Is this as broken as it looks like?
Wizards is suddenly printing OP as fuck cards for some reason
Is this as broken as it looks like?
Wizards is suddenly printing OP as fuck cards for some reason
No. Just compare it to bob or phyrexian arena.
At this rate, with aggressive drops like this and the Smiler Miner, I could almost see a BW Energy Aggro deck being a thing, at least on a budget.
this one seems fun
> shitty every-other-turn that relies on the survivability of a 2/1 is now considered overpowered by the MTG community.
Goddamn this game has been dumbed down.
No because Liliana kills her for free.
Can you do that to a servo or thopter? huh...
time for thopters
Powered down != dumbed down.
The game has been dumbed down but this isn't evidence for that. Future sight was the smartest set in mtg's history and it's far weaker than anything in the two blocks that followed.
how is that broken in any way?
>Powered down != dumbed down.
Sure, but it does mean that there is zero fucking point to buying any new cards when all the good ones are in the old sets.
>Wizards is suddenly printing OP as fuck cards for some reason
Yeah it's not like they've been doing that since Mirrodin.
One card not being the best card in its niche so far != every new card is useless.
Check out the new Push card.
No, because technically they don't have names.
>worse bobs are now OP
Actually they do.
Jesus Veeky Forums, get it together.
Unless explicitly specified, tokens have a name identical to their (initial) subtype(s).
Clues, too.
Even better, your 8 artifacts don't even have to match the enchanted artifact.
you are one dumb motherfucker you know that user?
>Is this as broken as it looks like?
>Doesn't draw until 2+ turns after played
>Requires support and weak body.
Yes it is as broken as it looks: Not at all.
This + Panharmonicon = Easy Infinite ETB triggers, now whats currently on standard that lets you kill your opponent with ETB triggers?
It only gets energy when it attacks and can only flicker itself.
Dies to removal.
>conditional phyrexian draw every other turn attached to a 2/1
It doesn't exactly draw every other turn, as you can use other energy sources with it to make it draw more.
But yeah, definitely not good enough to see play without other energy cards backing it up.
He's not only worse than Bob, he's worse than all other non-bobs that have come out lately.
>Dark Confidant>Phyrexian Arena>Dark Tutelage>Ob Nixilis Reignited>Asylum Visitor>Pain Seer>Blood Scrivener>Glint-Sleeve Whatever
>Get 8 clues
>Cast this
The powerlevel pendulumm swings.
Amonkhet's gonna be same or maybe even more powerful.
Then next year or end of this year powerlevel will go down. 2018 will be Theros tier.
Dark Tutelage is absolute garbage and you should be ashamed of even including it on this list.
That only draws you a card every second turn, and only if you get to repeatedly attack with it. It's not Bob, not even a bad Bob. The closest equivalent would be calling it a bad Shadowmage Infiltrator.
It's probably fine in standard, but I doubt it'll set any other format on fire.
It doesn't need to attack if you have another source of energy, but yeah it's not that special.
Win on your next upkeep, which isn't going to come if you're playing standard.
or any other format but EDH.
This smells like it could be a viable combo deck. Getting 8 Servos into play seems easy in Standard, and the fact that you can use Clues instead makes it even better.
Welcome to the game newfriend.
Cast mycosynth lattice
Enchant an island
I like it.
Can't imagine it being playable though.
They don't have to have the same name as enchanted permanent. You could have 8 servo tokens.
They don't have to have the same name as the enchanted permanent
> If you control 8 or more artifacts with the same name as ONE ANOTHER (clues, servos, islands, etc)
sorry Im agreeing with you, but it came out autistically
i feel like youre both wrong here, disenchants are hardly ever played in any format, with one exception, they are heavily played in EDH
and furthermore in EDH, you typically have 2-4 opponents which means twice to 4 times as many chances of them having a disenchant
so actually if you had 8 clues and mechanized production in play, its quite likely you win the game in any format OTHER THAN edh
however, edh is the only format in which it is likely you will be able to acheive 8 copies of any one artifact
So... it's a slower and shittier Bob...ok.
>It's big upside is Shitty Fear v3
>Dies to 1 drops
It's slightly good, but not broken.
Now as for this motherfucker with sculpting steel and a bit of token spam...
Not the game, my friend. The community has changed.
New players have no idea or knowledge about most things and cry about "fun" at the slightest thing that makes them uncomfortable, makes them think or makes them wait a second.
I want to remind yet again: Channel Fireball suggested to ban fetchlands in Modern on the SOLE premise of them being "not fun", as you "have to sit and wait as people shuffle and nobody likes that".
>Blue Enchantment + Clue Tokens
>New deck archetype "Blue's Clues".
>Channel Fireball suggested to ban fetchlands in Modern on the SOLE premise of them being "not fun", as you "have to sit and wait as people shuffle and nobody likes that".
Fetchlands should be banned, but not for that reason
>Not Hard on Clues
No body cares, and here is why: Skyship Pirate
Creature - Human Pirate
They fucking brought back PIRATES
There's a lot of stuff to be banned before fetchlands need an actual hit.
I wonder if banning fetches would help or hinder diversity in the format.
>Channel Fireball suggested to ban fetchlands in Modern on the SOLE premise of them being "not fun", as you "have to sit and wait as people shuffle and nobody likes that".
They are correct, though. It is anti-fun.
Honestly, the entire metagame of lands/mana curve/ getting mana screwed is cancer and should have been done the way Hearthstone does it now from the beginning.
Hinder it right now, but with correct other bans, we'd end up having more decks.
>Blue-Balled Clue Goo
>Mana screwed
Learn to build your deck correctly.
>done the way Hearthstone does it
Play Hearthstone then. The way MtG resource system is done, allows it to experience much less power creep than any other TCG out there.
>It is anti-fun.
Then remove shuffling from game at all maybe? What the fuck with this "X is fun, Y is anti-fun", for you it might be "anti-fun" to sit for 10 seconds while I shuffle and you cut, for me it is an important tool to change my top-decks, thin my library, trigger additional effects, access certain lands at certain points of game and evade land-destruction to a small extent and I find that very fun in both game-play and deck-building.
For some control is "anti-fun", well it's fun for some who play it, same as some hate tapping creatures while the casual crowd that is so stupidly vocal and gives a wrong impression of being the main source of customers absolutely love fast, creature based, no interruption or control possible games.
I like puzzle/chess and stack interactions in MtG and hate the simplified "attack with creature, drop a burn/pump spell, pass" game play, because if I wanted that I'd play Hearthstone or Yugioh.
Hey, but guess what - I and people who drop thousands and thousands into the game don't go and try pushing our fun onto others or saying creatures should be banned and only control/combo left.
>because if I wanted that I'd play Hearthstone or Yugioh
You don't know shit on what you're talking about. Control still a thing in Yugioh and it is a game that can get way more complex than MTG sometimes.
I agree with you on Hearthstone, but simplicity is the goal of their designers anyway.
>You don't know shit on what you're talking about.
Except I know. I play YGO in addition to MtG.
The deck you're showing was OCG only at the prime of it and was ban hammered really fast and isn't actually complicated. It also wasn't a "control" deck, "stun" decks are what control is in YGO and they're shit.
YGO is all about card advantage and the main reason I gave YGO as example was because it has no traditional resources and is power-creeping with every set like crazy, has been doing so for years and years now and is a whole different beast on it's own that stays alive with such power creep because of ease-of-access for new players and being a strong franchise with a nostalgic factor behind it.
However, it is a very simple game and it can't get complex at all and the only place where it exceeds in complexity over MtG is if you're comparing it to standard decks and some Modern decks, it has no candle over eternal format decks and stack interactions and possible in-depth plays there.
It still wasn't my point to belittle ygo in any way, I like it just as much as I like MtG, but for different reasons - my point was to bring some light on the stupidity of Modern community in MtG who can't see or think past what they find fun.
Hearthstone is in a terrible state where the best deck type always regresses to aggro/midrange because the curve is so consistent and they won't stop printing bangin' one-drops.
What about doing a variant then? Have two libraries, one consists of lands, one of nonlands, whenever you draw you choose which one to draw from. Voila.
That's pretty much exactly what force of will does (the game, not the card).
Congratulation, that card is now banned in this new format
And what's the problem with importing the rules into your kitchen table mtg?
Precisely because you would have to ban a fuckton of cards that rely on the land-spell distribution of decks.
As much as a problem mana flood/screw is, the game has been designed around the land-spell duality.
No-one is saying you can't try this out with your local playgroup (good luck getting them to agree, though), but this conversation started with the idea of banning fetches in sanctioned play, to go from that to this idea implies you are suggesting that sanctioned play be done this way.
>Congratulation, that card is now banned in this new format
When your new format requires selectively banning entire mechanics like grind, you need to make one hell of a convincing argument in its favor. Mana dynamics is a good one, but it isn't that good.
Well, Reno mage is a deck. I don't think it's really an aggro or midrange deck at all.
>Precisely because you would have to ban a fuckton of cards that rely on the land-spell distribution of decks.
Balustrade Spy
Undercity Informer
Hermit Druid
There you go, we have a banlist now
Also whenever a player gets milled, the library's owner gets to choose what pile to mill from
Dies to Push and Shock
Don't see the problem.
Also Belcher and Recross the Paths or whatever it was called
Avenging Druid
Goblin Charbelcher
Keranos, God of Storms
Recross the Paths
Countryside Crusher
Consuming Aberration
Destroy The Evidence
Trepanation Blade
Those are just the ones that come immediately to mind as ones that flat-out don't work properly anymore. I haven't started ones that aren't well-balanced anymore because I don't care enough.
I don't get why disenchants aren't played more often. They often seem to catch opponents off guard.
no. there are multiple cards that do its job better from a modern standpoint. Fatal Push is a fantastic card however and will see play in modern guranteed. some of the other cards activated by fetching will be useful as well. If you're talking about OP for standard then stop right there because there is no such thing unless we're talking about Kamigawa standard when Jitte was legal. as it stands right now standard cards need powercreep to have more modern playability and ultimately more value.
>either eats removal and triggers Revolt
>gets blocked, flickers, and triggers revolt
>or reals 3 damage, flickers, and triggers revolt
Seems perfectly fine.
>dies to removal
>dies to good removal
If you're really set on this, don't be stupid about it and try to shoehorn in another game's assumptions. Instead add the following rules:
"If you would draw a card, you may instead pay {2} and reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a non-land card. Put that card into your hand, then shuffle the other revealed cards into your library. Each time you do this, the cost to do it next time increases by {2}."
"If you would draw a card, you may discard a nonland card. If you do, reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a land card. Put that card into your hand, then shuffle the other revealed cards into your library. Each time you do this, you must discard one more nonland card than the last time."
There. Now you can pay for the thing you really need, when you really need it, but there are incentives to avoid doing so and the cost rapidly becomes unacceptable so it only changes things when you're in one of those shitty games where nothing's working. Probably needs some balancing or something, but if you just wanted to play Hearthstone, why aren't you doing that?
Neat idea. What about instead of shuffling, you put them on the bottom in a random order? Or is the shuffle on purpose to refresh your topdecks?
It's more to reduce the available information. A crafty player could use this mechanic with a peculiar land balance to have a good chance of knowing what's on top by knowing what they put on the bottom, and I'd rather just reduce the set of possible hacks from the get-go.
>Goddamn this game has been dumbed down.
>Didnt even think about the application if the card before making an autistic post
I hope you read the posts following yours and feel stupid
Not everything is legacy/vintage dumass
>Have two libraries, one consists of lands, one of nonlands, whenever you draw you choose which one to draw from.
That's how Magic should have always worked and how Force of Will (the game, not the card) works right now, but sadly it's way too fucking late to fix that particular problem for MTG.
Grumble grumble mobile fucking up my posts grumble
How is that OP?
It simply allows you to draw a card at the cost of 1 life every 2 turns (assuming an ideal situation where you're able to attack and your opponent has no removal).
Necropotence is OP. This card is mediocre at best.
>I want to remind yet again: Channel Fireball suggested to ban fetchlands in Modern on the SOLE premise of them being "not fun", as you "have to sit and wait as people shuffle and nobody likes that".
They're 100% correct. There's a precedent for it too, Sensei's Divining Top got banned precisely because it slowed the game down too much. Not because it was too powerful, but because it made the game too slow. The Eggs combo deck got banned to shit for yet again the same reason, too slow and not fun to play against.
>YGO is all about card advantage and the main reason I gave YGO as example was because it has no traditional resources and is power-creeping with every set like crazy,
For some who claims to play Yugioh in addition to Magic, I have a hard time believe you would say this in exactly this way, ESPECIALLY after being given the deck example given in the post. Yugioh goes through peaks and valleys just as Magic does. It is 100% definitely not a continuous crazy uphill creep. I don't play right now myself, I haven't for a while and so I didn't experience OCG Zoodiacs, but I do know for example that was a peak that came after a valley. I do believe power level is on a general upward motion but that is the same in most card games in order to keep impressing players. Magic's standard format was an attempt to mitigate that inexorable truth.
Wouldn't Eggs get you fucked up for slow play?
I know someone brought this up already
>darksteel citadel.
Mmm free lands, double land drops.
No because the board state gets changed constantly. It's just that it takes like 20 minutes for that combo to go off.
Horsemen is the deck that gets fucked by the slow play rule because it's almost as slow, but while it's going off the board state doesn't change.
>"If you would draw a card, you may instead pay {2} and reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a non-land card. Put that card into your hand, then shuffle the other revealed cards into your library. Each time you do this, the cost to do it next time increases by {2}."
WAY too punishing. It's not supposed to be a last ditch desperation move, it's supposed to be a fix to an extremely serious design error in the game, the fact that having to draw lands randomly will cause you to lose games randomly through no error of your own.
And no, "build your decks better scrub" is not a counterpoint when even the world champion and hall-of-famers are subject to mana screw and mana flood. It's impossible to build a deck in such a way that it doesn't suffer from those.
Yep Reno is pretty much the only way to play control now.
Even Control Warrior, the archetype that just wouldn't die was filly straggled by Jade Druid.
Splendid Reclamation + Tracker and Gitrog?
Sultai Clues OP.
Tamiyo's Journal too
Treasure Hunt is flat out broken also.
>Reveal top X cards, for all cards revealed this way
-effects become highly dubious as they were designed and balanced with decks having lands in mind.