What would lead to a culture where large foreheads are seen as marks of beauty?
What would lead to a culture where large foreheads are seen as marks of beauty?
A defect in which the wealthy are seen to have increasingly large foreheads, they then use their wealth and influence to glamorize this. Eventually the poor and plebs pick up on this, not knowing why or how, but begin to shave back their hair in order to mimic their hilarious big-headed overlords.
In Mexico, it was considered a sign of 'European' descent, and thus, decency.
Most Native Americans have VERY low hairlines. And Mexicans are known to have extremely low hairlines as well(at least the really Ethnic ones).
This is the reason why so many Mexican girls pull their hair back into tight-as-possible ponytails. Because a big, bare forehead is a sign of beauty, European descent, and decency.
Same for their men and hair gel.
A low forehead/hairline means you're an INDIO. Nobody would dare wear bangs unless they're white enough to show forehead beneath them.
fetal alcohol syndrome
mass autism
Shiiiit...that bitch ain't got a forehead, bitch got a fivehead.
The culture of a race that large foreheads is related to brain capacity( associating too magical afinnity too?) so people would try to show more forehead to atract attention
Why do you talk like a faggot?
a particularly famous, wealth and "officially" beautiiful woman with a large forehead, followed by courtiers doing everything they can to immitate the fashion of the one woman.
you seriously think having moles on your face is inherently attractive? Shit gets called "beauty marks" because of this shit.
A stereotype where large foreheads = large brains, and large brains = more intelligence.
So a member of the nobility will marry someone below their rank if they have a large forehead, if their only other option is someone of equal rank but has a small forehead.
So for men, they marry women with large foreheads in hopes that their sons will be good at things like strategy, battle tactics, finances, trade, and politics. While women marry men with large foreheads in hopes that it increases their chances at conceiving daughters who become literate and over all educated. Thus possessing a better chance at marrying above their current social status.
I dunno, op. Ask the Aztecs
I literally cannot concieve of a society so deviant and aborrant that it would consider Ritsu best girl!
Why does there even need to be a reason? Fashion history is so mercurial and contingent in the real world, there's no need to mimic that in a fictional world.
What like Europe in the 1500's?
Rich people with large foreheads.
Intense syphilis (or similar hair-loss illness) among the upper nobility.
Syphilitic hairlines become the norm among the most influential members of society. Those who do not have it "naturally" begin cutting and treating their hair to make it thinner and more receded. The prominent forehead is emphasized with makeup and hair styling, and is thought to show one's great intellectual capacity.
>What would lead to a culture where large foreheads are seen as marks of beauty?
An absence of Hinata.
It seems you've posted the wrong forehead.
In days gone by the emperor was proud of his magnificently majestic mane of locks. One thing lead to another and following an incendiary incident removing the majority of his hairline and a thousand year old dose of peyote noone of any rank within the empire would dare have a hairline more receded than the Emperor of Barberousness. Eventually having a full hairline came to be a sign of savagery and thousands of years later the descendants of this empire know not the reasons behind it. The savage barber priests of their tribes are well known for their zealotry against the blastphemous unshaven or those that do not wear funny little hats.
An absence of literally every other female character still wouldn't change her being worst girl.
Achieving a critical cultural Nicolas Cage film saturation point.
That's technically accurate, but she'd also be best girl, since there's no other options
Humans genetically engineering themselves larger craniums to house bigger brains.
Where having a large brain is attractive.
Proof of descent, such as in lands colonized by Europeans.
That is fascinating. Fits perfectly into the selective breeding model Steve Sailor described in Mexican interracial marriage preferences.
Jesus fuck.
We already have examples of real world cultures who's ideal crazy beauty standards have included, but are not limited to:
3 inch long feet on grown women (yes, three inches)
Humongous unnatural tits
Giraffe necks created by wearing an increasing number of rings around your neck.
Flat fucking foreheads made by strapping boards to infants heads.
Unnaturally narrow corset waists.
Atrocious body mods like cleft tongues and under-skin piercings or facial tattoos.
All of these have existed or still exist, mostly it's cultural quirks or fashion taken to extremes, and you need to go HERE to ask people to tell you how people could consider large foreheads beautiful?
It makes men look smart and women look more child/doll like,
Marcia Cross
Rachel McAdams
Christina Ricci
Summer Glau
Patrick Harris
Ellen Page
If you can't possibly figure out a scenario in which something that's obviously not stopping a lot of people from being considered attractive is considered attractive, I fear for you, your game group, your game, your aspirations for a writing career and anyone who has to hold a conversation with you for more than two minutes.
Now, to actually give you what you want:
The culture puts a lot of stock in it's lineage that can be traced back to a race of conquerors with characteristically high foreheads, while the natives generally have jutting brows/low hairlines/small heads.
Anyone with a big forehead is considered a true whateveryoucallthem and everyone with a small forehead is a mongrel.
Or as it's also known, the real situation in several places on modern day earth.
I like you.
>Humongous unnatural tits
I bet you consider everything above C cup unnatural and humongous you pedo.
That's not Code Lyoko. :/
>he's a tits guy
It could be symbolic or actually indicative of intelligence or psychic/spiritual power or a sign of well-kemptness representative of status and professionalism.
lmao wuss a real nigga like you doin on Veeky Forums cuh?