>What's your character's motive
>He's a psychopath
What's your character's motive
Other urls found in this thread:
>any chaotic alignment
>sob story about family
You can make it work.
>Play someone in a group dedicated to indiscriminately killing creatures
>Without psychological trauma or being a psychopath
Most PCs are so casual about the mass slaughter of sentient beings, they may as well be psychopaths.
He won't kill his wife though.
>sudden inspiration
>wife gets sick
>husband cannot pay treatment
>has a procedure to give him psychopathy towards everyone except his wife
>takes assassination jobs to pay for her cure
That's fucking gay. I want to see a character who's motivation for being a hired killer is just passion for the line of work. Like someone who becomes a woodworker or other artisan for a living because they love it.
>Kill 300 people to rid his wife of her suffering
>Kill only his wife to rid his wife of her suffering
That's a really inefficient assassin. 0/10 would not hire.
Have him be a violent sociopath. That way, he'll behave like any murderhobo.
>killing things
>a blight to society
>seeking any advantage
>still has feelings
>getting atached to this or that
>"Okay guys for this campaign you can be any alignment, but you must be able to play together IC and OOC; don't be a jerk"
>a player wants to be CE
>he's an excellent player, 0% That Guy
>not Chaotic Stupid
>makes the game more interesting and fun for everyone
>implying your usual murderhobo is a sane person
With a good player, psychopaths can make very compelling character.
But most are edgelords.
>''well i AM chaotic evil...''
can you provide some example of good CE plays that are not that guyish
You can make playing a psychopath work. You can't make playing a psychopath whose motivation is just being a psychopath work, though.
Tracking the superior of a party member to his home and killing him in his sleep because you don't like his fucking attitude, covering your tracks and giving your party member the opportunity to climb into his superior's boots.
Purposefully ruining the economy of a small town and ensuring that it'll be a poverty-ridden subsistence-farming hovel for the next several centuries, just to make the party's job a little easier to perform.
Hunting down a woman that a party member has expressed interest in. If she's taken, kill her partner and start ruining her life. If she's not start ruining her life. Take away everything she has and leave her vulnerable and helpless, with nowhere to turn to but your friend in the party.
Chaotic Evil is allowed to have friends and Chaotic Evil is allowed to fucking awful things in order to make his friends' lives better.
True, but although this is centuries better than random murderhobing it's still annoying as hell if there are also good guys in the party. Especially if being a good guy is kind of written into campaign and the chaotic player knows it.
That's why it's done without the knowledge of the good guys.
>He just wants to be the best
>like no one ever was
>What's your character's motive?
He's a fat midget who likes tea.
>What's your character's motive?
He's a dude who spends all his time wandering around the woods
>What's your character's motive?
He's an old bastard with incredible power who spends all his time harassing fat midgets
>What's your character's motive?
He wants his jewellery back
>What's your character's motive?
He hates elves and doesn't want them to be alone with a piece of jewellery
2 of these are actual motives, good job user.
You know that was the fellowship of the ring, right?
Didn't notice that.
The fellowship do actually have motives that aren't these. Wanderlust, feeling responsibility for the whole situation/world, gloryseeking, rivalry...
>Being a psychopath is considered motivation
Player reveals secrets to creating shitty PC! GM's hate him!
You cant keep lying to your self user
Gandalf was just a sick fuck who liked messing with fat midgets HE MADE FRODO WAIT LIKE 18 YEARS AND THEN JUST POPS IN ONE DAY
It's ok to have more than one motivation. Maybe messing with hobbits is a hobby he does from time to time when he can, while doing other shit in between.
Hey, the fact that I like to fuck me a hobbit once in a while in old age doesn't make me some pedophile
> What's your character's motive?
> "He's a psychopath."
> ...Anything else?
> "He also has some videotapes to return."
I would probably be more put out by the implication that "psychopath" is a motivation than the character in question being one. It's a valid characterization, but you need an actual goal to work towards first.
He is an astoundingly handsome man.
>He's like, proper mental bruv
How did you not catch that?
As motives go, that's a pretty strong one.
That only works as a minor villain.
Just beat this game today. Fucking loved Racter, great character.
You make Chaotic Evil sound like "the ends justify the means", except with priorities that make no sense. Me likey.