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What if your opponent screens their artillery and archers?

You know, like anyone with half a brain would do

This thread is now fortified against Aelf

>they tought they could outbuild dorfs

How are Glade Guard? I have like 80 of them from when I played fantasy.

Also, I have no idea what this is anymore. It doesn't exist.

Don't forget the rune magic, very important for proper anti-Aelf walls.

See this and this

So, AoS is just picking the best models from what used to be separate factions and playing them in one list?

Christ, that sounds fucking awful. Why do people play this?

Different user here.
They can try to go around the screen. Admittedly this is easier said than done, especially if they're positioned smartly.
I reckon it'd be easier to do that tactic against warmachines than regular shooty guys, too. The lack of artillery in this game also hampers their usefulness.

Hellcannon/Screaming Skull Catapult/Doom Diver users will definitely cry if they have to play that list tho.

no this are specific tournament waacfag list.

Because it can still be fun. It's not as awful as it sounds - it's up to the player to keep things thematic, and there are benefits to taking a properly thematic army (namely Allegiance Benefits).

In my experience, most players will try to keep their armies thematic, and won't add a powerful unit just for its own sake.

Keyword: MOST.

However, there is literally nothing stopping them, right? Obviously, allegiance benefits don't mean shit if the competitive lists are spread out like that.

In my experience, anything left to the players to balance themselves is asking to be a miserable experience.

Again, what's stopping random players from doing it? Say I take my old wood elves to a store that plays AoS, and every one is just playing goodstuff lists with no theme?

That's like saying all smash players only play fox only no items final destination


Funny you use that analogy because my LGS runs smash tournaments and yes, that's exactly what it is.

Because contrary to the internet beliefs, most player are there to play fluffy but competitive list.

The ultimate trash tier waacfag are legally fielding reaver titan in 40k,and even those people dont have the strongest list possible.
If they were TRUE waacfag they would play nothing but kroatmeme or nagash invoking 2 mourghul a turn.

Chances are if they all play in that flgs that mean theres no waacfag like that in the next, most of the time, people DONT PLAY waacfag.

Why would this guy : 50953180

build a list of fyreslayer ? internet says it shit so why did he loose money and time painting them to loose ?
Because IRL he will have fun will people like him that want to have fun

updating the link

Skaven newbie here. As I said, I have returned with another question.
Is there something I can brew with 2 SoD sets of High Elves for 1k pts vanilla tournament? Should I just stick with Guardians of the Dawnspire battalion with extra 10 Spireguard models or build something new?

for the elves add a dragonlord and alarielle compendium and you are good to go

I get your point, but there's still nothing stopping them. Also, doesn't the utter lack of structure turn people away? I've already had two people decline interest because there's no book for what they want to play, and "just pick what you want" wasn't enough. One guy wants to play dwarfs, and not fire slayers. He wants to play classic shield and axe dwarfs. The other wants to play his old High Elves that are now scattered into 6 factions. I honestly don't know what to tell them.

I dont see how being split is a problem.
If anything you take you orld 8th elf army and its now stronger.

There are only benefits of fielding everything from the same Keywords in some instance.
Also its not "pic what you want" you have to stay within the limit of the force composition in the GHB.

B-but I have nothing more than SoD models, user

Extremis Chamber

what did you mean by "build something new" then ?

The aelf army is Swifthawk Agents, which has other models on the GW store. Look there to get some ideas for additions. They can't be part of the battalion, but that doesn't matter. They're all good in their own right (except the horse chariot).
Take a gander at this if you don't believe me:

(Warning: contains stale, year-old mathhammer. May need airing out.)

Without using Guardians of the Dawnspire if it is even possible with such small variety of models

Ok, the HE guy still has no idea how to field his army. He has to look through FIVE different tables in the back of the book to find ball Joan units of he wants to field them. Phoenix Temple, arcane something, swift hawk whatevers, ect.

On top of that, how am I supposed to tell people that only a few armies are cool enough to have their own army book?

I want to like this game, but the game isn't making it easy.

Dwarfs are literally all one faction, Dispossessed. Artillery/gyros are in Ironweld Arsenal, if you need those. So really, axe and shield dorfs are pretty simple.

Granted from my experience axe and shield dorfs are kinda hard in a game that loves fast shooty units as much as AoS does, but hey, they're at least mostly in one place.

Sadly, the dorf player has abandoned the game and I haven't heard from him in months, and neither of them want to play without a Codex style book.

I have Sylvaneth as well. Why should I get special spells, magic items, and bonuses when other factions can't?

you are shilling at this point, but i will still answer like its not bait.

If he has no idea how to field his army, he just doent have enough IQ to be a decent adversary anyway.

here is your free of charge complete HighElf list that are on 3 so very complicated different pages condensed into 1 (literally a 10 second job)

>On top of that, how am I supposed to tell people that only a few armies are cool enough to have their own army book?

you could literally say that for EVERY SINGLE edition of WHFB or 40k. there was no edition were all armybooks/codex were up to date, NONE.
this is a completely new game so of course they didnt drop 30 battletomes the first year.
each and every factions will be expanded given time

looks like you just need new "friends" bro, change your flgs

Speaking of classic dwarfs, I'm wondering about ranged units. Theoretically you could do:

20 Thunderers, 240 points, 20 shots at 3/3/-1/1
20 Quarrellers, 240 points, 40 shots at 4/4/-/1
10 Irondrakes, 220 points, 20 shots at 3/3/-1/1, 40 shots if they don't move.

Quarrellers have longer range and better melee by 1, Quarrellers and Thunderers have shieldwall allowing them to reroll saves but still move, Irondrakes have a better save by 1 and ignore Rend, but no reroll and have to be stationary for max efficiency.

Is it personal preference then, or are Irondrakes objectively better?

you are trying to play in a FLGS where people are playing fox no item destination final and everyone is going full retardwaac and basically refuse to play AoS for shitty reasons and looks like they just want the old world.

You are obviously in garbage tier environment, i would advise either just stop wargaming here and start another hobby or simply change FLGS.

>I have Sylvaneth as well. Why should I get special spells, magic items, and bonuses when other factions can't?

They have special items in the GHB which are much stronger than in the sylvaneth book for them.
the game is also out since a year, so its obviously not complete yet, still people have no problem enjoying it, it looks like your environment is just toxic.

irondrake seems better, until you got dealt mortal wounds, then you wish you had Quarellers. More shot from quarellers also mean that hit buffs are much more powerful

At least in WHFB they had codexes. They literally DO NOT EXIST in AoS. You have models with rules on them. Certain factions have the privilege of getting a Codex with free bonuses, while 70% of the factions don't.

I played WE in 8th edition. My Codex was from 6th, but at least I HAD one.

When was the last battle tomb? September? We get one what, quarterly at most? So in 10 years, everyone will be on equal footing?

I wish I could, but this is literally all I have. It's obviously frustrating as hell and frankly, I'm just venting because I have all this shit and can't do anything with it.

Again, then that comes back to the "well, why would I play a weak fluffy army when I can do this" kind of attitude. It's a lose/lose situation.

you should just stop AoS then, there will be no frustration

play warhammer fantasy.
You have all the models and all the armybooks, there is no obligation to play or even like AoS.

Noted, about the Irondrakes. Granted, Quarrellers and Thunderers are fragile at groups of 20 also--all it takes is one dwarf dead and Quarrellers drop to 19 shots, Thunderers drop to 4/3/-1/1.

Hmm. Wonder why everyone always says Irondrakes are the best evar then.

The thing is that I WANT to play it, and I already have the models. I always likes WHFB more than 40k, but my old store only played 40k except for a few of us that played fantasy. Even then, we had a few budding fantasy players. That group was great. We all had a great time, and there was a competitive, but friendly vibe to the whole store.

Then it closed, and we lost everyone but the two I mentioned.

There is one store an hour away from me that is full of WAAC fags that not only think Riptides are cool, but totally appropriate to spam. They're all mostly younger, too.

The LGS near me has smash players and no one playing table top except me and one other dude.

Not going to happen, especially since its not an official game anymore. On top of that, there's a much larger minimum buy-in, and that's already the excuse people use at my LGS.

>When was the last battle tomb? September? We get one what, quarterly at most?
Are you just ignoring the fact that they released an a battletome every month from february to july?

>I have all this shit and can't do anything with it.
You can do plenty with it. You are just whining that it will take effort to learn a new game
Here's a little pro tip: every game takes effort to learn. AOS is extremely easy to learn.

Actually, I have nothing to do with it because I can't get anyone into the game because of how disorganized it is.

They are better but not in 100% of the case, when you are shooting into skavens, quareller will do better and on the move, than irondrake, simply because the swarm is so weak anything will kill them and you need a high number of attacks,

They have different use i think, see a group of 30 quarellers as a cheap antihorde mobile force or big model sniper from "far away" (some model are flat out immune to -1 rend so weight of fire is the only thing that works)>

Irondrakes are really strong, but once they are into close combat against any serious unit they will disapear just as fast as cheaper quarellers.

They are more complementary than in direct competition.
Just bring 10 irondrake and unless they get charged by something that fly early on or something fast because they are unprotected or whatever other reason, they will do the heavy work.

It's quite well organized, you just don't like it.

>why arent all the aelves in a single faction RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

just do easy collage of the same faction like above and it isnt disorganised anymore.

I dont know why you complain to us instead of in your flgs tho.
You should really just change Flgs, there HAS to be another. in which city are you ?

Ahhhh that makes sense then, thank you!

More like

>why are high and dark elves in 5 different factions of 4 models while wood elves are in a single faction?

Why did they split the factions like that? What was the purpose of making 300 micro factions? FFS fire bellies are literally ONE MODEL.

I'm stuck between Reading and Philly. There's nothing here, as confirmed by the GW rep. Me and the store owner have been trying for 6 months. He just had to liquidate most of his stock because nothing was selling and he had to pay the bill.

10 irondrakes is 10 shots and 20, not 20 and 40.

Nobody is defending the faction split, but why are you freaking out so much about it?

Just move past it

Because aside from perceived price, it's the biggest thing that has driven away potential players.


looks like you are lost in the middle of nowhere with a very low concentration of people with that interest.
This is what turn people away, im in New Zealand right know and even here where its 3 times more expensive and they literally have 10 MTG only FLGS for each city i can find a game

You're not wrong.

Funny enough, one of our former players moved to NZ. Couldn't tell you where, though. He went to a college in Australia, then moved to NZ.

Otherwise, yea. That's the basic gist. We have tons of mtg stores and zero table top. My LGS has smash, Commander, and board games. Occasionally, I get a 40k game in with one kid, sometimes I see a married couple play X-wing, and twice I've seen an older father/son play Warmachine. That's it.

That is an old Wood Elf hero model. One of the better ones, you are lucky to have one.

You could use it as a Nomad Prince or something. I doubt anyone would complain about what Wanderer hero you wanted to use it for.

As for Glade Guard - they are mostly "meh", but their special rule gives them a really useful first volly. A big unit to take advantage of that will always be useful.

I can't see you ever using all 80 though. Even in a 2k list.

either pic related or follow this guy advice.

Really no other solution here.

Yea, I bought it when it was on the last chance list after my store closed. I always loved the model, but it wasn't a wizard, so there was no point in using it back then. That was my one issue with fantasy back then, though I won't lie that I loved tree singing.

I wanted to play a WoC army lead by Valkia but couldn't because she wasn't a wizard.

I wanted to play TK lead by Khalida, but couldn't because she wasn't a wizard, which was extra bad for TK.

Now I can do both, but I actually can't because I have no one to play with AND I have a HUGE backlog.

>not using all 80

That's a shame. I loved my annoyingly mobile S4 MSU archers. I had a lot of fun against my friend's ogre freight train. He would annihilate one unit at a time while my treeman and his big ogre would duke it out and the rest of my dudes tried to whittle down the pain train.

Sadly, none of that around.

>Constantly use the FW GUO design in promo art
>Still sell the ugly as fuck GUO in actual stores

Why. I mean if they are gonna do this, they should at least do some art featuring Fimir or Chaos Dorfs

You probably could use them all if you wanted to, I just can't see it doing all that well. I mean, that is 960 points of Glade Guard.

Two units of 20 being used to support the rest of your army would likely do better.

Even if the rest of your army are just different shooting units. If you have the models, Waywatchers (unit, not hero, since the Waywatcher Lord is just called the Waywatcher now), Warhawk Riders and Glade Riders are all capable of running around shooting shit and being generally annoying to deal with.

I have 3 Warhawks (wish I bought more), and I honestly have no idea what I did with my Glade riders. They've up and vanished.

As for way watchers, they were one of my favorites. I converted pic related, though I also have 3 old metal ones from the blister.

>WoW Blood Elves? Because all I can see is Blood Elves
implying wow blood elves weren't directly copied from games workshop witch elves that predated wow by like ten years.

>What if your opponent screens their artillery and archers?
trenebral shard literally teleports anywhere on the board WITHIN three inches of any enemy unit.

Okay but, I was referring to the colour scheme, not the models.

Pretty sure blonde hair and red and gold ain't the 'default' druchii colour scheme. You could paint them literally anything else and I wouldn't have thought it looked like WoW.

>I was referring to the colour scheme
you mean the default color scheme that has been the standard for witch elves since their inception? also ripped off by WOW from games workshop.

That would literally make my day

Welp, I guess it's confirmed that that one teaser image is definitely for steampunk duardin. Because that sure as hell didn't come from the dwarf deathroller in bloodbowl.


Fourth edition is the earliest I can find. Please feel free to source me your claim for bright blonde haired witch elves wearing bright red and gold armour being the original concept.

When literally every dark elf I've ever seen is black-haired and wearing black or purple armour.

Cause I'm not finding that anywhere.

>what is February

Hopefully never.

Dwarfs should be grit and mettle, not steam and gears. Beardling.

t. Aelf

Post your dwarf models with todays date.

You mad, aelf?

for fucks sake dwarf fucker go fuck your faggot dwarves that you can literally not go one second without masturbating to.

Not but here have some dorfs anyway

yeah he mad

1994 cover of the fucking dark elf codex ass hat.

Wow releases in 2004 and completely rips off everything worth anything in its game from GW including "blood elves".

Seriously dwarf wow fucker you can go cry in the corner now.

>doesn't play glorious dorfs
>wants to impose how dorfs should be

Heh its coming anyway, the fact you want it or not hardly matter, i'll drink your Aelf tears on february

Still not blonde, but w/e, I'm wrong and I'll own up to that, sorry.

No idea why that makes me a dwarf though lmao.

>Heh its coming anyway, the fact you want it or not hardly matter, i'll drink your Aelf tears on February

youre not alone. the ass clowns at GW HW literally butchered the elves into worthless shit in age of sigmar and left them twisting in the wind.

One of them even came here saw the thread before this and decided to release the teaser pic of the steamroller to preserve their precious steam faggot dwarves release rumor train.

in case you cant tell im bitter as fuck.

Something Something ROAD ROLLA DA

And if he surrounds the artillery with models and denies you the physical space to get into attack range of them?

Shards are shit

You are shit

Scythes are better than swords

your spoiler triggers me

Your triggering excites me.

Slaanesh approves of your excitement.

>And if he surrounds the artillery with models and denies you the physical space to get into attack range of them?Shards are shitYou are shitScythes are better than swords

do you feel smart because you can come up with counters to various strategies? that's pathetic if such a low bar gives you satisfaction.

So is Tzeentch going to get demon princes with actual abilities in the release or will demon princes continue to be stark naked ability wise?

I just bought a steam tank to dwarf-up while praying for the steamheads.

any fresh spoilers for tzeentch arcanites or whatever they're called?

So... about them arcanites. Rumors about them getting a second wave true?

Pray Grimnir my friend.

we will see thursday

Doesn't he still come with the original head too? It's not too far off from the illustrations.

I guess its "not too far off" if you forget that one is godlike and the other is a 30 year old piece of shit merely ogre sized.

Well in that case than isn't the 30 year old one objectively the better choice given that it's nurgle?

I like this edit.
Have a +1

Chinacast sold me a forgeworld recast for $40.


Some weirdo gave me shit about it being a different size from the shitty old metal one though.

>Well in that case than isn't the 30 year old one objectively the better choice given that it's nurgle?

the smaller older games workshop model is inferior in terms of aesthetics but superior in terms of in game performance. This is due to its smaller table top footprint allowing better mobility and restricting incoming damage channels.

Finishing my nurgle daemon army is on hold until they get around to making a non turd sandwich greater daemon of nurgle. And no I am not interested in the forgeworld model.

>tumblr nose
I realize it actually does make sense here because Slayers are notorious drunkards, but still...