>YGO fags will defend this
YGO fags will defend this
Sure is Video Games
Holy fuck, I never knew you could see his face.
YGO is one exception to the rule, it floats between /v/ and Veeky Forums, but not everyone likes Veeky Forums.
You could always, you know, attack and kill it
Doesn't it also affect all Dragon-type monsters on the field and just not the ones you control?
Could also just use that to your advantage
You have to remember that this card was released when effect monsters were the minority and normal monsters actually saw extensive play outside of meme decks.
>1200 ATK
>no way to generate card advantage
if you're looking for stupidly designed bricks that just sit there and restrict options then here is pic related
Here you go OP.
>Dark Hole
>Beat over dragons with higher attack monsters
So many simple solutions even from day 1
Synchros are basically Ritual Monsters, but they stay in your extra deck, and instead of using Ritual Spells to summon them, you use Tuner Monsters + Non-Tuner monsters. Also you have to meat the level requirements for Synchros exactly, so you can't summon a level 8 tuner with cards that add up to 9 for example.
Meant to type level 8 synchro, but whatever
>1900 ATK
>800 DEF
Nigga just don't special summon when it's out and take it out with either a magic/trap card or attack it
Welcome to 2008.
*raises paw*
>mod doing their job
maybe the new year will be diffrient after all
meant for
>re:zero thread is still up
but that doesn't change anything
you can still attack and kill it
aye, fair point
>just 1for1 it bro
>just normal summon a monster with 2k or more attack bro and not have it die to removal bro
now you pretty much need a card that only targets spell cards and hope I don't get an anti spell card before I steamroll you.
But you can't use that if Lord of D. becomes dragon as well, since it becomes a spell targer
I did it before using dna surgery :^)
Who uses these? If you were scared of it getting attacked and killed you'd be better off just running threatening roar or something.
Also spell destruction is really easy to do in most decks.
The effect only activates with a special summon and not a normal one, right?
Doing a search for 4 star cards brings up a couple different monsters that have 1900+ attack that can be normal summoned
Alternatively, you could use something like pic related
That's actually pretty nifty
Shame it only affects monsters that are currently out on the field though and its not continuous
Makes it pretty niche
I'm pretty sure the sideways eight means it's continuous.
Didn't even notice it
Now I feel silly
I don't think the issue is a mechanical one. I think the issue is that the art is goofy and the abbreviated name looks really dumb, especially considering how much shit other YGO cards will cram into a card name.
>Shame it only affects monsters that are currently out on the field
Any monster summoned while it's out changes after being summoned.
Who's the chucklefuck at Konami of America that decided to name that shit?
This is one of the first yugioh combos.
Yeah, didn't realize that it was continuous
Pretty neato
>YGO fags will defend this
Whit my love.
Totally should be removed. Along with every other card that prevents special summon. Let's ban all the solemn cards as well.
I don't think that's an acceptable way of winning a Maxx C challenge
As long as the end result is a "you win" screen does it matter?
Why did they censor the head on this? Now it just looks liked a weird axe instead of an axe of despair.
>As long as the end result is a "you win" screen does it matter?
Well, no, but I prefer when Maxx C challenge decks are a bit more researched
Like this one, with a lot more interaction between different synchro
Same reason they censor cards from Tragedy to Harpie's: for the kiddies.
What vidya is that?
YGOPRO apparently.
Tanks user-kun
Joke's on them, the bodysuits are lewder than bare skin anyway.
Just pink her shroud.
Underrated post.
actually the harpies had nipple spikes
>start to get back into yugioh
>play a bit of yugioh pro
>go against this deck
I like the pacing of yugioh better in 1v1 than in magic, but when shit like this happens it gets really annoying. FTK is cancer.
It's only an FTK if you Maxx C.
Anyone here have ygopro?
I do not.
It's ME
It's ME
It's LORD--OF--D.
So does Black Rose Dragon kill itself when it comes out?
Also Stardust Dragon was such a CUNT of a card to play against when I still played Yugioh. Loved my deck, but certain cards just shat all over it.
Black Rose kills everything, itself included.
Stardust sees some play sometimes.
I fucking love level eater .
nobody likes Veeky Forums, ygo players are lucky they get the option to go on other boards.
>yugibabbies will defend this
>"Hey Kev, what was that new cards name again?"
>"Magical... something"
>"Alright, I get you"
For those who want to learn how to play, there's a course you can apply for.
Containment thread is this way.
Do you have one for Alpha as well?
I still remember this card, all these years later. Ended up a local meme in the place I used to live.
Its a single 1200 atk monster that isn't protected by its own effect.
>tfw you left during GX era
>tfw you come back and everything is OTK
>tfw Six Sams can't have multiple Gateway
>tfw Gravekeeper's are useless because everything activates from the graveyard
>get into MtG instead
>tfw U's sheer coverage, shutdown, and card advantage makes me never use the color on principle
I don't know what I should think of myself, but so far it's not very positive.
>Not playing manaless Dredge
It's not their fault. The original name is batshit, too.
Ikai no Kyokushiryū
In other languages, it is basically the same:
>Dragón Interplanetariopurpuraespinoso
>Dragon Interplanétaireviolépineux
>Interplanetar-lilastachliger Drache
>Drago Interplanetarioporporaspinoso
>I don't think the issue is a mechanical one. I think the issue is that the art is goofy and the abbreviated name looks really dumb, especially considering how much shit other YGO cards will cram into a card name
Fucking reptiles
>Thread originally on /v/
>Fuck off to Veeky Forums
>Thread gets moved
>Fukc off to Veeky Forums
King Dragun is worse
>is a dragon/fusion
>2400 ATK
>makes all friendly dragons. himself included, untargetable from spells, traps and card effects
>posts dck
just 1for1 it bro
>Doing a search for 4 star cards brings up a couple different monsters that have 1900+ attack that can be normal summoned
just play trash cards bro
>King Dragun
>YGO fags will defend this
I fucking love Houkai
Captcha ate my image
What's to defend?
Are you implying Magic never had a doofy card? Lord of D is older than some of the posters here.
>Haven't played Yu-Gi-Oh since high school
>Decided to get back into the game
>Play at a local tournament
>Lose in the first round
>Lose in the first turn
I never even got to draw my card. Effect monsters were a mistake.
sup nigga
>Tiny Asian girl eating 20 big macs in one siting
I am confused and strangely turned on right now
Sitll dies to non-targetting removal ;)
>Lord of D
Does he give the Lady the D?
Pretty sure you wouldn't find the off-camera buckets of vomit sexy
I hope
She doesn't vomit it out. She has a disorder which cause her to not properly digest food so she poops food if she binge eats
It's because Yugioh's only format is Legacy and new sets have to sell, thus, power creep.
Why would I exert the effort to defend a card that doesn't make or break anything but some really old gimmick combos? To get Lady of D to do anything without dying instantly, you have to open the absolute perfect 4 cards, and then you STILL have to actually win at some point without getting your backrow blown up or your monsters negated.
So honestly as a medium-new player whose only experience with Yu-Gi-Oh is the horrible obnoxious playerbase, why/why *not* Yu-Gi-Oh? I think it has a neat mashed up crazy aesthetic.
Does that mean she can eat her own shit?
I just like the lack of set rotation and resource system. You'd be surprised how few card games go without these things.
I love that I apparently can still play with all my middle school cards, despite them being underpowered now.
Some are flat out banned. The earlier spells like Raigeki & Heavy Storm are either limited or banned thanks to how strong they are.
>Falling for it
Most effects, spells and traps at the time did not "target". It was near fucking useless when it came out.
Technically anyone "can" eat their own shit, it's just a question of whether or not she'd want to.
But the game has been so power crept that Raigeki which is limited to 1 now isn't even being played. No rotation sounds cool (and all the legacy support of old archetypes is nice) but the power creep of Yugioh is becoming absurd.