Here's the stuff from yesterday's Open Day about Adeptus Titanicus.
>The book is done, the minis are done. Titanicus is going to print next week and will be out this year.
>They are going to do a big release with boxed game plus extras. They pushed the schedule back a bit to flesh it out more.
>They have learned from BB that people are lapping Specialist Games up, so are going to get more budget for it.
>Adeptus Titanicus is delayed (it was originally planned to be released around february). Not being rushed out. Might be out before the end of the year.
>There will be complete plastic buildings (which you can destroy yourself, by cutting etc).
>Thanks to Blood Bowl, and the delay there is a possibility of plastic Titans which go on sale at the same time as the black book / resin ones.
>The book art for ‘Titan’s Death’ is being worked on right now.
>The game is set during the Horus Heresy in the spirit of the original Adeptus Titanicus.
>The scale will be 8mm – They decided on this scale after 3D printing a Marine, Dread, Leman Russ, Warlord and a Mastodon in three different scales. 8mm was deemed the best as you could see the details to the point of telling different armour marks apart but didn’t make the Titans too big.
>8mm will make a Warlord around 6″ tall (that’s what it looked like why Andy Hoare put his hands apart, don’t blame me if the final model is smaller or larger…).
>Down the road infantry and tanks are to be introduced.
>Other forces are also possible, this includes Xenos which can be introduced in a themed expansion, e.g. Adeptus Titanicus: Armageddon to bring in the Orks.
>Currently the Titans are being 3D modelled by Chris Drew, the Warlord has been done as the 40k version was originally 3D modelled so it was a case of just scaling things down and getting it to work as a model which can be manufactured.
>We may, may, get to see something at the Forge World Open Day…(may, depending on Tony Cottrell)