How would the NCR fare if teleported to the 1680's?

How would the NCR fare if teleported to the 1680's?

Let's assume the following,
1. All pre-war ruins in their territory remain and the entire landmass replaced what was there in 1680. Everything beyond the NCR's border is 1680 as in our timeline.

2. That this is the NCR as it is just after an NCR victory in New Vegas.

3. The Courier is Max Good Karma, but wasn't in NCR territory during the shift.

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I never understood this lore. Why does California, the state with the strictest gun control laws, become its own thing with guns in this universe?

The Fallout universe timeline diverges long before strict gun control was a thing

California was fortified incase of Chinese invasion.

Does this mean Deathclaws and stuff will spread to the rest of the Americas?

the story starts 70 years from now at the height of china's communist expansion. they took over russia and invaded Alaska after years of tensions rising.
Along with all this, America has gone through a right wing resurgence.
Assuming gun laws got removed and never got re-instated, there were probably a lot of fucking guns.
Then, 200 years after the apocalypse, people found military installations and raided them.
now that it has become its own country, manufacturing new guns and printing its own money, there are tons of guns.

we have a technological marvel of human achievement under a democratic system ready for fighting, expansion and survival. their main enemy is suddenly gone (According to paradox theory, this couldn't happe cause their actions would lead to the apocylapse never happening so they cant come back) and all they have to deal with immediately is a bunch of savages and the flu. They are 6 centuries ahead in tech. one guy with power armor can be dropped in any enemy capital and take it out at this point in time. they will rule the world within a hundred years.

Spanish are in for a world of hurt or really awesome trade.

California has (and presumably has in the fallout universe also)
The largest population in the us
The largest economy in the us

Also, it's just on the coasts that are really liberal, everything inland is conservative, plus you got crime and gangs in LA for your guns, and the military bases, like the good chunk of the Pacific fleet and Vandenberg afb
Most importantly, interplay is from California, and so it has the highest density of vaults and heroes to save the day

Multiverse theory is real Paradox avoided.

Sorry, meant this for

The NCR can produce it's own gear right?

They probably make/find the standard armor for the troops on their own, but almost all standard weapons (i.e., the service rifle) are produced by the Gun Runners,
Stuff for rangers and the heavy troopers is found, as the heavy troopers wear unpowered power armor, and the rangers wear old LAPD riot gear and jeans

Are the Gun Runners a tribe or company?

Shit. The Native Tribes and European settlers are in trouble.

It did have the biggest economy, population, etc.

Before everything got nuked to ash.

Granted, in the Fallout Universe they absolutely have the most successful society/civilization that we have seen in the Fallout Universe, and have been on a long road to recovering to prewar technology levels, but at the moment the majority of their military is abysmal, human wave, early days of WW2 Red Army level bad. They have automatic weapons, but terrible troop moral, overextended supply lines, corrupt government, and general shittery. The people who actually care are doing what they can, but the NCR can barely project force across the desert to New Vegas. We don't have clear numbers on their actual population, but I doubt it would be more than a few million.

Even if the NCR wanted to conquer the world some how, they would not have the bodies, bullets or food to do so, nor the political will, nor the rigorous supply lines needed to do so. I imagine that they would immediately make contact with the Colonial Spanish and French forces, who would then spread word to a post-Westphalian Europe. The Dutch and English would likely be the quickest to react and start a brain drain, hiring out the gunsmiths, mechanics, scientists, or even just regular craftsmen or students in exchange for spices, gold, art, whatever the Californians desired, though the Spanish, French, and even the Austrians, Swedes and Poles would start getting either their own Californian grease monkeys or second hand knowledge from the other powers.


The NCR has an estimated 700,000+ citizens.

The Californians would become a major counterweight to the Spanish Empire in the Western Hemisphere and likely would end up controlling everything west of the Rockies and north of Central Mexico, and maybe even beyond. They also would probably come to dominate East Asia commercially and politically, like an early Imperial USA. The effects of democratic-republic idealism transplanted across time would likely also result in an early wave of revolution comparable to the Bolivarian revolutions in South America and the 1848 revolutions in Europe. How well the absolutist monarchies would be able to react to this at home is up for debate, but if they managed to get their hand on machine guns and keep their armies on their sides then they'd end up alright by the end of it. The American colonial states though would likely easily break away though, for the same reason that California wouldn't be able to conquer the world: its fucking hard to move a bunch of dudes and all their ammo and all their food across oceans without widespread use of steam engines or better.

So even fewer people than were in the Thirteen Colonies at around the same time

In the first game they were raiders, but over time they became the largest weapons manufacturer in the NCR, and their organization presumably resembles that of a early modern company

also, clarification on the armor, it's made by crimson caravan. NCR appears to contract out equipment to companies within its borders

I am guessing the 13 Colonies will get aid from the NCR if they still try and break away.

>also it would be Funny if the NCR colonized Australia and New Zealand instead of the Brits.

Same user from here, just want clarification, do the ghouls, deathclaws, and other creatures go with them? Radiation too? What about the Spanish that were already there by that point?

I don't disagree with you there, I accidentally replied to op in that post instead of , but not with the brain drain part. If we are assuming that the NCR isn't panicking that they've just been sent back in time 600 years, I don't think they would start emigrating quickly. The distances involved would be far too great, and since the most dangerous things outside of their borders
are now indians and bears, they won't have to fight too hard to get new land and with it, resources. They could just send people to oregon and washington, grow food, and ensure that they send it back to california.
Regarding troop morale, the troops on the frontier might like it better than before, because of "Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter".

Yes the Wasteland wildlife comes with. As does the entire wasteland the NCR is in.

I was thinking the NCR would be able to colonizing the virgin lands around them as they were already planning for that.

Also any spanish settlements are just gone if they were in NCR space.

I don't think that there would be a depopulation by migration thing or something that dramatic, but that the globalized Europeans would do their damndest to get their hands on precious resources (in this instance knowledge of advanced firearms, engines, medicine, and general science). And unless the Californian Republic enacts Tokagawa Japan levels of isolation (which their government likely would never have the political will to do, especially in the face of a new global market) by hook or by crook the Europeans would eventually learn what we learned. It would likely take a long time to impliment this new knowledge, maybe even 100 years or more for there to be lase factories in Europe, but the NCR is on borrowed time for their technological advantage.

Cascadia would likely immediately be colonized and transformed into a bread basket, as you said. Before that was enacted its likely they would get some trade with South America for foodstuffs, before eventually probably becoming an importer of sugar-spice-(new) tobacco, precious metals in exchange for advanced tools and high grade steel.

>Wildlife comes to.

How could the Native Americans and Euro Settlers fight Radscorpians, Radroaches, Molerats, Yaoi Gui, and Deathclaws?

Matchlocks, axes, swords, being on horses that moving away faster than critters could chase, hunting down the aggressive animals in groups.

Later they would use the same stuff that NCR does: automatic guns, and more group hunting

I don't disagree that they wouldn't catch up eventually, but with the distances involved, that would take a very long time
Also, with the church still being dominant (not as dominant as if this were the 1500s) there would still be a good deal of hesitation before European governments would trust a land in the new world full of in their eyes heathen englishmen, moors, and mongols that all live together in some unknown form of government
and is supported by black magic. Plus, all of the demons and other monsters that come from this strange land (deathclaws, ghouls, FUCKING CAZADORES)

Would North America get even more trophy hunters?

Also Deathclaws hunt in packs in the lore right? That would scare the shit out of people.

They could claim to be an Atlantian Remnant.

Damn horses would really help the NCR run everything better.

Thats kind of what people already thought the rest of the world was like, like if you read early modern literature, at least in England, at least if the course I took as an elective last year was any indication. A few sailors and merchants went out into the great beyond, and some of them even came back, loaded with crazy stuff like beautiful ceramics you could never make, spices that bamboozle the senses, and tales of shimmering isles filled with demon worshiping cannibals, beautiful X-rated women, and gold out your ears, along with stories of creatures that are almost impossible to believe (a deer with legs as tall as a man and a neck as tall as a tree?) It was hard to tell the truth from fiction with regular travel accounts that usually embellished with some exaggerations and a few outright fantastic creatures that never existed. That somehow enormous scorpions, men with their skin rotted away that live forever, massive wasps that can kill a man, and man hunting demons that live in the caves in the land across the seas would sound as fantastic as the rest of what regular people were reading about in serialized books or in newspapers is what I would expect.

If the Wasteland and all it's wildlife comes through with the NCR territory then the world is boned just 400 years earlier. Exactly how long this boning will require to fully manifest itself depends on how much of the toxic, polluted pacific ocean comes along as part of the "territory."

The wasteland coming along means that the watershed which feeds the west coast and most of the south west is now a polluted mess, spreading out from NCR territory to cause massive die offs.

The Super-Mutants who got stomped to solidify NCR power probably spread out rather quickly, taking territory which the NCR allows them to do, as do the Ghouls that are not Feral. Problem being the territory these guys take isn't the resource raped wasteland, it's places with actual resources to exploit allowing them to quickly grow more powerful than than the NCR and box them in.

It would be a rape party, for the NCR and the world at large but the NCR would definitely be among the victims.

>"I met some Westlanders, part of a Caravan. They had an unholy two headed bull pulling their carts and a golem of metal! We traded them Horses and feed for medicines that cure almost any ailment (seen a noble use one to fix his broken arm once)."

Where would the Super Mutants get more FEV? They loot it from ruins in lore.

North America would get wiped out by a new epidemic brought by the travellers.

What the fuck? What the fuck kind of scenario is this?

In the All Roads comic, all the NCR troopers are riding them, but Chris Avellone said that was a mistake, and that horsies and donkeys are extinct.

They could always include working vehicles in the bethesda games, but that would mean another programmer that todd would have to pay in potato chips

Well more reasonably it would mean either ethanol fuel refineries for the extra corn they don't have, or even more scavenging for atomic batteries.
It was mentioned that the NCR was building a train system eastward to New Vegas (thats why they had all the powder gangers working with dynamite) and that seems like it would be more practical.

Say what?

The National Firearms Act was implemented in 1934 well before Fallout diverges, which is way before most of the high end stuff in the game gets made.
Before that though America was hemorrhaging civilian firearms in all shapes and sizes to arm the British military during WW1. Private gun ownership levels in America didn't recover from that one-two punch until the 1970s, way after the Fallout timeline diverges.

The NCR was trying to industrialize the homeland right? I remember NPCs talking about mill, factories, and train system jobs were easily available but they weren't gonna get you rich. Hence alot of settler aiming for Vegas and the mohave.

The Pre war US heavily armed the Californians incase of Chinese invasion
