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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Far as I'm aware, and my knowledge of Overlord consists of the first LN volume, the anime, what's talked about in threads and what Al tells me, Servants generally have equal or significantly better physical stats and abilities to what's shown in Overlord as well as generally more and better hax/conceptual bullshit. Overlord has much better and more powerful magic overall, including stuff that Servants usually can't do at all, like time stops, resurrection and so on.
So....in physical/hax/concept bullshit a Servant probably wins but in magic, unless you're going into GO Grand bullshit, an overlord person should win. Keep in mind I'm not terribly knowledgeable on Overlord so this could be bullshit.
Where can I get a cool orangutan friend?
That lets you be an orangutan with a drawback. Not sure you can companion The Librarian though.
Just bait him with some rare books and throw him in a pad. Bam, you've got an Orangutan and a Librarian in one.
Do you know much about Blazblue? If so how would a Nox Nyctores size up against a Noble Phantasm?
Jumpers! Do you have any pets?
If I wanted to become a daemon prince or ascend to daemon hood would I be stuck in the 40k verse? Cause demons are made of the warp which doesn't exist elsewhere.
I've got the cat from Uncharted Waters. I know I have more but that one leaps out to my mind.
I know even less about Blazblue, since I've never paid attention much of it's story or lore, just played the game itself.
Val is basically spot-on.
I think either would be a decent idea. The extra lore about out of context Nasuverse magic would expand his arcane repertoire, while the stat boosters/a relevant stat-boosting NP would remove his need for Perfect Warrior. All things considered, given how versatile and relatively quicker to cast Overlord magic is I think giving him a body-bound statboosting NP would be the better investment, as well as another NP that simply amplifies his magical prowess-unless you just want to lore him up on magical knowledge.
Outside of Nazarick, between Personal/Class Skills and 1-2 NPs the average Servant can pretty much ace anyone short of the Church's elites. Caster Servants might have a slightly harder time against more powerful opponents given the prevalence of magic resistance among them; this gets especially bad for Nazarick-tier opponents. The more powerful summons/constructs like the Church's Dominion Authority would probably make for a harder fight unless they have an offensively geared NP like Gae Bolg. And I don't think we've seen the Dragon Lords in action enough to guage them well.
If we're talking about Nazarick only though-almost everyone's already strong, fast, well trained and packing ridiculous magical resistance because MMO players. Out of those, the ones who aren't also D&Desque casters tend to have a weird body gimmick like being a robot-and the top guys like Shalltear and Demiurge tend to have all 3.
I think it's still possible to make a Servant on their level, but they'd have to be focused on NPs, you're essentially trying for someone in the ballpark of Saber or Karna and they'd have a lot less overall arcane versatility in exchange for raw conceptual power.
...huh, this is a surprisingly difficult question. Struggling off the top of my head to think of a jump with familiars like that.
I suppose you could acquire some orangutan senseis and giant ape allies if you take the summoning scroll in Naruto?
A. You bring the warp with you after you finish a 40K jump for various reasons.
B. The jump that lets you become one of those isn't done yet.
Dont open the floodgates. The comparison requests will never stop!
[Spoiler]DMC Dante vs Servants?[/Spoiler]
I'm sure there are Animal Companions perks somewhere.
Is there a His Dark Materials Trilogy Jump?
I have no idea on what Dante's actual feats are from some vague stuff, since it's been years since I played any game except 4 and that's only because I just got the fantastic special edition. I've only been trying out Lady/Trish and Vergil so far though.
>Better physical stats
If you're just counting Ainz while on disguise or Shalltear's anime battle, their actual physical power is much more higher.
In one of the Drama CDs the guardians fight a lvl 85 giant tree, similar to Gilles's tentacle monster.
Any of them could have taken it out in seconds but are forced to downplay themselves so they can train their teamwork. Also, the tree is completely unable to harm them.
Ainz while under the Perfect Warrior spell and Demiurge (who is more of a wild-card than an actual melee fighter) in the capital in vol six also had some nice feats.
Like I said, I've got very little knowledge on it.
Jumpers! Do you have any minions? How do you treat them? Why do they follow you?
I got a dog pretty quickly after I finished Pokemon and could keep him in the warehouse when things weren't safe. Since then I've picked up a few more, keeping usually about two at a time.
Taking the Alone drawback from Aquaria was much more painful than I thought it would be.
I'll feel a lot better about it when I figure out how to give my dogs a much longer youth.
Sims 3 has a potion for that!
>That pic
Jesus H. Christ, what's in that thing, depleted uranium?
Sadly, what minions I do have don't tend to be what you'd call sentient. Kind of an inherent problem with skellies.
fountain of youth? golden apple from narnia?
I have some First Circle Demons with cat form lurking around.
So. Because I got beat over the head with a triple-hit combo of exams, holidays, and being a lazy shit... Infernals took a while to get another update.
But here we go. From jumpable to "Finished". I'm still going to add some things, but unless something weird and unplanned comes up, no builds should be changed by it.
>Added Intro
>Added Caste Yozi choices
>Added Favored Yozi choices
>Added location choice/roll.
>Added a new Item. The Crown of Thunders.
>Added two new Drawbacks. What First Two Chapters? and Blade of Hatred.
>Added ending choices.
>Added Notes (do I need to clear anything else up?)
>Started on the fluffless lexicon. (Does it look okay as a start? Do I need to change the setup or something?)
Things that are still going to be added:
>Finish the lexicon of fluff-less perks and other stuff, to make it easier to get through the jump without mandatory reading a bunch of books.
>Possibly adding Cytherea Perks/Manses, but that's a maybe. This is the main "weird and unplanned" option.
In any case... if there's anything I fucked up, I'd like to hear it?
>>Do you have any minions?
yeah plenty, I've got the retainers and hordes of robots
>>How do you treat them?
Fairly well, why wouldn't I be nice to someone trying to help me?
>Why do they follow you?
The retainers follow me Out of loyalty to the king and I reward them handsomely as well. The robots are programmed in such a manner that their personal values are satisfied when they perform their function and their values Damaged when they avoid performing their function Or do not do their best at performing their function.
I've got a Phoenix from HP, a flying bison from Avatar, that living doll from Panty & Stocking, and one familiar I've picked up in Soul Eater that I've been using ever since.
Those are the major ones, but I generally pick up magical animals here and there all over the chain. It's pretty hard to keep track of all of them.
I always tend to get Waddle Dees and my plans involving the Felt are a thing, but mostly my minions are so I can have constant groups of people in my Jumper Enterprises, Waddle Dees make THE best gofers btw.
Couple of kitsunes, a god-eating spider, a bunch of slime-Lavosi (the population went out of control when my girls aboard the Angela fed them too much Phazon), a penguin who also manages my criminal enterprises, an eagle, a couple of ships, four horses and sundry others.
I'd ballpark most of them in the B-low A++ range (i.e. not planetary-defence-capability Exacalibur, just what it can do in SN). They're terrible weapons of causality destruction, but narrowly focused.
However, there's at least two which go straight into WMD territory. One's part of the arsenal of half the Black Beast, the other's a goddamn reality warping engine that can drain the user's life to stop time hard enough that a goddess of destruction was delayed for, like, a week. Both of which were built by the brightest minds in the setting to usurp the Sankishin (impossibly complex god-machines that draw power from the boundary to give rise to all events in the world), and are pretty danged atypical of what NNs can usually do considering the NNs were reverse engineered from the Sankishin.
>Animal Companions perks
Where tho?
The fluff's good! But maybe put a space between the paragraphs in the intro so's they don't kind spill over into each other? Just seems kinda unintuitive to read.
>What First Two Chapters
>bottom spoiler
>CP budget wobbles alarmingly, already strained to bursting
Though I wouldn't fault you for dropping it though considering how little info there is on her.
Just curious, what's the idea for Once Before, Never Again? Figured it must be pretty big if it's still unwritten.
Everything else looks in order, nice work!
>What First Two Chapters?
haha, there's a tiny bit in there-the privileges for the Infernal castes in Hell-I actually like so I'm not taking that
>haha, there's a tiny bit in there-the privileges for the Infernal castes in Hell-I actually like so I'm not taking that
There's a Dark Materials draft/very early WIP here reddit.com
Wait, I remember now-Disney Princess has a customisable talking animal buddy companion! Discounted if they're also a villain or voice acted by Gilbert Gottfried! And before you ask, no, I don't know if that's meant to be cumulative if they're both.
Alright, I finished Kamen rider The First (the remake movie). Is there anything I should watch before watching The Next(the other remake movie)?
Wow that looks like hot garbage. If a guy can't even be bothered to capitalise stuff, you just know the rest of the jump is gonna be nasty.
And it is.
Showa Era Part 2 Writefagging (Part 1 of ?): pastebin.com
Just going to ask if you guys wanna hear any more about my quackery in Showa Era Pt 2 beyond this?
I want to hug the Ebon Dragon.
Tell me how bad of plan that is.
Also, nice update. It's just me or Blade of Hatred seems pretty tame compared to the other 200 drawbacks?
Thanks for the first part, and you can become one without needing a jump to become one.
Not bad. Did you do any for part 1, and I just missed it?
Driving in at 10 jumps before the clusterfuck that is Kamen Rider NH3, it is KAMEN RIDER SHOUJO - THE INFERNAL.
>Exalted: Infernals - 699
Caste: Slayer
Favored Yozi: Isidiros
First Circle Demon: Teodozjia
Location: Creation - Chiaroscuro
Origin: Drop-In
Drawbacks: Remembering A Past Life (+0), Omen Weather (+100), A Hellish Rival (+200), Love of Adorjan (+200), Demon Hunters (+200), Demonic Aspect (+100), Horrible Coadjutor (+100), Terrible Torment (+200)
Final Point Count: 2,100 CP
-Name That Unfolds Like Lotus Blossom (Free) - Ember What Burns In All Hearts
-Remember the Past
-You Are Not Me
-Can’t Keep Me Down
-Descending Hierarchy
-Orphan Cub of the Devil-Tiger (Original Devil-Tiger: White Wolf At The Dawn of War)
Items: (+300 Item-Only Stipend)
-Hellstorm Rider (-150 Item-Only Stipend)
-Belt of the Infernal Battle Armor
-Chalcanth (-50 Item-Only Stipend)
-Exotic Components
-Dancing Flame Tattoo (-100 Item-Only Stipend) Note: Still had to spend 100 to finish getting this.
-Manse - The Fortress That Moves
-Coven (300 CP)
-The Thing Infernal
The Belt is adorned and immediately, the Promethium Driver sets to devouring it and incorporating it with it's own Gossamer-flesh-matter. I have no idea how badly this will end. The Hellstorm Rider is going into the shop along with my Car and I'm going to spend a while working on disassembling, incorporating, and re-building the demon bike into my Car.
Assuming I get the chance to do anything that isn't Running, Fighting For My Life, or Suffering In The Corner.
Help I am not good with Solars I dunno who'd make a good one for Remember the Past + You Are Not Me.
>The fluff's good!
>Everything else looks in order, nice work!
Thank you! I shamelessly cribbed a bit of the Exaltation section from dev commentary though.
>But maybe put a space between the paragraphs in the intro so's they don't kind spill over into each other? Just seems kinda unintuitive to read.
I, uh, had that at first though... But then it spilled over the other pages.
Which meant I had to pick between the options of:
>no spaces,
>having three sparse pages of intro
>cutting more of the fluff
>or shifting everything down half a page instead of having it neatly on one or two pages.
Went with the first option myself, but if people would prefer one of the others I can change it?
>Though I wouldn't fault you for dropping it though considering how little info there is on her.
Yeah... What we do know is kinda cool. But it's so little.
>Just curious, what's the idea for Once Before, Never Again? Figured it must be pretty big if it's still unwritten.
Uhhh... It's actually just a tiny bit of fluff now, referring back to the stuff above.
I /was/ originally going to make it a perk, which was supposed to be something about
I'll put something in the notes that you can be selective about what you ignore, as that was the intent.
You can keep the stuff you like.
>Tell me how bad of plan that is.
He probably won't realise what you're trying to do, because I don't think he understands the concepts of hugs.
So he'd probably think you're attacking him and/or foolishly giving him an opening to backstab/screw with you.
Maybe... a Hellforged Relic hating you is pretty bad, requiring a contest of will to go against what it want (in this case, bringing ruin to yourself) and not have it fuck it up. And even if you pass that, it levies a penalty to what you're doing.
Honestly, I wasn't entirely sure whether to put it at +200 or +100. It IS pretty tame for a +200, but harsh for a +100
Slayers have the right to formally witness a territorial battle between two demons contesting a fiefdom in Malfeas so the victor can officially stake their claim. It's basically like being a soccer ref, except you're encouraged by your patron to join in to keep your skills sharp.
The second discounted SWLIHN perk? It's based on the fact that Defliers have the right to whisper their mistress' name to 1CDs and demon-blooded to conscript them in a hierarchy of their chosing for the duration of a project.
For 25 hours, Malefactors can take a blue hourglass and be treated in all ways as a priest of Cecelyne. Apart from having the right to witness battles as mentioned for Slayers, they also have the authority to grant 1CDs citizenship, command great reverence in general as representatives of Cecelyne's will, get to travel on a swanky azure barque carried by other demons which is mystically an extension of the Endless Desert herself, command hundreds of acolytes, manage sacrifices made in Cecelyne's name and have a LOT of lattitude in interpreting/enforcing her laws.
...I know, she's the law Yozi. Figures she'd care the most about privilege.
Anyway, Scourges can call for complete silence over a given area up to a single layer of malfeas and lasting for up to one hour.
As for Fiends? Whatever disobedience to a 3CD or even another Yozi they do, as long as it somehow makes Ebby happy enough he reserves the right to let you get away with it scot-free.
Not Mardukth, but on top of everything else he has a Charm that specifically enchants any effort made to escape confinement of any kind.
He also has another Charm that lowers all his Virtues to 1. And his First Excellency only empowers acts which are subtle.
It's very likely he literally can't interpret a hug as anything other than a very cunningly disguised backstab.
And I'd say it's about as bad as the torment one. Constant nasty mental influence is no joke.
Thanks, I personally think I do shit-tier writefagging compared to HeavensAnon and others, and you must have just missed it. Here you go: pastebin.com
I do a single part and have been leaving it at that for right now, unless someone wants something explored but as of yet no one has asked for me to expand upon my writing.
I love this. You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar, and I want you to bare my Half-Castes.
Okay, thats downright excellent.
>I /was/ originally going to make it a perk, which was supposed to be something about
...ahem. Something about denying the madness of the First Age to take hold again, and letting things like the Great Curse slide off you.
But it was too similar to Can't Keep Me Down, and not really that great. So I scrapped it. Kept the phrase around because I thought it looked appropriate there.
>The Belt is adorned and immediately, the Promethium Driver sets to devouring it and incorporating it with it's own Gossamer-flesh-matter.
Well. That's a thing.
>I have no idea how badly this will end.
Neither do I...
>Original Devil-Tiger: White Wolf At The Dawn of War
Huh. White Wolf reference?
Anyway, looks like a good build? Math checks out, assuming that's one purchase of Thing Infernal.
>Assuming I get the chance to do anything that isn't Running, Fighting For My Life, or Suffering In The Corner.
You're in Creation, so you're /mostly/ safe from Adorjan if you don't sleep. Demon Hunters and your Rival won't be there constantly (though the Hunters /will/ find you pretty easily between Omen Weather and lots of Torment), so as long as you can deal with the Suffering you probably have time.
Well. With your perks and Caste you could choose an first age elder Dawn. Not too many of those written, so you could just make one up.
But the two that come to mind are:
>Merela, aka the Solar Queen, hero of the Primordial War and sorta-ruler of Creation.
>Sun Dragon, aka the Warlord of Hell. He didn't feel like retiring after the War, and instead went into Malfeas to fight an one-Exalt war against the Yozi. He kept that up for around 3 millenia, amassing an army of demons to himself, and then just... disappeared.
...uh. Thank you?
>Huh. White Wolf reference?
I think it might be taken from this?
Most of my minions are demons or machines possessed by them. Demons born from my soul, from my blood, from my madness, and then some things that randomly spawn from me with things like Broodmother or Boogie Manimal.
They trend to follow me around wherever I go, most of times because they spawn with little purpose or will on their own, and I usually don't really care much about them unless I want them to actually do something or not do something.
Obviously, they follow me due to their method of creation, as they're closely linked to me in one way or another.
That song's surprisingly thematic for Infernals.
Or a lot of Exalted in general.
How much would a completely intact STC be worth?
Miracle of Sound is generally great thematic music for a lot of things. I plan on making Gav be the artist who does my sound track using one of the various theme music perks. The dude's great at taking something mediocre and making it seem amazing, and taking something already amazing and making it the coolest thing ever.
If you are strong enough to not get killed by the Officio Assassinorum or a Great Crusade immediately?
Probably you can set for some of the nicest hiveworlds (I'm talking of more than a few systems), with your own personal fleet.
Hmm. Sounds very Wheel of Time. Which in turn, is the most Exalted non-Exalted thing I've ever seen apart from Asura's Wrath.
Speaking of which-I almost forgot to ask, but I've been thinking of making the Infernal Manses into the central controls for vast manse-networks.
So far I've got Noble Dragons and the Houses for the Artful Temple
A Chaos Emerald-clutser, the Primordial King shadow-enhanced Staff of Forbidden Light and a steady flow of energy from MtAw's Aether for the Crystal Palace
And a lot of conceptual languages to write the names of the Shinma on its' boundaries coupled with a lot of magic libraries and L-Space engineering for the Scriptorium.
But what sort of structures/energy sources/artifacts would be helpful to buff the Morass with? I feel like unlike the others, anything too affiliated with Metagaos will be counterproductive if the Manse-network suddenly starts eating itself.
Personally I'm still amazed at how accurately this song captures the Infernal experience:
>But what sort of structures/energy sources/artifacts would be helpful to buff the Morass with? I feel like unlike the others, anything too affiliated with Metagaos will be counterproductive if the Manse-network suddenly starts eating itself.
How about Gourmet Cells? You've got mutation and hunger there, fits in perfectly with the Morass.
I meant in terms of jumpchain.
Let me try this again with some details, would it be too OP to have a complete STC as a high cost purchase and/or scenario reward? If it wouldn't be too OP what kind of price tag/scenario would be reasonable to attach to it?
Working on Space Hulk and I thought it might be a potential idea for a treasure in a Space Hulk guarded by some Men of Iron (or something else if I can't track down any good info on the Men of Iron, which I probably can't).
STC means terraforming tech, nano-sclae tech like rejuv, a whole bunch of civil engineering stuff, bio-engineering out the wazoo, plans for things like power armor and very probably pre-crusade tech like AI. So, uh. Probably around 600CP with no available discounts, if at all, or possibly a reward for taking a +0CP drawback.
Is it just my imagination, or does the Name of Hierarchy briefly take over the narrator, in describing She Who Lives in Her Name? Spooky.
The Age of Adventures is at an end. Nations are too connected, the borders too known. Adventuring, it seems, is a pasttime best left in the past.
And yet Telwyrn teaches more Adventurers from Last Rock, and Ellial makes her final push against the Pantheon, who have for the first time in centuries, designated new Paladins.
It's an age of change, but one thing is constant:
The Gods are Bastards.
First draft, up for initial review, please tell me anything that needs to be balanced, with special eye toward Knowledge of the Infinite Order.
A full-functioning STC is very far behind what other technologies in other sci-fi settings can do.
It's basically a glorified blueprint system for dummies. It allows mass production without the ones building the thing have any special technical knowledge.
But for someone that can mass produce nanomachines or any kind of building robots... It's kind of worthless.
It's pretty powerful in-setting and you might get some use outside of it if you apply the STC principles into your technology (there is a perk for that in the IoM jump), but not that good on the long run.
I would price it on 600 CP, but higher might be a little too much.
Was there ever a COMPLETE STC?
>Well. That's a thing.
Just one more tally mark on the walking disastrous mess.
>Neither do I...
Shoot. I'm fairly certain given the Yozis and their demons associations with "reality," versus Gossamer and Fair Folk being dreams and stories and such that... there'd be stuff going wrong.
I just don't know WHAT would go wrong.
>Huh. White Wolf reference?
has the right of it - my Predecessor Devil-Tiger is essentially Geralt of Rivia who pursued his path in a fit of rage, and whose Torment I now suffer (while he himself speaks to me to help me go on the same road and avoid his mistakes).
Whoaholdthefuck, isn't she the one who strangled your namesake? As in, the guy so hueg he started losing track of what wasn't him and vice versa?
>Sun Dragon, aka the Warlord of Hell
>one Exalt war against the Yozi
Why do I feel like this is essentially another moniker for Doomguy.
The original STCs were computers that stored, created, and provided blueprints for human colonists during the dark age of technology.
The modern Imperium gets most of it's technological knowledge from hard copies of blueprints produced from one but a functional STC has never been found by the modern Imperium.
>Mochizuki-Sensei = Guy who made Neo-Organism and Kamen Rider ZO
>References a Mask and Stone of red color
>Samples from the original?
>"Ultimate Lifeform"
>“Is that the Blacklight sample?” The Doctor asked in shock.
Gaunlet what did you do!?
>Countdown till Time Travel shit hits
>The rushes are quite beautiful
>Economically gutting the company as well as fighting them normally.
>“You’ve made it so I can’t win, so true. But that isn’t my problem. Because I don’t need to win,"
>"I just need to trust my friends and not lose until they get here. Which should be easy enough as I am the Unlosing Jumper!”
>“I think I hear my Theme Song playing.”
I DID think of that, and my main worry is that this is sort of a giving the Metroids Phazon situation. Like, the whole Morass suddenly starts eating itself and everything around it. The tanks come alive, and exclusively spawn animals from Australia. The demesne itself starts hungrily devouring the time and space from everything nearby. The frog demons within start screaming about normies and shanking intruders for their chicken tendies
I mean, it's an option. I'm just not sure if I want to make it that integral an option, or just stick to something relatively cautious like splicing GOD's life essence along with a bunch of amphibian paradox slime into the caged frogs to see what happens.
Whoof. Gotta go to bed this second, unfortunately. Right off the bat Noble's background description seems to be missing?
Also maybe list what a Hand of God can actually do with that divine energy? Ditot for shadow priests.
And I might be missing something but er, is the Warlock supposed to be massively more powerful in terms of personal capability than the other backgrounds? As in, casually backhand into powder-tough? Because personal orbital flight's...pretty damned buff.
Lunch is about over but I'll review this later. Quick question: how much a role does feminism and SJW themes play? TVTropes lists both of those as dominant themes.
>Favour of Nature
Right, can we get rid of the absolute, unlimited kill everything regardless of power level?
>Protection from Corruption
Doesn't really seem as good as the other 400s.
>Valkyrie Companion
Why is this a perk?
>Knowledge of the Infinite Order
This seems way too strong and yet also suicidal to do so it's hard to see why anyone takes it without out of jump stuff protecting them and it's honestly really out of place with the rest of the jump.
Why are you offering an item that you have to actually advise should be mostly destroyed? Why not just give the non dangerous version if you're paying 400cp?
>Mithril Rapier
Not much effort here. If I'm honest, that's a feeling I get from a lot of this jump. There's a lot of parts where it feels like you didn't really put much in or just skimmed over a lot of perks and items. Maybe it's just me but it feels like if you're actually making something like that Mithril Rapier above into a 600cp item, you really need to take another look at some of this stuff.
Do Pokémons count as pets?
Hm. Well, gourmet cells have been mentioned.
Something like the Pole of Wood perhaps? Or directly Gaian stuff.
I also can't help but feel that Geneforge or EVO stuff would be pretty helpful here.
It is nothing to be concerned about, user... we promise.
>I just don't know WHAT would go wrong.
Sorry. I really have no idea how this would interact...
Probably not actually as bad as straight-up Yozi essence and Fair Folk stuff, since the demons used are pretty far removed from the Yozi.
>has the right of it - my Predecessor Devil-Tiger is essentially Geralt of Rivia who pursued his path in a fit of rage, and whose Torment I now suffer (while he himself speaks to me to help me go on the same road and avoid his mistakes).
Ah, okay. Cool. Just a coincidence then, I suppose? The company that made it is also called White Wolf.
Song's pretty good, btw.
>Whoaholdthefuck, isn't she the one who strangled your namesake? As in, the guy so hueg he started losing track of what wasn't him and vice versa?
Yup. Even with her actually having the standard legions backing her up (which is conveniently forgotten to make her sound more impressive), she killed him by strangling it. Despite HUEG and it not actually needing to breathe.
>Why do I feel like this is essentially another moniker for Doomguy.
...That fits pretty well.
Yeah, I noticed the Noble thing after posting, apologies for that.
For Paladins, it's just... more of what priests do. They seem to be closer to high priests than anything.
Warlock: I mean, that's a thing the character is based off does in canon. Literally, one of the first actions is "I hit them with the planet."
Yes. (Major themes.)
>Favour of Nature
Um. If there's an unlimited kill everything, that's not supposed to be there.
>Protection from Corruption
The main limit of infernal magic in the setting is that using it basically gives you cancer. Protection from that is /really/ important.
>Valkerye Companion
*Opens mouth*
I literally do not remember. I will change that.
It's very important to the setting, and there's a reason I'm specifically drawing attention to it.
It's dangerous because /demons/ are dangerous.
>Mithril Rapier
Having a sword that stabs past magic is actually really useful in the setting, because a bunch of people are quite literally invulnerable through magic. That being said, yes, slightly less effort, I'm just trying to get things down for now. I'll go back and add proper fluff once I balance things.
As I have said before the Knowledge of Infinite Order is kind of bullshit even for a 1000CP perk. You should either remove it or put a, the Gods are after your head, drawback included in it.
Other than that you still do not have an origin description for Noble nor do you have the rolled locations.
It looks good but it needs a bit of fine tuning before its finished.
Sort of, the things you probably think of as STCs are just collections of data produced by one. The actual STCs themselves were AI computers that provided whatever blueprints were needed by the user at the time via modifying and combining the tech in it's database to provide the needed tech in a format that a monkey or even an Imperial tech priest could understand.
>Personally I'm still amazed at how accurately this song captures the Infernal experienc
Oh wow, Looking at the lyrics, I had the chorus wrong the whole time. I really thought he always sang "breakfast" there.
Dante's weaker incarnations can run so fast he catches fire, can casually stop a punch from a hundred-meter tall stone giant, and has absurd regen. And he becomes significantly more bullshit as he ages. He probably takes most Servants.
Lots of fine tuning, yes. And fuck, locations. I forgot about those.
Gods are after your head would be an appropriate drawback for the Knowledge of the Infinite Order perk though, yes, I'll definitely add that if I keep the perk.
hey! I have been having mother box do that with magic for forever!
>that a monkey or even an Imperial tech priest could understand.
>Favour of Nature
You might want to touch up the description a bit then
It's not much protection however, particularly compared to what some of the other perks at the same level are.
Not sure why you're saying this? Can you elaborate on this mysterious reason? It's not making it feel any more fitting with the rest of what's there nor any less simultaneously broken as hell and unusable as hell.
And someone is shelling out 400cp for this. Why would someone spend a fairly significant sum of precious CP for something super dangerous to them that they have to kill to get any use out of the item?
>Mithril Rapier
Great, maybe you can put that in the description this time.
>Just a coincidence then, I suppose?
Yeah, mostly coincidence.
>Yup. Even with her actually having the standard legions backing her up (which is conveniently forgotten to make her sound more impressive), she killed him by strangling it. Despite HUEG and it not actually needing to breathe.
First off, wow rood. I think I see how the Siddies managed to get the Dragonbloods to rebel so easily. Being "conveniently forgotten" sounds like a bitch.
Anywho, that sounds actually kinda badass. Was there anything written down for her personality or is it a "wing it within these parameters and hope for the best"? I would go with the Sun Dragon normally but uh... I dun' think this Jumper needs anymore shit going down in his head, on top of dealing with Torment like that.
And I'm just going to thank my stars I'm not exploding and go from there on the Demon-Rider-Belt and the Gossamer-Dreams part of the original belt.
Aren't jokaero smarter than humans On average though?
>It's dangerous because /demons/ are dangerous.
That being said it's still a jumper bought item and It should in one way or another help the jumper accomplish their goals.
Perhaps you can have it at, unleash in enemy kingdom, watch the anarchy from a safe distance then recall demon back into the reliquary.
Er, which part needs fixing, exactly?
I'll up the protection it grants.
It's quite literally a core conceit of the setting that the magic system is just clarktech, and a ton of people have their hands on that clarktech and are fucking with it. On the one hand, I would prefer jumpers be able to interact with it because it's started off big, and is only getting more important. On the other hand, it's, well, broken as hell.
It's a canon item? I'm willing to kick down the price.
>Mithril Rapier
I'll add that note when I fluff things out, thank you!
The tech priests worship scraps from an old for dummies guide to technology as the divine revelations of their god.
Said blueprints were designed with the sole purpose of being usable by almost completely uneducated colonists and yet the tech priests can't figure out most of what they find.
There's no Dio-Necron pic out there somewhere, is there?
>It's very important to the setting, and there's a reason I'm specifically drawing attention to it.
Is this something that happens in setting, someone getting all that knowledge? Don't you say in the notes this sort of stuff insta kills you?
I'm having a lot of trouble understanding why an option that costs 1000cp insta kills you and if you survive you just go mad from using it anyway.
>It's a canon item? I'm willing to kick down the price.
Not him, but maybe just add an option to get it without demon?
...Now I kinda want it as-is though. DELICIOUS CANDY.
And almost nothing in the rest of the jump reflects that. You can say that's your intent but looking at the jump makes that really doubtful. Why do you need all the knowledge of all the strongest, smartest guys in setting to be able to interact with it anyway? I think given all the responses so far have been along the lines of "It's broken as shit" or "Why is this an option" it might be best to not include and find somet other way.
How about a version that doesn't have a demon trap?
>Er, which part needs fixing, exactly?
Response got cut off
Just add more detail on what exactly happens to attack your enemies so it's clearer that it doesn't just auto kill them.
Fuck. That was meant for
There is a certain complexity in simplicity. Specially when you're trying to figure how to build a 300 ft killing machine with two thirds of the blueprint.
I have a couple of crow familiars i picked up in d&d jumps, i called them like odins crows because i have 0 imaginatuon for this kind of things. Tgey are pretty strong ng right now though. I'm not sure if they count as companions.
Yes, you can do that, and the Demon would probably be quite happy about it and much more willing to help you out.
Sure, that works.
>Nothing in the jump reflects that
That's uh, pretty much how the setting works, yes.
I'll attempt to clarify that, sure.
They gave a planet each to a pair of random dudes who found the instructions for a knife.
Hey Mardukth if we take the continuity drawback in this and do it just after the mortals gauntlet can we effectively play as the same guy?
Like he ran around being a mortal hero then a demon shoved him in a bag and gave him an exaltation.
Great work btw.
>That's uh, pretty much how the setting works, yes.
Well it's a pretty crud way handle it for anyone who doesn't know the setting then huh? You seemed to have missed the rest of my post there though, given you didn't reply to it.
that's not the messed up part, the messed up part is that the penalty for designing your own New kind of knife is death by torture.
So the jump is all about clarketech except you only know that if you know the setting already and the only way to interact with it according to you is by buying this 1000cp perk yet apparently it's the major thing in the setting and everyone needs to be able to interact with it.
So now not only does it drive us insane and possibly kill us instantly for taking it, but it's also something we're expected to spend all our points on from the get go or be left behind in the setting? I have to admit, I haven't been this bewildered in a while.
Can you clarify Possessed, please?
Why exactly did the emperor let them have any power?