) - it just means that none of the models in your army receive command benefits.

Formations, however, have their own rules, that still function in Unbound as long as you satisfy their requirements.

I saw it, thanks for the info user. I'll keep mulling over it for a little bit, I do love those green bastards.

>tfw no qt chubby SoB to cook with

>I don't have that option. I hate fucking Windows Phones.


I thought GGA might have been trolling, only pretending to be retarded, but he is very clearly the stupidest person in the thread

What does zone mortalis do?

Silence are 3+

cattle user is still a faggot anyway

Playing with "blips." Units are hidden under markers until they move into LoS of the enemy, then they reveal themselves.

Much like how Camo markers in Infinity function, although in ZM you get no surprise attack bonus.

have you seen eldar armor ?

Okay tried a resizing app here's the test.

Humans are not Eldar. Eldar are like that, Humans are not.

Eldar armour is made of very different stuff.

Imagine an army that can field decoys, which look just like other units. That'd be cool.

Ah, that's a bit better since Eldar have slim power armour all the time.

Yeah, he's a twat.

I think 30k Alpha Legion can do something similar.

So the rule book explains what happens if you assault 2 enemy units but what happens when you assault a unit with 2 different units does it change anything?

Hey guys

I need feedbacks on the Deathwatch codex

I've slowly started them with the realese, I freaking love the lore about them since many years.

I have ~1500 points of them and I plan to start playing them against my friends. We don't play competively but sometimes they do some pretty stronk list.

Oh, and btw my friends are playing Eldar, Tau, Tyranide, Chaos (the new world eater formation) and others armies like Harlequins or others chaos legions.

Check my nurglite receipt.

Eldar poop crystal dust.
and only their Phoenix lords have 2+

>it's okay when my space elves do it
k dood

Standard imperial handwave answer #1162:
>Material technology miracle from the DAoT

I'm pretty much the only one to have one. So I know I've made a mistake.
The only good thing is they're pretty damn reliable

No. They're separate charges.

The important thing to keep in mind is that you can only fire Overwatch once. So you can use a chaff unit to bait out Overwatch so the more expensive and killy unit can get into combat safely.

honestly we have like 10 handwave answers max
and that's all we need

No, other than the fact that the order you do it in allows you to protect the second charging unit from Overwatch if the first one makes the charge.

Optimised stealth cadre has this, sorta. They are actually behind your tanks and the models you see on the table are fake.

>fugg you
