>Matt ward returns to GW
>Fall of Cadia announced
>Plastic sisters
>Plastic Inquisitor
>Return of Guilliman
Veeky Forums eternally BTFO once again
>Matt ward returns to GW
>Fall of Cadia announced
>Plastic sisters
>Plastic Inquisitor
>Return of Guilliman
Veeky Forums eternally BTFO once again
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Hating on Matt Ward was a mistake. He was far from the worst person at GW.
I agree. How do you go on hating ward when there's cruddace
>Return of Guilliman
Wait, what?
Prove that he was responsible for any of that.
Guilliman is coming back in some sort of life support (weak from poisoning) it's going to be some sort of Magnus the Red sized Dreadnought
>stick girlyman into a dread
>"My lord, why didn't we do this from the start?"
>magos tries to pretend he didn't hear the question
What the problem is that Matt Ward needed a director and editor.
Cruddace needs a yard of rope and a street light.
Ward was hated because his writing was bullshit mary sue tier and he forced home HEROHAMMER 40K after the game had been rather focused on a more standard pattern where it was units vs units and tactics. There was even a fucking rule that prevented ALL special characters being used unless your opponent specifically said you could which lead to noone using characters because some armies got hella broken by having certain guys like Eldrath and his army of Warlocks just fucking you immensely.
I think what they need is that feel again where you have armies vs armies as the main objective of the hobby and then let Matt Ward write the stories for specific characters to let them be amazing in their own shit instead of letting him touch army fluff and ruining it with his idiocy.
Space Marines? Space Knights.
Nids? Space bugs that reproduce on organic matter.
Orks? Space fight mushrooms.
etc etc. None of that should change and nothing SHOULD let that change. Even if Matt Ward sits there and has a fit over not being able to touch a codex because its his favourite? Tell him to be an adult and not an autist.
Get someone competent to write fluff as a whole and let writers in to do specific shit. No more 'and CharacterX fought 800 Orks on his own and survived' and instead more like the Tyranid attack on the Ultramarine homeworld where the Terminator Company held out against an entire swarm so the orbital defense weapons were kept online.
Less individualism. More group focus.
That's why Matt Ward is both amazing and shit because he can't differentiate between the two.
>Fall of Cadia announced
Um, I'm not sure that, after what happened with Fantasy that ANYONE considers GW advancing the plot to be a good thing anymore.
>The ride never ends
>Would you truly be happy if it did?
Honestly his Codices were awesome in terms of crunch. Just get Ward to stick to rules and Kelly to do the fluff and everything will be fucking great.
>more like the Tyranid attack on the Ultramarine homeworld where the Terminator Company held out against an entire swarm so the orbital defense weapons were kept online
I hate to nitpick your excellent post but technically those Terminators didn't hold out, they died to a man. Bought a fuckton of time though.
But I agree with everything here.
>An entire Ward novel
There'll be a reckoning for your bullshit Veeky Forums
>Carnifex destroys my Chimera
>"It shouldn't be able to do that"
No one who hasn't bought the memes wholesale knows Mat was never really a problem to begin with. He published a few glaring mistakes, otherwise did writing people didn't like, and otherwise was pretty innocuous and generally okay.
Thank you based spiritual leige
>There was even a fucking rule that prevented ALL special characters being used unless your opponent specifically said you could
Which they were already removing well before Ward started putting his stamp on the game.
>Tyranids can win
>They shouldn't be able to do that
You know, if any of the armies suit "Herohammer" then it's Space Marines. Ward's influence in the rules can still be seen throughout the Marine codexes today and, actually, it's not that bad. It makes a lot of sense thematically for them to get some badass individuals that can change the way their army plays.
The sheer amount of wanking in the fluff over Ultras and Grey Knights was a problem though and one that has only recently been getting better with more attention on other chapters.
>Buhuh apologise
Where does it say that anywhere?
watching you warhammerfags lose your shit over the writers coming and going has been pretty excellent
There's no reason to think that Matt did any of that. At the same time, stuff like the Grey Knights going apeshit and the fucky codex wasn't his fault. That was all on Gdubbz.
Only thing Ward can be blamed for is being a Smurf fan boy, and honestly if I ever got his job, I'd be the exact same way with the Lamenters.
Man I fucking wish this were true.
What will become of smash fucker once guliman returns
You only play IG
Weren't nids powerful? Didn't they have the multi flying HQ build?
>stick girlyman into a dread
Why didn't they do that from the start?
Autist detected.
They probably thought someone else ten thousand years ago had the idea and never really got around to talking about it.
Or their own dreadnoughts didn't want to consign their greatest hero and genetic-sire to the same fate, and figured they could put him on ice in case some breakthrough was made.
Alternatively; because G-money told them to, since he figured they could handle shit on their own at this point.
would have been kinda neat to have him go full heracles and burn himself to death on a giant funeral pyre, though
Wasn't Guilliman actually regenerating, albeit at a glacial pace? He's probably only just now stable enough to be pulled from the tube without immediately dying outright.
Actually, why did nobody think of putting the Big E in a dread when he got wounded by Horus?
>This plays when Guilliman's dreadnought makes it to Terra and fuses with the Golden Throne, causing Emps to awaken in the same way
>return of Guilliman
Prove to me it isn't just Veeky Forums speculation.
No he's not fag it's a toss up between Lion'O, Leman and Vulkan.
Pretty sure when this was originally posted that there was no evidence that he was going to work for the Design Studio and not Black Library. He'd be far from the first person to work for BL after leaving the Studio or even while working there.
>here was even a fucking rule that prevented ALL special characters being used unless your opponent specifically said you could which lead to noone using characters because some armies got hella broken by having certain guys like Eldrath and his army of Warlocks just fucking you immensely.
That's just pure shitty rules writing. Why even bother writing such rules in the first place if you're not even going to attempt to try and balance them.
I'll say that from what I recall from 5E, special characters were a mixed bag, with some being good (Sometimes because they were like Vulkan and augmented the army they were a part of) and others being worse and overpriced compared to the generics.
>No more 'and CharacterX fought 800 Orks on his own and survived'
Pretty sure this didn't start with Ward. This also somewhat reeks of whining about a character from an army that is small in number is individually stronger compared to the rank and file from armies that rely entirely or partly on horde tactics which quantity outpacing quality.
Because 40k is the golden goose and it still has a little room to advance. Arguably Fantasy did as well, which means the advancement went to the inevitable conclusion for other reasons.
this x100
our punishment for blasphemy against Matt ward is being cursed with cruddace and Kelly. 3k points of tyranids cannot beat 1500 eldar
Christ he looks a smug ass hole.
What is he like in real life? Anyone on Veeky Forums actually met the guy?
Fiuck ward
I really like ward memes
He really is that smug. I was at the tournament that made him hate Nids.
I am honestly sorry for the Ward Meme
He looks a lot better with the hair cut and less like jesus.
>Plastic sisters
Celestine and two girlfriends in a box with two other unrelated heroes who can only be used in an upcomming campaign book and current rumours have nothing else for the Sisters for over half a year when 8th ed is coming out and it'll be nothing but Marines again, like every edition change-over.
But you know, don't let that stop you from wanking over how totes relevant Sisters are now because they totes got an update.
i like the swarmlord fluff tho, its really fucking awesome. billions of years old, unkillable, alien commader monster with exogalatic crystal swords is fucking awesome.
>>Plastic sisters
You mean plastic strong independent womyn for Black Templars army?
Webway fissure and Daemons. Astronomicon.
If you're praising the utter fluff rape that is the Swarmlord you were never around for when Tyranids were actually great, cancerous newfag.
Because he told them to put hi in the chair, so they did.
Fluff's always said that some *claim* Guilliman is healing inside the stasis field, despite it being pointed out even in-universe that such a thing is impossible. But there's still room for GW to reveal that it was actually true all along if they have a new model they want to sell.
You can't even blame him for that since there is no real indication that he cared about any 40k force beyond Necrons. In fact on his blog he didn't even mention any of the 40k armies he owned, only Fantasy. Him writing what he did about Ultramarines was going back to when the SM codex was Codex Ultramarines.
>I think what they need is that feel again where you have armies vs armies as the main objective of the hobby
So, Epic? The problem with current 40k is that the armies keep getting bigger, and so do the models, to the point where the game is impractical to play because you either have models way too big to be ideal as game pieces or so much shit on the table that tactics don't exist.
40k should be the small skirmishes with heroes leading a few troops and maybe A tank. Epic is where you get big armies, fliers, titans and all that other shit they keep trying to shoehorn into regular 40k.
>A curse
He's written some of the most internally balanced and interesting codices in the game. The only problem is he doesn't write every codex.
Ward's only problems were Grey Knights bathed in SoB blood and Cato Sicarius.
I'm sure the guy has a bit more knowledge now and won't try something as retarded, if for no other reason than that the fans hate it.
He has also fucked up Chaos more than once, and I think Orks as well (though not the recent superfuckup that is modern Orks).
I love the guy, but he has his flawed Codexes.
If he managed to consistently do the same work he does with his best ones though, 40k would be GOLDEN AGE.
WHFB daemons is unforgivable, but that was an extreme case.
If he had made every 40k Codex, I honestly think the game would have been better for it.
desu, Cato Sicarius gets a free pass in my book because of TTS.
If you idiots seriously doubt ward has nothing to do with fall of cadia, you are fucking retarded.
>wrote on End Times
>now working for something like this for 40k
I stopped playing tabletop a while ago.
What happened to the demons?
The 6th(7th?) edition fantasy Codex for daemons was unbelievably overpowered. So much so that it basically killed the game.
Oh, right, that one.
I stopped playing around that edition.
Though as I remember only Nurgle and Slaanesh were really overpowered. Khorne demons still died like flies.
Horrors made the game worse when they changed editions because blocks of 40 were max level wizards in MAGICAL SHITS THE GAME THE MOVIE ADAPTATION that was 8th.
yeah, he wrote OP books for eldar. When ever he touchs non eldar books, he nerfs them or we end up with something like the older DE book aka Codex Eldar ally.
great codex designer.
>Plastic sisters
>Plastic Inquisitor
>Return of Guilliman
How much of this is official on his account?
I agree wholeheartedly. I gave up on 40K when flyers became part of normal play.
I still check in on 40K now and again. Like a beaten woman who had the courage to run, but always looks back hoping that one day he will have changed- hoping that the magic they had when they first met can come back again. It never will.
>Plastic sisters
>Plastic Inquisitor
> anything to do with Ward
yeah, sure
I didn't say anything about if Ward was or wasn't involved in anything.
I was pointing out that getting three unique, plastic, special characters who don't even appear in their own codex does not an SoB army make.
Come on, we all know GW never drops open ended hints into the setting to later pick up on or forget about them.
There are rumors all over the interwebz that new era of 40k is coming. Shield of Baal and Wraith of Magnus were just the intro.
And one of those rumors is that a lot of primarchs are coming. Like all of them. And some rumors are so crazy and saying that only Horus is safe from the ride, i.e. Ferrus, Curze and Sangy are coming also.
But on the more normal side of rumors, there are speculations that the first loyal primarch to return is either Lion or Gulliman.
I'd give him a shot at the Tyranids to be honest.
Ward is a 50/50 on fluff (albeit in a extreme manner), but usually his crunch is decent. Haven't seen too many armies he's made that were terrible.
Given cruddaces last two performances, I'd take anyone else at this stage
His codices were awesome in terms of crunch when used against each other, (much like Vetock's, only turned to eleven). They did have some interesting and creative and actually useful mechanics that made each army unique, crazy and fun to play both with and against. Modern blandhammer might need some of that cheese spicing back. Ulsess it's gonna come back from fucking formations.
Damn, I hate Formations.
Is ward actually responsible for any of this or is the timing just a coincidence?
depends how many meltaguns it takes to kill
That's the problem. They should have been somewhere between powerful flying cheese made of entirely new and expensive models and utterly unplayable gaunt swarm or nidzilla.
Has hindsight contrarianism gone too far?
5th edition DE Codex was god tier. Then 6th edition happened. I love that codex. I used to read it before going to sleep because it really fired up my imagination. In a few hours I'm giving away my beloved DE army.
its both timing and nidfags continuing their ever assmad crusade against the crud, praying for ward to be their savior from shit codexes.
Seriously. Fuck formations.
So WITEHATTSD has basically become canon?
I like Formations, personally. They encourage you to do fluffy things like play a Space Marine Battle Company rather than just a couple of Tactical Squads and then whatever else you can fit into the Force Org chart.
>5th edition space wolves
>6th ed chaos marines
You have to go back. Cite facts not 1d4 chant, you fucking sub-human.
Yes, it's the fluffiness that encourages people, not the 400-700 free points and otherwise overpowered rules. Totally and 100% the fluff.
>Its ok because MY army massed produced experimental Riptides!
>MY army is made up of ascended wraith knights because they had to fight!
>my army get free stuff... Um... Because!
kys. you are the problem.
Just give formation points costs.
The sad truth is that GW never had competent people after the end of 4th edition 40k.
Aside from OP BS rules the guys above already mentioned said Formations are also stupidly restricting leading to lower divercity in army building. Fluff-wise it may make some sense for ultramatrines and cuccessors or some necrons, but most other armies in 40k are much less rigid in their organisation.
Does not solve this problem
>formation costs 100 points
>gives 400 free points
Free points should not exist.
The fact that they put free points means that they do not believe in them as balancing mechanism in the first place.
And yet Ork players INSIST that they need free points rather than just learning to play
It's real easy to win with Orks.
1) Own Orks
2) Buy a Space Marine army and play with them instead. After years of playing with a handicap, it'll be EZmode.
We need better writers and a 6th edition WHFB reboot (NO AOS STYLE). And is not going to happen.
They now just write formations to sell the models and that's it. 40k is shit.
>Hating on Matt Ward was a mistake.
No, it definitely was NOT a mistake...
>He was far from the worst person at GW.
So what? Literally "Just because he has a double digit IQ, he's not a retard. After all, there are others here with even lower IQ's." No, Matt is still a gaming retard who writes bad / imbalanced rules and *even worse* fluff to justify said bad rules choices. 'Gav Thorpe 2 - Ward-boogaloo!' The fact that there were / are bigger idiots you can stand next to him does NOT mean he's suddenly a genius. Substandard is still substandard.
>the problem is that Matt Ward needed a director and editor.
Instead of hiring 3 PEOPLE why not just hire one competent writer instead?
>Instead of hiring 3 PEOPLE why not just hire one competent writer instead?
GW did. Yet peple still bitch about Tau codex 4 years after it's release
Jeremy Vetock is unable to assign point costs and to calculate probabilities.