You all know the drill, kids! Ask questions, receive answers.
You all know the drill, kids! Ask questions, receive answers.
Other urls found in this thread:
I I cast Hex (sorcery, Destroy six target creatures), does it fizzle if the opponent bounces a creature so I only have 5 targets?
Not if they're doing it in response to the Hex itself, no. A spell only fizzles (is countered by the rules of the game for illegal targets) if ALL of its targets are no longer legal. As long as even one target is still legal, the spell will still resolve and do all that it can. A Hex that was cast with 6 targets will still destroy the 5 remaining ones if your opponent bounces one of the six targets.
I play a non-swamp card when I have urborg and guul draz overseer out in the field. do my creatures get +2/+0?
They do! A Swamp entered the battlefield under your control.
There's never a point where the land is on the battlefield and NOT a Swamp, because Urborg applies the second it hits the field.
Got any New Years Resolutions?
I do.
But, non-farcical answer: yes. Specifically, I'm going to try my best to be patient with other people this year, and to try to put more joy into the world than I take.
Spells with targets may have text reading "can't be countered by spells or abilities". Spells without targets would have "can't be countered".
If you somehow spliced "can't be countered" onto a targeted spell, and its target were invalidated, what would happen?
Well, it doesn't specify 'by spells or abilities', so it wouldn't be able to be countered. There's already KINDA precedent for this; the ability on Gilded Drake can't be countered EXCEPT by spells and abilities, specifically so the game rules can't counter it if you have no target.
Tokens have their type as their name, right?
(I.e. Can I win the game with the newly spoiled Mechanized Production and eight clues?)
Tokens are created with a name identical to their subtype unless the effect that created them SPECIFIES a name (for example, Saproling tokens are named Saproling, but the Wolf token created by Tolsimir Wolfblood is named "Voja").
Mechanized Production + 8 Clues = win.
Yahenni's Expertise
All creatures get -3/-3 until end of turn.
You may cast a card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your hand without paying its mana cost.
How does casting the extra spell work?
Does it get cast before creatures die to state based actions of having 0 or less toughness?
Does it resolve before SBA apply?
Most importantly, does Yahenni 'see' the creatures die?
can I cast a morph off of Yahenni's Expertise? Can I cast it if the original creature's CMC is 4+
Can Fatal Push target Newlamog?
Fatal Push simply doesn't attempt to destroy Newlamog because it doesn't have CMC 2 or 4 or less?
You perform the actions in the order written, so you'd cast the spell after the creatures get -3/-3. Doesn't much matter for Yahenni, though; the spell that you cast goes onto the stack as normal, and doesn't resolve until after we finish with Expertise and get another round of priority. So if you cast Yahenni's Expertise, and cast Yahenni off of it, they won't see the creatures die, because Yahenni is still on the stack.
You can't throw down a Morph, because casting a creature spell face-down for 3 is an alternate cost enabled by the card HAVING Morph, and you can't pay two alternate costs.
Yep. The only targeting restriction for Roof Boot is "Target creature". You're free to target something it won't destroy if you feel like it.
Are you familiar with the newly spoiled cards judge?
Somewhat! I follow spoilers as they come, but I can't guarantee I've seen everything.
If you have questions about spoiled cards (I really ought've put this in the OP), take my answers with a grain of salt: Sometimes the answer TODAY is not the answer when the set comes out due to rules updates, differences between the wording on the reminder text and in the CR, etc.
I cast Expertise, we get around to resolving it.
Creatures get -3/-3, Yahenni goes on the stack.
Expertise finishes resolving, creatures die to SBA.
Active player gets priority, then non active player.
Yahenni resolves and ETBS, the creatures his Expertise killed are long dead and Yahenni doesn't see any of them die.
Is this all correct?
I cast Kolaghan's Command with Expertise and choose my modes during the resolution of Expertise, I can't add back my creature that would die from Expertise because SBA hasn't happened yet, right? I CAN target a creature that would die with the 2 damage, right?
I cast Villianous Wealth for 2485190
I choose the order that they go on the stack and they resolve one at a time?
Fatal Push can target anything in case you need to get storm/aetherflux count up. It might come up.
Fair enough, if i make copies of gonti's aether heart with mechanized production can i sac it to its ability before it has to go because of the legends rule?
>Kokakola's Command
Correct. At the time you're casting Kokakola's Command and selecting targets, your creature is still on the battlefield because SBAs haven't killed the shit out of it yet, so it's not a legal target for the first mode. You CAN target a creature currently on the board with the third mode, even if that creature's gonna die from SBAs in a moment, because right now it's still here.
>Villainous Wealth
Correct. Your opponent would exile the top two million, four hundred eighty five thousand, one hundred and ninety cards of their library. Then you could cast any number of the nonland cards exiled this way for free, one at a time, in the order of your choosing. Then we put Wealth in the graveyard, and begin the process of resolving your many spells one at a time.
Or combo with Horobi!
You cannot. The Legend Rule is a state-based action, which means it gets checked (and enacted) immediately before players get priority. By the time you're able to activate abilities, one of the hearts is already gone.
Would he get EEEE if he copies Gonti's Aether Heart with Mechanized Production, then be able to sac the copy to SBA and keep the enchanted Heart?
You don't sacrifice to SBAs; you just pick one and put the rest in the graveyard (IE, it won't trigger 'when you sacrifice' triggers). But yes, absolutely, you could choose to keep the original with Production on it and bin the copy.
But the extra legends 'die'? Do they trigger Catacomb Sifter, Grim Harspex and Zulaport Cutthroat? I thought that Rallying back multiple Jaces was better than only getting one Jace because you auto got death triggers without needing to sac it to something.
Oh, they die- because "die" is just shorthand for "put into the graveyard from the battlefield". They're just not SACRIFICED.
Don't you have a blog or something you work on with other people? I recall you saying you got a spoiler for it one time. Where is it?
The Rules Tip Blog!
We've kinda fallen behind because real life decided to suckerpunch us with a whole heap of shit all in a row, but we're aiming to get back on track with the release of Aether Revolt.
Fuck's sake- sorry, that's the wrong one!
If I play disciple of Bolas targeting a creature with base power of 4 but has an equipment boosting it by 2 does DoB ability count as 4 or 6?
Disciple of Bolas does not target anything.
The trigger will go off of the power of the creature as the creature last existed on the battlefield- so in this case, 6.
Can I cast Consulate Dreadnought (
T. Hanks
You're quite welcome!
When we're on schedule we do usually 4 rules tips a week (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday), with a "Tournament Tip" covering MTR/JAR/IPG stuff on Tuesday.
We'll almost certainly have a 'preview week' the week before the prerelease, going over the new mechanics.
ey, I always end up here.
Some guy on Cockatrice took my turn with Emrakul and cast Dromoka's Command trying to put a counter on his Emrakul and have my Thalia fight Emrakul. I kept telling him that Emrakul can't be targeted because it has protection from instants. He tried telling me that Thalia targets Emrakul. Showed him this
You can't pay half of a crew cost, you pay the whole thing all at once, so no. I'm not a judge but think I have a pretty good rules knowledge
If you can, you can pay the crew cost even if it's already a creature if you want to do something like tap Depala to draw cards, crew a Copter with all of your goblin tokens so Rabblemaster doesn't make then suicide, same with all 'must' attack creatures, as long as the full crew cost can be paid.
If I have two Bomat Couriers is there a way to stack their activated abilities so that I get the cards from both of them and only discard my initial hand?
I want to sac Courier, hold priority, sac Courier, pass priority, right? I pay the costs at time of activation and then they resolve?
If I pass priority after activating the first Courier and my opponent also passes, Courier auto resolves, right and I've dun goof'd at this point?
Why did my wife leave me?
Just start playing xmage. It's better.
Hey, I even wrote one of those!
I missed your question, I'm sorry! You cannot, no. You can't pay part of a cost and wait to pay the rest; Magic ain't got layaway. You pay all of it or none of it.
If you pop, hold, pop, you'll pay the cost of "Discard your hand" twice (except the second time you don't HAVE a hand, so you discard all 0 cards in your non-hand), then each of the Courier piles goes to your hand. Just be explicit that you're holding priority and activating again, because the assumption otherwise is that you're proposing a shortcut of popping one, resolving it, then popping the other.
Most likely due to a complicated mix of personal issues on her front, rather than any failing on your part. On the plus side, this allows both of you to find someone new to be happier with, someone I'm sure you'll find very soon.
I started installing xmage, found out that like a half-dozen cards in several of my EDH decks weren't programmed in, and promptly canceled the arcane ritual to properly install xmage.
>a half-dozen cards in several of my EDH decks weren't programmed in
Which cards?
This is a definite "what if" question. Just something I was wondering.
Let's say someone is caught using fakes, yet they have legitimate copies of the cards in their trade binder. Are they given a game loss for having the fakes, yet allowed to continue with the tournament if they swapped them out? Of course let's assume they had no idea they were fake and were genuinely swindled.
Again this is simply ne wondering something. If you'd rather not answer in fear of someone abusing the system, I understand!
Oh, my usual absolute trash. Snow Devil, Icebergs, Segothian Leviathan.
So, having fakes in your deck is gonna be a Game Loss because you submitted an illegal deck. If 10 of your 60 were fakes, you presented a 50 card deck with 10 pieces of paper mixed in, which is no different than presenting a 50 card deck because you forgot that 10 cards were exiled off to the side.
Assuming no malice (as in, my investigation leads me to believe you honestly didn't realize they were fakes), I'd be happy to let you swap out the fakes for real ones in a reasonable time frame, whether that's "Let me grab them from this other deck/my binder/buy some at the vendor" or whatever, but you're absolutely gonna get that Game Loss.
That said, you conveniently having 'backups' of all the cards that happened to be fakes is not going to help your "I didn't know they were fakes" argument much.
How come Emrakul, the Aeons Torn says "Emrakul" a couple times without being followed by ", the Aeons Torn"?
Fairly standard templating for Legendaries with an epithet. They'll use the full name once in the rules text, then just the proper name itself to save space.
If someone deals lethal damage to me and kills my lifeblood hydra in the same combat, do I die before the hydra's ability returns some of my life?
That's very nice
Best of luck
My LGS almost had to cancel its PPTQ coming up this Sunday due to a lack of local judges. They finally found an L1 who's going to be running the event, and I'm allowed to shadow judge at the event! I assume it's going to be SRSBZNZ rules and mostly just doing deck checks n shiieeet.
Eldrazi displacer works to trigger revolt obviously. ..right?
Yup, you die as a SBA before anyone even receives priority, so there's no chance for the ability to resolve and give you life.
Correct, Revolt just says it must leave the battlefield, and going into exile is leaving the battlefield. Sure it immediately returns, but Revolt doesn't care.
I've recently shadowed my L1 at some local events. It's mostly picking up trash and moving chairs. We didn't have a lot of rules questions (but a few), a couple of non- game- related disputes, and one fist fight over a girl. But mostly chairs and trash.
>wrote one
This can only mean one thing
gA is an asian woman
You do. Hydra doesn't give you life until the trigger resolves, and SBAs kill you before that trigger even goes on the stack.
An L1 can't be the Head Judge of a PPTQ. I really hope they're aware of that, because if they try to run that, the event's gonna be invalidated and whoever won it is gonna be -really- pissed off when they're not on the RPTQ list.
Yep! Revolt doesn't care if the object came back (and it literally can't, because it's technically a new object)
J is for Janitor.
U is for "Ugh, why is there trash in the table tents?"!
D is for "Does ANYONE push in their chairs?"
G is for "Gee, it'd be great if people quit hiding bottles under the table
E is for "Every time. They steal Table Tent 69 every time."
I know you dont like hypothetical cards, so this question is for the commander player in you.
What do you think of an emblem or fuckoff expensive enchantment that reads something along the lines of "whenever you cast a spell, you may rearrange the stack"?